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 #   Notes   Linked to 
4801 Lydia and Mary MAY may be sisters. MAY, Lydia M (I10172)
4802 Lynch township
Harry E Ashby Head M 38 Iowa m. 11 yrs.
Lucy Ashby Wife F 33 Iowa 3/1 children
Lorna Ashby Dau F 5 Nebraska 
ASHBY, Harry Edgar (I5113)
4803 Lynchburg PO
W Charles M 44 Arkansas
J Charles F 22 Tennessee
F Charles M 19 Texas Franklin
Francis Charles F 6 Texas
Friend Charles M 14 Texas
W Charles M 10 Texas Walter
The whole family disappears after this census except for the pension request filed in 1888. 
CHARLES, William T (I10293)
4804 Lynn Township, Stockton PO
Geo W Achord M 44 Tennessee
Elizabeth Achord F 32 Tennessee
Mary A Achord F 10 Missouri
John W Achord M 9 Missouri
Thos B Achord M 6 Missouri
Alice J Achord F 4 Missouri
Emma P Achord F 1 Missouri 
ACHORD, George W (I10795)
4805 Lynn Township, Stockton PO
S C Achord F 67 Tennessee
Timothy Achord M 38 Tennessee
Visa A Achord F 22 Missouri Uisa?
George W Achord lives nearby. 
STEWART, Sarah C (I2819)
4806 Lynn Township, Stockton PO
Woodford Frieze M 48 Tennessee
Elizabeth Frieze F 47 Virginia
Roena Frieze F 15 Missouri
Elizabeth Frieze F 10 Missouri
Martha A Frieze F 6 Missouri
Wm Achord M 36 Tennessee
William is a farm laborer. 
ACHORD, William (I10800)
4807 Lynn Township, White Hair PO
Samel Ackord M 21 Tennessee
Susan B Ackord F 18 Missouri
The enumerator may have intended an H but it looks like a K and is indexed under Ackord. Original page number is impossible to read and I'm guessing at the PO. 
ACHORD, Lt Samuel (I10802)
4808 Lyons Ave
Brown, John T head M Mar 1845 55 M 29 yrs Ireland Ire Ire M Legislature
Mary J wife F Nov 1850 50 M 29 yrs Louisiana Ire Ire 12/11
Thomas W son M Nov 1873 26 M 4 mos Texas Clerk
Gertrude d-i-l F Sep 1880 19 M 4 mos Texas
Joseph E son M Aug 1875 24 S RR Brakeman
Frank S son M May 1879 21 S RR Fireman
Winfred G son M Dec 1880 20 S
Jennie M dau F Oct 1882 17 S
Margaret J dau F Oct 1884 15 S
James G son M Dec 1886 13 S
Johanna H dau F Feb 1891 9 S
Catherine H dau F Feb 1891 9 S 
BROWNE, John T (I3019)
4809 Lyons Ave
Browne, Irine I head F 36 W grocery store merchant
Emma J dau F 11 S
John T son M 9 S
Irine I dau F 7 S
Joe E son M 5 S
Katherine dau F 4 6/12
Rickert, Emma C mother F 62 W 
RICKERT, Irene Isabelle (I2959)
4810 Lyons Ave
Browne, Irine I head F 36 W grocery store merchant
Emma J dau F 11 S
John T son M 9 S
Irine I dau F 7 S
Joe E son M 5 S
Katherine dau F 4 6/12
Rickert, Emma C mother F 62 W 
RICHARDSON, Emma Catharine (I2961)
4811 M Schubert Funeral Home ROARK, Sarah Isabell (I12936)
4812 M Schubert Funeral Home. PIPKIN, Jasper Newton (I12981)
4813 M, Abigal, Ida, Gladys, Margaret and Geo
This census only gives their names, sexes and approximate ages. 
COON, Marion (I9143)
4814 Madijan, Madigan? ERIKSEN, Kari (I4900)
4815 Madison Co, Texas RUSHING, Amy (I10290)
4816 Madison Square Garden Family: Hiram Joseph STERLING / Goldie GRIFFITH (F2637)
4817 Madison Township
Burt L Luce Head M 35 South Dakota
Joanna Luce Wife F 35 Tennessee
Elmer Luce Son M 13 Missouri
Helen Luce Dau F 11 Missouri
Warren Luce Son M 9 Missouri
Glen Luce Son M 2 Missouri
Burt is a farmer. 
LUCE, Burt L (I23700)
4818 Madison Township
Emma Dentaman Head F 40 Jan 1860 Minnesota 4/4 children
Arthur Loose Son M 20 Sep 1880 South Dakota
Bert Loose Son M 16 May 1884 South Dakota
Pearl Dentaman Dau F 7 Nov 1893 Missouri
Ruth Dentaman Dau F 5 Nov 1895 Missouri
Emma is widowed and owns her farm. 
BATES, Mary Emma (I23689)
4819 Madison Township
John A Hendricks Male 60 Kentucky
Huldah A Hendricks Female 30 Kentucky
Dudley G Hendricks Male 22 Indiana
Marion F Hendricks Male 17 Indiana
William Hendricks Male 14 Indiana
Thomas L Hendricks Male 12 Indiana
Elizabeth Thompson Female 14 Indiana
Rudy Beasley Male 21 Indiana
John is a farmer, Dudley and Rudy are wood choppers. 
HENDRIX, John Anderson (I14901)
4820 Madison Township
Martin L Franklin Head M 54 Missouri m. 7 yrs.
Emma Franklin Wife F 47 Minnesota 4/4 children
Pearl Dintaman S-dau F 17 Missouri
Ruth Dintaman S-dau F 14 Missouri
Martin is a farmer. 
FRANKLIN, Martin Luther (I23704)
4821 Madison Township
Martin L Franklin Head M 65 Missouri
Emma Franklin Wife F 60 Minnesota
Martin is a farmer. 
FRANKLIN, Martin Luther (I23704)
4822 Madison Township
Samuel E Pearce M 39 Ohio
Cintha Pearce F 49 North Carolina
Washington Pearce M 14 Arkansas
Jeremiah Pearce M 12 Arkansas
John Tollett M 26 Tennessee
Wesley Tollett M 18 Arkansas
Alexander Blackwell M 23 Tennessee
Ennis Tollett M 26 Tennessee
Mary Tollett F 8 Arkansas
Hiram C Sloan M 45 North Carolina
Samuel is a Baptist preacher. 
PEARCE, Rev Samuel Ellis (I5976)
4823 Madison Township
William Mcfall Head M 62 Mar 1838 England m. 39 yrs.
Julia A Mcfall Wife F 56 Mar 1844 Pennsylvania 10/9 children [1842?]
Nellie McFall Dau F 29 Nov 1870 Illinois
Jason McFall Son M 27 Sep 1872 Illinois
Emma McFall Dau F 24 Jul 1875 Illinois
Alonzo C McFall Son M 21 Feb 1879 Iowa
Ruth McFall Dau F 18 Jan 1882 Iowa
Horace McFall Son M 16 May 1884 Missouri
William is farming. 
MCFALL, William P (I23690)
4824 Madison Township
William McFall Head M 33 Jan 1867 Iowa m. 7 yrs.
Lenora McFall Wife F 27 Jul 1872 Pennsylvania 3/3 children
Glenn McFall Son M 6 Dec 1893 Missouri
Earl McFall Son M 4 Apr 1896 Missouri
Julia McFall Dau F 2 May 1898 Missouri
They live near his parents. William is a news agent. 
MCFALL, William H (I23693)
4825 Magazine Source (S935)
4826 Maggie is living with a family as a boarder. DYCUS, Margaret A (I11082)
4827 Magistrate MEWBORN, Levi Jesse Hardy (I14426)
4828 Maher, 11 Feb 1920, Woodbury County CARRAHER, Hope Elizabeth (I5026)
4829 MAHURIN, Neil
Quite a few of our folks attended the funeral of Neal Mahurin who died quite suddenly of heart trouble Friday evening. 
MAHURIN, Neil (I22670)
4830 Mail list archive Source (S387)
4831 Main & Railroad
Carl A Gable Head M 46 Pennsylvania
Audrey Gable Wife F 46 Pennsylvania
Julia Johnson Servant F 21 Kansas
Robert Thomas Employee M 29 Nebraska
Marie Madden Servant F 24 Kansas
Edyth Madden Servant F 32 Kansas
John H Brown Servant M 19 Texas
Fred Reed Servant M 17 Arkansas
Zaza L Ralph Servant M 22 Missouri
Willis J Bynnar Roomer M 45 Tennessee
Jasper Vaniman Roomer M 56 Illinois
Grace Vaniman Roomer F 22 Kansas
Lloyd W Johns Roomer M 41 Missouri
Jefferson Milford Roomer M 46 Georgia
Laura Ainsworth Roomer F 45 Kansas
Thomas Tiller Roomer M 33 Kansas
James Huffman Roomer M 30 Missouri age 25
Leanore Dooley Roomer F 20 Kansas
James is a brakeman for the steam railroad. I don't know if this is our James. 
HUFFMAN, James Page (I22765)
4832 Main Street
Alex B Klein head 51 Texas
Rosie A Klein wife 47 Texas
Robert J Klein son 16 Texas
Shirley Klein dau 14 Texas
Alex B Klein Jr son 11 Texas
Ida M Klein dau 7 Texas
Milow H Klein son 4 Texas
Alex still owns his store. 
KLEIN, Alexander Benjamin (I24674)
4833 Makee Township
James H Mcgee M 33 Allamakee
Rutha E Mcgee F 5 Allamakee
Doris L Mcgee F 3 Allamakee
James D Mcgee M 1 Allamakee
Mary E Roberts F 33 Allamakee
Lello Roberts M 11 [blank]
James Scanlen M 49 Canada
James is a sheriff and Mary is the housekeeper, Scanlen is a laborer. 
MCGHEE, James H (I14528)
4834 Makee Township
James H Mcghee Head M 38 Jun 1861 Iowa
Ruth E Mcghee Dau F 10 Jun 1889 Iowa
Dorris L Mcghee Dau F 8 Jun 1891 Iowa
James D Mcghee Son M 7 Mar 1893 Iowa
Maggie E Roberts Servant F 39 Apr 1861 Iowa 1/1 children
Lela A Roberts Boarder F 16 Sep 1883 California
James is a stock buyer. 
MCGHEE, James H (I14528)
4835 Malcomb? COLLARD, Sarah Elizabeth (I24046)
4836 male
2 under 5
1 5-10
1 30-40
1 5-10
1 20-30
RANDLE, William W (I6112)
4837 Malissa is probably NOT A CHILD OF RUSSELL Rigby. RIGBY, Malissa Lydia (I18382)
4838 Mallory Township, New Stand PO
Philip Fishel M 31 Ohio
Catherine Fishel F 34 Ohio
Levi W Fishel M 11 Ohio
Sarah Fishel F 8 Iowa
John Fishel M 2 Iowa
Squire C Fishel M 20 Ohio 
FISHEL, Squire C (I23502)
4839 Mallory Township, New Stand PO
Philip Fishel M 31 Ohio
Catherine Fishel F 34 Ohio
Levi W Fishel M 11 Ohio
Sarah Fishel F 8 Iowa
John Fishel M 2 Iowa
Squire C Fishel M 20 Ohio 
FISHEL, Judge Philip (I23506)
4840 Malloy & Son
Mortuary Book #4, March 30, 1900 - December 31, 1903
date of death: January 26, 1903
name: Wm. Murray
age: 67
color/sex: white/male
nativity: Ireland
cause of death: Pulmonary Tuberculosis
cemetery: Calvary
remarks (hospital, etc.): St. Mary's Infirmary
Buried in Paradise Section, space 715 
MURRAY, William (I11670)
4841 Malloy & Son Funeral Home. 11am Friday 12/24. @ St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church. HARPER, Joyce Louise (I1523)
4842 Malvern-White Cloud
Thomas J Talboy Head M 52
Schalotte Talboy Wife F 50
Bengarman Talboy Father M 91
LaVera Talboy Dau F 19
Voas M Talboy Dau F 13
Lillian E Talboy Dau F 10
Thomas attended college 2 years. There are multiple house numbers for this family. 
TALBOY, Benjamin (I21775)
4843 Malvern-White Cloud
Thomas J Talboy Head M 52
Schalotte Talboy Wife F 50
Bengarman Talboy Father M 91
LaVera Talboy Dau F 19
Voas M Talboy Dau F 13
Lillian E Talboy Dau F 10
Thomas attended college 2 years. There are multiple house numbers for this family. This census includes parents' names. 
TALBOY, Thomas Joe (I21783)
4844 Mamakating Township
age 70 
TICE, Lewis W (I24756)
4845 Mamakating Township
Sandford Tice head M 55 Sullivan County
Jane Tice wife F 52 Sullivan County
Sarah E Tice dau F 30 Sullivan County
Ellen Tice dau F 23 Sullivan County
Lewis Tice son M 21 Sullivan County
Huldah Tice dau F 14 Sullivan County
Sandford Tice son M 11 Sullivan County 
TICE, Sanford (I24747)
4846 Mamakating Township
Sanford Tice head 35 Sullivan County
Jane Tice Wife 32 Sullivan County
Sarah E Tice Dau 11 Sullivan County
Archabald Tice Son 5 Sullivan County
Ellen Tice Dau 3 Sullivan County
Lewis Tice Son 1 Sullivan County 
TICE, Sanford (I24747)
4847 Mamakating Township
Sanford Tice M 30 New York
Jane Tice F 27 New York
Sarah E Tice F 5 New York
Charles A Tice M 1 New York 
TICE, Sanford (I24747)
4848 Mamakating Township, Bloomingburg PO
Sanford Tice M 50 New York
Jane Tice F 46 New York
Sarah E Tice F 25 New York
Archibald Tice M 21 New York
Ellen Tice F 18 New York
Lewis Tice M 16 New York
Huldah Tice F 9 New York
There is another line with an Ellen Tice, age 18, with the Gilbert Budd family nearby; she's a housekeeper. 
TICE, Sanford (I24747)
4849 Mamakating Township, Forestburgh PO
Sanford Tice M 40 New York
Jane Tice F 37 New York
Sarah Tice F 15 New York
Charles Tice M 10 New York
Ellen Tice F 8 New York
Lewis Tice M 6 New York
Anna Tice F 1 New York
There are several Tice families, including Charles, age 34, with wife Elizabeth. 
TICE, Sanford (I24747)
4850 Mamakating Township, Homowack [sic]
Tice, Elizabeth F 50 New York
Tice, Emery M son 27 New York
Tice, Amarilla F dau 16 New York
Tice, Alfred M son 14 New York
Tice, Norman M son 6 New York

Tice, Sanford M 60 New York
Tice, Ellen F dau 28 New York
Tice, Lewis M son 26 New York
Tice, Hulda F dau 18 New York
Terwilliger, Sarah F dau 34 New York
Terwilliger, Sanford M son 17 New York
They're all farming. Is Elizabeth a sister-in-law? 
TICE, Sanford (I24747)

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