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1201 140 West Main Street
Alice Vignola Head F 45 California
Margaret Vignola Dau F 11 California
Alice is a landlady at a hotel and has a list of Roomers. This census says she is married but the next two say widowed. 
BURFORD, Alice Rose (I2477)
1202 1415 Cleveland Street
Ray Kesner Head M 37 Iowa
Kate Kesner Wife F 36 Iowa
Marylea Kesner Dau F 10 Iowa
Robert Kesner Son M 8 Iowa
Ray is a chauffeur in the oil industry and Kate is a saleslady in a 10-cent store. 
KESNER, Raymond John (I15971)
1203 1430 Pearl
Hugh Martin Head M 25 Missouri
Beatrice Martin Wife F 25 Colorado
Theodore Wertz Lodger M 34 Ohio
Verna Hinde Lodger F 23 Indiana
Lois Lermy Lodger F 22 Colorado
Carrie Lang Lodger F 34 Illinois
Elphe Kammert Lodger F 23 Nebraska
Bertha Jameson Lodger F 45 Georgia
Ethel Porter Lodger F 28 Georgia
B Lafrank Lodger M 43 Ohio
Mary Lafank Lodger F 40 Indiana
Nellie McClamance Lodger F 28 Illinois
Clara Martin Lodger F 14 Colorado
Russell Martin Lodger M 22 Missouri
Hugh's occupation looks like misterman but I can't read it or the type of business, Beatrice owns an apartment house. 
MARTIN, Jay Hugh (I16093)
1204 14th Batt'n Georgia Light Artillery CSA FARR, Isaac (I9373)
1205 14th Cavalry, Company G, # 2528214 ACHORD, Lt Samuel (I10802)
1206 14th Street, 512-123-141
Homrighaus Chris Head W M Dec 1871 28 M 8 Texas New York Ireland Electrician
Homrighaus Jasil Wife W F Sept 1876 23 M 8 1 1 Texas Germany Germany
Oldenberg Mary S Dau W F Jan 1893 7 S Texas Texas Texas At School 
HOMRIGHAUS, Christian (I13681)
1207 150 acres, Anson Co, North Carolina RUSHING, Richard (I6590)
1208 1505 West 29th
John Dee Head M 42 Ohio
Dorcas Dee Wife F 42 Nebraska
John is a laborer in a packing house. 
DEE, John E (I8816)
1209 1538 W 80th
James M Kesner Head M 33 Iowa
Emma E Kesner Wife F 31 Iowa
Betty J Kesner Dau F 4 California
James is a clerk at Ford Motor Co. 
KESNER, James Myrl (I15973)
1210 15A Precinct 7
Mollie Puckett Head F 82 Mississippi
Leonard Puckett Son M 33 Texas 
WILKERSON, Mary Elizabeth (I2840)
1211 160 acres on Darrs Creek, Bell Co, Texas - sold to A J Dallas WILLS, James B (I3132)
1212 160 acres on Darrs Creek, Bell Co, Texas - sold to Daniel S Wills WILLS, James B (I3132)
1213 160 acres on Darrs Creek, Bell Co, Texas - sold to James L Hogan WILLS, James B (I3132)
1214 1644 South Denver
Chas B Coon Head M 44 Missouri age 25
Opal W Coon Wife F 40 Missouri age 20
Francis O Coon Dau F 18 Missouri
Sarah E Coon Dau F 8 Oklahoma
Robert P Coon Son M 2 Kansas
Warrick Dossie Servant F 24 Texas
Charles is a leasing agent for an oil company. 
COON, Charles Benton (I23074)
1215 1644 South Denver
Chas B Coon Head M 56 Missouri
Opal W Coon Wife F 50 Missouri
Sara E Coon Dau F 18 Oklahoma
Robert P Coon Son M 12 Kansas
Charles is the manager of the land department in an oil company. 
COON, Charles Benton (I23074)
1216 165 Dep Brig and Co E 106 Engrs, served overseas from 16 Sep 1918 to 5 Jul 1919. LANGLEY, Lonnie B (I9381)
1217 1790 Rockingham Co, NC Census
530A GORMAN Joseph 1 1 1 . .

? Last Will and Testament of John Gorman Senr
of Edgefield County, South Carolina.
Signed 14 August 1798; proven Feburary 1803.
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I John Gorman Senr. of Edgefield County in the State of South Carolina --- Planter, Being of Sound mind and memory Thanks be to God for his mercies ---- Calling unto mind the Mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to Die, do make and Ordain this my last Will and Testament in Manner and form following:
First I give and Recommend my Soul unto the hands of Almighty God, and as for my body I Recommend to the Earth to be Buried in a decent Christian like Burial at the Discretion of my Executors, Nothing Doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall Receive the same again by the Mighty power of God -- and as touching such worldly Estate where with it hath benn please God to blefs me with I give Devise and Dispose of the Same in the Following manner and form ---- First I give and Bequeath or lend to my Dearly beloved wife Nancy Gorman the plantation whereon I Now live together with my Land adjoining to it ----- also two Negroes viz Dick and Amy also all my household furniture working tools --- Stock of horses hogs and Cattle During her Natural life and also my Servant Luke During his time bound by Indenture and after her Decease the Said Property to Go to the heirs of her body Lawfully begotten by me ------also I give and Bequeath to my Daughter Hannah One Negro Girl Named Frann ------ also I give and Bequeath to my Daughter Susannah Turner Sixty Pounds to be Raised and levied out of My Estate after my Decease Also I give and Bequeath to my Son John Spragins Gorman One Shilling Sterling for I have Given him the other part of his portion before ----- also I give and Bequeath to my Daughters Sabetha [possibly Tabitha] Berry and Patsy Scott one Shilling for Each I have Given them the other part of their Portion before also I give and Bequeath to my Grand Children --- the heirs of my Son Clayborn Gorman Decd. Twenty Shillings Each to be paid out of my Estate --- also I will that my three Negroes viz Sampson Beck and Isaac and Six hundred acres of Land on the head of Mill Creek to Be sold at twelve Months Credit and the Money applied to Discharge my Just Debts and pay off my Legacies as above Directed. I Give the remainder to my wife to Dispose of as She Pleases -------------------- and also hereby appoint my Said Wife Nancy Gorman, David Richardson, and Henry King to be my Executors to this my last will and Testament and I Do hereby Utterly Revoke and Disanul all and Every other Will or Legacy by me before made Willed or Bequeathed ----- Ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament... In Witnefs whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this fourteenth Day of August anno Domini 1798.
John (-I-) Gorman
mark { SEAL }
Signed Sealed Published and Pronounced by the Said John Gorman as his last Will and Testament Testament who in his presents and in the presence of Each other have hereunto Subscribed our names:
Test: David Nicholson
Rhoda Nicholson
Henry King
SOUTH CAROLINA, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT --- by John Simkins Esquire Ordinary
Personly appeared Before me David Nicholson and Rhoda Nicholson who being Duly Sworn do make oath and say they were present and Saw John Gorman Sign Seal publish andDeliver the within to be his last will and Testament and that the Said John Gorman was then of Sound and Disposing mind and memory to the Best of their Deponants knowledge and belief and at the Same time Qualified Nancy Gorman Executx. ---- Given under my hand the Eighteenth Febry, 1803. Jn. Simkins O.E.B. Qualified David Richardson as an Executor to the within the 7th day March, 1803.
Recorded in Will Book "A", Page 179 Recorded June 8, 1803
Jno Simkins O.E.D.

Box #11; Pkg #392, Edgefield County, South Carolina
Transcribed by Norma Gorman Wright, from photocopy of handwritten original, photocopy in my files, Nov. 2000.

Deed: 18 Jun 1801, Edgefield District, South Carolina, William Moore to Major Thomas Butler. Deed, 18 June 1801,  
GORMAN, John (I5452)
1218 1792 - Attack on Buchanan's Station - On the night of September 30, the stockaded fort of Major John Buchanan was attacked by a party of Idians numbering around 300. The attack continued for hours and many of the Indians were wounded or killed. There were about 20 male settlers in the fort, along with their wives and children. Except for a minor injury of one, none were hurt or killed.

headwaters of N.F. (north fork?) of Holsten? River.

John Buchanan migrated from Pennsylvania to North Carolina, settling near Guilford Court House (present-day Greensboro) NC. He later moved to the Watuaga settlements and went to Kentucky with an overland party in 1778 with his wife and sons. He built a station at French Lick Bluffs (later called Fort Nashboro) [TN] in 1779. He served on the first grand jury on Oct 7, l783. By 1788 he had returned to the Mill Creek area called Buchanan's Station. There he was killed by Indians in his own house while sitting with his wife by the fireplace.* (TENNESSEE GENEALOGY QUERIES #13, July 1998 - query 13.html {Rev.Mss,B.H.S., DCM, 1790, pt 1, p. 29; and Guild, p. 209;DW I, p 7 and 59})
John Buchanan was a weaver and a farmer. On March 19, 1753, he bought 370 acres on Walker's Creek adjoining his father, James Buchanan, from Benjamin Borden; he subsequently sold that land to James McCown. On August 20, 1754, he bought 240 acres in Beverly Manor on the patent line from James and Margaret Roseborough for L63. He married between 1756 and 1758. In 1761, he posted bond for the administration of the estate of James McFerrin. {deceased spouse of Agnes Bowen) On August 20, 1771, he and his wife sold their 240-acre plantation to Charles Berry for L90. (Family record written by Alexander Buchanan, 3rd son of this John Buchanan. Augusta Co.,VA, Deed book 6, p. 347; Deed book 17, p. 282; Will book 3, p. 23)
In 1771, John and his wife moved to Locus Cove in Rich Valley in what is now Smyth County, Virginia. When he acquired his lands there has not been determined.
*The reference to his death in the first paragraph has not been proven; In 1776, as a resident of the western part of Fincastle County, he signed a petition to divide the county; on November 25, 1795, he signed a petition to form what became Tazewell County, VA. On November 14 and 15, 1784, John had surveyed two tracts of 90 and 160 acres in Rich Valley on the North Fork of the Holston River. On June 21, 1806, he gave his son Patrick 274 acres on the North Fork. On June 26, 1806, he gave John Buchanan, Jr., 128 acres in Locus Cove and he gave his son James Buchanan 148 acres in Locus Cove and 148 acres on the North Fork of the Holston River. (Washington County, Virginia Entries and Surveys, Book 1, pp. 104, 113. Wythe County, VA, Deed Book 5, pp. 236, 131, 132. Book 4, p. 387.)
No record has been found of his death or the settlement of his estate.

1820 Davidson Co, Tennessee Census
"Buchanan, Margaret white female over 45
white male 16-26
white male 16-26
white male 16-26
white female 16-26
white male 10-16
white male 0-16" 
BUCHANAN, Captain John (I3970)
1219 17th Dist. Court and Minutes
#1911 Margaret Burns, State of Texas, Bk. D. Civil Court Cases. This is due I believe to the property loss of her Father Reuben's divorce. I will read the papers to make sure. 
O'NEAL, Margaret Lydia (I5567)
1220 17th Inf, Co A
Samuel W Achord, age 27, Apr 1873, Missouri TN TN
His home is listed as Hume, Missouri, and he is a private. 
ACHORD, Samuel Wilson (I23370)
1221 17th Subdivision, next door to Solomon and Martha, with 10 of her children including a grown son Lewis with his wife and three children. ???, Nancy (I15418)
1222 18 acres, at Beaver Dam, Acquia Creek, Stafford Co, Virginia ASHBY, Robert (I5163)
1223 1801 Dallas Street
Coyle, Robert B head M 54 Texas
Coyle, Mary T wife F 47 Texas
Coyle, Bobby R son M 17 Texas
Robert is a street topper for a street paving company and Bobby is a delivery boy for a newspaper publisher. 
COYLE, Robert Benjamin (I18981)
1224 1810
RANDLE, John, Stewart Co, page 122, 110010-22010 TN
RANDLE, John, Stewart Co, page 110, 000100-10100 TN
RANDLE, John, Stewart Co, page 115, 100001-00000 TN
RANDLE, John, Stewart Co, page 122, 110010-22010 TN
RANDLE, John, Stewart Co, page 115, 100001-00000 TN 
RANDLE, Major John (I6117)
1225 1810
RANDLE, John, Stewart Co, page 122, 110010-22010 TN
RANDLE, John, Stewart Co, page 110, 000100-10100 TN
RANDLE, John, Stewart Co, page 115, 100001-00000 TN
RANDLE, John, Stewart Co, page 122, 110010-22010 TN
RANDLE, John, Stewart Co, page 115, 100001-00000 TN 
RANDLE, John (I6128)
1226 1810
RANDLE, William, Stewart Co, page 115, 100010-31011 TN
RANDLE, William, Stewart Co, page 115, 120010-31011 TN 
RANDLE, William (I6120)
Jacque Dupre-Jacque Dupre: 120011000477

"Governor Mouton was married in 1826, to Mjss Zelia Rousseau, the daughter of Jaquez Dupre', the most wealthy stockraiser in Opelousas county in his time. He was also prominent in public affairs, and acted as president pro tem, of the state senate and ex-officio lieutenant-governor, subsequently becoming acting governor in 1830, succeeding A. Beaurias, who was acting governor after the death of Governor Derbigny." 
ROUSSEAU, Jean Jacquez (I2263)
1228 1815 Larimer Street, Windsor Hotel
Will Dee M 68 Iowa
Will is listed as a guest with no occupation. 
DEE, William E (I8812)
1229 1820
RANDOL, Thomas, Giles Co, page 07, 200010-30100 TN
RANDLE, Thomas, Lawrence Co, page 308 TN 
RANDLE, Thomas (I6119)
1230 1820 Federal Census, York Co, SC
M240 McCALL David M-33 160 100201-01301
M240 McCALL Grizelld M-33 165 000310-01001
M245 McCOLLUM Duncan M-33 162 200010-61010

1830 Federal Census, York Co, SC
M224 McCALL DAVID M-19 173 388 No Twp Listed (died 1838)
M224 McCALL GRIZZEL M-19 173 341 No Twp Listed
M224 McCALLUM DUNCAN M-19 173 385 No Twp Listed

1840 Federal Census, York Co, SC
M224 McCOLLUM Duncan M-70 516 306 No Twp Listed
M224 McCOLLUM James M-70 516 306 No Twp Listed
M224 McCOLLUM Peter M-70 516 306 No Twp Listed

1850 Federal Census, York Co, SC
M240 McCALL JAMES M-43 868 190 York Dist
M245 McCALLUNE PETER M-43 868 201 York Dist
M240 McCALL HILBRIAH M-43 868 254 York Dist
M240 McCALL WILLIAM W. M-43 868 298 York
M240 McCALL JAMES N. M-43 868 299 York
M245 McCALLUM DENEAN A. M-43 868 299 York
M245 McCALLUM AMILIA H. M-43 868 301 York
M245 McCALLUM DUNCAN M-43 868 301 York

McCALL 190B, 254A, 298B, 299A
McCALLUM 299B, 301B

Page 1, Yorkville, June 27, 1860, H.H. Drunner
33 F B
30 F B
26 M B
22 M B
13 F B
10 F B
9 M B
5 M B
5 M B
4 F B
4 F B
2 F B
1 F B

11 864 864 McColum Dunkin 76 M Farmer 3,000 17,900 Scotlane
12 864 864 Williams Janet 43 F Dom. Scotland

29 879 879 McCall J.N. 37 M Farmer 1,520 298 Y.D. SC
30 879 879 McCall Dorothy 34 F Dom. Y.D. SC
31 879 879 McCall Reuben 12 M Y.D. SC
32 879 879 McCall John 9 M Y.D. SC
33 879 879 McCall David 6 M Y.D. SC
34 879 879 McCall Robt 5 M Y.D. SC
35 879 879 McCall Frances 2 F Y.D. SC
36 879 879 Poovey Catherine 20 F Out Dom. Y.D. SC

J. Homer McCallum to Miss Mattie Lee Werner 31 May 1898 Book Q p. 382 Dallas Co. TX. 
MCCALLUM, Duncan (I6954)
1231 1820 Taxed on 242 acres in Sumner County
1821 Taxed on 237 acres in Sumner County 
BASKERVILLE, Richard (I9665)
1232 1820, Jackson County Land Lottery. CHANDLER, Solomon (I5956)
1233 1830 (not Beaufort, Fairfield, Greenville or Marion) possibly Spartanburg pg 242,284; or Laurens pg 29 (225).

Thomas's patent was south and west of the property that he and Nancy eventually made their home. There are no roads through it now but it was east of Cottaquilla Creek, centered vertically just about where White Plains Rd intersects Hwy 9 in the north and, from the satellite view, the north-south fence lines seem to mostly maintain the original boundaries. The property straddled the ridge.

Their second property was just north of White Plains straddling what is now Stone Ridge Trail South at Cottaquilla Mountain and included the southern three of the four properties now on the east side of the Trail. The west side property line looks to be directly south of the intersection with Stone Ridge Trail North. 
COOK, Thomas K (I10768)
1234 1830 TN Census, Sumner Co., Family 1616,
Denning, John 1-M 15-20, 1-F 41-50, 1-M 71-80 
DINNING, John Jr. (I10257)
1235 1839 76 Street
Elfred Murphy Head M 46 Missouri
Leatha Murphy Wife F 42 Iowa
Eugene Murphy Son M 14 California
Alfred is still a printer. 
MURPHY, Alfred William (I22298)
1236 1840 State: Louisiana Parish: St. Landry Sheet No: 232
24 | Jean E. Mouton | 1 2 1 . . . . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . | . . . . . . | . . . . . . | . . . . . . | . . . . . . | 4 | . . . . . . . | . . | . . . . . . | . . . . . . . | . . . . . . | . . - Not sure who this is. 
MOUTON, Jean Baptiste (I1957)
1237 1840 Cobb Co, GA Census, sheet 260, 846th Dist
24 | John Stewart |1000200000000|1000100000000|000000|000000|000000|000000|5|
1 male 0-5
2 males 20-30
1 female 0-5
1 female 20-30

1854 Kennesaw Lodge No. 33, Marietta, Cobb County, Georgia 
STEWART, John Jasper (I16405)
1238 1840 Hickman Co, TN, Census page 324, line 6
Hicks, S J 2M 0-4, 1M 20-29, 1F 20-29, 0 slaves
Two baby boys. 
HICKS, Squire James (I15005)
1239 1840 Hickman Co, TN, Census page 326, line 7
Hicks, Samuel 2M 0-4, 1M 5-9, 1M 10-14, 1M 15-19, 1M 50-59, 3F 15-19, 1F 40-49, 0 slaves
He must have some grandchildren with him. Only his 3 youngest would have been accounted for here.

1850 Jessamine Co, Kentucky
HICKS 44B-45A-45B-52A 
HICKS, Samuel D (I14992)
1240 1840 York Co, SC Census
G625 GARRISON Arthur M-70 516 299 No Twp Listed 
GARRISON, Arthur (I6900)
1241 1841 MELLEN WILLIAM P. Adams County MS No Township Listed State Census Index MS4258654 MELLEN, William Pepperell (I2807)
1242 1842-1850 RANDLE, Barnett (I6110)
1243 1850 Calaway Co, MO Census 12th dist p. 294b, 1375/1375
Saml Edge 50 M Farmer VA Deaf
Lucy Edge 49 F KY
Mary Edge 20 F KY
Ann Edge 18 F KY
Martin B Edge 14 M KY
Eliza Edge 9 F MO
Wm Armstrong 30 M KY
Lydia Armstrong 26 F KY
Lucy A Armstrong 8 F MO
James T Armstrong 6 M MO 
EDGE, Samuel (I13428)
1244 1850 Callaway Co, MO Census 12th dist p292a
6 1340 1340 Jno Armstrong 21 M Farmer Ten 
ARMSTRONG, John (I729)
1245 1850 Chambers Co, AL Census Dec 16, 1850
463 Stephen Humphries 41 M Farmer 500 GA
Mary 28 F GA
John Humphries 25 M Farmer GA 
HUMPHRIES, Stephen (I5931)
1246 1850 Chambers Co, AL Census, Dec 11, 1850
382 John R. Humphries 40 M 4000 GA
Susan 22 F GA
Susan 3 FAL
John 1 M AL
Uriah Humphries 72 M Farmer NC
Is this our Uriah? 
HUMPHREYS, Uriah (I5906)
1247 1850 Cherokee Co, AL Census
STEWART, Thomas m 56 SC frmr
Margaret A. f 50 NC
Mary f 22 GA
Margaret f 22 GA
Thomas m 6 AL
Mary f 73 Ireland

1860 Cherokee Co, AL Census
STEWART, Thos m 67 SC frm
Margaret A f 59 NC
Mary f 32 GA
Wm J m 23 GA day labor
Thos B m 13 AL 
STEWART, Thomas (I16507)
1248 1850 Cherokee Co, GA Census, Canton
Cagle, John M 39 NC Farmer
F. F 32 NC
M. M 14 NC In school
J. M 10 NC In school
E. F 8 GA
S. F 6 GA
E. M 4 GA
1860 Cherokee Co, GA Census, Canton
Cagle, John 50 NC Farmer
Fanny 51
James 21
Emaline 18
Salina 16
Elias 12
Randolph 10
Rachel 6
1870 Cherokee Co, GA Census, Canton
155/155 Cagle, John 59 M Farmer 1500 400 N C
Fanna 60 F Keeping house N C
Elias 24 M Farm labor Ga
Salina 20 F Farm labor Ga
Martin R. 18 M Farm labor Ga
Rachel 16 F House work Ga 
CAGLE, John (I11828)
1249 1850 Cherokee Co, GA, Census
Cagle, Martin 33 NC Farmer $50
Mary 33 NC
John 12 NC
Wm 10 GA
Lititia 7 GA
Peter 6 GA
Levi 4 GA
Francis M 9/12 GA
1860 Cherokee Co, GA, Census, Canton
Cagle, Martin 44 NC Blacksmith
Mary 48 NC
Lititia 18 GA
Levi 16
Peter 16
Francis M12
Lucinda 9
Lavina 8
Nancy 6
Mary 3
Fanny s 1 
CAGLE, Martin M (I11827)
1250 1850 Coffee Co, TN, Census, page 62A
31 866 874 Cornelison Elijah 35 M W Farmer 300 KY
32 866 874 Cornelison Rebecca 41 F W Tenn
33 866 874 Cornelison John 12 M W " "
34 866 874 Cornelison Jesse 10 M W " "
35 866 874 Cornelison Elizabeth 8 F W " "
36 866 874 Cornelison Isaac 6 M W " "
37 866 874 Cornelison William 4 M W " "
38 866 874 Cornelison Mary 3 F W "" 
CORNELISON, Elijah (I12073)

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