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2301 Cleo is listed as widowed on the 1920 census and I found no other records on Will. CORNELISON, Vida Cleo (I15214)
2302 Cleveland
Simon P Tressler Head M 47 Indiana m. 19 yrs.
Elva R Tressler Wife F 41 Indiana 3/3 children
Raymond H Tressler Son M 19 Indiana
Kermit G Tressler Son M 5 Indiana
Herbert Tressler Son M 2 Indiana
Simon is a farmer. 
TRESSLER, Simon Peter (I23823)
2303 Cleveland Township
Elva Tressler Head F 70 Indiana
Kermit Tressler Son M 35 Indiana 
GROVE, Elva Rozella (I23740)
2304 Cleveland Township
Simon P Tressler Head M 37 Sep 1862 Indiana m. 10 yrs.
Elma Tressler Wife F 30 Jul 1869 Indiana 1/1 children
Raymond Tressler Son M 9 May 1891 Indiana
Simon is a farmer. 
TRESSLER, Simon Peter (I23823)
2305 Cleveland Township
Simon Peter Tressler Head M 57 Indiana
Elva Rozella Tressler Wife F 50 Indiana
Kermit Grove Tressler Son M 15 Indiana
Herbert Lamont Tressler Son M 11 Indiana
Simon is farming. 
TRESSLER, Simon Peter (I23823)
2306 Cleveland Township, Mischler Road
Elva Tressler Head F 60 Indiana
Kermit Tressler Son M 25 Indiana
Kermit is farming. 
GROVE, Elva Rozella (I23740)
2307 Clifford and Lola, married 2 years, he was a farm laborer. THOMPSON, William Clifford (I3232)
2308 Clifton reports that he was born in Winthrop, Okalhoma, probably in Oklahoma just across the line from Winthrop, Arkansas. NEAL, Clifton (I6277)
2309 Cline, Everett Carter #167, age 26, 15 Sep 1891, Rhome [sic], Georgia, is single and a cattle buyer. He's tall and stout with blue eyes and light brown hair. CLINE, Everett Carter (I15213)
2310 Clint has her birthdate as 1801. That wuld make anna 6 years old when she was born. She was married in 1818. Maybe Anna is a 2nd wife and not her mother. OR she belong to Lewis instead of Archilus. PIPKIN, Luhamia (I13040)
2311 Clint has him as Elizabeth Benton's son. PIPKIN, William R (I13071)
2312 Clint's website is no longer online Source (S487)
2313 Clinton Township, 601 South Carter Street
William T Wyatt Head M 54 Missouri
Lucy Wyatt Wife F 35 Kansas
Dorothy Wyatt Dau F 4 Missouri
David E Wyatt Son M 1 Missouri
Page Hoffman Stepson M 19 Missouri
William is a house carpenter. 
WYATT, William Thomas (I12264)
2314 Clinton, Township, Ward 4
Anna Young Head F 81 Missouri
Lucy Wyatt Housekeeper F 56 Kansas
They are both widowed. 
DISNEY, Lucy (I17295)
2315 Cloghardeen? Clogharden? Clogheen? HALLY, James (I15136)
2316 close to Rogers and Cameron, Milam County HOLDER, Ima Jean (I1380)
2317 Closed 30 Nov 2000, this information is now handled by Tipperary Family History Research - Source (S861)
2318 Co A 124 Inf, 329 Inf and Co D 102 Inf, served overseas from 17 Oct 1918 to 7 Apr 1919. LANGLEY, James K (I9382)
2319 Co A, 15th AR Inf, CSA FRAZIER, Robert T (I11647)
2320 Co B, 14th TX Inf, Camp Clark, Harrison Co, Texas BRAZZIL, John Wesley (I8083)
2321 Co B, 2nd Texas Cavalry Mounted, Rifles, San Antonio, age 22
Beginning rank, Private
Ending rank, Corporal (1865) 
LANGLEY, Marion J (I5291)
2322 Co B, 34th Rgt Georgia Infantry CAGLE, James (I11903)
2323 Co C, 18th TX Inf, CSA HOOVER, James Porter (I11546)
2324 Co C, 6th Ala Inf, CSA BASSETT, Richard Jr (I9366)
2325 Co E 50th TN Regt, Chickamagua Campaign, CSA DUNN, George M Dallas (I13753)
2326 Co F, Infantry Regiment, Holcombe Legion, South Carolina, Private STACEY, David King (I6192)
2327 Co I, 3rd MO Cavalry, CSA FRAZIER, Robert T (I11647)
2328 Co K of the 364 US Infantry TOWLER, Herbert James (I16432)
2329 Co-Owner, H&C Floors, Bartlett, Tennessee ARMSTRONG, Harold Perkins (I1)
2330 Coal Creek PO
Charles Lovely 43 M Farmer 400 168 TN
Mahala 32 F TN
Hezekiah 5 M TN
Mary Jane 3 F TN 
LOVELY, Charles C (I3551)
2331 Coal Creek PO
John Lovely 55 M Farmer 800 175 TN
Elisabeth 46 F TN
George 15 M TN
Martha 13 F TN
Henry 11 F TN
David 9 M TN
Nancy 7 F TN
Louisa 5 F TN
Tabitha 4 F TN
John 2 M TN 
LOVELY, John (I3549)
2332 Coal Creek PO, District 5
John Disney M 72 Tennessee
Pollie Disney F 65 South Carolina
Mary E Disney F 32 Tennessee
Eliza J Disney F 28 Tennessee
Levigia Disney M 21 Tennessee 
DISNEY, John Thomas (I3357)
2333 Coast Def of Galveston to July 17/18; 54 Arty CAC to Oct 12/18; HQ Det 30 Arty Brig CAC to disch. Private. Served overseas June 21/18 to Jan 9/19. Hon disch Jan 18/19 0% disabled. MURRAY, John Patrick (I11685)
2334 Coast Fork Township, Cottage Grove PO
Wm A Whiting M 37 Indiana
Dorcas Whiting F 36 Illinois
Florida A Whiting F 18 Illinois
Dewitt C Whiting M 16 Illinois
Kitt Carson Whiting M 14 California
Cleopatra Whiting F 13 California
Charles S Whiting M 6 California
Jane L Whiting F 4 California
Maranda Whiting F 1 Oregon 
WHITING, William A (I19842)
2335 Col Wm Davis, American Revolution. See the newspaper article. LANGLEY, James (I6397)
2336 Colby Samuel 46 M NY Farmer 300 400
Colby Louisa 36 F NY
Colby Henrietta 14 F NY
Colby Henry 14 M NY
Colby Caroline 10 F NY
Colby Alexander 8 M NY
Colby Frank 6 M NY
Colby Joseph 4 M NY
Colby Jerett 2 F NY
Samuel was a farmer.
Pembroke, page 69, July 20, (don't know where this goes) 
COLBY, Samuel (I4657)
2337 Cold Springs School
Circa 1857-1933
2.8 miles northeast is the site of Cold Springs School. It was built on land donated in May 1857 by Thomas Baskerville for a school and meeting-house. Early in the Civil War, it was used by Camp Trousdale as a military hospital. There, in 1866, David Lipscomb organized the Portland Church of Christ. Landowners Jim and Bill McGlothlin gave the schoolhouse to the citizens of Portland for a museum of local history. In September 1975, it was relocated to Richland Park.
The marker is on TN 109, 1.5 miles north of the intersection of TN 52. The marker is on the east side of TN 109 at the intersection of Victor Reiter Parkway. [I'm not sure which Thomas.] 
BASKERVILLE, Thomas B (I16826)
2338 Coldwater District
William S Randall Head M 52 Texas age 25
Leonor Randall Wife F 31 Mexico age 27
Hazel Randall Dau F 20 Texas
William has gone back to farming. 
RANDLE, William Dee (I6220)
2339 Coleman COYLE, Ruby Mae (I24612)
2340 Coleman Atkins to Mattie Cruce
This is a second marriage for both of them. 
Family: Coleman ATKINS / Mattie L GREENLEE (F6726)
2341 Coleman Atkins to Miss Jennie O'Neal Family: Coleman ATKINS / Jennie O'NEAL (F6727)
2342 Collier MAHURIN, Ebenezer (I4341)
2343 Collins Township
Rhoda M Kelly Head F 68 Wisconsin
Minnie L Kelly Dau F 31 Iowa
James H Henry Lodger M 52 Ohio
Minnie is a school teacher. 
COON, Rhoda M (I9140)
2344 Colome Precinct
Nelse W Mcghee Head M 36 Iowa m. 16 yrs.
Mary Mcghee Wife F 39 South Dakota 7/5 children
Emmet G Mcghee Son M 16 South Dakota
Nellie Mcghee Dau F 13 South Dakota
Julia Mcghee Dau F 11 South Dakota
Emma Mcghee Dau F 10 South Dakota
Grace Mcghee Dau F 6 South Dakota 
MCGHEE, Nelson W (I11358)
2345 Colony Township
John Fisher M 55 Pennsylvania
Sarah Fisher F 51 Pennsylvania
Robert Fisher M 22 Ohio
Squire Fisher M 20 Ohio
Samuel Fisher M 18 Ohio
Gustavus A Fisher M 14 Ohio
Jacob Fisher M 11 Ohio
Catharine Fisher F 9 Iowa 
FISHEL, John Jr (I16022)
2346 Colony Township
Sarah Fishel F 72 Pennsylvania
G A Fishel M 34 Ohio
Mary J Fishel Wife F 27 Hungary
John M Fishel Son M 8 Iowa
Charles W Fishel Son M 7 Iowa
Gustavus and Mary have a different household number. 
MCKINNIS, Sarah (I16021)
2347 Colony Township
Sarah Fishel F 72 Pennsylvania
G A Fishel M 34 Ohio
Mary J Fishel Wife F 27 Hungary
John M Fishel Son M 8 Iowa
Charles W Fishel Son M 7 Iowa
Gustavus and Mary have a different household number. 
FISHEL, Gustavus Adolphus (I23504)
2348 Colony Township, Earlville PO
Charles Fisher M 37 Ohio
Jeanette Fisher F 37 Scotland
Sarah Fisher F 11 Iowa
Jane Fisher F 8 Iowa
Margaret Fisher F 6 Iowa
Jeanette Fisher F 5 Iowa
John Fisher M 3 Iowa
Charles Fisher M 2/12 Iowa May 
FISHEL, Charles (I23499)
2349 Colony Township, Earlville PO
Jacob Fishel M 22 Ohio
Emeline Fishel F 23 Iowa
George W Fishel M 1 Iowa
Nancy A Fishel F 2/12 Iowa Apr
They live near John and Sarah. 
FISHEL, Jacob (I23505)
2350 Colony Township, Earlville PO
John Fishel M 65 Pennsylvania
Sarah Fishel F 62 Pennsylvania
G Adolphus Fishel M 24 Ohio
Catherine Fishel F 18 Iowa 
FISHEL, John Jr (I16022)

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