Matches 4,451 to 4,500 of 8,746
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4451 |
Jefferson Township
Edward W Ashby Head M 40 Iowa Single
Henry H Ashby Brother M 47 Iowa Widowed, blind
George Ashby Head M 18 Iowa (IA IL) | ASHBY, Edward W (I19489)
4452 |
Jefferson Township
Henry is blind. | ASHBY, Henry H (I19487)
4453 |
Jefferson Township
Hommer Coon Head M 56 Missouri
Ida Coon Wife F 49 Missouri | COON, Homer (I23115)
4454 |
Jefferson Township
J W Ashby Self M 51 Ohio
Mary Ashby Wife F 38 Germany
James W Ashby Son M 22 Iowa
John A Ashby Son M 20 Iowa
Henry H Ashby Son M 18 Iowa
Martha A Ashby Dau F 13 Iowa
Edward Ashby Son M 11 Iowa
Walter Ashby Son M 9 Iowa
Mary Etta Ashby Dau F 4 Iowa | ASHBY, John Washington (I5090)
4455 |
Jefferson Township
James Ashby M 36 Louisa County
Lydia J Ashby F 33 Louisa County
Clarence E Ashby M 11 Louisa County
Clyde P Ashby M 9 Tama County
Harvey L Ashby M 6 Woodbury County
Thomps R Ashby M?tab? 0 Louisa County | ASHBY, James William (I19485)
4456 |
Jefferson Township
James W Ashby Head M 42 May 1858 Iowa m. 19 yrs
Liddie J Ashby Wife F 36 Sep 1863 Iowa 5/5 children
Clarence E Ashby Son M 16 Sep 1883 Iowa
Clyde P Ashby Son M 14 Sep 1885 Iowa
Harvey Lee Ashby Son M 10 Apr 1890 Iowa
Thomps R Ashby Son M 5 May 1895 Iowa
Alma M Ashby Dau F 1 Jul 1898 Iowa | ASHBY, James William (I19485)
4457 |
Jefferson Township
Jno Hendrix Male 35 Indiana
Elizabeth Hendrix Female 23 Indiana
Jasper Hendrix Male 12 Indiana
William Hendrix Male 9 Indiana
Frank Hendrix Male 6 Indiana | HENDRIX, John H (I15108)
4458 |
Jefferson Township
John A Ashby M 35 Louisa County
Myrtle J Ashby F 22 Illinois
George R Ashby M 4 Louisa County
Bertha L Ashby F 2 Louisa County
Bessie M Ashby F 0 Louisa County | ASHBY, John A (I19486)
4459 |
Jefferson Township
John A Ashby Head M 40 Dec 1859 Iowa m. 4 yrs.
Rosa A Ashby Wife F 19 Jun 1880 Iowa 3/3 children
George Ashby Son M 9 Jul 1890 Iowa
Birtha Ashby Dau F 8 May 1892 Iowa
Elmer Ashby Son M 1 Nov 1898 Iowa | ASHBY, John A (I19486)
4460 |
Jefferson Township
John W Ashby M 31 Ohio
Anna M Ashby F 21 Prusia
James W Ashby M 2 Iowa
John E Ashby M 5/12 Iowa | ASHBY, John Washington (I5090)
4461 |
Jefferson Township
John W Ashby Sr M 65 Ohio, retired, Baptist, widowed
Edward W Ashby M 24 Tama County, Methodist
Walter M Ashby M 22 Louisa County, Methodist
Henry W Langford M 27 Allamakee County | ASHBY, John Washington (I5090)
4462 |
Jefferson Township
31 8 59 63 Wm. Ashby 28 M X 5 IN Farmer
32 8 Eliza Ashby 22 F X 5 OH
33 8 Calvin Ashby 3 M 3 IA
34 8 Rachel Ashby 0 F 0 IA | ASHBY, William M (I5048)
4463 |
Jefferson Township
Nancy Harland F 32 Ohio
Eliza Ann Harland F 2 Indiana
Christiana Harland F 2 Indiana
next door to Hankerson. | ASHBY, Nancy (I5054)
4464 |
Jefferson Township
Thomas McCracken Self M 39 Missouri
Virginia McCracken Wife F 31 Missouri
William T McCracken Son M 10 Missouri
Marinda McCracken Dau F 6 Missouri
Lola McCracken Dau F 4 Missouri
Rusia McCracken Dau F 1 Missouri | MCCRACKEN, Thomas A (I8999)
4465 |
Jefferson Township, 7316 Richmond Place
John T Draper Head M 46 Nebraska
Mary Belle Draper Wife F 34 Illinois
William C Draper Son M 7 Nebraska
John is a government inspector for the Dept of Agriculture. | DRAPER, John Thomas (I21864)
4466 |
Jesse is a DAR certified Revolutionary patriot (Vol. 9, p. 115, Folio 4, Revolutionary Services, North Carolina State Archives) "for hauling supplies, housing the militia and supplying meat for the Army." That "he was too old to serve in the Army," as has been said, is not necessarily true. For various reasons, many who were not too old did not go; but if he had been born before 1725 he would have been too old. I would guess he was well into his eighties in January 1815 and that he died before his son Isaac went to South Carolina in 1816.
Elisha was twenty-seven and his first child was on the way when Jesse gave him land on Panther Creek for "love, good will and natural affection." I believe this tended to be a family pattern, possibly started by John of Chowan. When a young person showed signs of being ready, the parents tried to get him established. There are many such deeds on record- -notably among the Joseph Pipkin family of Wayne Co.
15 January 1806 Jesse Pipkin sold to Stewart Pipkin a slave boy. Jesse was listed as "being of ... unreadable .. ." but some think "Lincoln County, North Carolina." Recorded Smith County, Tennessee, Will Bk. 5, pg. 1 72 - (1805-1809) Witnessed: Joel Hines and Lewis Pipkin.
The last transaction of Jesse Pipkin was the grant he made to Arthur Branch 23 January 1815. Clarissa Branch was born that year, daughter of Arthur Branch and Sarah Keathley, born 1797. Sarah was the daughter of Mark and Elizabeth Pipkin Keathley. By the old rule of thumb, Elizabeth would have been born about 1776 and could have been one of the females in the 1790 census of Jesse. Nearby was a Samuel Tanner. In 1785 Tanner had sold to Jesse adjacent to Isaac Hines and the land that Jesse granted Archelaus in 1803 had once been Tanner land. In 1788 Isaac Hines "for love and affection" granted to Lewis Hines "a hundred acres in New Hanover County" a note on the abstract that I have says "now Duplin County." I don't know what this means. Duplin was formed 1750. But I don't think Lewis was as far away as New Hanover sounds.
Jesse sold land to Margaret Pipkin/Benton (John Pipkin III 1677-1745 1/2 Sister who married Frances Benton.)
Lenoir County, NC - Jesse Pipkin to Elisha Pipkin, 1801
To all people to whom these presents shall come, greetings. Know ye that I Jesse Pipkin of the county of Lenoir and State of North Carolina, for and in consideration of natural love, goodwill and affection that I have and do bequeath to my son Elisha Pipkin for other good causes have given executed and made over unto him the said Elisha Pipkin the following situated lying and being in the county of Wayne and Lenoir and on the south side of Neuse River, a survey of one hundred and fifty acres granted to me the said Jesse Pipkin the 27th day of October 1799 on the north side of Panther Creek beginning at a pine in Jonathan Benton's line and runs with the same North 70 East 40 poles to a black jack his own corner, then South 70 East 70 poles to a red oak Hines corner, then North 115 poles to a lightwood stake then North 70 West 175 poles to a pine and from thence a direct line to the beginning. Also one hundred acres being part of a survey granted to Bibbey Burk (Bush?) the 24th day of October 1786 for two hundred and fifty acres beginning at a stake in the third line of said patent and runs South 52 poles to Needham Whitfield's corner and being the joint corner of the said patent, then West 35 East 236 poles to a pine his corner then with his other line North 72 poles to a stake in the seventh line and from thence across the patent to the beginning and one hundred acres more or less containing the land on the West side of Panther Creek being part of a survey granted to me the said Jesse Pipkin for 300 acres the 13th day of October 1765, beginning in the giving line of the patent at the intersection of a small branch to the north of Francis Benton's plantation and runs down the __ of the same to the west prong of Panther Creek, then down the meanders of the same to the mouth of Huckle Berry branch, then up the meanders of Huckle Berry branch to the patent line and then with patent line to the beginning. The whole containing by estimation 350 acres more or less...this 13th day of February 1801.
In the presence of: /s/ Jesse Pipkin {Seal}
Wm. Whitfield
Jo. F. Bryan
Wayne County, NC - Jesse Pipkin Deed
WAYNE COUNTY N.C. DEED BOOK 7, page 114, (1779-1801)
To all people to whom these presents shall come, Greetings, Know ye that I Jesse Pipkin of the county of Lenoir and State of North Carolina for and in consideration of the natural love, goodwill and affection that I h ave and do bequeath to my son Elisha Pipkin for other good ___ have given Executed and made over unto him the said Elisha Pipkin his heirs assigns forever the following messages, tracts or parcel of land situated lying and being in the county of Wayne and Lenoir and on the south side of Neuse River, a survey of one hundred and fifty acres granted to me the said Jesse Pipkin the 27th day of October 1799 on the north side of Panther Creek beginning at a pine in Jonathan Bentons line and runs with the same North 70 (degrees) East 40 poles to a black jack his own corner then South 70 East 70 poles to a red oak Hines corner then North 115 poles to a lightwood stake then North 70 West 175 poles to a pine and from thence a direct line to the beginning.
Also one hundred acres being part of a survey granted to Bibby Bush the 24th day of October 1786 for two hundred acres beginning at a stake in the third line of said patent and runs South 52 poles to Needham Whitfield's corner and being the joint corner of the said patent, then West 32 poles to a pine Lewis Hines corner thence with his line South 44 poles to a black jack near Jesse Pipkin line then with his line West 35 East 236 poles to a pine his corner then with his other line North 72 poles to a stake in the seventh line and from thence across the patent to the beginning. And one hundred acres more or less containing the land on the West side of Panther Creek being part of a survey granted to me the said Jesse Pipkin 300 acres the 13th day of October 1765 beginning in the giveing? line of the patent at the intersection of a small branch to the north of Francis Bentons plantation and runs down the ___ of the same to the west prong of Panther creek now called Panther Branch, then down the meanders of the same to the mouth of the Huckle Berry branch then up the meanders of Huckle berry branch to the patent line and then with the patent line or lines to the beginning.
The whole containing by estimation 350 acres more or less, to have and to hold this aforesaid land and premises with all the improvements, privileges, conveniences of advantages to the same belonging or in anywise appurtaining unto him the said Elisha Pipkin, his heirs assigns forever and I the said Jesse Pipkin __ and forever defend all my rights title claims or demands of the same to him the said Elisha Pipkin his heirs and assigns forever against all persons claiming the same by for or under __ _. In witness whereof I the said Jesse Pipkin have herewith set my hand and affixed my seal this 13th day of February 1801.
Signed Sealed and Acknowd in the presence of Wm. Whitfield
Jesse Pipkin Jo. F. Bryan February Court 1801
Jesse Pipkin of Panther Creek, Lenoir County, NC
There is no proof that this Jesse is the son of John Pipkin who left a will in Chowan County, NC in 1745. However, John Pipkin had a son Jesse Pipkin who received a slave girl Dorothy as noted in the estate. He did not receive any land that is recorded.
This Jesse Pipkin was born at the latest by 1737-40 as he purchased land in Johnston County, NC from Joseph Benton during this period as recorded in Book 5, pg 634 of Johnston County Deeds (1758-61). He probably was older than this, for it appears that the younger sons were provided l and in John's will. Index data only, no specifics on deed.
The deed from Joseph Benton is the first record that has been located for Jesse Pipkin being in the Johnston County area. Johnston County included what was later, Wayne, Dobbs, Lenoir & Greene until 1758.
Jesse Pipkin received a land grant for 300 acres on Panther Creek on 13 Oct 1765. The original of this grant must be lost for it is not included in the list of land grants for Dobbs County. Jesse referenced this grant in the Wayne County Deed, Bk 7, pg 114, on 13 Feb 1801 when he deeded land to his son Elisha.
Jesse Pipkin received a land grant for 100 acres on the east side of Buck Swamp in Duplin County, NC on 27 Apr 1767.
Jesse Pipkin sold land to Margaret Benton as recorded on Dobbs County Deed Bk 9, pg 304 (1771-73). Index data only, no specifics.
Jesse Pipkin bought 100 acres of land in Sampson County, NC on Wolf Branch from John Roberts, Sampson Deed Book 3, pg 377-1772. Sampson County was not formed from Duplin until 1784 and I am not real sure that is this Jesse, but is possible.
Jesse Pipkin from Isaac Hines, Dobbs Deed Bk 10, pg 285 (1773-75)
Jesse Pipkin from Isaac Hines, Dobbs Deed Bk 10, pg 301 (1773-75)
Jesse Pipkin from ___ Benton, Dobbs Deed Bk 12, pg 487 (1779-84)
Jesse Pipkin received a land grant for 150 acres on the north side of Panther Creek in Dobbs County, NC along Jonathan Benton's line on 10 Nov 1 779. Grant Book 29, p 345 of Dobbs County.
Jesse Pipkin received 150 acres in a land grant on east side of Buck Marsh in Duplin County, NC on 21 Sep 1785. Duplin Deed Bk B, pg 90.
26 Nov 1785, Jesse Pipkin bought 60 acres from Samuel Tanner, land joined Isaac Hines, Jesse Pipkin & Richard Robert. Wit by Daniel Hines, & Elizabeth Davis. Duplin Co Deed Bk 1A, pg 319.
1790 Census of Dobbs County, Newbern District shows Jesse Pipkin, 1 male over 16, 4 males under 16, 3 white females, 6 slaves
Jesse Pipkin bought 100 acres on the side of the Neuse River and south side of Cox's branch, Needham Whitfield corner, Lewis Hines corner, Jesse Pipkin line, from Bibby Bush, 24 Apr 1790. Wayne Co Deed Bk 5, pg 77.
1790 Census has next door to Jesse, John Pipkin, 1 male over 16, 2 males under 16, 1 female, 1 slave - he is of unknown relation to Jesse, possibly an older son, but there is no record of his owning any land; he witnessed the deed of 27 Jan 1794 when Lewis Pipkin sold his land on Buck Swamp, adjoining Daniel Hines to Jonathan Keithely, same day Jesse sold his; Lewis had moved to New Hanover County, NC and was there as late as 20 Jun 1797 when he served on the jury there. I do not have the 1800 census of New Hanover County so do not know if he is there or not. I do not know if John & Lewis are sons of Jesse but sort of suspect they are.
Jesse Pipkin sold Jonathan Keithley, 250 acres of land on 27 Jan 1794. 100 acres was patent of 27 Apr 1767; and 150 acres was patent of 21 Sep 1784 on Buck Swamp. Duplin Co Deed Bk 3A, pg 141.
1800 Census of Lenoir County, NC - Jesse Pipkin, 1 male over 45; 2 males 16/26 & 1 male 0/16; 1 female over 45. (Probably Elisha & Archealaus 1 6/26 & Isaac under 16)
Jesse Pipkin to Elisha Pipkin, 13 Feb 1801, 350 acres for good will and affection: 150 acres on N side of Panther Creek of 27 Oct 1779 grant; 100 acres part of Biby Bush grant & purchased from him; 100 acres west side of Panther branch part of Jesse 13 Oct 1765 grant. Wayne
County Deed Bk 7, pg 114.
Jesse Pipkin to Archelaus Pipkin, 1 Dec 1803; 185 acres in two tracts at head of Wolf Branch; wit: Daniel Hines, Isaac Hines. Duplin County Deed Book O, pg 229. Archelaus Pipkin sold this same land to Isaac Pipkin on 15 Jan 1806; and bought it back from Isaac on 23 Nov 1811.
Jesse Pipkin sold Elisha Pipkin two slaves, William & Henry on 13 Feb 1808; wit: Archelaus Pipkin & D. Albertson. Wayne Co Deed Bk 9, pg 46 & 55.
15 Jan 1806, Jesse Pipkin sold Stewart Pipkin a slave boy. Jesse was listed as being of ___ but some think Lincoln (was it Lenoir) County, NC as it was witnessed by Joel Hines & Lewis Pipkin; This is recorded in Smith County, TN, Will Book 5, pg 172 (1805-1809).
Stewart or Steward as he is usually called was born 1784 of unknown parentage but named his 4th son Jesse; his 2nd son was John. Lewis of Smith County was born about 1764 if he was father of Jesse of Hardeman County who was born 1785.
1810 Census of Lenoir County, NC - had Jesse Pipkin over 45 and 1 male 2 6/45 (1765/1784) which would have been Archelaus; no females, so his wife Fereba had died. Isaac Pipkin and his family are enumerated next to his father. Isaac sold his 185 acres to Archelaus on 23 Nov 1811 and is said to have gone to Marlboro, SC after his father died. | PIPKIN, Jesse (I12822)
4467 |
Jesse Little Webb of McGregor, age 24, b. 18 Sep 1892, the Grove, Texas, is a farmer with a wife and two children. He is short and slender with blue eyes and dark brown hair. | WEBB, Jesse Little (I8346)
4468 |
Jessie Cassaday of Columbus, Ohio, was still alive when Stanley Curtis died in Feb 2009 but had died by July 2021 when Edith died. Her birth certificate (or a twin's?) says there are 3 children with 2 living. This certificate is hard to read and is indexed under Bassie Mae Pliffio. | PHIPPS, Jessie Louella (I24585)
4469 |
Jicarilla Reservation
David K Stacey Head M 44 Texas
Iola Stacey Wife F 33 Oklahoma
Kenneth Stacey Son M 1 7/12 New Mexico
David is a water well driller. | STACEY, David King (I15600)
4470 |
Jim was married when he died. | HOOPER, James W M (I16414)
4471 |
Jno F and N J F Armstrong sold 100 acres to J F Wood, Smith Co, Texas land records book Q page 11 [J F Wood married Alcey Armstrong]
J F Armstrong bought 100 acres from Solomon Armstrong, Smith Co, Texas land records book O page 12 | ARMSTRONG, John Floyd (I183)
4472 |
Jno W Luke died 10/6/1888 in St Louis Co, MO. | LUKE, John William (I724)
4473 |
Joe Edward Mye, age 21, born 14 Jul 1897, Waco, Texas, works for E Rotan on Austin Street. His nearest relative is Mrs L G Mye at 315, N 11th St. He is of medium height and slender with gray eyes and light hair. | MYE, Joseph Edward (I18896)
4474 |
Joe F Millican, age 22, born 2 Feb 1895, Poplar Grove, Tennessee. He is married with an 8 month old child. He works as an auto mechanic for Millican Bros. in Blythesille, and lives at 109 Kentucky Avenue. He is 5'6" with a medium build with brown eyes and dark brown hair. | MILLICAN, Joseph Franklin (I14435)
4475 |
Joe Tuck, age 25, Missouri, is in the County Jail. This could be Joseph Cephus or it might be Joseph, son of John Henry. | TUCK, Joseph Cephus (I222)
4476 |
Joe, infant son of Mr. & Mrs. Sanford Chambers, died yesterday and was buried at Oakwood today. | CHAMBERS, Joseph (I16442)
4477 |
John Albert Wyatt, age 40, born 15 Jan 1878, works for Spaulding & Karnes of Fairfield, manufacturing and ???? concrete sites?. His nearest relative is Wife Mrs Elizabeth Wyatt of Kansas City, Missouri. He is of medium height and build with blue eyes and dark? hair. | WYATT, John Albert (I12268)
4478 |
John D. Bell m. Ella Grammer their son Wm. Wyatt Bell m. Norma Sparks.
From LaVelle Henderson, Waco, TX [] | BELL, Willie E (I5590)
4479 |
John Dalton McGinty | MCGINTY, John Dalton (I16268)
4480 |
John Duncan Brazzil of Louise, age 23, b. 6 Dec 1893, Wills Point, is a farm laborer for W Heard. He is single and takes care of is mother. He was a private in the National Guard of Texas. He is of medium height and build with blue eyes and light hair. | BRAZZIL, John Duncan (I8255)
4481 |
John Edmundson who, along with James Barrington and James Reel, signed a bond of 100 pounds after the death of Isaac Barrington, Sr.'s death before 14 Sept. 1768. This was in Craven Co., NC. | BARRINGTON, James (I10453)
4482 |
John Elmo Pruitt, age 43, born 20 Dec 1874, is a farmer in Charlotte, married to Jessie Pruitt. He is of medium height and slender build with dark gray eyes and brown hair. | PRUITT, Elmo John (I5280)
4483 |
John Elsworth Dee of Winnebago, age 33, born 7 Apr 1888, is a farmer. His nearest relative is Dorcas Dee, also of Winnebago. He is of medium height, slender, with blue eyes and brown hair. [The middle name in his signature isn't Elsworth but I can' t make it out, it looks like -arks or -arbes.] | DEE, John E (I8816)
4484 |
John F McGhee, age 71, lives alone and sells oil and grease. | MCGHEE, John Ferdinand (I11338)
4485 |
John Fishel Jr. Liberty Township
2 male under 5 [Robert and Squire]
3 male 5-10 [Charles, John and ?]
1 male 30-40 [John]
1 female 5-10 [Elizabeth]
1 female 30-40 [Sarah] | FISHEL, John Jr (I16022)
4486 |
John Fishel Junr. Old Town Township
1 male under 5 [?]
1 male 20-30 [John]
1 female 20-30 [Sarah] | FISHEL, John Jr (I16022)
4487 |
John Franklin Parker of Tanglewood, age 23, born 22 Mar 1894, Rockdale, Texas, is a single farmer. He works for An (A N?) Parker, near Hicks. He is of medoium height and build with brown hair and eyes. | PARKER, John Franklin (I24389)
4488 |
John G Cagle's book
Andrew Felsinger Will is on pages 88-91
1. Catherana married Henry Cagle
2. John Henry (possibly the Henry Seitz, b.1734, who led a large family group to Walker Co. Alabama in 1818. (If not, may have been the John Seitz who died in 1797 in Lincoln Co. NC)
3. Adam Sides was married to Susannah _________. Appeared in various records of Lincoln Co. NC later, lived in Davidson Co. TN in 1783.
4. Jacov. Married Mary Clubb, daughter of Peter Clubb. Died in or near 1816 in Lincoln Co. NC Wife Mary died in or near 1816 in NC presumably Lincoln Co.
5. Andrew. Married Magdalena Bost. Still living in Lincoln Co, NC as of 1811.
6. George. Born in 1755 married to Elizabeth__________. Moved to Missouri between 1813 and 1818 was buried in the Seitz Cemetery, Madison Co. Mo in 1840. | FELSINGER, Andrew (I11949)
4489 |
John Garrison and Mary Neely were married on July 20, 1853, according to a marriage announcement photocopied from "The Yorkville Miscellany, Page 3, July 27, 1853, Yorkville, York County, South Carolina. Quote: "In this District, on Wednesday, the 20th inst., by Ezekiel Fewell, Esq. Mr. John Garrison and Miss Mary, eldest daughter of Mr Jonathan M. Neely, all of ths District".
SOURCE : WFT VOLUME #5 | Family: John Newton Arthur GARRISON / Mary Elizabeth NEELY (F2877)
4490 |
John Harwell Lowrance? | IVY, Carrie Ola (I6081)
4491 |
John Hiram Mills, age 33, born 19 Nov 1884, lives on route 3, Henderson. He works for Will Hudgins as a farmer and his nearest relative is Mrs Estella Mills. His form is acknowleged by his mark. John is of medium height and build with gray eyes and light hair. | MILLS, John Hiram (I2880)
4492 |
John Irvin Sparks of Thornton, age 37, b. 8 Mar 1881, is a farmer and married to Louisa. He is of medium height and build with brown eyes and hair. | SPARKS, John Irvin (I6403)
4493 |
John is a patient at the East Wenatchee Rest Home. | ACHORD, John W (I23364)
4494 |
John is enumerated alone. | BABB, John Astor (I11091)
4495 |
John is listed as widowed on the 1900 Census. I found Stanley married but there is no sign of Nancy or Florence. | POE, Nancy (I16017)
4496 |
John is living alone. | CLARK, John W (I21633)
4497 |
John is staying at the Yarborough Hotel. | PEPPER, John Milton (I11103)
4498 |
John isn't on the 1870 census with the rest of the family. | BEASLEY, John W (I24175)
4499 |
John Logan Martin, age 33 (no birth date), of Deer Trail in Adams County, is a farmer. His nearest relative is Margret Martin of same. He is tall and stout with blue eyes and black hair and has a "bad crippled hand". | MARTIN, John Logan (I14645)
4500 |
John probably died in infancy. | ARMSTRONG, John (I59)