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2551 Diffies District
Peter Cornelison Male 43 North Carolina
Barbary Cornelison Female 41
Cesa Cornelison Female 19
Luthie Cornelison Female 15
Mary Cornelison Female 12
Ashely Cornelison Male 9
Allen Cornelison Male 6
Zemn Cornelison Male 3
Luzina Cornelison Female 6/12
Lyia King Female 68
Birth places are not entered. Peter's farm is worth $500 and personal is $300. 
CORNELISON, Peter (I11844)
2552 Dinning, William ( 2 ) page 151 Sumner Co.
Source: Early Tennessee Settlers, 1700s-1900s - Index to the 1820 Census of Tennessee, Surnames, C - D, Page 70 
DINNING, William (I10179)
2553 Discharged 17 Dec 1918, Pvt. HAUDE, William Henry (I18589)
2554 discharged on 27 Apr 1863, disability BASKERVILLE, John Alexander (I24086)
2555 Disney GenForum Post; Source (S481)
2556 Dist 1 THOMPSON, Mary Eveline (I8948)
2557 Dist 10
137 153 LEE, W.J. W M 78 VA
137 153 LEE, DOXEY W F 59 NC
137 153 LEE, C.H. W M 25 TN
137 153 LEE, ROBERT W M 17 TN
137 153 LEE, VIRGINIA W F 18 TN 
LEE, William James (I728)
2558 Dist 14
Baskerville, Ben J head M Feb 1874 26 M 10 TN TN TN
Mallie wife F Jan 1874 26 M 10 (5/5 children)
Nettie dau F Mar 1891 9 S
Robert son M Apr 1893 7 S
Chris M son M Jan 1895 5 S
Richard son M Feb 1897 3 S
Charlie son M Jul 1898 1 S 
BASKERVILLE, Benjamin Franklin (I9648)
2559 Dist 2
Charles JONES Self M M W 51 NY Farming NY NY
Cornelia JONES Wife M F W 45 NY House Wife MA CT
Clara JONES Dau S F W 22 NY House Keeping NY NY
Clarence JONES Son S M W 20 NY Farming NY NY
Julia SENN Other S F W 17 NY House Keeping PRUS HESSE-DARM.
George TOMLIN Other S M W 18 NY Farming CAN NY
Julia is working as a servant to the Joneses. 
SENN, Julia F (I2589)
2560 Dist 2
Clara SENN Other S F W 16 NY House Keeping PRUS. HESS. DARM.
Clara is working as a servent for the Baums. 
SENN, Clara Elizabeth (I2590)
2561 Dist 4 DUNN, Jefferson Davis (I13837)
2562 Dist 5 CORBIN, Edmond (I11114)
2563 Dist 55, 50/50 (18th-19th)
Garrett, Lewis G. 63 MS GA GA
Elina wife 55 MS GA GA
John son 22 TX MS MS
Offelia dau 18 Tx
Mary dau 17 TX
Ena dau 11 TX
McKinnon, Norman lodger 54 wd TX GA Ga (? all)
He is widowed and married? 8 years. 
MCKINNON, Norman (I3116)
2564 Dist 6 PIPKIN, William Harvey (I12653)
2565 Dist 8 PIPKIN, Thomas James (I12675)
2566 District #7, Mudlick? Road
James G Brown Head Male 62 Kentucky
Casey Brown Wife Female 58 Kentucky
James is still farming. 
BROWN, James G (I24332)
2567 District 1
Ben F Baskerville ?tab?Head ?tab?M ?tab?39 ?tab?Kentucky
Mattie Baskerville ?tab?Wife ?tab?F ?tab?38 ?tab?Tennessee
Bobbie Baskerville ?tab?Son ?tab?M ?tab?18 ?tab?Tennessee
Wilber Baskerville ?tab?Son ?tab?M ?tab?17 ?tab?Tennessee
Richard Baskerville ?tab?Son ?tab?M ?tab?15 ?tab?Tennessee
Charlie Baskerville ?tab?Son ?tab?M ?tab?11 ?tab?Tennessee
Wade Baskerville ?tab?Son ?tab?M ?tab? 7 ?tab?Tennessee
Claude Baskerville ?tab?Son ?tab?M ?tab? 5 ?tab?Tennessee
Edith Baskerville ?tab?Dau ?tab?F ?tab? 2 ?tab?Tennessee
This census is almost illegible but I believe this is what it says. Indexed under Basherbille. 
BASKERVILLE, Benjamin Franklin (I9648)
2568 District 1
Bob Baskerville Head M 27 Tennessee
Nannie Baskerville Wife F 25 Kentucky
Clara B Baskerville Dau F 7 Kentucky
Alex R Baskerville Son M 5 Tennessee 
BASKERVILLE, Robert Franklin (I9687)
2569 District 1
Chris Baskerville Head M 47 Tennessee
Pearl Baskerville Wife F 36 Kentucky
Ma* Baskerville Dau F 14 Kentucky
Alleyene Baskerville Dau F 12 Kentucky
Christine Baskerville Dau F 10 Kentucky
Howard Baskerville Son M 8 Kentucky
Katherine Baskerville Dau F 6 Kentucky
Floyd Baskerville Son M 5 Kentucky
Mary E Baskerville Dau F 2 Kentucky
J B Baskerville Son M 1 Kentucky
Mitchell Baskerville Brother M 33 Tennessee
Thamos Baskerville Brother M 45 Tennessee 
BASKERVILLE, Chris M (I9688)
2570 District 1
Columbus Baskerville Head M 33 Tennessee
Zettie Baskerville Wife F 29 Tennessee
Minnie Baskerville Dau F 8 Tennessee
Georgie A Baskerville Son M 5 Kentucky
Dassie Baskerville Dau F 3 Tennessee
Rachel Baskerville Dau F 0 Tennessee 
BASKERVILLE, Christopher Columbus (I9660)
2571 District 1
George R Baskerville Head M 44 Tennessee
Della M Baskerville Wife F 39 Tennessee
James F Baskerville Son M 20 Tennessee
Ozella Baskerville Dau F 17 Tennessee
Raymond M Baskerville Son M 15 Tennessee
Edward Baskerville Son M 7 Kentucky
Bobbie Jean Baskerville Son M 0 Kentucky 2/12?, 8/12? 
BASKERVILLE, George Richard (I9691)
2572 District 1
Nat F Austin Head M 51 Tennessee
Minta Austin Wife F 54 Kentucky
Fenetta Austin Dau F 14 Tennessee 
AUSTIN, Nathaniel Filmore (I21328)
2573 District 1
R T Cloud M 34 Kentucky
Ann A Cloud F 29 Kentucky
Anna L? Cloud F 6 Kentucky
Mary J Cloud F 4 Kentucky
Sallie R Cloud F 2 Pennsylvania
W Cloud? M 1/12? Kentucky [age 14?]
Nancy King F 69 Pennsylvania
Philip M 60 Virginia
I'm not sure of anything for line above Nancy except that he's male. This page is very faded and hard to read. I can't make out Philip's last name but he's listed as black. I don't know what the birth places for Sallie and Nancy say but I don't think it's Pa. for both of them. 
ARMSTRONG, Nancy (I515)
2574 District 1
Rex Morse Head M 49 Iowa
Hattie V Morse Wife F 48 Iowa
Lillian C Morse Dau F 22 Wyoming
Ronald T Morse Son M 19 Iowa
Betty E Morse Dau F 16 Wyoming
Donnabelle M Morse Dau F 11 Wyoming 
MORSE, Rex Ogilvia (I21903)
2575 District 1
Roland Burford Self M 55 Alabama
Carolina Burford Wife F 43 Missouri
Georg L Burford Son M 20 California
Mary Bell Burford Dau F 17 California
Robert N Burford Son M 15 California
James Polk Burford Son M 13 California
Alice R Burford Dau F 11 California
Philip H Burford Son M 9 California
Every N Burford Son M 4 California
Marion C Burford Son M 2 California
Roland is an attoney, George is a laborer. 
BURFORD, Roland Tankersley (I2463)
2576 District 1-250
Head Merritt Tubbs M 40 New York
Wife Maud Tubbs F 40 Canada 
TUBBS, Merritt Ira (I4755)
2577 District 1-250
Head Julia F Tubbs F 67 New York
Dau Dorothy Riffe F 27 New York
G-dau Winefred Riffe F 9 New York
Julia is widowed but Dorothy is married. 
SENN, Julia F (I2589)
2578 District 1-250
Head Julia F Tubbs F 67 New York
Dau Dorothy Riffe F 27 New York
Gdau Winefred Riffe F 9 New York 
TUBBS, Dorothy J (I4754)
2579 District 1, 3022 Hermony
George H Young Head M 51 Kentucky
Nell B Young Wife F 46 Indiana
Laura J Harbeson M-in-l F 72 Indiana
Nell is a bookkeeper in an insurance office. It looks like it says George owns a popcorn business. 
YOUNG, George H III (I11153)
2580 District 1, 509 Park Avenue
Sam E Turner Head Male 50 Kentucky
Elizabeth Turner Wife Female 45 Kentucky
Gladys Turner Dau Female 11 Kentucky
Susan Boaz M-in-l Female 71 Kentucky
Sam is a clothing salesman. 
GARDNER, Susan (I15042)
2581 District 1, Amperdia?
Ruth A Talboy Head F 40 Nebraska
Lena Talboy Mother F 69 Iowa
Margaret Perrigo Sister F 27 Nebraska
Florence Alternefs Lodger F 43 South Dakota
Ruth iis a supervisor at a public shool and Margaret is a teacher. 
SCHROER, Lena (I21886)
2582 District 1, Amperdia?
Ruth A Talboy Head F 40 Nebraska
Lena Talboy Mother F 69 Iowa
Margaret Perrigo Sister F 27 Nebraska
Florence Alternefs Lodger F 43 South Dakota
Ruth is a supervisor at a public shool and Margaret is a teacher. Ruth is single, Lena is widowed and Margaret is married. 
TALBOY, Ruth A (I21888)
2583 District 1, Amperdia?
Ruth A Talboy Head F 40 Nebraska
Lena Talboy Mother F 69 Iowa
Margaret Perrigo Sister F 27 Nebraska
Florence Alternefs Lodger F 43 South Dakota
Ruth is a supervisor at a public shool and Margaret is a teacher. Ruth is single, Lena is widowed and Margaret is married. 
TALBOY, Margaret L (I21891)
2584 District 1, Hillsboro PO
Rigby, Russell 62 M NC
Mary 33 F Miss
Sidney 24 M Miss
Lidia 17 F Miss
Stephen 13 M MS
Andrew, Joseph 11 M MS
Margaret 8 F MS
Rigby, Charles 5 M MS
Marenda 2 F MS
Jones, Henry 3? M VA
Lilly, W W 25 M NC 
RIGBY, Russell Thomas (I10723)
2585 District 1, Marlow Town Road
Fred B Young Head M 24 Kentucky m. 0 yrs.
Jane Young Wife F 20 Tennessee 0/0 children 
YOUNG, Fred Brown (I11152)
2586 District 1, Marlow Town Road
Geo H Young Head M 56 Tennessee m. 30 yrs.
Maggie Young Wife F 53 Tennessee 4/4 children
George H Young Jr. Son M 21 Kentucky
Martha Young Dau F 13 Kentucky 
YOUNG, George H Jr (I11150)
2587 District 1, Solomonville
Lexie Moore Head F 34 Texas
Virgie Mae Moore Dau F 16 Texas
Milton Moore Son M 13 Texas
Lenora Fae Moore Dau F 11 Texas
Mary John Moore Dau F 5 Texas
The kids lived at Mount Enterprise in 1935 and Lexie lived in Sweetwater, Texas. Lexie is a housekeeper for a family. Under marital status, it has a 7. 
MOORE, Lexie Lue (I23942)
2588 District 1, Ward 23, 416 Trius? St.
Homer Mcewen Head M 31 Tennessee
Ella May Mcewen Wife F 27 Tennessee
Deanna Lee Mcewen Dau F 1 Tennessee
Robert E Lee F-in-l M 66 Kentucky
Bertha May Lee M-in-l F 51 Tennessee
Mary E Lee S-in-l F 15 Tennessee
Homer is a manager of an auto dealership, Ella is a telephone operator, and Robert is a truck driver for a wholesale lumber company.
Northeast side of Nashville, northwest of Shelby Golf Course. 
LEE, Robert Edward (I10088)
2589 District 10
Alfred Lee Head M 25 Tennessee
Nettie Lee Wife F 20 Tennessee
Jessie Lee Son M 2 Tennessee
Not Named Lee Son M 0 Tennessee 
LEE, Alfred J (I7688)
2590 District 10
Ella Mc Dugel Head F 40 Tennessee
Marschal Mc Dugel Son M 20 Tennessee
Agness Mc Dugel Dau F 17 Tennessee
Ellender Mc Dugel Dau F 9 Tennessee 
LEE, Richard Eleanor (I10091)
2591 District 10
Ella Vandercook Head F 65 Tennessee
Marshell Mcdougal Son M 31 Tennessee
Jettie Mcdougal D-in-l F 24 Tennessee
May Mcdougal G-dau F 6 Tennessee
Gene Mcdougal G-dau F 3 Tennessee
James Mcdougal G-son M 3 Tennessee
Marshall and Jettie work at the shoe factory. 
LEE, Richard Eleanor (I10091)
2592 District 10
Ella Vandercook Head F 65 Tennessee
Marshell Mcdougal Son M 31 Tennessee
Jettie Mcdougal D-in-l F 24 Tennessee
May Mcdougal G-dau F 6 Tennessee
Gene Mcdougal G-dau F 3 Tennessee
James Mcdougal G-son M 3 Tennessee
Marshall and Jettie work at the shoe factory. 
MCDOUGAL, Marshall James (I10112)
2593 District 10
Hiram Clark ?tab?Self ?tab?M ?tab?26 ?tab?Tennessee
Minerva Clark ?tab?Mother ?tab?F ?tab?51 ?tab?North Carolina
Janey Clark ?tab?Sister ?tab?F ?tab?16 ?tab?Tennessee
Mary Clark ?tab?Sister ?tab?F ?tab?11 ?tab?Tennessee
William Clark ?tab?Brother M ?tab?28 ?tab?Tennessee
Willie Clark ?tab?Nephew ?tab?M ?tab?10 ?tab?Tennessee
Mallie Clark ?tab?Niece ?tab?F ?tab? 7 ?tab?Tennessee
Charley Clark ?tab?Nephew ?tab?M ?tab? 1 ?tab?Tennessee
Minerva and William are widowed. 
CLARK, William (I16872)
2594 District 10
Hiram Clark ?tab?Self ?tab?M ?tab?26 ?tab?Tennessee
Minerva Clark ?tab?Mother ?tab?F ?tab?51 ?tab?North Carolina
Janey Clark ?tab?Sister ?tab?F ?tab?16 ?tab?Tennessee
Mary Clark ?tab?Sister ?tab?F ?tab?11 ?tab?Tennessee
William Clark ?tab?Brother M ?tab?28 ?tab?Tennessee
Willie Clark ?tab?Nephew ?tab?M ?tab?10 ?tab?Tennessee
Mallie Clark ?tab?Niece ?tab?F ?tab? 7 ?tab?Tennessee
Charley Clark ?tab?Nephew ?tab?M ?tab? 1 ?tab?Tennessee
Minerva and William are widowed. 
CLARK, Hiram (I17708)
2595 District 10
Hiram Clark ?tab?Self ?tab?M ?tab?26 ?tab?Tennessee
Minerva Clark ?tab?Mother ?tab?F ?tab?51 ?tab?North Carolina
Janey Clark ?tab?Sister ?tab?F ?tab?16 ?tab?Tennessee
Mary Clark ?tab?Sister ?tab?F ?tab?11 ?tab?Tennessee
William Clark ?tab?Brother M ?tab?28 ?tab?Tennessee
Willie Clark ?tab?Nephew ?tab?M ?tab?10 ?tab?Tennessee
Mallie Clark ?tab?Niece ?tab?F ?tab? 7 ?tab?Tennessee
Charley Clark ?tab?Nephew ?tab?M ?tab? 1 ?tab?Tennessee
Minerva and William are widowed. 
MCELROY, Minerva (I17709)
2596 District 10
James T Mcdougal Head M 40 Tennessee
Ella Mcdougal Wife F 37 Tennessee
Marshall Mcdougal Son M 11 Tennessee
Agnes Mcdougal Dau F 5 Tennessee 
MCDOUGAL, James Tyree (I10111)
2597 District 10
King B Browner Head M 55 Tennessee
Martha Browner Wife F 43 Tennessee
Thomas Browner Son M 21 Tennessee
Edwin Browner Son M 13 Tennessee 
BRAWNER, King Baker (I10104)
2598 District 10
LEE, Henry head 42 Farmer Tenn Tenn Tenn
Bettie L wife 49 None Tenn Tenn Tenn
Lanyard son 21 Farm helper
Oscar 16 Farm helper
John A 2 None 
LEE, Richard Henry (I10092)
2599 District 10
Lenard Lee Head M 32 Tennessee
Annie Lee Wife F 29 Tennessee
Betty Lee Dau F 6 Tennessee
Nelly Lee Dau F 4 Tennessee
James Lee Son M 2 Tennessee
Willie Gregory M-in-l F 67 Tennessee
Walter Pryor Uncle M 65 Tennessee 
LEE, Leonard James (I10118)
2600 District 10
Mattie Brawner Head F 63 Tennessee
Virgil Brawner Son M 37 Tennessee
Tom Brawner Son M 35 Tennessee 
LEE, Martha June (I10089)

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