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1251 1850 Federal Census
G625 GARRISON ELIAS J. M-43 868 192 York Dist. 
GARRISON, Elias (I6920)
1252 1850 Federal Census, Gwinnett Co, GA, pg 234a
Omburgh Adolphus A. 30 M W Taylor 400 Norway
Omburgh Ingeborge 33 F W Norway
Omburgh Armelia 5 F W Norway
Omburgh Alban 3 M W GA
Omburgh Oscar 1 M W GA
Chambers Robert A. 13 M W GA

1860 Federal Census, Barbour Co, AL, Eastern Div, pg 140
R A Chambers 24 M W Tailor 300 200 GA
Margaret 24 F W MA
James 3 M W GA
Robert 1 M W GA
Urias 5/12 M W AL

1870 Federal Census, Haywood Co, TN, Brownsville, M593-1536 p 359
Chambers, R A 33 M W Tailor 1200 100 GA
Margaret 33 F W Keep House MA
James 13 M W At home GA
Urias 10 M W At home GA
Chambers, Ida 5 F W At home AL
Harvey 2 M W At home GA

1880 Federal Census, Dallas, Co, TX, Dist 59 pg 21
Robert Chambers W M 43 head Tailor GA GA GA
Maggie W F 43 wife MA Ire Wales
James W M 23 son AL GA MA
Urias W M 20 son AL GA MA
Ida W F 16 dau GA GA MA 
CHAMBERS, Robert A (I17099)
1253 1850 Henry Co, 7th Civil Dist., page 300
RANDLE, Norvell 25 TN Farmer
Henrietta 21 TN
Jacksey 4/12 TN

1870 Atascosa Co Census Somerset Dist, Family # 120
Randle A. N. 44 m w Farmer TN
Henrietta G. 44 f w Keeping House TN
Jacksie 20 f w At Home TN
Luzora 16 f w At Home TX
Petty, John A. 22 m w Farm Laborer TN 
RANDLE, Ashley Norvell (I6173)
1254 1850 Kentucky Census, Simpson Co., Dwelling 542, Family 542, p 40,
Alderson, Wm 46, M, SC, Farmer, $160
Alderson, T. 48, F, TN { Tabitha nee Dinning }
Alderson, E. 22, F, TN
Alderson, E. 19, M, TN, Laborer { Erwin or Elwin }
Alderson, J. 16, M, TN, Laborer
Alderson, J. J. 08, M, TN 
ANDERSON, William (I10266)
1255 1850 KY Census, Simpson Co., Dwelling 414, Family 415, p 31b,
Dinning, H. 26, M, TN, Farmer, $200 { Henderson }
Dinning, L. M. 23, F, KY { Lydia M. May }
Dinning, J. H. 03, M, KY { James H. "Tobe" }
Dinning, W. 50, M, NC, Laborer { William - father of Henderson }
Source: NARA Microfilm M432-218 
DINNING, Henderson (I10173)
1256 1850 Lafayette Par, LA Census
MOUTON, Marin 69 Farm $5060
BODOUIN, Cesaorine 53
Anastasie 30
BODOUIN, Camille 10
RICHARD, Eloi 42
MARTIN, Yrma 25 f

John and Marin Mouton settled in Carencro district during the decade, perhaps, of 1760. They were the sons of Salvator Mouton, an exiled Acadian, who settled, it is thought, in Pointe Coupee parish, about 1737. John Mouton had been trading with the Indians and was greatly beliked by them, as he always a dealt fairly. He wore a homespun Caluchon (cap) made of wool, of a yellow color and knit by hand. His brother wore a chapeau (hat), and his descendants to this day are called "Chapeaux Moutons." 
MOUTON, Marin (I1973)
1257 1850 Lavaca Co, Texas Halletsville
Line 4, family 167, dwelling 167
HUMPHREY, Alexander 54 farmer 1500 800 GA
Margaret 49 NC
KELLY, Elisabeth 32 domestic AL
SIMPSON, Martha 29 domestic AL
Line 8, family 168, dwelling 168
HUMPHREY, John 28 farm laborer AL
William 25 farm laborer AL
Thomas 23 farm laborer AL
Mary 21 AL
Jane 19 MS
Alexander 17 MS
Syntha 15 MS
Andrew 4 MS 
HUMPHRIES, Alexander (I5961)
1258 1850 Milam Co Census page 15 413/428
MORRISSON, Horatio M 30 Wheelwright Georgia
Lucy 29 Alabama
Lucy's parents are listed just under them on the census.

1880 Coryell Co Census
443B 46 65 65 Morrison Horatio M. W M 61 Farmer Ga Va Ga .
443B 47 65 65 Morrison Lucy W F 60 wife House Keeper Alabama SC SC .
443B 48 65 65 Morrison Tuely* C. W M 23 son Texas Ga Ala .
443B 49 65 65 Morrison John T. W M 17 son Texas Ga Ala .

1884 Tax Lists
Morrison, H. M. 322 J.H.Evetts 900 H,c,h 
MORRISON, Horatio Marion (I4644)
1259 1850 Newberry Dist., Newberry Co., South Carolina page 236B
1860 Newberry Twp., Newberry Co., South Carolina page 239A 
STERLING, John Jr (I15355)
1260 1850 Robertson Co, Tennessee Federal Census p. 49a
Reel no: M432-894 Division: District 6 Page no: 96
Enumerated on: October 14th, 1850 by: Clinton Green
6 1255 1255 Joshua Featherston 30 M Farmer VA
7 1255 1255 Emily Featherston 22 F VA
8 1255 1255 Wesly R. Featherston 5 M TN
9 1255 1255 Leony Featherston 2 F TN
10 1255 1255 Mary J. Featherston 11/12 F TN 
FEATHERSTON, Joshua Wood (I11068)
1261 1850 Robertson Co, Tennessee Federal Census p. 75b
Reel no: M432-894 Division: District 9 Page no: 179
Enumerated on: August 20th, 1850 by: Clinton Green
33 120 120 Jesse Davis 28 M Farmer 1200 TN
34 120 120 Catherine Davis 33 F VA
35 120 120 Susan Davis 8 F TN
36 120 120 Jesse, Jr. Davis 5 M TN
37 120 120 John E. Davis 3 M TN
38 120 120 Richard H. Davis 1 M TN 
DAVIS, Jesse W (I11074)
1262 1850 Robertson Co, TN Census DUNN, Maranda Hicks (I11116)
1263 1850 SC Federal Census
M245 McCALLUM AMILIA H. M-43 868 301 York
M245 McCALLUM DENEAN A. M-43 868 299 York
M245 McCALLUM DUNCAN M-43 868 301 York
M245 McCALLUNE PETER M-43 868 201 York Dist.

27 834 834 McColum Peter 53 M Farmer 2,700 6,531 Scot Land
28 834 834 McColum Violet 50 F Domestic Y.D. SC
29 834 834 McColum W.A. 20 M Out Far. Y.D. SC
30 834 834 McColum Jane C. 18 F Out Dom. Y.D. SC
31 834 834 McColum Nancy E. 14 F Y.D. SC
32 834 834 McColum John T.D. 11 M Y.D. SC

Page 1, Yorkville, June 27, 1860, H.H. Drunner
40 F B
36 M B
16 M B
15 F B
11 F B
9 M B
7 M B
4 F B

1870 York Co, SC Fed Census
MCCALLUM, PETER,61, Male, White, SCOT, Bethel Township, 358
MCCALLUM, SAM,42, Male, Black, SC, Bethel Township, 368
MCCALLUM, WILLIAM,29, Male, White, SC, Bethel Township, 404

Dallas county Directory 1881-1882 McCollum, Peter 
MCCALLUM, Peter (I7142)
1264 1850 TN Census, Sumner Co., Dist 17, Mi Page 213, House # 187,
Denning, James 35 M Farmer, $1000, TN
Denning, Mary 32 F
Denning, John 12 M
Denning, Sarah 14 F
Source: NARA Microfilm M432-897 
DINNING, James D (I10271)
1265 1850 US Census: Franklin Township, Monroe County, OH pg 488A, living with her grandfather. FARLEY, Sarah (I11402)
1266 1850 US Census: Franklin Township, Monroe County, OH; pg 488A
They had eight children and raised William Hartshorn, son of Mahala who was unmarried when he was born. William took the surname Farley. 
FARLEY, Andrew F (I11420)
1267 1850 US Census: Union Township, Monroe County, Ohio; page 308b FARLEY, James (I11472)
1268 1853 Champa? Street
Charles Mcfarland Lodger M 35 Nebraska
Goldie Mcfarland Lodger F 25 Iowa
Mildred Mcfarland Lodger F 6 Iowa
Goldie Sterling Lodger F 28 Illinois
Russell Sterling Lodger M 3/12 Colorado
This must be a hotel, there are about 20 people living there. Goldie is a bookkeeper in a clothing store. 
GRIFFITH, Goldie (I6101)
1269 1854 Johnson Co, Iowa Census, Pleasant Valley Twp
3 25 Farley John 4 3 . . 1 1 . 7 .
3 26 Ashby Wm. 2 1 . . 1 1 . 3 .

Woodbury County Courthouse, Death Record Book E, p. 139 
FARLEY, John (I8809)
1270 1860 , White, Illinois
Township 3 South, Range 14 West, Grayville PO
Green B Lindsay M 45 Ky
Lydia Lindsay F 35 Delaware
Mary F Lindsay F 15 Ill
Jesse Lindsay M 12 Ill
Albert Lindsay M 9 Ill
John Lindsay M 8 Ill
David Lindsay M 4 Ill
Patrick O Neil M 20 Ireland
Chas Orin M 19 Ohio
John O Neil M 24 Ireland
James Brines M 22 Conn
Geo B Maxwell M 25 Ind
Green is a carpenter and farmer, George is also a carpenter. Patrick, Charles, John and James are day laborers. 
LINDSAY, Green Berry (I16110)
1271 1860 Census, Lafayette Par, LA
Alcide Mouton 29
Aurelia 22
Octave 4
Antoine Alcide 2
Ambroise C. 1 
MOUTON, Joseph Antoine Alcide (I1944)
1272 1860 Gwinnett Co, GA, Lawrenceville, 6/26/1860 pg 44
Chambers, Edward H 28 M Farmer -- 50 GA
Sarah 25 F GA
Harriett 4 F GA
Andrew 1 M GA

1870 Gwinnett Co, GA, Cairo, 8/24/1870 pg 47
Chambers, Edward 38 M W School Teaching 75 100 GA
Sarah O 36 F W Keeping House GA
Harriette 14 F W At Home GA
Andrew J 12 M W Farm Laborer GA
Clarace B 7 M W GA
Robert 4 M W GA 
CHAMBERS, Edward H (I17093)
1273 1860 Hardeman Co, TN Census, Hr, 153, 225
Pipkin, David 57
Elizabeth 33
Martha A 27
Sallie M 8
Davis 7
Sarah E 3
Susan F 6/12

1850 Hardeman Co, TN Census
PIPKIN 88A-166A-166B
PIPKIN, David H (I12883)
1274 1860 Lafayette Parish, LA, Census
Alfred Mouton 30
Zelia 22
Jacques 5
Zelia 3
Charlotte 1

J. J. A. Alfred Mouton, promoted brigadier general April 16, 1862
"War Record.-The war history of Lafayette parish was highly creditable to the people of the parish. The first body of troops that went from Lafayette consisted of about twenty-five men, who went to St. Martinsville, and joined Capt. Alcibiades DeBlanc's command. The first full company from here bore the name; of the Acadian Guards, and were officered as follows: Alfred Mouton, captain; Wm. Mouton, first lieutenant; Polk Bailey, second lieutenant, and Thelismar Comeaux, third lieutenant. Upon the formation of the Eighteenth Louisiana Regiment, the Acadian Guards became Company I, and Alfred Mouton was promotsd to colonel. The regiment received its baptism of fire at Shiloh, where Gen. Mouton was wounded. He afterward was promoted to brigadier general, and transferred with his brigade to the Trans-Mississippi Department, where it became part of Gen. Dick Taylor's division. Gen. Mouton was afterward killed in the battle of Mansfield."
"Another company, incorporated in the battalion of the Orleans Guards, won great distinction in a memorable charge at the battle of Shiloh. led by First Lieut. Alfred Voorhies--others enlisted in the Eighteenth and Twenty-sixth Louisiana regiments. The former was commanded by Col. Alfred Mouton, who was prornoted to Brigadier General for his bravery at the battle of Shiloh, and who was killed at the battle of Mansfield, won by his superior generalship. The Yellow jackets, Valsin A. Fournet, colonel, and Dupeire's battalion of cavalry, Maj. St. Leon Dupeire commanding, were also organized in the parish."
"But while the antis were thus caressing fondly their dream of vengeance, the vigilants had been on the alert, and had watched their movements closely. On the third of September the vigilants, five hundred strong, sallied out of the town of Lafayette in three columns, under the leadership of Alfred Mouton, a graduate of West Point, he who subsequently died so gloriously on the battle field of Mansfield. They had with them a twenty-four brass pounder and one hundred rounds of ammunition. This little army was composed of detachments from the various companies of the organization, the chiefs having decided that this force was sufficient for the emergency. This gallant little band had sallied out before day, and had received orders to advance with the least possible noise, to avoid detection, as the plan was to take the antis by surprise, On its way it was reinforced by two hundred men from St. Landry, and the whole force now numbered seven hundred men. Owing to unavoidable delays on the road. It was broad daylight when Bayou Queue Tortue was reached, the antis, drawn up in battle array, seemingly ready to withstand the assault of their enemy."
"In March, 1864, Banks entered upon his raid, although the Confederate, Taylor, learned of the proposed raid in February, and advised Kirby Smith thereof. The latter commenced to bring in his detached commands, and when Gen. A. J. Smith came up Red River and Banks up the Teche the Confederate forces were well prepared. The Federals captured Fort De Russy, just below Alexandria, and then proceeded up the valley, Taylor's command falling back gradually. At Mansfield, on April 8, 1864, he resolved to fight, and sent a message to Kirby Smith to that' effect. He posted his 9,000 men one-quarter of a mile from the town and sent the gallant Mouton with the Louisianians forward to begin the attack. The Federals held the steep hill over which ran the public road, and capped it with Nimm's battery, and this battery Mouton sought to capture. He lost many officers in this twenty-five minutes' attack, among them Armand, of the Creole regiment. The Eighteenth Louisiana Infantry pushed forward, led by Polignac and Mouton, and captured the battery. Mouton was killed while trying to save thirty-five Federal prisoners (or, as some would have it, after a flag of truce was hoisted) by one of the men he would have saved, but the surviving officers led the pursuit of the Union troops to Pleasant Hill."
"At Mansfield Gen. Mouton, Cols. Armand, Beard and Walker, Maj. Canfield, Lieut.-Col. Clark, Col. Noble and many other officers fell. The Federal loss at Mansfield and Pleasant Hill was about 2,300 killed and wounded, and the Confederate loss 2,200. The Federals lost 2,500 taken prisoners at Mansfield, 20 guns, colors, small arms and 250 wagons, while at Pleasant Hill the losses were increased. T. J. Williams acted as guide during the movements here against Banks." 
MOUTON, General Jean Jacques Alexandre Alfred (I2255)
Onezime R. Mouton 23
Clarisse 20
Valery V. 1
Marcelite DeCluet 40

Mouton, O. R., Pvt. Co. F, 7th La. Cav. Appears on Roll of Prisoners of War, Paroled at Washington, La., June 19, 1865. Res. Lafayette Par., La.

Mouton, O. R., Sergt. Co. A, 26th La. Inf. Roll July 1 to Oct. 31, 1862 (only Roll on which borne), En. Lafayette Par., La., March 10, 1862. Discharged by order, July 2, _. 
MOUTON, Onezieme Rousseau (I1950)
Ozeme LeBlanc 38
Emelie 23
Felix 14
Gabriel 11
Marcelite 2
Henry 14
P. Ignace Mouton 25
John P. S-reck (NY) 48

P. I. Mouton 46
Arsenne 34
Emile 14
Russo 12
Placide Mouton 55 (widower of Azelia Meaux)
Ozea 17 (m. Moise Vincent)

Mouton, P. Ignace, Pvt. Co. F, 18th La. Inf. En. Oct. 5, 1861, Camp Moore, La. Present on all Rolls to Feb., 1862. On List dated Camp near Corinth, Miss., April 28, 1862. Remarks: Sick. Roll May and June, 1862, Absent, wounded, sent to Interior Hospl. since May 14. Roll July and Aug., 1862, Absent, sick, in Hospl., Mobile, since Aug. 4. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1863, Absent, sick, with leave, since Jan. 1, 1863. Roll July and Aug., 1863, Absent on detached service. Also on Rolls of Co. I, (Cons.) 18th Regt. and Yellow Jacket Battn. La. Inf. Roll Jan. and Feb., 1864, Absent on detached service since Aug. 4, 1863. Roll of Prisoners of War, C. S. A., Paroled at Washington, La., June 21, 1865. Res. Lafayette Par., La.

Pension File


MOUTON, Pierre Ignace (I1947)
1277 1860 Luneburg Co, Va Census Reel No: 987 Page No: 53
31 409 395 Featherston Mrs A. 60 F Farmer 3,200 15,112 Virginia
32 409 395 Featherston Virginia A 31 F Virginia
33 409 395 Featherston Joshua J 29 M Overseer Virginia
34 409 395 Featherston Martha L 22 F Virginia
35 409 395 Featherston Mary L 27 F Virginia 
WILKINSON, Ann (I11058)
1278 1860 Macon Co, TN Census, M 129, 65
Pipkin, A J 31 M
F E 22 F
Larra 1
Dotson, M C 9 M 
PIPKIN, Andrew Jackson (I12953)
1279 1860 Macon Co, TN Census, M 131, 66
Pipkin, A 49 M
Sarah 48 F
C E S 24 F
S J 19 F
A T 17 M
J W 16 M
M A 15 F
M H 14 M
S T 12 M
M F 9 M 
PIPKIN, Alexander F (I12840)
1280 1860 Macon Co, TN Census, M, 131, 66
Pipkin, J 58 M
Martha 54 F
Smith, D 15 M
L T 13 M
W C 25 M
Susan 29 F
J J 5 M
A D C 3 M 
PIPKIN, Isaac Carroll (I12834)
1281 1860 Rusk Co, TX Census, pg 197b
WELCH A. J. 35 M W farmer 1,000 1,700 GA
WELCH N. A. 23 F W . . . GA
WELCH S. A. 3 F W . . . TX
WELCH M. J. 1 F W . . . TX 
WELCH, A J (I11008)
1282 1860 Sebastian Co, AR Census, Ft Smith, 9/5/1860, pg 214
Chambers, E W 27 M Brick Mason 500 75 GA
Eveline 26 F GA
Robert O 7 M GA
William 5 M AL

1880 Benton Co, AR Census, Osage, pg 474b
Elisha CHAMBERS Self M M W 47 GA Dentist SC GA
Evaline CHAMBERS Wife M F W 47 GA Housekeeper GA GA
Elisha CHAMBERS Son S M W 19 AR Farmer GA GA
Dorsey CHAMBERS Son S M W 8 AR At School GA GA 
CHAMBERS, Dr Elisha Winn (I17095)
1283 1860 TX census says he is 6 months old. MILLS, Alva (I668)
1284 1860 US Census, Western Div, Robertson Co., TN
Dunn, Samuel 61 M TN
S 56 F NC
S S 19 M TN
Martha 15 F TN
Ad 12 F TN
Florence, J L 2 M TN 
DUNN, Samuel (I13769)
1285 1860 US Census: Jackson Co., OH; Page 139 FARLEY, Margaret D (I11422)
1286 1860 York Co, SC Census Zeno, page 422
37 943 943 Jackson Mary 43 F Dom. 936 2,200 Scotland
38 943 943 Jackson Violet J. 17 F Out Dom. Y.D. SC
39 943 943 Jackson David A. 14 M Y.D. SC X
40 943 943 Jackson Jas P. 12 M Y.D. SC X
1 943 943 Jackson Wm B. 10 M Y.D. SC X 
???, Mary (I6942)
1287 1861-1865, Private 2nd Regiment, Texas Cavalry (2nd Mounted Rifles) LANGLEY, Seaborn (I5294)
1288 1870 - I've looked at pgs 1-6 & 112-125.

Mrs. Matilda F ALLEN nee CONNELL, gave to Bell County on July 30, 1850 125 acres of land out of the CONNELL survey on which was to be located the permanent county seat of Bell County. It is this land that Belton is now built on. The first meeting of the county's commissioners' court of which a record has been kept, was held in Belton (then called Nolanville) Oct. 8, 1850. The officers were: Jno. DANLEY, chief justice; Jno. TAYLOR, Jas. M. CROSS, Peter BANTA and James BLAIR. Wm. REED was sheriff and Jno. C. REED was county clerk. E. L. STICKNEY was the first county judge. At that term of court a license was issued to D. R. HILL, giving him the right to operate and maintain a ferry on the Leon River near the location of the charter oak. The first term of district court was called April 7, 1851. R. E. B. BAYLOR for whom BAYLOR College was named was the first judge. J. F. CLARK was district clerk. The first grand jury was composed of David HAVENS, M. W. DAMRON [Capt. Milton W Damron, CSA], J. M. CATHEY, John ANDERSON, Allen BRYANT, James M. GLEN, B. L. STUART, Thomas HAVENS, Horatio SHELTON, Matthew WILKINS, John BOWLES [lived next to James M Cross], Warren PUETT, J. T. SHERROD Wm. CALDWELL and Walter HALE.

Newspaper: Cameron Herald 1895 Newspaper, Nov 1895
Vol. 14, No. 19 (Whole No. 694) --- Thursday, November 7, 1895
Personals: Those visiting Cameron: Joe Askew of Baileyville; John C. Anderson of Rogers; ... 
ANDERSON, John C (I3688)
1289 1870 Bell Co, TX Census, Pct 6 pg 422b

1900 Coryell Co, TX Census, Pct 5, ED 45 Sh 4
Brazzil, Lorenzo head W M Nov 1851 48 M 23 GA GA GA
Briget wife F Feb 1859 41 M 23 GA GA GA 10/7
Lorenzo son M Mar 1882 18 S TX TX GA
Orpha dau F Dec 1885 14
Lee Roy son M Jan 1888 12
Burley son M Apr 1890 10
Zella dau F Nov 1892 7
Lula dau F Nov 1895 4

"Brazzil, L F" 1092 L. B. Weeden 106 2/3 "C, H, c"

The informant for his death cert was Roy Brazzil. 
BRAZZIL, Lorenzo Francis (I1734)
1290 1870 Brown Co, TX Census p. 119, 37/37, 7/24/1870
CONNELL, D C 20 M W Raising cattle 1600 2000 Texas
Naoma 21 F W Keeping house Texas
Sampson 18 M W Raising cattle 1000 Texas 
CONNELL, David Cook (I3736)
1291 1870 census says he was 7 which makes him born in 1863. MILLS, Ira (I1592)
1292 1870 Dent Co, MO Census p600b Spring Creek
8 151 151 Martin William 59 M W Farmer 3,000 1,000 TN
9 151 151 Martin Mary 59 F W Keeping House TN
10 151 151 Martin G.B. 36 M W Farmer 2,000 600 TN
11 151 151 Martin W.W. 21 M W Farming TN
12 151 151 Plank Nancy 24 F W At home TN 
MARTIN, William (I10846)
1293 1870 Parker Co, TX Census, Pct 1, Fort Worth PO, pg 379 a & b
J H Garratson 49 M Farmer 500 TN
Sarah 36 F Keep house AL
Martha 16 F AR
Sarah 14 F TX
Rebecca 12 F TX
John 10 M TX
Theodocia 7 F TX
Hulda Daniel 17 F TX
Robt 10 M TX
Thos 8 M TX 
MCDANIEL, Louisa Jane (I16198)
1294 1870 Sumner Co, TN Census
4 604 54 Armstrong J. M. 48 M W Farm Laborer . . TN . . . . . .
4 604 54 Armstrong Sarah J. 42 F W Keeping House . . TN . . . . . .
4 604 54 Stone Saml F. 9 M W . . . TN . . . . . .

Sumner County Marriages
Armstrong, James Stone, Sarah Jane 29 May 1846 Bruce, John (bondsman) 
ARMSTRONG, John (I514)
1295 1875, he deeded two aces of land to the Methodist Protestant church for a burying ground forming Hoover's Valley Cemetery. Burnet County History Vol. II, by Darrell Debo, Burnet County Historical Commission; Eakin Press, Burnet, TX, 1979

1850 Rutherford Co, TN, Census
Isaac Hoover 26 TN farmer
Anna 24 TN
May A 7 TN (Mary)
Malinda A 4 TN
Tanny 1 TN (Fanny)
They were located in the Big Spring District, along with seven other Hoover families. 
HOOVER, Rev Isaac (I11560)
1296 1880 , Sumner, Tennessee
ED 216, pg 9 (150A) District 10
R Baskerville Self Male 36 Tennessee
Minerva Baskerville Wife Female 36 Tennessee
R H Baskerville Son Male 5 Tennessee
J A Baskerville Son Male 3 Tennessee
B Baskerville Son Male 1 Tennessee
B H Hallum Niece Female 13 Tennessee - is this Ann's daughter? 
BASKERVILLE, Ann Elizabeth (I16837)
1297 1880 Benton Co, IA Census, Eden, pg 146a
Franklin M. BAIRD Self M M W 50 OHIO Farmer NY MASS
Janette BAIRD Wife M F W 47 NY Keeps House NY NY
Ariel BAIRD Son S M W 17 IND At Home OHIO NY
Theodore BAIRD Son S M W 16 IND At Home OHIO NY
Almira BAIRD Dau S F W 14 IND At Home OHIO NY

1900 Woodbury Co, IA Census, West Fork, ED 151 S 2, June 2
Baird F M head W M Feb 1830 70 M 49 OH NY MA Owns
Janett wife W F Dec 1832 67 M 49 NY NY NY 9/8 
BAIRD, Franklin M (I15809)
1298 1880 Bexar Co, Texas Census, San Antonio, page 52
Wuest, Eliza head 50 SC SC SC
Langley, Josephine dau 30 MS GA SC
Laura grdau 10 TX MS MS
Lilly grdau 8 TX MS MS 
PORTER, Elizabeth (I9385)
1299 1880 Campbell Co, TN Census, Hatmaker, pg 377D
H. K. LOVELY Self M M W 23 TN Miller TN TN
Catherine LOVELY Wife M F W 19 TN Keeping House -- --
Robert LOVELY Son S M W 1 TN TN TN
This might be Hezekiah 
LOVELY, Hezekiah (I16969)
1300 1880 Campbell Co, TN Census, Hatmaker, pg 378B
Abner LOVELY Self M M W 21 TN Farmer TN TN
Lucinda LOVELY Wife M F W 18 TN Keeping House TN TN
LOVELY, John Abner (I15432)

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