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2351 Colony Township, Earlville PO
Squire C Fishel M 29 Ohio
Grace Fishel F 25 Iowa
John Fishel M 3 Iowa
Frank Fishel M 2/12 Iowa May 
FISHEL, Squire C (I23502)
2352 Colorado State Penitentiary
Avery Burford Inmate M 54 California
The men on this page were "sentenced at hard labor who have no gainful occupation". 
BURFORD, Avery Newton (I2480)
2353 Colorado Street
E J Pruitt Head M 34 Louisiana m. 13 yrs.
Jessie Pruitt Wife F 28 Texas 2/2 children
Ovela Pruitt Dau F 10 Texas
Bernice Pruitt Dau F 9 Texas 
PRUITT, Elmo John (I5280)
2354 Columbus PO
J C Richardson M 58 South Carolina
Elizabeth Richardson F 57 South Carolina
William Richardson M 19 Georgia
Mary Richardson F 17 Georgia
Martha Richardson F 14 Georgia
Laura Richardson F 5 Mississippi
Emma Richardson F 3 Alabama
George Richardson M 2 Alabama
F M Gayler M 22 Georgia
J M Richardson M 25 Georgia
J M is a carpenter. The three youngest children are his. There is no stamped number on this page and the handwritten numbers on nearby pages are misnumbered. 
RICHARDSON, Joseph M (I7596)
2355 Columbus PO
J C Richardson M 58 South Carolina
Elizabeth Richardson F 57 South Carolina
William Richardson M 19 Georgia
Mary Richardson F 17 Georgia
Martha Richardson F 14 Georgia
Laura Richardson F 5 Mississippi
Emma Richardson F 3 Alabama
George Richardson M 2 Alabama
F M Gayler M 22 Georgia
J W Richardson M 25 Georgia
J W is a carpenter. There is no stamped number on this page and the handwritten numbers on nearby pages are misnumbered. 
RICHARDSON, James C (I19213)
2356 Comanche Peak PO
Emiline Manley F 37 Tennessee
Eliza F Manley F 22 Tennessee
Henry Manley M 18 Tennessee
Letticia Manley F 15 Tennessee
A Coke Manley F 13 Mississippi 
RANDLE, Emmeline (I22406)
2357 Comanche Peak PO
John H Randall M 63 North Carolina
Susan F Randall F 34 Tennessee
G W L Randall M 25 Tennessee
Wm C Randall M 9 Texas
Mary H Randall F 7 Texas
Brazoria Randall F 3 Texas 
RANDLE, John H (I5281)
2358 Comanche Peak PO
Martha Wall F 61 North Carolina
Wm T Wall M 44 Tennessee
Next to John H and Susan F Randall. 
RANDLE, Martha (I6115)
2359 Comanche Peak PO
Martha Wall F 61 North Carolina
Wm T Wall M 44 Tennessee
Next to John H and Susan F Randall. 
WALL, William T (I22402)
2360 Comanche Peak, Johnson County became Acton, Hood County in 1856.

In the neighborhood below, yet tributary to Acton, we find John Randle, one of the oldest settlers here, in what is known as Carmichael Bend. His cabin is standing to this day, and the place is said to be the poorest land in that neighborhood, but this seems to have been no unusual thing, however, for an early settler to do. Many of those who came here when this territory was a vast unlocated public domain, abounding in some of the richest land in the state, passed over such and established their pre-emptions upon the poor hilly slopes and back bones. "Uncle Johnny" Randle remained in Hood County to a ripe old age, and oppressed with the weight of years and troubles growing out of litigations, he moved west some fifteen or more years ago. Two of his daughters were the wives respectfully of Newton and Wm. Manley heretofore mentioned. Norv is said to have been the first settler on George's Creek. [History of Hood County, Thomas T. Ewell, 1895]

His middle name might be Henry or Hogan. 
RANDLE, John H (I5281)
2361 Comments (Sanford G Slayton b. 1 Nov 1802 , Pittsylvania, Virginia, USA d. 6 Mar 1868 , Marion, Texas, USA): Mary Annabell Clark and Sanford Slayton are my father's GGrandparents. Mary Annabell died in Marion County, Texas. Source: Family Bible owned by Lawrence family and numerous descendants. It is believed that they are buried in unmarked graves on the Sanford Slayton Plantation on the north shore of Lake of The Pines. I have visited with the owner of the land. It was sold off and separated from the land when a highway was cut through Sanford's former land when my father was a boy. He remembered seeing tombstones there when a boy but a house was build over the graves. About 20 years ago another owner was having land prepared for another building and workmen unearthed some bones. The decision was made to build on another part of the property and leave the former housesite as a park/garden. We also believe (but cannot prove) that Mary Annabell's and Sanford's daughter Catherine Aug usta and husband William J Fergusson and several of their children are also buried there. [Faith Chatham] SLAYTON, Sanford G (I10752)
2362 Commerce Street
Lidia J Stirling Head F 49 Texas m. 32 yrs. 7/6 children
Hirum J Stirling Son M 24 Texas m. 0 yrs.
Nina Stirling D-in-l F 22 Texas 2/1 children
Charles C Stirling Son M 15 Texas
Walter E Stirling Son M 12 Texas
Will Danner Boarder M 18 Texas
Eugene P Moore Boarder M 34 Texas
Leona Moore Boarder F 33 Texas
Maurine E Moore Boarder F 10 Texas
Lydia has her own income and Hiram's employment says "Float Line", I think. I don't know where Charles is. It looks like the pages may be out of order and she is at the top of the page. 
STERLING, Hiram Joseph (I6095)
2363 Commerce Street
Lidia J Stirling Head F 49 Texas m. 32 yrs. 7/6 children
Hirum J Stirling Son M 24 Texas m. 0 yrs. 2/1 children
Nina Stirling D-in-l F 22 Texas
Charles C Stirling Son M 15 Texas
Walter E Stirling Son M 12 Texas
Will Danner Boarder M 18 Texas
Eugene P Moore Boarder M 34 Texas
Leona Moore Boarder F 33 Texas
Maurine E Moore Boarder F 10 Texas
Lydia has her own income and Hiram's employment says "Float Line", I think. I don't know where Charles is. It looks like the pages may be out of order and she is at the top of the page. 
GIBBONS, Lydia Jane (I6086)
2364 Community Acres Township, Precinct 490
Howard H Morse Head M 27 Iowa 24
Ruth Morse Wife F 30 Iowa 20
James H Morse Son M 1-6/12 Oregon
Elaine Kelsey S-dau F 8 Oregon 
MORSE, Howard Henry (I21907)
2365 Comprising A Condensed History of the State, A Number of Biographies of its Distinguished Citizens, a brief Descriptive History of Each of the Counties mentioned, and Numerous Biographical Sketches of the citizens of such County. Source (S2563)
2366 Comstock Precinct
S S Thomas Head M 62 Illinois m. 32 yrs.
Ella E Thomas Wife F 52 Iowa 9/7 children
Victor L Thomas Son M 18 Oregon
Arlo L Thomas Son M 16 Oregon
Robert E Thomas Son M 14 Oregon
Lois A Thomas Dau F 12 Oregon 
THOMAS, Samuel Sprague (I21961)
2367 Comstock Precinct
Samuel S Thomas Head M 72 Illinois
Ella E Thomas Wife F 60 Iowa
Arlow L Thomas Son M 26 Oregon
Robert E Thomas Son M 23 Oregon
Arlo is an auto mechanic in a state garage. 
THOMAS, Samuel Sprague (I21961)
2368 Condon Township, Rock Creek Precinct
Samuel S Thomas Head M 52 Aug 1847 Illinois m. 21 yrs.
Ella E Thomas Wife F 41 Apr 1859 Iowa 10/8 children
Harvey F Thomas Son M 19 Nov 1880 Idaho
Cecil Thomas Dau F 15 Oct 1884 Iowa
Lester Thomas Son M 13 Dec 1886 Oregon
Floy Thomas Dau F 11 Oct 1888 Oregon
Victor Thomas Son M 10 May 1890 Oregon
Arlo Thomas Son M 6 Jul 1893 Oregon
Robert Thomas Son M 5 Oct 1894 Oregon
Lois Thomas Dau F 2 May 1898 Oregon
Mary Miller Servant F 24 Oct 1875 Oregon
Strand W Hedges Servant M 24 Jun 1875 Missouri
George H Elliot Servant M 24 Un 1875 Michigan
Clark Denny Servant M 29 May 1891 Iowa 
THOMAS, Samuel Sprague (I21961)
2369 Confederate Pension applications
NAME: Baskerville, J.A.
PENSION #: S4653
COUNTY: Trousdale
UNIT: 2nd (Smith's) Cav.

NAME: Baskerville, John Alexander.
WIDOW: Baskerville, Pattie Pursley
PENSION #: W10867
COUNTY: Trousdale

24th Tennessee Infantry Regiment
Company E
Men from Sumner County
John A. Baskerville - Capt. Discharged on disability on April 27, 1863. Was to recruit a company of partisan rangers to operate behind the Union lines. No such command materialized. By occupation a blacksmith. Prior service in Col. E. S. Smith's 2nd Tennessee Cavalry which was disbanded because of not being furnished arms.

Unit History
The Company was organized at the old "Napier Hole" a noted place on Flat Creek just north of the Bear Creek Pike. Here they met regularly for drill under Capt. Billington and here they were sworn in by Dr. J. H. Parks. The Company originally numbered 112 men but no record is now available giving all the names. Commanded by Capt. Jas. M. Billington, the Company marched to Columbia, taking cars here for Nashville and Murfreesboro and at the latter place went into quarters at Camp Anderson, three miles from town. The regiment organization was made in July 1861 and completed at Camp Trousdale August 23, 1861, The Duck River Riflemen becoming Company G in the 24th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry. The 24th Tennessee was originally composed of 12 companies, each containing over a hundred men:
Co. A, Rutherford Co., Capt. John C. Jackson
Co. B, Williamson Co., Capt. W.E. Shannon
Co. C, Macon Co., Capt. J.M. Uhles
Co. D, Williamson Co., Capt. John A.Wilson
Co. E, Sumner Co., Capt. J. A. Baskerville
Co. F, Smith Co., Capt. James Dowell
Co. G, Maury Co., Capt. James A. Billington
Co. H, Hickman Co., Capt. C. W. Beale
Co. I, Hickman Co., Capt. E. W. Beasley
Co. K, Franklin & Wilson Co.Capt. T.C.Goodner
Capt. Buck Hart's Company from Sumner, Trousdale & Smith Counties & a Company commanded by Capt. Mays were afterwards added to the 24th.
The first battle for the Riflemen was in an expedition from Cave City, KY Oct. 25, 1861 against Camp Joe Underwood about 5 miles away which suceeded in breaking up the Federal Camp of instuction. The Regiment was at this time in the 3rd Brigade, Col. R. G. Shaver commanding in Hardee's Division but was transferred to the 2nd Brigade under Col. Patrick R. Cleburne on Jan. 1st 1862 where it remained until the reorganization at Tupelo. While this unit did not participate at Ft. Donelson, they did join the retreating forces under Albert Sidney Johnson from Bowling Green and became part of the Central Army reorganization at Murfreesboro on Feb. 23rd 1862.
At the Battle of Shiloh on April 6th & 7th 1862, the Riflemen fought bravely losing 12 killed and 24 wounded in two days of fighting. Cleburne's Brigade went into the battle 2,750 strong and lost an even thousand men with 32 missing. Field returns for April 26, 1862 show that the 24th was reduced to a total of 106 effectives.
At the reorganization at Tupelo on July 8, 1862 Company G was consolidated with B of Williamson County becoming part of the 2nd Bridage commanded by Brig. Gen. Alex P. Stewart, Maj. Gen. Frank B. Cheatham the Division, and Maj. Gen. Leonidas Polk the Left Wing. Under this organization the Regiment took part in the Battle of Perryville on Oct. 8th, 1862 losing another two men with another wounded. Afterwards, the Confederate Army traveled through East Tennessee with a supply wagon train forty miles long headed toward Nashville and took position around Murfressboro in the Autumn of 1862. In the last of December of that year the regiment went into battle there remaining in line until Jan 4th and was one of the last commands to be withdrawn on the retreat to Tullahoma. It entered the fight with 31 commissioned officers and 313 men, taking a total of 344 effectives it lost 3 officers with 6 men killed, & 5 officers and 39 men wounded.
On April 1st 1863, the army was reorganized and Col . O. F. Strahl commanded Stewart's Brigade, Cheatham the Division, and Polk the Corps Commander. The 24th fought next at Tullahoma, Chattanooga, Missionary Ridge and Chickamauga suffering only 4 wounded, 6 captured, 1 missing, & 1 discharged for disability.
By December 14th, 1863 the field returns showed that the 24th then had an effective force of 211, total present 257 number of arms, 148 with 40 rounds of ammunition per man. During the Ringgold Campaign the regiment lost 3 killed, 5 wounded , and 45 missing. On April 30th returns show that Lt. Gen. W.J. Hardee, "Old Reliable", comanded the Corps with "Old Joe Johnston" the commander.
By July 17th Gen. John B. Hood became the commander and the 24th fought at Atlanta losing a man with another captured. Soon Hood began his march into Tennessee heading towards Nashville til establishing headquarters two and a half miles from Spring Hill, TN on November 29, 1864. The next day the Riflemen fought at the bloody Battle of Franklin. In the aftermath the 24th Tennessee Regiment as a whole had the Colonel, Lieut. Colonel, Major, Adjutant, and every Captain and First Lieutenant killed or wounded, the ranking officer being a Second Lieutenant. Field Retuns November 6th shows Stewart's Army Corps to have 8,708 total effectives present, and Cheatham's Corps 10,519. The next field return is December 10th after Franklin and before Nashville and read 5,321 and 7,272 showing a loss of one third.
Nashville proved to be Hood's final downfall where he was absolutely routed. By this time the Duck River Riflemen had now become so absorbed in these reorganizations and consolidations that it had lost all semblance of existence as a separate organization. On December 20th 1864 Forrest was placed in command of the rear guard of the army, and Walthall was ordered to support him with eight brigades of "picked infantry". These eight brigades gave him an effective force of 1900 men, of whom about 400 were without shoes, and many more were practically bare-footed and made up the famous "Rear Guard". Maney & Strahl's brigades were commanded by Col. Hume R. Field and field returns next day show 113 effectives total. In the last consolidation in North Carolina March 21st 1865, the 3rd Tennessee Consolidated Regiment was organized and was composed of the 4th, 5th, 19th, 24th, 31st, 33rd, 35th, 38th, and 41st making up newly formed Company K.
On the way home from the surrender the few retiring members of this unit had to stop at the home of a widow's house about ten miles east of Greenville, Tennessee to care for John H. Derryberry who had suffered with chronic disentery. In a few days he died leaving no means to bury him. That night four of the Riflemen led by Anderson Daniel made the charge on the combined Commissary, Quartermaster, Paymaster, and Ordinance Train and captured four bales of spun cotton yarn. With three of these a coffin was procured from town and the other bale was given to the widow for her attention the the deceased and a grave for him in her apple orchard. This was the last official act of the Duck River Riflemen.
The final summery of this company compiled from the best information now available is as follows:
R. W. Tindall, Capt.
John E. Hardeman. 2nd Lieut.
Sam W. Daimwood, Orderly Sergt.
2 commissioned officers & 15 men killed
4 mortally wounded
3 missing
1 died on way home
4 died of sickness
31 wounded some more than once
7 wounded & discharged or left at home
10 discharged for ill health
9 otherwise discharged (too young/old)
8 captured
1 name placed on the Confederate Roll of Honor at Richmond for Conspicuous Bravery in the Battle of Murfressboro. Willis A. Jones was his name. 
BASKERVILLE, John Alexander (I24086)
2370 Confederate Soldier(2)
2. Compiled Service Records of Confederate Roll #193: Dale Boyd

Peter Brown Garison served in the South Carolina House of Representative in 1878. He was a member of the Ebenezer Presbyterian Church, York County, South Carolina. Peter Garison served longer than any other ruling elder in Ebenezer's history - 60 years! Ordained on November 29, 1845, he served until his death. His father Josina served for 40 years. Sons R. G. and Eugene served 11 and 24 years respectively, R.G. "Dick", served with his father until he resigned to move to Arkansas in 1905. For 124 years a Garison was on the Ebenezer's Session. (1)
1. Garison Cookbook 1998 
GARRISON, Peter Brown (I7075)
2371 Congressman, Democrat BOWEN, Col John H (I4149)
2372 Connell Cemetery
Year Marker Erected: 1997
Marker Location: 3 mi. SE of Brownwood on FM 2525, right on CR just before FM 2126
Marker Text:
William Connell came to Texas with his family in 1834. He later served in the Republic of Texas Army, the Texas Rangers, and the Confederate Army. Connell Cemetery, believed to be one of the oldest in Brown County, was probably in use before 1861. When William and Loumisa Wills Connell buried their son William Archibald in 1866, they erected what is believed to have been the first headstone on this site. The last was that of Edward Bruce McCallum, dated 1949. Sixteen families are noted; over twenty graves remain unmarked. Connell Cemetery was deeded to Brown County in 1893. (1997)
As a teenager in 1836, he and his father Sampson Connell, a wagonmaster for the Texian Volunteer Army delivered the last load of supplies before the siege and fall of the Alamo. William fought in the Waco Indian Wars. He later served in the CSA. He was the County Treasurer of Brown County prior to the fall of the Confederacy. Governor Davis appointed William Connell as the Treasurer of Brown County after the Civil War. He served in this capacity until he became a County Commissioner after many years of service. [Robert Connell] 
CONNELL, William Oliver (I3679)
2373 Contains information gathered from Beer's Gazetteer and Biographical Record, Our County and It's People by North, D.A.R. records, cemetery records, family records and the records of the individuals who put the work together. Source (S324)
2374 Continental Congress member FROST, George (I13885)
2375 Coolspring Township, North Liberty PO
William McFalls M 60 England
Emma McFalls F 59 England
William McFalls M 22 England
Isabella Weese F 70 Pennsylvania
William is farming and Isabella is a seamstress. 
MCFALL, William (I23785)
2376 Cooper, English Navy DELAFIELD, Nicholas (I5438)
2377 Copied from Estate File of William Comstock.
Hannah Comstock was appointed Administrator of the estate of Wm Comstock on 28 Feb 1866. Heirs were listed as Ephriam Hubbard & Sarah Caroline Comstock, Belldora Comstock, Josephine Comstock, all of McDonald Co MO. Bond was set at $800 and securities were Samuel Rose and Ellis Clanton.
Appraisors were Eliis Clanton, thos. Johnston, and W. R. Speak. Estate consisted of:
Five head of sheep at $2 per head
One Sow worth $1
One hundred five acres at $4 per acre. NE 1/4 of SW 1/4 and the N part of the W 1/2 of SE 1/4, Sect 13, Twp 21 Range 30.
$10 on hand
Signed by Clanton & Johnston on 1 Mar 1866. Sworn to before Henry Fox, JP, on 15 Mar 1866.
The Administratrix Notice was in the "Missouri Weekly Patriot" for three weeks and said "Letters of administration on the estate of Wm. D. Comstock, dec'd, were granted to the undersigned by the County Court of McDonald County, MO dated February 28th, 1866. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them to me for allowance, within one year from the date of said letters or they may be precluded from any benefit of said estate, and if said claims be not exhibited within three years from the date of said letters they will be forever barred. Signed: Hannah Comstock, Admx."
An ad was also run in the "Newton County Tribune" in the summer of 1869, that gave notice of final settlement of the estate at the next term of Probate court to be held at Pineville on 12 Jul 1869.
Final Settlement was filed 12 Jul 1869 and gave the following:
Balance due from previous settlement: $40
Pd for publishing notice $2
Tax paid $1.85 and $3.85
Amount retained by widow was $36.20.
Recorded 18 May 1870 in Book A, p. 4. [Kay Haden] 
COMSTOCK, William Decatur (I11646)
2378 Cora PO
Richard Tankersley M 77 North Carolina
Sarah Tankersley F 59 South Carolina
Robert P Tankersley M 18 Texas
d/f #62/61
John S Tankersley M 24 Arkansas
Sarah F Tankersley F 16 Mississippi 
TANKERSLEY, Richard (I2381)
2379 Cordon Wesley Sparks of Millsap, age 37, born 31 Mar 1881, is a farmer. His nearest relative is Mrs Etta Sparks. He is of medium height and build with blue eyes and light hair. SPARKS, Cordon Wesley (I6658)
2380 Cornelia married first R G Cornelison and then married Ben Edwards, who was previously married to sister, Sophia. Goodman then married little sister, Georgia. ALLRED, Cornelia (I11984)
2381 Cornelison, Arthur Greenberry #2295, age 48, 23 May 188, is an evangelist in Trenton, Florida. His nearest relative is Dora Cornelison. He is of medium height and slender with blue eyes and red hair. CORNELISON, Arthur Greenberry (I15215)
2382 Cornelison, Augustus Oneil #a3205, age 42, 10 Sep 1876, is a transfer clerk for the NCoST? L RR in Atlanta. His nearest relative is Susie Cornelison. He's of medium height and stout with gray eyes and light hair. CORNELISON, Augustus O'Neal (I11993)
2383 Cornelison, Charely Walton #3771, age 34, 26 Feb 1884, lives at Ervin. His nearest relative is Cleo McFadden and he works as a clerk for J E Oakes. He is of medium height and slender build with blue eyes and light hair. CORNELISON, Charles Walton (I15218)
2384 Cornelison, Clarence Odell, age 38, 5 Sep 1880, of Dalton, works at Crown Cotton Mill and his nearest relative is Larena Cornelison. He's of medium height and build with brown eyes and dark hair. CORNELISON, Clarence Odell (I24231)
2385 Cornelison, Goodman C #3112?, age 32, 6 May 1886, is a farmer at Ervin. His nearest relative is Sue Cornelison. He's tall with blue eyes and black hair. CORNELISON, Goodman Cicero (I11807)
2386 Cornelison, Grover Cleveland #135, age 25, 4 Jan 1917, Hot Springs, North Carolina, is a section foreman in the city yards of Southern Railroad and is married. He's of medium height and build with brown eyes and dark hair. CORNELISON, Grover Cleveland (I11987)
2387 Cornelison, Jasper Walter #3708, age 32, 8 Apr 1886, of East Lake, makes acetylene burners for American Lava Co. in Chattanooga. His nearest relative is Zimri Cornelison in Dalton, Georgia. He's short and slender with brown eyes and sandy hair. CORNELISON, Jasper Walter (I24208)
2388 Cornelison, Royster Colman #283, age 22, 5 May 1895, Dalton, Georgia, is single and a spinner at Thatcher Spinning Mill in Chattanooga. He's short and stout with brown eyes and dark brown hair. CORNELISON, Royster Coleman (I24229)
2389 Cornelison, Uilis #26480, age 28, 6 Jul 1888, Solsberg, North Carolina, is a clerk for Hennefeld Co on Pearl Street. He's married with at least one child. He's short with a medium build, brown eyes and black hair. CORNELISON, Willis Harrison (I24233)
2390 Cornelison, Walter Alonzo #1466, age 34, 7 Oct 1883, is a moulder for Sandy Miller. His nearest relative is Jessie Cornelison. He's tall and stout with brown eyes and hair. CORNELISON, Walter Alonzo (I11997)
2391 Cornelison, Willie Isaac #2827, age 34, 27 Oct 1883, of East Lake, is a foreman at SoSkein & F dy Co. His nearest relative is Margurate Cornelison (wife). He's of medium height and build with gray eyes and dark brown hair. CORNELISON, Willie Isaac (I24232)
2392 Cornelius Acord provided surety on 8 Jan 1822 and the wedding was performed by W. C. McKamy, Justice of the Peace on 10 January 1822. Family: Cornelius ACORD, Jr / Sarah C STEWART (F1240)
2393 Corporal, 72 Balloon Co AS, World War 1 COON, Perry E (I9194)
2394 Correspondence Source (S343)
2395 Coryell Co, Texas MORRISON, Horatio Marion (I4644)
2396 Coryell Co, Texas, No Land DICKERSON, William Jackson (I6439)
2397 Cotton Plant Township, Public Road
John J Dillard Head Male 57 Arkansas 29
Margaret C Dillard Wife Female 47 Missouri 19
Oddie V Dillard Son Male 23 Arkansas
Elijah E Dillard Son Male 17 Arkansas
Norman Dillard Son Male 15 Arkansas [d. MI]
Ralph Dillard Son Male 13 Arkansas
Oddie Dillard Jr. G-son Male 1 Arkansas
I think this actually says Collard or Dollard but it's indexed under Dillard. 
COLLARD, John Jefferson (I24059)
2398 Cotton screw man HEFFERNAN, Philip William (I1556)
2399 Could they be Andrew Blair Brown and Mary Annie Smith? BROWN, Andrew (I6949)
2400 Coulee City Precinct
Clifton Haan Head M 40 Maine
John Achord Hired M 58 Missouri
David L Bennett Hired M 20 Ohio
George E Sanders Hired M 48 Kentucky
Daisy I Sanders Cook F 36 Illinois
Gladis E Sanders Friend F 4 Illinois
John is a farm hand in an orchard. 
ACHORD, John W (I23364)

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