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2451 Dallas County Directory 1881-1882 McCollum, L. C.
Certificate No. 19
Name of Deceased: Infant of Langdon McCALLUM
Place of Death/Local Address: Garland, Route 3
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Race: White
Name of Father: Langdon McCallum
Maiden name of Mother: Gisalla Compton
Date of Death: Stillborn [as given]
Cause of Death: Stillborn
Name/Address of Physician: L. O. Godley, Garland
Place of Burial: Pleasant Valley Cem.
Date of Burial: 8 Dec 1919 [as given]
Name/Address of Undertaker: Family

McCallum, Langdon Cheeves
Langdon Cheeves McCallum was born in York County, South Carolina on January 11, 1852. Langdon was the son of Peter McCallum. Peter, was born in Scotland uring 1808 and came to America at the age of nine.
Peter settled in South Carolina and later married Violet Amelia Wallace. They had ten children, namely Duncan, Joseph, James, Augustus, Jane, wife of William Finley; Elizabeth, wife of Robert Finley; Robert; John T.; Langdon C, and an infant girl. The family moved to Texas in 1873.
Peter at one time had a large plantation, with many slaves, while living in South Carolina. However, like many other large plantation owners, he had invested large sums of money in slave ownership and he was unable to maintain his plantation after the slaves were freed.
Peter McCallum bought land at Pleasant Valley one year after coming to Texas. He died in 1883 at the age of seventy-five. His wife died in 1880 at the age of sixty- seven.
Langdon Cheeves McCallum married Mary Elizabeth (Mollie) Foote on July 29, 1874. She was born in Georgia on November 23, 1858. Parents of Mollie Foote were Martin Van Buren Foote and Minerva Foote. Minerva was born in Georgia and moved to Texas in 1869 shortly after her husband died. The family had already prepared for the move to Texas when he died at approximately thirty-five years of age.
Children of Martin Van Buren and Minerva Foote were William, Mollie, James, John and Van Buren. In 1873 their mother married Wade Bolton. Wade and Minerva had one child named Beatrice Bolton.
Langdon's children were Homer; Violet married Maze Shugart; Otto married Mamie Lemmen; Guy married Ada Shugart; Mae married Frank Allen; Walter married Clara Robinson, and Charles Langdon who married Vera Compton. Langdon was a member of the Knights of Honor Lodge #2756 at Pleasant Valley.

.....Children of Elza and Alice Compton were Cora Ethel who married Jim Tomlin; Lemuel Barch killed in France during WW I; Elsie Dena who married Monroe Hutson; Giralda Vera who married Langdon McCallum; Martha Louise who married Dr Norman Beaver; Charles Ray; twin brother William Roy, and Glenn Oram Compton..... 
MCCALLUM, Langdon Cheeves (I10689)
2452 Dallas Township
Fannie E Bull Head F 63 Oct 1836 Tennessee 5/3 children
Jennie Bull Dau F 28 Mar 1872 Arkansas
Mary E Bull Dau F 25 Mar 1875 Arkansas
Garland L Adams Boarder M 20 Nov 1879 Arkansas
Fannie is a farmer and Garland works for her. She's widowed. 
BURFORD, Frances E (I2457)
2453 Dallas Township
Jacob Bull Self M 70 Virginia
Frances Bull Wife F 44 Tennessee
Charley Bull Son M 27 Arkansas
Ovanah Bull Dau F 25 Arkansas
Jacob Bull Son M 20 Arkansas
Hattie Bull Dau F 10 Arkansas
Jensie Bull Dau F 8 Arkansas
Mary Bull Dau F 5 Arkansas 
BULL, Jacob A (I12393)
2454 Dallas Township, Hampton PO
Jacob A Bull M 60 Virginia
Fannie E Bull F 33 Tennessee
Edw N Bull M 21 Alabama
Martin T Bull M 20 Alabama
Emily E Bull F 16 Arkansas
Carter W Bull M 14 Arkansas
Jacob A Bull M 10 Arkansas
Sallie Bull F 2 Arkansas
Harriett Bull F 6/12 Arkansas Dec
Jacob is a farmer. 
BULL, Jacob A (I12393)
2455 Dalton District
C O Cornelison Head Male 49 North Carolina age 27
Beulah Cornelison Wife Female 37 Georgia age 35
Alvie Cornelison Dau Female 19 Georgia
Belvis Cornelison Son Male 17 Georgia
Howard Redwine S-son Male 18 Georgia
Morris Redwine S-son Male 16 Georgia
Odell is a fixer and Beulah is on spools at the cotton mill. Belvis is a carpenter, and Howard is a restaurant cook. 
CORNELISON, Clarence Odell (I24231)
2456 Dalton District
Clarence O Cornelison Head Male 39 North Carolina
Lorena E Cornelison Wife Female 35 Georgia
Alva L Cornelison Dau Female 9 Georgia
Bellvis Z Cornelison Son Male 7 Georgia
Odell is a laborer at a cotton mill. 
CORNELISON, Clarence Odell (I24231)
2457 Dalton District
Claud B Houston Head Male 58 Georgia
Lillie E Houston Wife Female 48 North Carolina
Lebron W Houston Son Male 25 Georgia
Ruben M Houston Dau Female 11 Georgia
Ida M Cornelison Sister Female 30 Georgia
Claud is an electrician at a cotton mill and Lebron is a truck driver for an oil company. 
CORNELISON, Ida (I24230)
2458 Dalton District
Warren C Cornielson Head Male 32 Aug 1868 Georgia m. 8 yrs.
Johnnie R Cornielson Wife Female 26 Dec 1873 Georgia 0/0 children
Warren is a blacksmith. They live with Burrell and Martha. 
CORNELISON, Warren Clarence (I11872)
2459 Dalton District, Chattanooga Road
Jesse A Cornelison Head Male 37 Georgia age 20
Lillie J Cornelison Wife Female 29 Georgia age 18
Louise Cornelison Dau Female 14 Georgia
Herschel Cornelison Son Male 9 Georgia
Jesse A Cornelison Jr. Son Male 6 Georgia
Elvin Cornelison Son Male 4 6/12 Georgia
John E Cornelison Son Male 3/12 Georgia
Jess is a grocery store merchant. I'm guessing that Louise is not her child. 
CORNELISON, Jesse Albert (I24228)
2460 Daniel Taylor and his wife Lucinda, of Ray County, Mo. nominated Mumford Taylor, of Pittsylvania Co.,
Va., their attorney to manage their affiars in Virginia. Also John Taylor, of Ray Co., Mo. nominated
Mumford Taylor, of Pittsylvania County, Va. attorney for them and in their names to transact all affairs
relative to their interest in the estate of Henry Shackelford, deceased. Deed Book 35, page 349, Pittsylvania County, Va. Dated November 8, 1833, and September 25, 1835. 
SHACKELFORD, Lucinda (I4258)
2461 Darien Township, Raymond Street
Clarence J Dennis Head M 60 New York
Ruth E Dennis Wife F 53 New York
Mary E Ward M-in-l F 86 Connecticut 
LEAYCRAFT, Mary Elizabeth (I22191)
2462 Darlington District Family: Elisha PIPKIN / Elizabeth BENTON (F4900)
2463 Darrs Creek, Bell Co, Texas - bought from James G Connell WILLS, James B (I3132)
2464 Darrs Creek, Bell Co, Texas - patent

James' orginal land grant included most of what is now Holland, Texas, ABS 161
WILLS, James B (I3132)
2465 Darrs Creek, Bell Co, Texas - sold to James C Armstrong WILLS, James B (I3132)
2466 Darrs Creek, Bell Co, Texas - sold to William Connell WILLS, James B (I3132)
2467 Date of certificate. VANDERVORT, Eliza (I9112)
2468 Date of Commencement. VANDERVORT, Eliza (I9112)
2469 Date of Death: 3/19/1942
Burial Property Name: Mountain View Lawn
Burial Section: 5
Burial Lot: 1772
Grave/Niche: 2
Entrance Gate: 14
Next to son, Paul. 
BRAZZIL, Angeline L (I1738)
2470 Date of Death: 7/1/1967
Burial Property Name: Mountain View Lawn
Burial Section: 5
Burial Lot: 1772
Grave/Niche: 1
Entrance Gate: 14
Next to mother, Angie. 
MORRISON, Paul A (I8340)
2471 Dated 21 May 1745 in Chowan County, N.C. This will is recorded on page 56, Vol XXIV of North Carolina Wills, 1663-1789. The Will reads:
In the name of God Amen, May the twenty first day: 1745, I, John Pipkin of Chowan County in North Carolina being sick and weak but of sound mind and perfect memory, praise be to Almighty God for it, do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following, that is to say first and principally commending my soul into the hands of almighty God hoping through the meritorious death and (illegible word) of my Savior Jesus Christ to have full and free pardon and forgiveness of all my sins and to inherit everlasting life and my body committed to the earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my executors hereafter named and as touching all such temporal estate as it has pleased Almighty God to bestow upon me, I give and dispose thereof as . . . First my will is that all my just debts and funeral charges be honestly paid and discharged.
IMPRIMIS - I give and bequeath to my son Phillip Pipkin my plantation where I now live to him and his heirs forever and in case he dies before he come to age to go to my son Joseph Pipkin and as far as my land marked by a line of marked trees joining to my plantation I give and bequeath to my two sons Lewis and Isaac Pipkin being part of the survey of land I now live upon southward, I give to my son Lewis Pipkin and the west part to my son Isaac Pipkin. I give to them and their heirs forever.
ITEM: I give and bequeath to my son Daniell Pipkin a peace of land upon Milly Swamp being part of the tract that his brother John Pipkin did formerly live upon, I give to him and his heirs forever and in case that either of the three, Daniell Pipkin, Lewis Pipkin, or Isaac Pipkin should dye then the said land to fall to the brother in corse.
ITEM: I give to my son Joseph Pipkin a negro boy called Jack and my riding horse and bridle and saddle.
ITEM: I give to my son Daniel Pipkin two leather chairs, two pewter dishes and three pewter plates and two cows and a calf and a young steer about two or three years old and two sheep.
ITEM: I give to my son Isaac Pipkin a negro boy called Rollin.
ITEM: I give to my son Steward Pipkin a feather bed and furniture belonging to it (looks like "and bigest ovall table") and two pewter dishes and three plates and one iron pot, two cows and calves and young of two or three years old and two sheep.
ITEM: I give to my son Jesse Pipkin a negro girl called Dorety.
ITEM: I give to my daughter Mary Pipkin a negro girl called Dina.
ITEM: I give and bequeath to my younger daughter Martha Pipkin a feather bed and furniture and least ovall table, two pewter dishes and three plates one iron pot two cows and calves and a young steer and two sheep and also
ITEM: I give to my son Phillip Pipkin a bed and furniture and young heand (?) a steer about three years old and if in case any of my children herein mentioned should die before they come to age then their part be given whatever it be negro, or household stuff or cattle to be equally divided amongst the rest herein mentioned.
ITEM: I give to my loving wife Martha Pipkin a negro woman named Hannah and her increase from the date hereof and my negro man Ned and all the remaining part of my estate goods, chattels during her natural life or widowhood and then to be equally divided amongst my children herein mentioned and LASTLY I appoint and nominate my loving wife Martha Pipkin and my son Joseph Pipkin to be my Executors of this my last will and testament utterly revoking all other will or wills that hath been made by me heretofore in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and fixed my seal.
Signed sealed and delivered
in presence of: His
Henry Goodman Sr. John (X) Pipkin
Henry Goodman, Jr. Mark
Timothy Goodman
Proved in his Majesty's Court of Chowan County, North Carolina July 18,1745 with Martha Pipkin and Joseph Pipkin issued letters of Administration.
Test Edmund Hatch Cler Cor
This will was probated in December, 1745

Inventory of John Pipkin, 1746
Chowan County NC Court Minutes 1735-1738: 1746-1748 Book II By Weynette Parks Haun
April 1746  
PIPKIN, John II (I13096)
2472 Daughter of Lunceford Mahurin. MAHURIN, Eliza J (I22711)
2473 Daughter, Emma Johnson, married Edward Hazen and W B Alburtis. HARLAN, Christiana (I19459)
2474 Daughters of Republic of Texas, Dorothy Burns Patterson, pg 231
DAVID REYNOLDS was born in 1818 in Tennessee, the son of Isaac Reynolds. He came to Texas in 1838, being a blacksmith by trade, learning the trade from his grandfather who was from England. He married Tabitha Black, daughter of Joseph Black, on May 17, 1840, in Seguin, Gonzales County. Thier children were Mary Ann, John B., Martha E., Nancy P., David Hiram, Christopher C., Josephine and Isaac P. He served as a private in the Vasquez and Woll Campaign in 1842 under Capt. Caldwell at Seguin. He and four men were returning from a scout and encamped for the night not far from Seguin. They were suprized by the enemy about daybreak using firearms only. They fought fiercely, managed to reach a dense thicket and escaped death, though each one was severely wounded. They lost their horses and everything excepting their arms. Later, the state approved and paid a claim of $65 for the horse he lost in battle. He died July 1902 at Pipe Creek, Bandera County, Texas.
Loretta Jane Reynolds, Granddaughter, 6430 
REYNOLDS, David (I15463)
2475 Daughters of Republic of Texas, Dorothy Burns Patterson, pg 260
MATTHEW AND SARAH SPARKS had 13 children. My ancestor was their son named william sparks born on April 3, 1761, Rowan Co, NC. He married Mary Polly Fielder around 1790. I have land deeds showing that he lived in Mississippi and Georgia, but in March, 1836, he moved to Nacogdoches County, TX, at the age of 75 years and was a resident of Sparks Settlement located about five miles north of Nacogdoches. Certificate 49, dated June 7, 1838, entitled him to 1,280 acres of land. William Sparks is on the Tax Lists of 1837, 1839, 1840, and 1845. Four of his children were living at Sparks Settlement. At age 85, William Sparks applied for a pension because of his service in the American Revolution. His declaration is most interesting to read. His application was rejected, apparently for lack of sufficient proof of his service. As one reads this interesting account, one is impressed with its authenticity and with the remarkable memory of this old man as he recalls events which occurred nearly 70 years earlier. He died in 1848 in Nacogdoches County. William Sparks is probably buried near the Old North Church in the Sparks Settlement in one of the four unmarked graves found there. William Sparks was my great-great-great-great-great-grandfather. [Can't read the name of the daughter] 
SPARKS, Matthew (I6528)
2476 Dave Samuel Bowles, age 20, 15 Dec 1898, lives in Hutto, Texas. He is a farmer and his nearest relative is Mollie C Bowles, of Hutto. He is 5'11", with a medium build, gray eyes and black hair. BOWLES, David Samuel (I3188)
2477 David and Sarah, next to Richard and Abbygen Stampley STAMPLEY, David (I18057)
2478 David died in 2006. Source (S494)
2479 David King Stacey, age 33, born 22 Dec 1884, is a self-emplyed well driller in Burley. His nearest relative is Mrs A S Pittman in Maricopa, California. He is of medium height and build with gray eyes and brown hair. STACEY, David King (I15600)
2480 David, Sarah Abigail, William, with the Ritchie Family STAMPLEY, David (I18057)
2481 David, Sarah Abigail, William, with William and Sallie Taylor STAMPLEY, David (I18057)
2482 David, Sarah, Abigail, William, L E, David, J Rook STAMPLEY, David (I18057)
2483 David, Sarah, David, James & Mary Kerr, Alice Blount STAMPLEY, David (I18057)
2484 Davis Township
James P Huffman Head M 40 Arkansas
Mayme E Huffman Wife F 43 Missouri
Clyde L Huffman Son M 11 Missouri
Dale E Huffman Son M 8 Missouri
Cordelia F Romdall M-in-l F 78 Missouri
James is a blacksmith for the WPA. 
HUFFMAN, James Page (I22765)
2485 Dayton Township, Clarence PO
George Lowe M 23 Scotland
Agness Lowe F 23 Scotland
Mary Lowe F 3 Scotland
William Lowe M 0 Iowa
Joseph Fowlie M 27 Scotland
Alexander Fowlie M 29 Scotland 
FOWLIE, Joseph (I22328)
2486 Dayton Township, Stanwood PO
Jane Fowlie F 73 Scotland
She is retired. 
FOWLIE, Jane (I22326)
2487 Deacon PIPKIN, Alexander F (I12840)
2488 Deacon, Sardis Baptist Church, Cherokee Co, Georgia BOATMAN, Robert (I11900)
2489 Deacon, Sardis Baptist Church, Cherokee Co, Georgia CAGLE, Martin M (I11827)
2490 Death cert says he was buried at Blackjack in Alto. HOOVER, James Granville (I11611)
2491 Death Certificate #2651, 1921 WARREN, Thomas Jefferson (I2345)
2492 Death certificate #518711. WIMBERLY, Georgia (I23286)
2493 Death certificate lists Caroline Wright as his mother. CAGLE, Elias (I11906)
2494 Death Certificates list parents as unknown.

There is a D C Johnson in Dorsey Co, AR, in 1880. I'm inclined to believe he was born in Arkansas.

Father born in Tennessee, mother in Missouri. 
JOHNSON, Stephen (I14888)
2495 Death Notices
In this District on the 20th ultimo, Mrs. C. Louisa Garrison, at the age of about 35 years?wife of P. Garrison, a Ruling Elder in Ebenezer Church. 
HALL, Cynthia Louisa (I7080)
2496 Death of Philip Fishel
Philip Fishel died at his home five miles northeast of Wood last Wednesday morning at the advanced age of seventy five years and eight months. He was one of the pioneer residents of Clayton County having settled there in 1850, and for the past thirty years, he has continuously held the office of Justice of the Peace in his home township. At the time he was taken ill last January, he was also township assessor, his neighbors having at many times during his life with them elected him to positions of trust and honor, thereby attesting their appreciation of his worth and integrity.
Mr. Fishel was first wedded to Catharine Lytle and to them were born three children; L.W. of Wood, Sarah, now Mrs. Rizer of Thorpe, and John of St. Paul. Mrs. Fishel died March 4, 1893, and on November 20, 1900, Philip Fishel was again married, taking to wife a most estimable lady, Mrs. Mary Smock, who with his three children all of whom were with him during his last hours, still survive. Mr. Fishel also left four brothers and a sister, Robert of this city having been with him a great deal during his last illness, being there when he died.
He was a neighbor and friend much loved and a man thoroughly respected by a large circle of acquaintances in both Clayton and Delaware counties. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity and was also an Odd Fellow.
The funeral services were held at the German Methodist church near Mr. Fishel's home when after a sermon by Rev. Heatley, the I.O.O.F. lodge of Colesburg, of which deceased had been a member for fifty years, were given charge of the remains, and interment was made in the Edgewood cemetery under their direction. The number of carriages following the casket to the burial place formed a line fully a mile long, so large was the concourse of friends gathered to pay their respects to the dear departed. 
FISHEL, Judge Philip (I23506)
2497 Death record is under Lanier. DALLAS, Elmira (I3774)
2498 Death record says father is William. HENDRIX, Francis Marion (I14906)
2499 Death Removes Local Citizen
Well Known in Valley
A S Bailey Meets Peaceful End Sunday Afternoon; Here Since 1907
Alva Scott Bailey, beloved father of Mrs J H McClure, Miss Elsie L Bailey and Harold L Bailey, all of Hemet, also of Merritt Bailey Of Tonopah, Nevada, having attained the ripe old age of almost 88 years, passed away peacefully, surrounded by his children at the late residence on the corner of Yale and Florida, Hemet, at 4:04 o'clock, Sunday afternoon.
Preceding Mr Bailey in death were the eldest son, Clarence, also an infant son, and his lifelong companion, Mrs Crilla Farver Bailey, who died in Hemet 16 years ago.
Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Pilgrim Congregational Church with his pastor, the Rev Harold V Hartshorn officiating ...
Interment was made in the San Jacinto Valley cemetery beside the remains of his wife ...
Pioneer Type
Alva Scott Bailey was of the sturdy pioneer type which will soon be extinct. Born in Sandy Lake [Township], Pennsylvania, on April 18, 1939, married in 1868 at Meadville, Pennsylvania, to Crilla Farver, he lived as a farmer successfully in Paxton, Knoxville and Rossville all in Illinois. 
BAILEY, Alva Scott (I23797)
2500 Decker Township
J C Lindsay Head M 71 Illinois
L E Lindsay Wife F 66 Illinois
He is a lockskeeper at the US Reservation. 
LINDSAY, Jesse C (I16112)

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