# |
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4801 |
Lydia and Mary MAY may be sisters. | MAY, Lydia M (I10172)
4802 |
Lynch township
Harry E Ashby Head M 38 Iowa m. 11 yrs.
Lucy Ashby Wife F 33 Iowa 3/1 children
Lorna Ashby Dau F 5 Nebraska | ASHBY, Harry Edgar (I5113)
4803 |
Lynchburg PO
W Charles M 44 Arkansas
J Charles F 22 Tennessee
F Charles M 19 Texas Franklin
Francis Charles F 6 Texas
Friend Charles M 14 Texas
W Charles M 10 Texas Walter
The whole family disappears after this census except for the pension request filed in 1888. | CHARLES, William T (I10293)
4804 |
Lynn Township, Stockton PO
Geo W Achord M 44 Tennessee
Elizabeth Achord F 32 Tennessee
Mary A Achord F 10 Missouri
John W Achord M 9 Missouri
Thos B Achord M 6 Missouri
Alice J Achord F 4 Missouri
Emma P Achord F 1 Missouri | ACHORD, George W (I10795)
4805 |
Lynn Township, Stockton PO
S C Achord F 67 Tennessee
Timothy Achord M 38 Tennessee
Visa A Achord F 22 Missouri Uisa?
George W Achord lives nearby. | STEWART, Sarah C (I2819)
4806 |
Lynn Township, Stockton PO
Woodford Frieze M 48 Tennessee
Elizabeth Frieze F 47 Virginia
Roena Frieze F 15 Missouri
Elizabeth Frieze F 10 Missouri
Martha A Frieze F 6 Missouri
Wm Achord M 36 Tennessee
William is a farm laborer. | ACHORD, William (I10800)
4807 |
Lynn Township, White Hair PO
Samel Ackord M 21 Tennessee
Susan B Ackord F 18 Missouri
The enumerator may have intended an H but it looks like a K and is indexed under Ackord. Original page number is impossible to read and I'm guessing at the PO. | ACHORD, Lt Samuel (I10802)
4808 |
Lyons Ave
Brown, John T head M Mar 1845 55 M 29 yrs Ireland Ire Ire M Legislature
Mary J wife F Nov 1850 50 M 29 yrs Louisiana Ire Ire 12/11
Thomas W son M Nov 1873 26 M 4 mos Texas Clerk
Gertrude d-i-l F Sep 1880 19 M 4 mos Texas
Joseph E son M Aug 1875 24 S RR Brakeman
Frank S son M May 1879 21 S RR Fireman
Winfred G son M Dec 1880 20 S
Jennie M dau F Oct 1882 17 S
Margaret J dau F Oct 1884 15 S
James G son M Dec 1886 13 S
Johanna H dau F Feb 1891 9 S
Catherine H dau F Feb 1891 9 S | BROWNE, John T (I3019)
4809 |
Lyons Ave
Browne, Irine I head F 36 W grocery store merchant
Emma J dau F 11 S
John T son M 9 S
Irine I dau F 7 S
Joe E son M 5 S
Katherine dau F 4 6/12
Rickert, Emma C mother F 62 W | RICKERT, Irene Isabelle (I2959)
4810 |
Lyons Ave
Browne, Irine I head F 36 W grocery store merchant
Emma J dau F 11 S
John T son M 9 S
Irine I dau F 7 S
Joe E son M 5 S
Katherine dau F 4 6/12
Rickert, Emma C mother F 62 W | RICHARDSON, Emma Catharine (I2961)
4811 |
M Schubert Funeral Home | ROARK, Sarah Isabell (I12936)
4812 |
M Schubert Funeral Home. | PIPKIN, Jasper Newton (I12981)
4813 |
M, Abigal, Ida, Gladys, Margaret and Geo
This census only gives their names, sexes and approximate ages. | COON, Marion (I9143)
4814 |
Madijan, Madigan? | ERIKSEN, Kari (I4900)
4815 |
Madison Co, Texas | RUSHING, Amy (I10290)
4816 |
Madison Square Garden | Family: Hiram Joseph STERLING / Goldie GRIFFITH (F2637)
4817 |
Madison Township
Burt L Luce Head M 35 South Dakota
Joanna Luce Wife F 35 Tennessee
Elmer Luce Son M 13 Missouri
Helen Luce Dau F 11 Missouri
Warren Luce Son M 9 Missouri
Glen Luce Son M 2 Missouri
Burt is a farmer. | LUCE, Burt L (I23700)
4818 |
Madison Township
Emma Dentaman Head F 40 Jan 1860 Minnesota 4/4 children
Arthur Loose Son M 20 Sep 1880 South Dakota
Bert Loose Son M 16 May 1884 South Dakota
Pearl Dentaman Dau F 7 Nov 1893 Missouri
Ruth Dentaman Dau F 5 Nov 1895 Missouri
Emma is widowed and owns her farm. | BATES, Mary Emma (I23689)
4819 |
Madison Township
John A Hendricks Male 60 Kentucky
Huldah A Hendricks Female 30 Kentucky
Dudley G Hendricks Male 22 Indiana
Marion F Hendricks Male 17 Indiana
William Hendricks Male 14 Indiana
Thomas L Hendricks Male 12 Indiana
Elizabeth Thompson Female 14 Indiana
Rudy Beasley Male 21 Indiana
John is a farmer, Dudley and Rudy are wood choppers. | HENDRIX, John Anderson (I14901)
4820 |
Madison Township
Martin L Franklin Head M 54 Missouri m. 7 yrs.
Emma Franklin Wife F 47 Minnesota 4/4 children
Pearl Dintaman S-dau F 17 Missouri
Ruth Dintaman S-dau F 14 Missouri
Martin is a farmer. | FRANKLIN, Martin Luther (I23704)
4821 |
Madison Township
Martin L Franklin Head M 65 Missouri
Emma Franklin Wife F 60 Minnesota
Martin is a farmer. | FRANKLIN, Martin Luther (I23704)
4822 |
Madison Township
Samuel E Pearce M 39 Ohio
Cintha Pearce F 49 North Carolina
Washington Pearce M 14 Arkansas
Jeremiah Pearce M 12 Arkansas
John Tollett M 26 Tennessee
Wesley Tollett M 18 Arkansas
Alexander Blackwell M 23 Tennessee
Ennis Tollett M 26 Tennessee
Mary Tollett F 8 Arkansas
Hiram C Sloan M 45 North Carolina
Samuel is a Baptist preacher. | PEARCE, Rev Samuel Ellis (I5976)
4823 |
Madison Township
William Mcfall Head M 62 Mar 1838 England m. 39 yrs.
Julia A Mcfall Wife F 56 Mar 1844 Pennsylvania 10/9 children [1842?]
Nellie McFall Dau F 29 Nov 1870 Illinois
Jason McFall Son M 27 Sep 1872 Illinois
Emma McFall Dau F 24 Jul 1875 Illinois
Alonzo C McFall Son M 21 Feb 1879 Iowa
Ruth McFall Dau F 18 Jan 1882 Iowa
Horace McFall Son M 16 May 1884 Missouri
William is farming. | MCFALL, William P (I23690)
4824 |
Madison Township
William McFall Head M 33 Jan 1867 Iowa m. 7 yrs.
Lenora McFall Wife F 27 Jul 1872 Pennsylvania 3/3 children
Glenn McFall Son M 6 Dec 1893 Missouri
Earl McFall Son M 4 Apr 1896 Missouri
Julia McFall Dau F 2 May 1898 Missouri
They live near his parents. William is a news agent. | MCFALL, William H (I23693)
4825 |
Magazine | Source (S935)
4826 |
Maggie is living with a family as a boarder. | DYCUS, Margaret A (I11082)
4827 |
Magistrate | MEWBORN, Levi Jesse Hardy (I14426)
4828 |
Maher, 11 Feb 1920, Woodbury County | CARRAHER, Hope Elizabeth (I5026)
4829 |
Quite a few of our folks attended the funeral of Neal Mahurin who died quite suddenly of heart trouble Friday evening. | MAHURIN, Neil (I22670)
4830 |
Mail list archive | Source (S387)
4831 |
Main & Railroad
Carl A Gable Head M 46 Pennsylvania
Audrey Gable Wife F 46 Pennsylvania
Julia Johnson Servant F 21 Kansas
Robert Thomas Employee M 29 Nebraska
Marie Madden Servant F 24 Kansas
Edyth Madden Servant F 32 Kansas
John H Brown Servant M 19 Texas
Fred Reed Servant M 17 Arkansas
Zaza L Ralph Servant M 22 Missouri
Willis J Bynnar Roomer M 45 Tennessee
Jasper Vaniman Roomer M 56 Illinois
Grace Vaniman Roomer F 22 Kansas
Lloyd W Johns Roomer M 41 Missouri
Jefferson Milford Roomer M 46 Georgia
Laura Ainsworth Roomer F 45 Kansas
Thomas Tiller Roomer M 33 Kansas
James Huffman Roomer M 30 Missouri age 25
Leanore Dooley Roomer F 20 Kansas
James is a brakeman for the steam railroad. I don't know if this is our James. | HUFFMAN, James Page (I22765)
4832 |
Main Street
Alex B Klein head 51 Texas
Rosie A Klein wife 47 Texas
Robert J Klein son 16 Texas
Shirley Klein dau 14 Texas
Alex B Klein Jr son 11 Texas
Ida M Klein dau 7 Texas
Milow H Klein son 4 Texas
Alex still owns his store. | KLEIN, Alexander Benjamin (I24674)
4833 |
Makee Township
James H Mcgee M 33 Allamakee
Rutha E Mcgee F 5 Allamakee
Doris L Mcgee F 3 Allamakee
James D Mcgee M 1 Allamakee
Mary E Roberts F 33 Allamakee
Lello Roberts M 11 [blank]
James Scanlen M 49 Canada
James is a sheriff and Mary is the housekeeper, Scanlen is a laborer. | MCGHEE, James H (I14528)
4834 |
Makee Township
James H Mcghee Head M 38 Jun 1861 Iowa
Ruth E Mcghee Dau F 10 Jun 1889 Iowa
Dorris L Mcghee Dau F 8 Jun 1891 Iowa
James D Mcghee Son M 7 Mar 1893 Iowa
Maggie E Roberts Servant F 39 Apr 1861 Iowa 1/1 children
Lela A Roberts Boarder F 16 Sep 1883 California
James is a stock buyer. | MCGHEE, James H (I14528)
4835 |
Malcomb? | COLLARD, Sarah Elizabeth (I24046)
4836 |
2 under 5
1 5-10
1 30-40
1 5-10
1 20-30
| RANDLE, William W (I6112)
4837 |
Malissa is probably NOT A CHILD OF RUSSELL Rigby. | RIGBY, Malissa Lydia (I18382)
4838 |
Mallory Township, New Stand PO
Philip Fishel M 31 Ohio
Catherine Fishel F 34 Ohio
Levi W Fishel M 11 Ohio
Sarah Fishel F 8 Iowa
John Fishel M 2 Iowa
Squire C Fishel M 20 Ohio | FISHEL, Squire C (I23502)
4839 |
Mallory Township, New Stand PO
Philip Fishel M 31 Ohio
Catherine Fishel F 34 Ohio
Levi W Fishel M 11 Ohio
Sarah Fishel F 8 Iowa
John Fishel M 2 Iowa
Squire C Fishel M 20 Ohio | FISHEL, Judge Philip (I23506)
4840 |
Malloy & Son
Mortuary Book #4, March 30, 1900 - December 31, 1903
date of death: January 26, 1903
name: Wm. Murray
age: 67
color/sex: white/male
nativity: Ireland
cause of death: Pulmonary Tuberculosis
cemetery: Calvary
remarks (hospital, etc.): St. Mary's Infirmary
Buried in Paradise Section, space 715 | MURRAY, William (I11670)
4841 |
Malloy & Son Funeral Home. 11am Friday 12/24. @ St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church. | HARPER, Joyce Louise (I1523)
4842 |
Malvern-White Cloud
Thomas J Talboy Head M 52
Schalotte Talboy Wife F 50
Bengarman Talboy Father M 91
LaVera Talboy Dau F 19
Voas M Talboy Dau F 13
Lillian E Talboy Dau F 10
Thomas attended college 2 years. There are multiple house numbers for this family. | TALBOY, Benjamin (I21775)
4843 |
Malvern-White Cloud
Thomas J Talboy Head M 52
Schalotte Talboy Wife F 50
Bengarman Talboy Father M 91
LaVera Talboy Dau F 19
Voas M Talboy Dau F 13
Lillian E Talboy Dau F 10
Thomas attended college 2 years. There are multiple house numbers for this family. This census includes parents' names. | TALBOY, Thomas Joe (I21783)
4844 |
Mamakating Township
age 70 | TICE, Lewis W (I24756)
4845 |
Mamakating Township
Sandford Tice head M 55 Sullivan County
Jane Tice wife F 52 Sullivan County
Sarah E Tice dau F 30 Sullivan County
Ellen Tice dau F 23 Sullivan County
Lewis Tice son M 21 Sullivan County
Huldah Tice dau F 14 Sullivan County
Sandford Tice son M 11 Sullivan County | TICE, Sanford (I24747)
4846 |
Mamakating Township
Sanford Tice head 35 Sullivan County
Jane Tice Wife 32 Sullivan County
Sarah E Tice Dau 11 Sullivan County
Archabald Tice Son 5 Sullivan County
Ellen Tice Dau 3 Sullivan County
Lewis Tice Son 1 Sullivan County | TICE, Sanford (I24747)
4847 |
Mamakating Township
Sanford Tice M 30 New York
Jane Tice F 27 New York
Sarah E Tice F 5 New York
Charles A Tice M 1 New York | TICE, Sanford (I24747)
4848 |
Mamakating Township, Bloomingburg PO
Sanford Tice M 50 New York
Jane Tice F 46 New York
Sarah E Tice F 25 New York
Archibald Tice M 21 New York
Ellen Tice F 18 New York
Lewis Tice M 16 New York
Huldah Tice F 9 New York
There is another line with an Ellen Tice, age 18, with the Gilbert Budd family nearby; she's a housekeeper. | TICE, Sanford (I24747)
4849 |
Mamakating Township, Forestburgh PO
Sanford Tice M 40 New York
Jane Tice F 37 New York
Sarah Tice F 15 New York
Charles Tice M 10 New York
Ellen Tice F 8 New York
Lewis Tice M 6 New York
Anna Tice F 1 New York
There are several Tice families, including Charles, age 34, with wife Elizabeth. | TICE, Sanford (I24747)
4850 |
Mamakating Township, Homowack [sic]
Tice, Elizabeth F 50 New York
Tice, Emery M son 27 New York
Tice, Amarilla F dau 16 New York
Tice, Alfred M son 14 New York
Tice, Norman M son 6 New York
Tice, Sanford M 60 New York
Tice, Ellen F dau 28 New York
Tice, Lewis M son 26 New York
Tice, Hulda F dau 18 New York
Terwilliger, Sarah F dau 34 New York
Terwilliger, Sanford M son 17 New York
They're all farming. Is Elizabeth a sister-in-law? | TICE, Sanford (I24747)