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4101 I found two marriages in Kosciusko County for a Nancy Hale, one was too old and the other was too young. HALE, Nancy (I23806)
4102 I got her name from the letter George wrote to Irene. He called her Mrs Louise Krause but I believe he meant Miss, she was only 20 when they married. KRAUSE, Emily Louise (I10433)
4103 I had several telephone interviews with Ima from 2000-2002. We discussed her family and Wiley's family. She had an incredible memory and she had "notes" about things she was afraid she would forget. I don't know what happened to her notes and I wish I had recorded our conversations. She is my grandmother. Source (S513)
4104 I have a copy of the page from the book. Family: Hankerson ASHBY / Peggy J TRAMMEL (F2158)
4105 I have a copy of this little book. Source (S284)
4106 I have a lot of doubts about this line even though three Sparks married Boatwrights.

Parker Co TX, Land

"A great many years ago, two great-grandchildren of Willoughby and Polly (Harrell) Sparks, Frank Sparks and Segonia (Sparks) Pritchett, found Mary's (Polly's) grave in Hills Cemetery. It had a headstone marker then which read "Polly Sparks, 1813." When they revisited the cemetery the following year for the purpose of replacing the marker, someone had removed it.
"Hill Cemetery is in Parker County, TX. It is off of I-20 on Gilbert Pit Road. Go down the road past the gravel pit and the cattle guard. It is on the right back off the road." [George Boatright,] [This stone is still in the cemetery.]

I don't believe this information is correct for our Polly Sparks, it would make her only a child when these children were born and she was married previously. I don't believe she married at 10. Her stone may say 1813 but it would be obviously incorrect. 
BOATWRIGHT, Mary (I6511)
4107 I have a photo of Father Reicher she dated at 1924 and said she had been working at the Chancery for one year. RICKERT, Irene Pearl (I1813)
4108 I have christening records for George and James that give George Fowlie and Margaret Cantly as their parents and Jane is listed as James's sister on the 1880 census. William, Alexander, and Joseph are usually listed near this family but I don't know that they are Margaret's children; she would have been rather old to have Joseph circa 1843. I also found a record for an Arthur Fowlie born in 1835 who is connected somehow. The children's ages and birthdates are not consistent which makes it difficult.

Margaret's tomstone gives the birth year 1785, which isn't consistent with the census records and makes the births of the younger children improbable. It's possible that Alex and Joseph are sons of George the younger. 
CANTLY, Margaret (I22317)
4109 I have copies of two news articles that are about Bladen and his lost grave. The first (1930) bemoans the fate of the grave after his family moved to Michigan and the second (1942) celebrates the placing of a memorial stone by the DAR.

Hardin Co. Will Book A p. 34
Be it Remembered that on the 21 November 1796 I do Emancipate set free and Exonerate from slavery Negro BECKY from me and my Heirs for Ever as far as I have any right or title to her for good services and faithfulness to her Mistress. Given from under my hand the date and date above.
Hardin Co. Will Book A p. 34-At a Court held for Hardin County on Tuesday the 22 Nov 1796 the foregoing Emancipation was acknowledged by the said JOHN VERTREES and ordered to be Recorded. We the subscribers who intermarried with the Daughter of ABRAHAM VANMETER deceased do Emancipate set free and further Exonerate from slavery a negro man named GENERAL belonging to the Estate of the said deceased from our selves and this Given under our hands and seals this 19 day of March 1797.
At a Court held for Hardin County on Tuesday the 25 day of March 1797 the foregoing Emancipation was Acknowledged by BLADEN ASHBY, THOMSON ASHBY and JAMES EADLEN and was ordered to be Recorded.
Hardin Co. Will Book A p. 34-I do hereby Certify that I have Emancipated my Negro man JAMES from any further services as a Slave to myself or Heirs for Ever and request that the Court May admit the same to Record. Given under my hand this 20 Nov 1796.
Recorded at a court for Hardin County 22 Jan 1797.
[These dates don't work.]

Index to Lettel's Laws of Kentucky,_________SMITH; Bladen ASHBY listed as trustee of Hardin Academy.

DAR Application #103198 
ASHBY, Bladen (I5050)
4110 I have material you will like in regard to Tipton Thompson. What I am writing now is all off the top of my head: In about 1979 when I was first gathering family material and asking living family members about family history, I found documents, among the documents that I know were my family's, having to do with the guardianship of the minor children of James Thompson -who died in Logansport about 1829. (I know you have Tipton's birth as 1832, but it had to have been before that). Their mother's name was Catherine. The children whose names I remember were Dunham, Hedge, Tipton, and Margaret. Possibly more than 4. I have never been able to understand just why these documents were with my family's documents.
I have an ancestor named Nancy Thompson whose father was Richard Thompson. I have never been able to find out if this James Thompson was a brother of Nancy. They were of the same generation. As you well know, Thompson research can be very difficult! And my main focus is on other ancestors. If Tipton had a more common given name, I would never have been able to make a connection. [Linda Pugh] 
4111 I have no idea what his name is supposed to be. COOK, Emisiah (I17391)
4112 I have no idea what this man's name actually is. BLINCO, Benjamin Benkley (I645)
4113 I have no idea where all these children were for the 1870 Census. It's possible that we have mixed two families or that Elev had more than one wife. Almost every record that gives a surname for Mari, gives a different one. I can only be sure of the 1880 census that includes Erik. It wouldn't make sense for them to have one child, jump to 6 children and then back to one. The 1880 adds in Bottle Iversen in the next household. Is this Mari's father? If so, it ties the two families together.
If there are two families, Elev, Mary Botolvsdatter/Iverson and Anna are the first family with Elev, Mari Berg/Berkan and the rest of the children as the second family. Unfortunately, this is what happens when you don't record sources and/or accept help from other researchers who don't supply sources.

I believe the proper way to display the places in Norway would be similar to Sterb, Aurland, Sogn og Fjordane, Norway. Aurland is a kommune, a municipality, similar to a township. Sogn og Fjordane is a fylke and is similar to a county. Sterb would be a village or maybe a farm. The places marked with an asterisk * do not exist in my database of places spelled as they are in my locations. Some of them may be in a different kommune or fylke.

The historical Norwegian naming pattern is pretty straight-forward. The child has a given name and surname that is made up of his/her father's name with the suffix sen (for boys) or datter/dtr (for girls). Therefore, our Elev (or Eilef) is the son of Erik (the son of Eilef) and our Mari is the daughter of Botolv (the son of Ivar). When these families came to America, they had to settle on one surname for the entire family. In some cases, siblings used different surnames. Too, their names were "Americanized" sen became son - Erickson - and datters became the sons of their grandfathers - Mari Iverson. [For my Norwegian friends: I know very little of your customs so I have made this as simple as possible for the folks who know nothing.] 
ERIKSEN, Elev (I4837)
4114 I have no proof for this child. REYNOLDS, Rose Ettie (I753)
4115 I have no proof of who she married or where she lived or died. TANKERSLEY, Elizabeth (I23657)
4116 I have NO PROOF that any of these children are the offspring of Rowland and Clarissa. I have NO PROOF that Rowland and Clarissa are the parents of our Tabitha. Our link from Tabitha to Rowland is that she named a son Roland Tankersley Burford.

Everything I have for Tabitha's parentage and siblings is guesswork. If you use my name as a resource, I would appreciate it if you would record that I said so. 
TANKERSLEY, Rowland (I2512)
4117 I have no proof that Franklin is the son of Isaac and Polly. KIRKLEY, Franklin Duzell (I15860)
4118 I have no proof that James and Ollie are the parents of Joseph. TOWLER, James (I17997)
4119 I have no proof that OUR Solomon is the son of this William.

He was born in Virginia or Kentucky.

Solomon went to Smith Co., Texas, just south of present day Tyler, sometime before 1850 and claimed land as his pension right for service in the War of 1812. A family tale has it that his son, Jackson Calvin, went to work for a man there who refused to pay him. In an altercation over this, Solomon struck the man with a fireplace tool. Fearing reprisal, he left his lands to his mentally retarded daughter, Elizabeth, asked her brother, William, to care for her and returned to Arkansas where he settled and raised the younger children.
Solomon died in Rogers from injuries suffered in a fall. His son, Elijah, in claiming his veteran's burial costs explained it as "fell, brained hisself, and was insane til he died."

According to the 1850 census of Smith County, Solomon was born in Virginia.

He enlisted in the War of 1812 at Adair Co, KY and served as a private in Captain Adkisson's Company. He was honorably discharged at Columbia, Adair Co, KY in 1814.

He married Ann at Cumberland, Harlan Co, KY in 1814. They had a son, Solomon, born in 1816 and a son, William, born in 1818, both births in KY. Another son, Elijah, was born in Missouri. The 1850 Census has the family living in Tyler, Smith Co, TX. Six children living with them : Elizabeth, b. 1832, MO; James, b. 1834, MO; Etta, b. 1836, MO; Jackson, b. 1838, MO; Edmund, b. 1842, AR; and John, b. 1844, AR.

In 1857, Solomon and Ann left their children in Tyler and went by horseback to Bentonville, Benton Co, AR, where they lived with their son, William, until their deaths. Ann died first. Solomon died at age 89 on July 26, 1879 following injuries received in a fall.

Solomon and Anna are listed from 1852-1855 in the Roll Books of the Seven Leagues Church. "Seven Leagues, Texas and the Baptist Church of Christ at Seven Leagues. Located near present-day Noonday not far from the Neches River in southwestern Smith County. This article submitted by Wilma Thedford comes from a book belonging to Lois Cambern Marsh, 2200 Evergreen, Pampa, TX 79065, entitled "They Came to Stay." Lois March, the author of this book, was a descendant of the Kutch and Cambern families. The Seven Leagues Society was a member of the Jacksonville Circuit, Tyler District, Methodist Episcopal Church South, East Texas Conference. All names copied according to the clerk's spelling." 
ARMSTRONG, Solomon William (I173)
4120 I have no proof that OUR Solomon is the son of THIS William.

William's 1826 Patent was in Township 48, which bordered Boone County just east of Columbia, which I believe puts the patent west of Millersburg (which is in Section 35). This is part of Bourbon Township (established 1825).

Declaration for pension.
I was born on the 20th of January 1759 in Paxtang, Lancaster Co, PA. I have no evidence of my age but decrepitude and gray hairs. The Bible in which it was recorded I have often seen and is, I have reason to believe, in the hands of someone of the family in Kentucky. At about five years of age, my father moved across the Susquehannah to Cumberland Co [PA] near to Carlisle taking me along with him. I was living there when I first entered the service of my country. It was about the 12th day of May 1777 that I was enrolled in one Captain Jordan's Company of Militia and took the oath of alligiance to Congress along with all the troops on parade amounting to hundreds. From this time I held myself in readiness to march upon the first summons and it was not long until my services were required for the British and Indians having laid seige to fort Freeland on the west branch of the Susquehannah. Some five or six hundred men were ordered to march from York and Cumberland Counties to the relief of the Fort. Upon this occasion, I became a volunteer in Captain Asa Hill's Company (other company officers not recollected). And on the first day of July 1777, to the best of my recollection, we marched from Carlisle and went to Fort Freeland which we found in ashes having been taken and destroyed by the enemy. The fire was not yet extinguished and we found the bodies of men, women, and children lying about the Fort which we buried and then hastened forward in order to overtake the enemy but after pursuing them about 100 miles beyond the Fort in the direction of Niaora. The pursuit became hopeless and was given over and we spent some considerable time ranging backwards and forwards in the Buffalo Valley and on the frontiers in order to protect the frontier settlements. And after having undergone considerable hardships and privations, we returned to our homes which we reached months after the day we had left them and dispersed - for I cannot say we were discharged, as no written discharges were given. I think our force amounted to somewhere about six or seven hundred men in this expedition. We were joined on our outward march by some flaming fellows, field officers I suppose, but who they were I cannot now recollect. The only field officer of whom I have any recollections as having been engaged in that expedition was one Major Gibson. I think Thomas Gibson who resided in our town of Carlisle and who went out as our Major.
In the fall of the year 1777 there came an order from the government to raise troops in our part of the County to be marched to Valley Forge where General Washington and the American forces were encamped, the British being at the same time in possession of Philadelphia about sixteen miles off. Being an apprentice in Carlisle at that time, though I was anxious to march, I was not allowed to volunteer but had to stand a draft, and the lot fell upon me as one of those who would have to march. Accordingly, on Christmas, or a very few days before, we took up the line of march for Valley Forge. What makes me recollect the time is that either in York or Lancaster, through both of which places we passed, New Year's Day rejoicings were going on. The Congress was sitting in York, and I myself tho' young at the time had a conversation with one General Roberdoux, a member of Congress I think, as we passed through. The Company in which I marched was commanded by Captain William McClure who lived within three miles of Carlisle. I think the name of the Lieutenant was Donaldson, the Ensign I do not recollect. We were but two companies together on the march. We crossed the Susquehannah at Wright's Ferry and proceeded along the Philadelphia till we reached the White Horse where we turned off to the left, went by the Yellow Springs and thence to Valley Forge, which was but a few miles farther. We reached Valley Forge a few days after New Years in 1778 where we found the whole American Army under General George Washington. there was a General Wayne, General Lafayette Sutben (it is unclear whether this is a 'misrecorded' reference to two people: the Marquis de Lafayette and General Steuben, both of whom were at Valley Forge), there was my intimate acquaintance Major Hay who was wounded at the storming of Stoney Point. Captain James Morrison afterwards Colonel Morrison who died not many years since at Lexington, KY. Colonel Butler who was afterward General Butler and who fell at St Clair's Defeat, Captain Thomas of the regulars who was wounded at the Battle of Germantown. these last four I was well acquainted with personally. When we reached Valley Forge, we were placed under the command of one General Lacy who, though a Quaker, had suffered his love of country to subdue his Quaker principles so far as to engage him in warlike occupations.
We did not remain in camp, but almost as soon as we had reached it, we marched under the command of General Lacy across the Shikill into Bucks and Philadelphia Counties and cruised about between the enemy and Valley Forge in order to cut off the foraging parties of the enemy and protect the inhabitants. We had no engagement while out. We several times met with a few of the enemy who generally fled firing and receiving a fire from us. I recollect that one night during our march we were met at midnight by a detachment under the command of Colonel Butler who I presume was engaged in the same sort of service with ourselves. I remember seeing our General Lacy and the Colonel embrace and after having had some conference, the commanders and detachments parted. Some time in March we returned to Valley Forge, what fixes this in my recollection is that during our absence from camp we heard that a disturbance had occured in the Pennsylvania Line of the occasion of the celebrating of St Patrick's Day which was on the 17th of March. We marched back to Carlisle by the same way we had gone and saw Congress still sitting in Little York. We reached Carlisle on the last day of March or within not more than 6 or 8 days of that time as I firmly believe and were regularly discharged. When I say we were discharged, I understood we were discharged by General Lacy whilst we were in Bucks County under his command owing to the approach of the expiration of our term of service and thence went to Valley Forge and thence home to Carlisle. We received written discharges from our Captains but I have lost mine many a day ago. In fact I never thought about preserving mine. It is right that I should say what is a fact that tho' I was drafted no one was ever more willing to march than I was and I would have volunteered if I had liberty to do so. In this campaign I was engaged three months or more I believe. After this I remained in Carlisle until I was married and very soon after that removed to Westmoreland County in the same state. Whilst there a detachment of British and Indians made an attack upon Hannah's Town about 30 miles east of Pittsburgh. Several Companies were immediately raised all volunteers who, under the command of one Colonel John Perry, marched to the relief of Hannah's Town. I was with this expedition in Captain Daniel williamson's Company, subaltern officers not recollected. When we reached Hannah's Town it was involved in smoke. The town was burned to ashes, a small Fort that had been in the town had, however, held out and escaped the flames. Many of the people were killed. Mrs. Hannah and her daughter with many others were taken prisoners. The enemy had left the town about 24 hours before we reached it. We pursued them northwardly about one hundred miles. Finding it impossible to overtake them we returned towards home and were ordered in detachments of fifty, twenty-five, to different Stockdale forts that were about the frontiers to scout and guard the settlements and after having been engaged in this service from the first day of our marching about two months, we were discharged without any particular formality, being permitted to go to our several homes. I think this happened near the close of the War about the year 1781/1782 but to state the day on which we marched out and the day we were discharged is impossible and I hope will not be considered indispensible when my great age is considered. I refer, however, to history which I presume must have noticed the burning of Hannah's Town. It must have been not more than a day or two previous to that event that we marched as we lived in the same county of which is the (Last of Justice) and I have stated that we were not discharged from active service for two months or thereabouts, I can not be more particular. Mrs. Hannah and several of the other prisoners afterward got back home for I remember to have seen them. Hannah's town was burned in July and the succeeding fall, I think in October, a campaign was projected against the Indians up the Allegany and a considerable number of troops were raised by volunteering of which I was one. We marched under the command of General Erwin of Pittsburgh and ascended the Allegany for a considerable distance but, whether the General thought our force insufficient or what other cause there might have been I never could learn certain it is, we were ordered back and returned home after an absence of about six weeks. I served in the expedition under the same Captain Dan williamson as a volunteer. We did no good on that expedition and I always considered it a complete failure. We however spent some of our time in scouting and ranging on the frontier in order to protect the settlements and allay the fears of the inhabitants. A year or two after this I removed to Lexington, KY and found there that although the war was over with for England, it was not over with the Indians for I volunteered in a company of horses commanded by Captain Nathaniel Wilson of Lexington whence we marched to Major Shelby's house whence we marched under his command southward into what was then called Tennessee against the Chicamauge Indians. Whilst on our march we were met by an express from the governor of North Carolina and informed that some sort of a treaty had been made with those Indians which would render our further services unnecessary whereupon we marched back home after an absence of about six weeks.
I, after this, volunteered to march against the Indians northwest of the Ohio and made a fruitless march of some days or weeks being ordered back by General Scott. I have not mentioned all the military services which I have rendered my country as it would make too long a story. I have always marched when there was a prospect of danger. I have had two brothers who were killed in the Revolutionary War, one near Philadelphia under General Washington, another in Clark's Campaign to the west. Taking my first three expeditions together, I served fully seven months and taking all together I believe more than a year. I am old and fortune has not smiled upon me. Both these have probably conspired to prey as well upon my memory as upon my body. I do not know any living person by whom I can prove the rendition of the services which I have mentioned. Colonel Morrison of Lexington who died a few years ago is the last man within my knowledge with whom I was acquainted in service.
I lived in Kentucky about Lexington for a great many years of my life where I was well known and could refer to many respectable men of that state to testify as to my character both a man of integrity and truth of my Revolutionary Services. I could name as such W I Barry, Felix Grundy, Henry Clay, all of whom I knew when they were boys and who, if they will tax their memories a little, can speak of me. From Kentucky, I came to this country and have resided in this County of Callaway for the last few years and am known here to many, several of whom knew me in Kentucky and some of whom have heard their parents speak of me. Amongst those to whom I be known I will name the Judges of this Court, also Colonel William A Rupell, Colonel J I Moore, E B Litton, and many others.

William and Sarah lived in Cumberland County until about 1783, then moved to the following places: Westmoreland, Lexington KY with 13 children: John, Nancy, George, Elijah, Solomon, Jane, William, Elizabeth, Malinda, Sarah, Mary, Andrew, and Samuel. Some of the children moved west into Calloway Co MO in 1831.

William and Sarah moved to Louisa, Va then to Lexington, KY. Shortly before his death, they moved to Callaway Co, MO. After William's death, Sarah returned to Fayette, KY to the home of her daughter and was living there in 1860 at age 91. Federal Census 1860.

DAR Application of Jennie Belle Wilmont Philippi, approved April 12, 1951. She sent copies of Bible records, wills, deeds, obituaries, and grave inscriptions, and other records for each generation below - filed under NSDar #320371 and 372205. She states on Ancestor's services:
William Armstrong enlisted first about May 12, 1777 in the Cumberland Co, PA Militia. He served under Captains Jordan, Asa Hil,, William McClure, Daniel Williamson, and Colonel John Perry. In his Pension application he stated he was at Valley Forge with Washington in 1777. He fought against the Indians after the Revolutionary War. He was pensioned under the Act of June 7 1832 on Certificate # 13 362 which was paid at the Missouri Agency. His widow. Sarah, was pensioned under the Act of June 4, 1836, on Certificate # 4 382 and was paid at the Kentucky Agency. Pension listed as "Armstrong, William W."
Was sued by Thomas Anderson of North Carolina who appointed Henry Clay as his lawyer. 
ARMSTRONG, William (I512)
4121 I have no proof that she is Henry's daughter. HOOPER, Ruth (I16448)
4122 I have no proof that these are the correct parents.

This company was from Rusk Co., but also had many others from Panola & Nacogdoches Counties. Disease was rampant in this outfit, causing 25 deaths in the last half of 1862 of of the remaining troops, only 1/2 were well enough to make roll call. Capt. Wallace wrote a moving journal account of his company in which he describes much of the suffering of his troops which describes such things as starving, sleeping in the snow without tents or blankets & of the illness they suffered.
Wallace, H. A., Capt., Minden
McCallum, D. A., 1st Lt., Pine Hill

Garland Daily News
9-9-1900 Alex McCallum...age 82 years
Is this Duncan Alexander? I don't know which are his children.

Dallas County Directory 1881-1882 McCollum, D. A. K. 
MCCALLUM, Duncan Alexander (I7149)
4123 I have no PROOF that this Drewry is my Drury's father. I am going by name, location and date only.

Old Dobbs County Johnston/Dobbs/Lenoir Counties Grantor Index
Book 12 April 1779 - April 1784
From To Page
Monk, Menan Drury Alldridge 200
Taylor, Robert Drury Alldridge 498

The park at the Bluffs was inherited by Drew Jr. and kept up with some improvements until the war. 
ALDRIDGE, Drewry Jr (I10013)
Elias relocated to St. Clair Co, Missouri sometime between 1854 and 1859.
Elias Disney no state filed - "Conf Mo. S. M. C A?" filed as invalid: 9 May? Nov? 1886?, app #564,277? cert #395,470
Elias was elected County Judge in 1865 and resigned that post in November 1866 to become the County Sheriff. He was removed from that position on May 11, 1868.
I'm still unsure of his being John Clark's brother. If he IS JC's brother, this information is fairly accurate. However, I have NOTHING to prove that Elias is the son of John Thomas Disney. 
DISNEY, Judge Elias B (I3525)
4125 I have no proof that this Thomas is the father of Thomas J Chambers or that these people are Thomas J's siblings. CHAMBERS, Thomas Jr (I17130)
4126 I have no proof that this Thomas J Chambers is the father of our James. CHAMBERS, Thomas J (I16980)
4127 I have no proof that William is the son of John and Sarah. MOORE, William Gaines (I23983)
4128 I have no records on Robert. SHEPHEARD, Robert (I10742)
4129 I have not found a cemetery stone for Erik. ERICKSON, Erik (I4835)
4130 I have not had much luck in tracking these girls. The last I see of Jennie, Minty and Hattie is in 1910 in Simpson County with Edgar and Della. Mary and Frances are lost after 1900 with their dad. CARTER, Joseph B (I17702)
4131 I have only one real reference for Sarah's age, from the 1830 census, she is either 15-20 or 30-40. Since she supposedly has a 20ish year old son, I've chosen the older bracket and estimated her birth to be 1790.
- A class of the Methodist Episcopal denomination was organized at the house of Johnson Bonham as early as 1831. Among the earliest members were Johnson Bonham and wife, Amos Bonham, Mrs. Meredith Parrish, Mrs. Addison Hampton, Nathan Frakes and wife, Mrs. William Fountain and Barna Beardsley and wife. The class was organized by Revs. Thomas Thompson and Elnathan C. Gavit. In 1851 this society built a frame church across the line in Findlay Township, which is still used by the Methodists of the neighborhood. [Putnam Co, OH] 
GALBREATH, Sarah Elizabeth (I11375)
4132 I have quite a lot of information on the James Forrey family. James Forrey was my great grandmother's (Mary Grace) first husband. Try a search of the New Orleans, Louisiana 1880 census under the name Forey. It will list James, Mary Grace, Annie, Rose and Mary. After much research, I obtained baptismal certificates from St. Michael's Church in New Orleans for all three of the girls which gives their birth dates and their baptismal dates, along with the names of their sponsors. How do you know that James Forrey was born in County Mayo, Ireland and died in 1883? I have been searching the New Orleans Death Index, but have been unable to locate James Forrey. I know that Mary Grace married a William Murray (my great grandfather) around 1884-1885 in New Orleans and they moved to Galveston, Texas. You can locate them in the 1900 Galveston Texas Census under William Murray. That is how they ended up in Galveston. I hope someone reads this because I have been doing research for about the last year and this if the first time I have come across someone that is researching the same family I am. I hope you can e-mail me at gracesmith54 at [deceased] FORREY, James (I5870)
4133 I have two transcription sources that spell his middle name Bill and Bille but the original 1880 census looks like Bell to me. BUSHONG, John Bell (I21411)
4134 I haven't been able to find anything else on Aaron and Opal. GARDNER, Aaron (I14894)
4135 I haven't found a marriage record for them in Missouri under these names. Family: William Marion MONTGOMERY / Hettie Frances GARDNER (F5972)
4136 I haven't found as much on William's family as I would like. The way this family moved around, I can't comfortably say that William probably died in Missouri. It's possible that he could have gone back to South Dakota, to Colorado or even Nebraska. MCGHEE, William Taylor (I8837)
4137 I haven't located Henry's tombstone. It seems that he and Effie divorced and he remarried to Cora. SHUMAKER, Henry Albert (I9296)
4138 I kept Isabel and Elizabeth Bell separated for 15 years simply because I was reluctant to let go. Isabel is on the 1900 and 1910 Federal Census records. On her death certificate, her name is listed as Bell Elizabeth Fincher. The 1900 Census shows her birth as Nov 1896. ARMSTRONG, Bell Elizabeth (I40)
4139 I know that the information on Lewis and Mary is correct but I don't know that this Lewis is the son of John James Allred. ALLRED, Lewis P (I24276)
4140 I know this is the correct information about Albert but I'm not sure the census record is our Albert. CHAPPELL, Albert (I16056)
4141 I lost them after the 1920 census. MELLEN, Eleanor Perry (I11298)
4142 I need to see the original marriage record. MCGHEE, Mary Ann (I8839)
4143 I no longer know where I got Sarah's name. PAGE, Sarah B (I9036)
4144 I no longer remember where I got this name. BURFORD, Louis Knox (I2465)
4145 I no longer remember where I got this name. BURFORD, Sydney Forrest (I2479)
4146 I only found the marriage license, nothing about it being solemnized. Family: Benjamin Franklin BASKERVILLE / Mary CLARK (F2210)
4147 I only have 3 references for Jane's age, 1831, 1832 and 1840. I'm more certain of James's birthdate in 1832, so am using 1831 for Jane. It's pretty clear that these siblings didn't know each other's birthdates. FOWLIE, Jane (I22326)
4148 I remember my Uncle Wiley, the sweetest person you could know. He had a pretty big farm and a little country general store at Blackjack, close to Troup. He was the kindest person and sold on credit and let people pay up when crops came in. My Mother has talked about walking home from school with her cousin and always stopping at Uncle Wiley's and Aunt Ota's house on the way home. Aunt Ota always kept sweet potatoes baked and on the back of the stove to keep warm so that the children could snack on them after school. [Beverly Rigsby] SHAW, Wiley Augustus (I8569)
4149 I shared many letters and email notes with this Grace descendant. Source (S525)
4150 I still haven't sorted this out. I don't know if I have two women confused or if Annie Bell was really married three times. When I questioned her neices, they told me she was married several times and were sure about Chaney and Favers. SHEPHEARD, Annie Bell (I2747)

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