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 #   Notes   Linked to 
4601 La Harpe Township, Precinct 1
Ellen Gittings Head F 60 Pennsylvania 16/14 children
Jessie Gittings Dau F 16 Illinois
This record says Ellen is widowed. 
INGHRAM, Ellen B (I22036)
4602 Laborer MASON, James Perry (I12668)
4603 Laborer LATIMER, Robert (I12839)
4604 Lafayette Advocate, 30 Apr 1898
Miss Agnes Trahan was married to Mr. Leopold Mouton last Monday. The Ceremony was performed at St. John's Catholic Church. 
Family: Joseph Leopold MOUTON / Marie Agnes TRAHAN (F1023)
4605 Lafayette County Land
PIPKIN, MARTIN 33 15S 23W 40 1855/03/01
PIPKIN, MARTIN 33 15S 23W 40 1855/03/01
PIPKIN, MARTIN 33 15S 23W 80 1855/03/01
PIPKIN, MARTIN 33 15S 23W 40 1855/03/01
PIPKIN, MARTIN 33 15S 23W 40 1859/07/01 
PIPKIN, Martin Luther (I13034)
4606 Lafayette Township
Mouton, Beraud head W M Jan 1866 34 M 12 LA LA LA RR brakeman Rents
Edia wife W F Dec 1866 33 M 12 LA LA LA 5/3
Labbe son W F Sep 1888 11 S LA LA LA
Emily dau W F May 1895 5 S LA LA LA
George son W M May 1893 2 S LA LA LA
John fath W M Aug 1841 58 M 35 LA LA LA 8/8 
MOUTON, Jean Jacques (I1926)
4607 Lafayette Township
Trahan ???mile head W M Dec 1838 61 M 39 LA LA LA Owns
Aureline wife W F Feb 1840 59 M 39 LA LA LA 9/9
Philip son W M Feb 1881 19 S LA LA LA
Linaulois son W M May 1883 17 S LA LA LA
Arthur son W M Apr 1887 13 S LA LA LA
Mouton Leopold SiL W M Feb 1878 22 M 2 LA LA LA day laborer
Agnes dau W F Feb 1878 22 M 2 LA LA LA 1/1
Alfred E gson W M Jan 1898 a S LA LA LA
Leo is a day laborer. 
MOUTON, Joseph Leopold (I1935)
4608 Lafayette Township, Buchanan Street
Mouton, Beraud head W M Jan 1866 34 M 12 LA LA LA RR brakeman Rents
Edia wife W F Dec 1866 33 M 12 LA LA LA 5/3
Labbe son W F Sep 1888 11 S LA LA LA
Emily dau W F May 1895 5 S LA LA LA
George son W M May 1893 2 S LA LA LA
John fath W M Aug 1841 58 M 35 LA LA LA 8/8 
MOUTON, Joseph Beraud (I1928)
4609 Lahaye Precinct
Charley Parker Head M 57 Michigan m. 38 yrs
Mary E Parker Wife F 56 Iowa 14/12 children
Roy R Parker Son M 23 Nebraska
Myrtle Parker Dau F 15 Nebraska
Clara M Parker Dau F 12 Nebraska
Charley W Parker Son M 9 Nebraska
Mabel P Parker Dau F 7 Nebraska
Jacob Bruner F-in-l M 82 Ohio 
BRUNER, Jacob (I5101)
4610 Lake Township
Arthur J Garner Head M 26 Dec 1873 Iowa m. 4 yrs.
Helene Garner Wife F 28 Dec 1871 Minnesota 0/0 children
Walter Talboy Servant M 26 May 1874 Iowa
Frank Thill Servant M 24 Oct 1875 Iowa
Arthur is a carpenter, Walter and Frank are farm laborers. 
TALBOY, Walter Elijah (I21784)
4611 Lake Township
Fanney Mcghee Head F 63 Illinois 5/5 children
Garth Mcghee Son M 22 Iowa
George and Addie live next to them. 
BAILEY, Fanny E (I11332)
4612 Lake Township
Fanney Mcghee Head F 63 Illinois 5/5 children
Garth Mcghee Son M 22 Iowa
George and Addie live next to them. 
MCGHEE, Jesse Garth (I23536)
4613 Lake Township
George Bates Head M 56 Minnesota
Nora Bates Wife F 46 Wisconsin
George Bates Son M 6 South Dakota
Hannah Bates Mother F 83 New York
Maud Bates Niece F 13 South Dakota
Pauline Smith F 10 Nebraska
William Baine Hired M 26 South Dakota
George is still farming. 
KECK, Hanna (I23706)
4614 Lake Township
George Bates Head M 56 Minnesota
Nora Bates Wife F 46 Wisconsin
George Bates Son M 6 South Dakota
Hannah Bates Mother F 83 New York
Maud Bates Niece F 13 South Dakota
Pauline Smith F 10 Nebraska
William Baine Hired M 26 South Dakota
George is still farming. 
BATES, George C (I23772)
4615 Lake Township
George Toplife Head M 35 Jul 1864 Iowa m. 12 yrs.
Adda Toplife Wife F 28 Aug 1871 Iowa 1/1 children
Harpy Toplife Son M 7 Nov 1892 Iowa
Mcgee Edett Cousin F 10 Feb 1880 Iowa
This is indexed as Taplefr. 
TOPLIFF, George (I11361)
4616 Lake Township
George Topliff M 31 Allamakee
Addie Topliff F 24 Guthrie
Harfey Topliff M 2 Pocahontas 
TOPLIFF, George (I11361)
4617 Lake Township
George W Topliff Head M 55 Iowa
Addie J Topliff Wife F 49 Iowa
Annie F Topliff Dau F 7 Iowa [Annis Pearl] 
TOPLIFF, George (I11361)
4618 Lake Township
George W Topliff Head M 76 Iowa
Addie J Topliff Wife F 69 Iowa
Edith Mcgee Cousin F 47 Iowa 
TOPLIFF, George (I11361)
4619 Lake Township
George W Topliff Head M 46 Iowa m. 22 yrs.
Addie Topliff Wife F 39 Iowa 1/1 children
George H Topliff Son M 19 Iowa
Edith Topliff Servant F 20 Iowa [McGhee] 
TOPLIFF, George (I11361)
4620 Lake Township
Robert Mcgee Head M 68 Mar 1832 Ohio m. 35 yrs.
Fannie Mcgee Wife F 53 May 1847 Illinois 5/5 children
Pearly Mcgee Son M 31 Jan 1869 Iowa m. 11 yrs.
Emery Mcgee Son M 24 Jun 1875 Iowa m. 3 yrs.
Elby Mcgee Son M 17 Jun 1882 Iowa
Garth Mcgee Son M 13 Dec 1886 Iowa
May Mcgee D-in-l F 29 Mar 1871 Iowa m. 7 yrs. 0/0 children
Lidia Mcgee D-in-l F 23 Aug 1876 Iowa m. 3 yrs. 1/1 children
Florence Mcgee D-in-l F 3 Oct 1897 Iowa [possibly S-in-l]
Roy Mcgee S-dau F 6 Apr 1894 Iowa
Estel Mcgee S-dau F 1 Oct 1898 Iowa
I'm not sure how he could be on this census on 23 Jun if he died on 14 Jun but it isn't the first time I've seen a dead person enumerated. Someone didn't understand relationships. 
MCGHEE, Robert (I8833)
4621 Lake Township
Robert Mcgee Head M 68 Mar 1832 Ohio m. 35 yrs.
Fannie Mcgee Wife F 53 May 1847 Illinois 5/5 children
Pearly Mcgee Son M 31 Jan 1869 Iowa m. 11 yrs.
Emery Mcgee Son M 24 Jun 1875 Iowa m. 3 yrs.
Elby Mcgee Son M 17 Jun 1882 Iowa
Garth Mcgee Son M 13 Dec 1886 Iowa
May Mcgee D-in-l F 29 Mar 1871 Iowa m. 7 yrs. 0/0 children
Lidia Mcgee D-in-l F 23 Aug 1876 Iowa m. 3 yrs. 1/1 children
Florence Mcgee D-in-l F 3 Oct 1897 Iowa [possibly S-in-l]
Roy Mcgee S-dau F 6 Apr 1894 Iowa
Estel Mcgee S-dau F 1 Oct 1898 Iowa
Perhaps Purla was married before. Roy and Estel are his children according to their birth records. Their mother is supposed to be Ida May/Mae Sanders. 
MCGHEE, Purla E (I11333)
4622 Lake Township
Robert Mcgee Head M 68 Mar 1832 Ohio m. 35 yrs.
Fannie Mcgee Wife F 53 May 1847 Illinois 5/5 children
Pearly Mcgee Son M 31 Jan 1869 Iowa m. 11 yrs.
Emery Mcgee Son M 24 Jun 1875 Iowa m. 3 yrs.
Elby Mcgee Son M 17 Jun 1882 Iowa
Garth Mcgee Son M 13 Dec 1886 Iowa
May Mcgee D-in-l F 29 Mar 1871 Iowa m. 7 yrs. 0/0 children
Lidia Mcgee D-in-l F 23 Aug 1876 Iowa m. 3 yrs. 1/1 children
Florence Mcgee D-in-l F 3 Oct 1897 Iowa [possibly S-in-l]
Roy Mcgee S-dau F 6 Apr 1894 Iowa [male, grandchild]
Estel Mcgee S-dau F 1 Oct 1898 Iowa [grandchild]
I'm not sure how he could be on this census on 23 Jun if he died on 14 Jun. 
MCGHEE, Emory John (I11335)
4623 Lake Township
Robert McGhee M 63 Ohio
Fannie S McGhee F 45 Illinois
Pearlie Mcghee M 27 Allamakee
Dave Mcghee M 5 [blank]
May Mcghee F 23 [illegible]
Roy Mcghee M 0 Pocahontas
Elby Mcghee M 12 Guthrie
Garth Mcghee M 7 Guthrie
Dave is written in on the same line as May. 
MCGHEE, Robert (I8833)
4624 Lake Township
Robert McGhee M 63 Ohio
Fannie S McGhee F 45 Illinois
Pearlie Mcghee M 27 Allamakee
Dave Mcghee M 5 [blank]
May Mcghee F 23 [illegible]
Roy Mcghee M 0 Pocahontas
Elby Mcghee M 12 Guthrie
Garth Mcghee M 7 Guthrie
Dave is written in on the same line as May. 
MCGHEE, Purla E (I11333)
4625 Lakeport Township
Eleve Erickson Self M 51 Norway
Mary Erickson Wife F 49 Norway
Erick Erickson Son M 22 Norway
Unnie Erickson Dau F 16 Norway
Bottle Erickson Son M 15 Norway
Isabell Erickson Dau F 12 Minnesota
Marria Erickson Dau F 7 Minnesota
Ella Erickson Dau F 6 Iowa

The next household is
Bottle Irveson Other M 86 Norway
Is this Mari's father? 
ERIKSEN, Elev (I4837)
4626 Lamar Township
James FAULKNER Self M Male W 54 OH Shoemaker ENG PA
Martha J. FAULKNER Wife M Female W 36 MO Keeping House TN TN
Carrie FAULKNER Dau S Female W 8 MO At School OH MO
Lizzie FAULKNER Dau S Female W 4 MO OH MO
Gerturde FAULKNER Dau S Female W 3 MO OH MO 
FAULKNER, James (I10824)
4627 Lamar Township, Barton PO
James Falkner M 44 Ohio
Jane Falkner F 26 Missouri
James was a boot and shoe maker. 
FAULKNER, James (I10824)
4628 Lamar Township, Ward 1, South Pacific Street
Faulkner Martha J head W F Nov 1844 55 W MO TN TN 4/4 children
Faulkner Elizabeth dau W F Aug 1874 25 S MO OH MO School teacher
Faulkner Gertrude dau W F Apr 1877 23 S MO OH MO Clerk
Faulkner Lena M dau W F Jan 1882 18 S MO OH MO at School 
MARTIN, Martha Jane (I10823)
4629 Lamar Township, Ward 4, S. Forst? Street
Thaddeus L Wills Head M 45 Illinois m. 20 yrs.
Clara Wills Wife F 38 Missouri 2/2 children
Russ F Wills Son M 18 Missouri
Lorene Wills Dau F 15 Missouri
Martha G Faulkner M-in-l F 65 Tennessee 4/4 children
Thad is an abstractor? in an abstract office and Clara teaches public school. 
MARTIN, Martha Jane (I10823)
4630 Lancaster Co, Pennsylvania CALHOUN, Patrick (I16495)
4631 Lancaster Co, Pennsylvania HUBER, Hans (I11541)
4632 Lancaster Township
Samuel Partlow Male 30 Indiana
Nancy J Partlow Female 31 Kentucky
Martha G Partlow Female 8 Indiana
Huldah A Partlow Female 6 Indiana
Unasavilla Partlow Female 4 Indiana
Frances Partlow Female 1 Indiana
Samuel is a farmer. 
PARTLOW, Samuel (I15127)
4633 Lancaster, Massachusetts MELLEN, Rev John (I2814)
4634 Lane Precinct
Richard D Mckinnis Head M 59 Ohio m. 17 yrs.
Christa A Mckinnis Wife F 48 Minnesota 2/2 children
Ruth H Mckinnis Dau F 15 Idaho
Lenore S Mckinnis Dau F 11 Idaho
Arthur Kwanblin Boarder M 31 Indiana 
MCKINNIS, Richard Dukes (I23453)
4635 Lane Precinct
Richard D McKinnis Head M 68 Ohio
Anna McKinnis Wife F 54 Minnesota
Richard is a cattleman. 
MCKINNIS, Richard Dukes (I23453)
4636 Langley researcher Source (S496)
4637 Lansing Township
Lucius Mcghee Head M 79 Ohio 19
Eliza Mcghee Wife F 66 Ireland 50
Elbe Mcghee Son M 47 Iowa
None of them are working. 
MCGHEE, Lucius Henry (I8840)
4638 Lansing Township, Front Street
Elmer Mcghee Head M 48 Iowa
Myrta Mcghee Wife F 47 Iowa
Clifton Mcghee Son M 17 Iowa
They live next to Lucius and Eliza. Elmer is unemployed. 
MCGHEE, Elmer Asel (I11366)
4639 Lansing Township, Front Street
L H Mcghee Head M 69 Ohio
Eliza Mcghee Wife F 57 Ireland
Elbe Mcghee Son M 37 Iowa
Elbe is teaming - city streets [local deliveries?]. Eliza immigrated in 1870 and naturalized in 1881. 
MCGHEE, Lucius Henry (I8840)
4640 Last name may have been Hopkins. She came from Georgia, was Cherokee. Maybe from Mourning Hobson's line. HOBSON, Nancy (I5969)
4641 Last Rites for M M King Were Held Yesterday
M M King, 60-year-old Valera farmer, in Valera at Methodist Church.
Died at home Tuesday, lived there 26 years. Born Blunt county, alabama, 16 Apr 1861.
Survived by widow, two sons Gaston and Hoke, two daughters, Velma Henning of Valera and Verdie Pockett of Gouldbusk. 
KING, Meredith M (I16537)
4642 Last Rites Held For Mrs. Olsen
Funeral services were held June 12 for Mrs. Larry (Maxine) Olsen from the First Methodist Church in Douglas with the Rev. Neil Warner officiating. Burial was in the Douglas cemetery. Mrs. Olsen was a sister of Robert Grove of Lusk.
Mrs. Olsen was found dead at her home the morning of June 9, apparently a victim of a heart condition. Her husband died only six months ago.
The Olsens owned and operated the Black and White Grocery Store in Douglas for a number of years. She continued to run the store after her husband's death.
She was born at Jireh, Wyo., May 7, 1914, and had lived in Douglas for 34 years. She was a member of Eastern Star, Zonata Club and the Methodist Church.
Survivors include a son Michael stationed with the army at Ft. Bragg, N.C.; a daughter, Mary Lou Carrethers, Tokyo, Japan; and two brothers, Robert of Lusk, and Kenneth of Albuquerque; two sisters, Mary Shike of Phoenix and Fern Benfer of Encampment, Wyo. 
GROVE, Lela Maxine (I23682)
4643 Lauderdale Funeral Home Records give her maiden name as Akin. HALL, Dolly Jane (I12670)
4644 Laura Gates? ???, M L (I10728)
4645 Laura lives alone. ACHORD, Laura Belle (I23369)
4646 Laura was the twin sister of Lawrence Armstrong. ARMSTRONG, Laura (I42)
4647 Laura's birth record lists her mother as Sarah Jane Black. It lists her birth place as Pleasenton in Milam County. Pleasanton is in Atascosa County. HOLDER, Laura Ellen (I2645)
4648 Laurtis H Grove[s], age 37, born 6 Jan 1881, lives in Jireh and is a farmer. His nearest relative is Ethel M Grove. He is of medium height and build with gray eyes and brown hair. [The top of the card says Groves but his signature is Grove.] GROVE, Laurtes H (I23680)
4649 LaVon Holder, 66, of Liberty Hill, formerly of Round Rock, died on Thursday, March 16, 2006, in Liberty Hill.
LaVon was born on September 18, 1939, in Marble Falls, Texas, to Henry Miles and Floy Melvina Pearson Cantrell. She married Donald Loyd Holder on December 22, 1956, in Georgetown. She was a caregiver for Girling Healthcare for 10 years, retiring in 1994. She was a member of the Baptist faith and belonged to the Liberty Hill Outreach Center.
She is survived by her husband, Donald of Liberty Hill; son, Kenneth Holder of Cedar Park; daughters, Linda McInis of Liberty Hill and Julie Beall of Austin; grandchildren, Wayne and Chris Gilmore, Cory Scott and Jennifer and Halley Holder. She also leaves her brothers, Punk, Shorty, Dobbin and Lee Cantrell, and her sisters, Anna Lou Holder, Mell V. Waters and Mildred Hicks.
She was preceded in death by her son, Aubrey Holder; her father and mother Henry and Floy Cantrell, brothers Bill, Jay, Ruben and Floyd Cantrell, and sisters Dorothy, Clara and Bernice Cantrell.
Graveside services were Saturday, March 18, 2006 at the Liberty Hill Cemetery in Liberty Hill with Reverend J.W. Hicks Sr. officiating. 
CANTRELL, Bertha LaVon (I3198)
4650 Law BRAZZIL, Ruth Virginia (I8252)

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