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1851 Beaver Dam Township
William Womack Head Male 41 Mar 1859 Kentucky m. 17 yrs.
Edith Womack Wife Female 31 Feb 1869 Kentucky 5/4 children
Aleck Womack Son Male 14 Feb 1886 Missouri
Etta Womack Dau Female 8 Apr 1892 Missouri
Evalena Womack Dau Female 5 Sep 1894 Missouri
Elva Womack Dau Female 1 Dec 1898 Missouri
William is a farmer. 
WOMACK, William A (I14971)
1852 Beaver Dam Township
William Womack Head Male 70 Kentucky age 27
Edith Womack Wife Female 63 Kentucky age 17
Gladys Kiser G-dau Female 15 Missouri
Thelma Kiser G-dau Female 13 Missouri
Vera Kiser G-dau Female 9 Missouri
Edith Womack G-dau Female 7 Missouri 
WOMACK, William A (I14971)
1853 Beaver Dam Township
Womack William head M W 59 M KY KY TN Owns Farm
Womack Edith wife F W 52 M KY KY TN
Womack Jimmie son M W 16 S MO KY KY
Marlin Della boarder F W 24 S IL IL IL Schoolteacher 
WOMACK, William A (I14971)
1854 Beaver Dam Township, F/D 216/223
Hendrix Francis M head W M Jan 1843 57 M 31 IN KY NC farmer yes yes yes R F 176
Hendrix Zelinda S wife W F Jan 1846 54 M 31 12 12 KY KY PA yes yes yes
Hendrix Edward L son W M Apr 1870 30 S KY IN KY teacher school 6 yes yes yes
Hendrix Emma J dau W F Sep 1872 26 S KY IN KY yes yes yes
Hendrix James L son W M Oct 1876 23 S KY IN KY teacher school 6 yes yes yes
Hendrix Francis M son W M Sep 1878 21 S KY IN KY teacher school 6 yes yes yes
Hendrix William H son W M Mar 1880 20 S KY IN KY farm laborer yes yes yes
Hendrix John C son W M Apr 1882 18 S KY IN KY farm laborer yes yes yes
Hendrix Charles N son W M Oct 1883 16 S KY IN KY farm laborer yes yes yes
Hendrix Virgil R son W M May 1886 14 S KY IN KY at school 2 yes yes yes
Hendrix Albert F son W M Sep 1889 10 S MO IN KY at school 6 yes yes yes
Hendrix Septa V dau W F Sep 1896 3 S MO IN KY
Hendrix William F bro W M Oct 1847 52 Wd IN KY NC farm laborer yes yes yes
The 1910 lists Septa as a granddaughter. 
HENDRIX, Francis Marion (I14906)
1855 Beaver Dam Township, Rolie? Robie? Road
Henrix Francis M Sr. head M W 67 m1 41 IN KY KY Eng farmer Gen Emp yes yes O
Henrix Jelnida S wife F W 64 m1 41 11 10 KY US US Eng none yes yes
Henrix William H son M W 30 S KY IN KY Eng none yes yes
Henrix Albert F son M W 20 S MO IN KY Eng farm laboworking W no 0 yes yes
Henrix Septa U gdau F W 15 S MO KY KY Eng working ohome far W no 0 yes yes yes 
HENDRIX, Francis Marion (I14906)
1856 Beaver Township
Venus D Vandercook Head M 46 Michigan
Margarette Vandercook Wife F 39 Virginia
Marie Vandercook Dau F 19 Michigan [Townsend d. 2010, AR]
Russell Vandercook Son M 17 Arkansas [d. before Marie]
John Vandercook Son M 15 Arkansas [d. 2013, LA]
Jane Vandercook Dau F 12 Michigan [Thompson, AR]
Virginia Vandercook Dau F 9 Arkansas [Pool, TX]
Orlo D Lagrave F-in-l M 70 Michigan 
VANDERCOOK, Venus Delmont (I10097)
1857 Beaver Township, Precinct 14
John L Martin Head M 44 Missouri age 28
Margaret A Martin Wife F 36 Colorado age 20
Charles W Martin Son M 15 Colorado
Clara E Martin Dau F 14 Colorado
Donald C Martin Son M 9 Colorado
Ruth M Martin Dau F 8 Colorado
Marshia Martin Dau F 6 Colorado
John D Martin Son M 3 Colorado
Roy L Martin Son M 1 Colorado
Ray L Martin Son M 1 Colorado 
MARTIN, John Logan (I14645)
1858 Behind Nova Scotia Tourist Information Office, Fort Lawrence, Nova Scotia.
In commemoration
Jean-Jacques Mouton, surgeon, born c.1689 in Marseilles, France, son of Antoine and Jeanne Merlasse, married at Port Royal, January 7, 1711 to Marie Girouard, daughter of Alexandre Girouard dit de RU, and Marie LeBorgne de Belisle of Port Royal, granddaughter of Alexandre LeBorgne de Belisle, seigneur de Port Royal and Marie de Saint- 
MOUTON, Jean Jacques (I1980)
1859 Being a grandson of James, Billy's name was spelled SINN. SINN, Billy Ed (I10744)
1860 Bell died of acute mercury poisoning under suspicious circumstances. ARMSTRONG, Bell Elizabeth (I40)
1861 Belton PO
Wills Jas. B. 63 M . farmer 10,040 4,072 Tennessee
Wills Amy 60 F . . . . Virginia
Wills Archibald 21 M . farming . . Missouri
Wills Alex 18 M . farming . . Texas 
WILLS, James B (I3132)
1862 Belton PO, 346/347
Pennington J. 60 M . farmer 1,900 3,996 Virginia . . . . .
Pennington Catharine 60 F . . . . Tennessee . . . . .
Pennington Elizabeth 23 F . . . . Missouri . . . . .
Pennington David 22 M . teacher music . 300 Missouri . . . . .
Pennington Rebecca 18 F . . . . Missouri . . . . .
White S. 10 F . guest . . Texas . X . . .
White Napoleon 8 M . guest . . Texas . . . . .
White Nancy 5 F . guest . . Texas . . . . . 
PENNINGTON, John (I3830)
1863 Belton PO, hh #127/112
Anderson, Jas. 60 M . farmer 600 500 North Ca. . . . . .
Anderson, Elizabeth 54 F . . . . North Ca. . . . . .
Anderson, Louisa 20 F . . . . Missouri . X . . .
Anderson, Barnard 13 M . . . . Texas . X . . .
Anderson, Francis 10 F . . . . Texas . X . . . 
ANDERSON, James B (I7717)
1864 Belvidere Township
Ernest E Morse Head M 35 May 1865 Pennsylvania m. 11 yrs.
Lillian S Morse Wife F 28 Aug 1871 Iowa 4/4 children
Rex O Morse Son M 9 Jul 1890 Iowa
Anna L Morse Dau F 7 Jul 1892 Iowa
Eva G Morse Dau F 5 Apr 1895 Iowa
Eugene E Morse Son M 6/12 Nov 1899 Iowa 
MORSE, Ernest Elmer (I21902)
1865 Belvidere Township
Ernest E Morse Head M 45 Pennsylvania m. 20 yrs.
Lillian S Morse Wife F 39 Iowa 6/6 children
Rex O Morse Son M 19 Iowa
Fannie L Morse Dau F 17 Iowa
Eva G Morse Dau F 15 Iowa
Eugene E Morse Son M 11 Iowa
Henry H Morse Son M 6 Iowa
Martha E Morse Dau F 4 Iowa 
MORSE, Ernest Elmer (I21902)
1866 Belvidere Township
Eugene E Morse Head M 21 Iowa
Mary Morse Wife F 19 Iowa 
MORSE, Ernest Eugene (I21906)
1867 Belvidere Township
Rex O Morse Head M 29 Iowa
Hattie B Morse Wife F 28 Iowa
Marvin W W Morse Son M 11 Iowa
Daniel V Morse Son M 3 Wyoming
Lillian C Morse Dau F 1 Wyoming 
MORSE, Rex Ogilvia (I21903)
1868 Bemidji Township
Austin E Bates Head M 56 Minnesota
Nettie M Bates Wife F 39 Missouri
James W Bates Son M 23 South Dakota
Edith M Bates D-i-l F 22 North Dakota
Hanna A Bates Dau F 22 Minnesota
Austin L Bates Son M 13 Canada US Citizen
Luella L Bates Dau F 5 North Dakota
Austin rents his farm. They were first married at ages 33 and 15. 
BATES, Austin E (I23775)
1869 Ben and Barbara were living in Hampshire Co in 1796 when they were ordered to produce the will of Joseph Boot. BUTE, Barbara (I11484)
1870 Ben L Crow Head M 31 Texas
Ben is single and a farm manager. 
CROW, Ben Lee (I19035)
1871 Ben, Mallie, Homer, BASKERVILLE, Benjamin Franklin (I9648)
1872 Benjamin and Sarah raised their three children, Enoch, Bell and Charles. MAHURIN, William H (I5236)
1873 Benjamin Andrew Mahurin MAHURIN, Benjamin Andrew (I22683)
1874 Benjamin Baskerville (son of Thomas and Mary) and his wife Mallie Clark had Nettie, Robert, Chris, Claude, Charles, Geo. Richard, Edith, Wade, and Homer. Nettie b. 1890, d. 1971, m. Alf Lee and had Jessie, Frank, Robert, Stella, Della, Jim, Alfie (Alpha Jewell), and twins who died. I have had one exchange of letters with Alpha Jewell in Jan. of 1986, but haven't heard from her since. At that time she sent me all the names she knew about. She was living in Texas and had the name Shoemaker, but had lost her husband, so I see from your record that she married a third time to John G. Puckett. At the time I wrote her she was living in La Marque, TX. In 1995, I sent her a copy of the court record about George but did not hear from her.
After my sister and I began our research in Sumner Co., I met Stella, Della, and Robert "Nukie." It has just this minute occurred to me that Robert, whom I think of as Nukie, is the Robert who married Virginia Carter, so may be the one you know about. I stopped by to see Nukie about three years ago and at that time he wasn't well. While I was there he called Stella whom I had met some years before, to tell her I was visiting. My mother and I at some time around the late '80s had also stopped by to see Della. I faintly remember my father and mother taking us to see Nettie and Alf and their kids when I was probably around 8 yrs old. I didn't remember any of them, although Nukie said he remembered me. According to my mother, we went to visit them more than once, but I only remember one time.
I have recently learned that Nukie died.
I have to stop and get busy on Christmas things. I am always way behind. I would be interested in knowing more about your relationship to Nettie. At your website I could not reconcile the name Armstrong with Nettie. If Nettie was your mother-in-law, I would be a second cousin once removed of your son. I was born in 1929. My mother and father moved to Owensboro, Ky. in the late 30's where my mother still lives (and where she came from. My father and mother met in Bowling Green while she was in school there.). My father died in 1973. I live in Calif.
[Kay (Roemer) Baganoff, roemer222 at] 
BASKERVILLE, Benjamin Franklin (I9648)
1875 Benjamin Clinton Bushong, age 38, b. 16 Apr 1880, is a farmer for Hardin T Jones of Glasgow. His nearest relative is Mrs Victoria Margaret, also of Glasgow. He is of medium height and build with gray eyes and black hair. BUSHONG, Benjamin Clinton (I21415)
1876 Benjamin Franklin Atkins of Tabor, age 52, born 19 Jun 1889, Brazos County, Texas, works for Mrs Fannie Hutsbeth in Bryan. His contact is Mrs Maudie Atkins, Rt 1 Bryan. ATKINS, Benjamin Franklin (I18180)
1877 Benjamin Franklin Atkins, age 27, born 19 Jun 1889, Bryan, Texas, is a farmer with a wife and three children. He is tall and slender with blue eyes and light hair. ATKINS, Benjamin Franklin (I18180)
1878 Benjamin Franklin George, age 19, 7 Sep 1899, is a farmer. His nearest relative is W T George of Henderson. He is of medium height and slender with light blue eyes and light hair. He could not sign his name. GEORGE, Benjamin Franklin (I133)
1879 Benton Co, AR
TUCK JOHN H 30 21N 28W 80 1890/08/04
TUCK JOHN H 24 21N 29W 40 1906/08/10
TUCK JOHN H 30 21N 28W 0 1890/08/04

A John H Tuck applied for a Civil War Pension in Salem, Oregon in 1890. He was a Confederate private in Co F, 3rd Rgt, Arkansas Infantry from 1 Oct 1861 to 1 May 1865. 
TUCK, John Henry (I201)
1880 Benton Co, AR, Circuit Court
State vs. Robert Armstrong. In May, 1845, the defendant, Robert Armstrong, was indicted and tried for the crime of murder, and acquitted. The offense was committed in another county. [I don't know if this is the right Robert but it would explain why I can't find anything on him.] 
ARMSTRONG, Robert (I176)
1881 Benton Co, Arkansas RITTER, Aaron R (I3282)
1882 Benton Co, Arkansas, Land Records
RITTER AARON 19 20N 29W 40 1860/02/01
RITTER AARON 19 20N 29W 40 1882/12/15
RITTER AARON 18 20N 29W 80 1854/11/15
RITTER BENJAMIN F 33 19N 27W 40 1892/01/18
RITTER RACHEL E 24 18N 31W 40 1876/05/15 
RITTER, Aaron R (I3282)
1883 Benton County Memorial Gardens
William Levi Sims Jr. "Bill Sims"; b. Feb 12, 1916 d. Dec 3, 2003; He was born in Mobeetie, TX and died in Tulsa, OK; Son of William Sims Sr. and Lula Pipkin Sims (I [Rosa] have a copy of his obit from Morning News) 
PIPKIN, Lula P (I12651)
1884 Benton County, was renamed Calhoun County in 1858. Family: James P COOK / Eliza JOHNSTON (F1594)
1885 Benton Township
William Coon Self M 36 Indiana
Hatty Coon Wife F 30 Missouri
Walter Coon Son M 8 Missouri
Cora Coon Dau F 2 Missouri
Albert Coon Son M 1 Missouri 
COON, William Benton (I9115)
1886 Benton Township, Jerico Springs
Martin Cornelius A head W M Apr 1862 38 M 17 MO TN TN
Martin Eda wife W F Oct 1862 37 M 17 NC NC NC 4/4 children
Martin John L son W M Dec 1884 15 S MO MO NC
Martin Lela dau W F Sep 1891 8 S MO MO NC
Martin Hugh son W M Feb 1893 7 S MO MO NC
Martin Russell son W M Dec 1896 3 S MO MO NC 
MARTIN, Cornelius A (I10830)
1887 Benton Township, Ward 2, college Street
Mattie Miskimmins Head F 22 Oct 1877 Missouri 2/2 children
Bennie Miskimmins Son M 2 Feb 1898 Missouri
Albert Miskimmins Son M 8/12 Sep 1899 Nebraska
George Ackard Father M 73 Jun 1826 Tennessee 
ACHORD, George W (I10795)
1888 Benton Township, Ward 2, college Street
Mattie Miskimmins Head F 22 Oct 1877 Missouri 2/2 children
Bennie Miskimmins Son M 2 Feb 1898 Missouri
Albert Miskimmins Son M 8/12 Sep 1899 Nebraska
George Ackard Father M 73 Jun 1826 Tennessee 
ACHORD, Martha C (I23371)
1889 Benton Township, White Hair PO
George H Botts M 41 Virginia
Mary C Botts F 30 Tennessee
Jas P Botts M 16 Missouri
George W Botts M 13 Texas
Cornelias A Botts M 5 Missouri
John S Botts M 4 Missouri
Benjmain Botts M 2 Missouri
Marry N Botts F 1 Missouri 
BOTTS, George H (I23384)
1890 Bentonville PO
Lafayette Stewart 37 M W Carpenter GA
Martha 34 F W Keep house GA
James 14 M W GA
Sophia 11 F W GA
John 4 M W TN
Edna 3M F W AR
John Randolph 22 M W Carpenter TN
Thomas Tawler 18 M W apprt to carpenter TN 
STEWART, Joseph Lafayette (I16409)
1891 Bentonville PO
William Stewart 34 M W Carpenter 300 250 GA
Sophiah 30 F W Keep. House GA
Joseph 10 M W GA
William 7 M W GA
Lafayette 4 M W TN
Thomas Vaughn 21 M W Day laborer TN
Eldridge Coldwell 21 M W Carpenter GA 
STEWART, William T M (I16410)
1892 Berdie, Aurland Family: Botolv IVARSEN / Ragnhild OLSDATTER (F2134)
1893 Bernie L Coon, age 38, born 13 Nov 1879, is a self-employed merchant in Hermitage. His nearest relative is his wife, Myrtle E Coon. He is of medium height and stout with blue eyes and light brown hair, slightly balding. COON, Bernard Lindsey (I23121)
1894 Berrien Township
Bladen A Pemberton M 45 Indiana
Cascy Pemberton F 45 Ohio
Thomas L Pemberton M 24 Indiana
Malvina A Pemberton F 24 Michigan
Charles C Pemberton M 4 Michigan
Bladen E Pemberton M 1 Michigan 
PEMBERTON, Bladen Ashby (I19704)
1895 Bert Earl McGhee, age 34, born 26 Sep 1883, works at a Dairy in Des Moines. His contact is Myrtle McGhee. He is tall with a medium build, hazel eyes and brown hair. MCGHEE, Bert Earl (I11349)
1896 Berwyn Township
Betty Finley Head F 37 Missouri 6/6 children
Etta Finley Dau F 18 Texas
Mauda Finley Dau F 16 Texas
Delia Finley Dau F 11 Texas
Hubert Finley Son M 8 Oklahoma
Leslie Finley Son M 5 Oklahoma
Aggie Finley Dau F 3 Oklahoma
Washington Mahurin Uncle M 60 Missouri
Betty and George are widowed. 
MAHURIN, George Washington (I11656)
1897 Berwyn Township
Betty Finley Head F 37 Missouri 6/6 children
Etta Finley Dau F 18 Texas
Mauda Finley Dau F 16 Texas
Delia Finley Dau F 11 Texas
Hubert Finley Son M 8 Oklahoma
Leslie Finley Son M 5 Oklahoma
Aggie Finley Dau F 3 Oklahoma
Washington Mahurin Uncle M 60 Missouri
Betty and George are widowed. 
MAHURIN, Bettie (I22639)
1898 Berwyn Township
William W Mahurin Head M 60 Missouri m. 31 yrs.
Hariett Mahurin Wife F 63 Tennessee 10/8 children M2
Alice P Mahurin Dau F 23 Texas
Samuel T Mahurin Son M 20 Texas
William M Mahurin Son M 14 Oklahoma
Carel O Warren G-son M 3 Oklahoma 
MAHURIN, William W (I22635)
1899 Bethel Township MCCALLUM, Peter (I7142)
1900 Bethel Township MCCALLUM, William Augustus Josephus (I10621)

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