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 #   Notes   Linked to 
5601 Piercy? HARLAN, Florida Hatton (I21526)
5602 Pike Township
George Dee Head M 51 Nov 1848 Ohio m. 29 yrs.
George is a teamster and lives next to Hilas. 
DEE, George (I8827)
5603 Pike Township
James Larue Head M 57 Jun 1843 Ohio
Bertie Dee Dau F 25 Dec 1874 Ohio 0/0 children
Hilas Dee S-in-l M 44 Sep 1855 Ohio m. 9 yrs.
Emma Dee G-dau F 16 Jul 1883 Ohio
James is a sawyer? lawyer? Hilas is an engineer. 
DEE, Hilas (I22344)
5604 Pine Mountain, Hamilton PO
Alvin Myhand Male 81 North Carolina
Bethea Myhand Female 52 Georgia
Andrew McMerry Male 18 Georgia
Alvin is a farmer worth $2035. 
MYHAND, Alvin (I9364)
5605 Piney Grove Township PIPKIN, William R (I13071)
5606 Pinkard?

Laura is listed twice on the 1900 Census, once as Laura Gibbons and once as Laura Davenport - stepdaughter? 
GIBBONS, Laura Jane (I14548)
5607 Pinkney Township
Samuel Sterling 35 M A wheel wright (1825)
Eliza J. Sterling 28 F Kentucky (1832)
Mary E. Sterling 8 F Missouri (1852)
Elisa F. Sterling 5 M Missouri (1855) (male)
Charles J. Sterling 4 M Missouri (1856)
Nancy J. Sterling 1/12 F Missouri (July 1860)
Abraham Sterling 67 M A wheel wright (1793)
Mary A. Sterling 54 F A (1806) 
STERLING, Abraham (I10354)
5608 Pinkney Township [indexed as Bridgeport Township]
Samuel Sterling 35 M A wheel wright (1825)
Eliza J. Sterling 28 F Kentucky (1832)
Mary E. Sterling 8 F Missouri (1852)
Elisa F. Sterling 5 M Missouri (1855)
Charles J. Sterling 4 M Missouri (1856)
Nancy J. Sterling 1/12 F Missouri (July 1860)
Abraham Sterling 67 M A wheel wright (1793)
Mary A. Sterling 54 F A (1806) 
STERLING, Samuel Wiley (I6087)
5609 Pioneer Citizen Answers Last Call
Funeral of L G Mye Will Take Place Tomorrow at Residence, 315 N Eleventh
Funeral services of L G Mye, aged 49 years, who died yesterday morning at 10:30 o'clock at his residence, 315 North Eleventh street, will take place Monday morning from the Church of the Assumption, with interment at Holy Cross cemetery. Mr Mye had been a citizen of Waco for the last forty-six years. He was born in Louisiana and at the age of three years with his parents he became a resident of this city. He was one of the pioneer tinners and cornice makers in Central Texas and had been engaged in this business in Waco fir several years, recently retiring because of ill health.
Mr Mye was a charter member of the Waco council No. 1358, Knights of Columbus and held several important offices with this order. He is survived by his widow and nine children. The children are Misses Pearl, Geraldine, Frances and Esther Mye and Paul, Joe, Fred, Albert and Ernestine Mye. Mr Mye also has one brother, Joe B Mye, who resides in Waco. 
MYE, Louis Gabriel (I18886)
5610 Pioneer Woman of Milano is Claimed by Death
Mrs. Rebecca Graham, 89 Years Old, Buried Tuesday after Death Monday Evening
Funeral services for Mrs. Rebecca Graham, 89, who died early Monday evening at her home near Milano, were held Tuesday afternoon at 5:00 p.m. from the Phillips & Luckey chapel with Rev. Frederick Ross of the First Christian Church, Taylor and Rev. C. Edward Fraim of Rockdale officiating. Burial was made in the old Hurt family burial grounds near Chriesman.
Mrs. Graham, was Rebecca Hurt, was born in Clark county, Miss., on Nov. 30, 1855, and came to Texas with her parents at the age of two years, the family settling in Milam county.
Rebecca Hurt was married to Archie L. Graham on September 1, 1872. There was born to this union five sons and four daughters, of whom one son and one daughter preceded her in death.
Mr. Graham was also a pioneer of this section and in the days before Rockdale was founded he often hunted and killed deer in the forest where the town new stands, and later split and hauled logs from land that is now wide Cameron street in the Business district
Mrs. Graham had lived on the present homesite for a period of 86 years. Through her near ninty (sic) years she had followed the changing eras from ox-drawn wagons, horse and buggy travel over rugged roads, etc. on down to paved highways with modern travel, and other improvements, and she continued to be keenly in tune with the times of today.
In 1922, Mr. and Mrs. Graham celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at the family home in the midst of their children, grandchildren and a host of friends.
Those to survive this sturdy couple are Newton W. Graham of Ozona, Mrs. L. H. Geick of Chriesman, Horace E. Graham of Cameron, Archie R. Graham of Milano, Owen D. Graham of Thorndale, Mrs. A. R. Hensley of Tahoka and Mrs. R. R. Ragan of O'Donnell. 
HURT, Rebecca (I17719)
5611 PIPKIN, Pvt. Isaac B. br 3 Dec 1841 in Smith Co. Tenn. Civil War Soldier, CSA, 11th Missouri Infantry Regiment, Co. "A". 11th Missouri Infantry. Commanded by Col. Simon P. Burns, Lt. Col. Thomas H. Murray and Maj. James Phillips. This unit was first organized by Col. DeWitt C. Hunter as the 8th Missouri Infantry but later reorganized and redesignated to prevent its confusion with Mitchell's 8th Missouri Infantry (commanded by Col. Charles S. Mitchell). Burns'/Hunter's original regiment (designated as the 8th Missouri Infantry) saw action at the Battle of Helena and during Shelby's Missouri/Arkansas raid of Sept/Oct. 1863. As designated the 11th Missouri Infantry, this regiment engaged the Federals during the Red River Campaign, Battles of Pleasant Hill, and Jenkins' Ferry among others. S/o Stephen & Margaret R. Roark. PIPKIN, Isaac B (I12970)
5612 Pitcher Township
Abraham Coon Self M 58 Ohio [1821-22]
Sarah C Coon Wife F 49 Michigan
Marion Coon Son M 26 Wisconsin
Henry J Coon Son M 19 Wisconsin
John V Coon Son M 17 Wisconsin
Thomas E Coon Son M 13 Wisconsin
Elmina Coon Dau F 8 Wisconsin 
COON, Abraham (I9089)
5613 Placerville and its vicinity
John M McWharter M 33 Ohio
Tipton Thompson M 18 Indiana
He was mining an average of $5.00 per day. There are no dwelling numbers on this page. 
THOMPSON, Tipton (I8934)
5614 Planter PIPKIN, Jesse (I12822)
5615 Pleasant Township
Amos Smith M 69 Pennsylvania
Elizabeth Smith F 65 Kentucky
Amos Smith M 29 Ohio
Pleasant P Smith M 6 Indiana
Kelles O Smith M 4 Indiana
Eleanor Cane F 13 Indiana 
SMITH, Amos (I5065)
5616 Pleasant Township
Jacob Poe Self M 35 Ohio
Lodema Poe Wife F 32 Ohio
Wm E Poe Son M 10 Ohio
Orah L Poe Dau F 7 Ohio
George A Poe Son M 4 Ohio 
POE, Jacob (I16018)
5617 Pleasant Township
John A Smith M 30 Ind
Jane E Smith F 25 Ind
Margaret E Smith F 8 Ind
Thos W Smith M 6 Ind
Mary A Smith F 4 Ind
Anna C Smith F 8/12 Ind
Elizabeth Smith F 77 Ky 
ASHBY, Elizabeth Minerva (I5055)
5618 Pleasant Township
John A Smith M 30 Ind
Jane E Smith F 25 Ind
Margaret E Smith F 8 Ind
Thos W Smith M 6 Ind
Mary A Smith F 4 Ind
Anna C Smith F 8/12 Ind
Elizabeth Smith F 77 Ky 
SMITH, John A (I19661)
5619 Pleasant Valley Township
3 25 Farley John 4 3 . . 1 1 . 7 .
3 26 Ashby Wm. 2 1 . . 1 1 . 3 . 
ASHBY, William M (I5048)
5620 Pleasant Valley Township FARLEY, John (I8809)
5621 Plot: Lot 18223, Section 186 PAXTON, Margaret Ellen (I22270)
5622 Plot: Lot 18233, Section 175 WOOLLEY, William Henry (I22277)
5623 Police Officer memorial at 
WILLS, Marvin Elton (I17665)
5624 Polk Township
Jacob LOVELY Self M M W 53 TN Farmer TN TN
Mary LOVELY Wife M F W 50 TN Keeping House TN TN
John LOVELY Son S M W 10 MO Works On Farm TN TN
This might be our Jacob 
LOVELY, Jacob (I3555)
5625 Polk Township
W R Mahurin M 21-45
E J Mahurin M 21-45
D G Mahurin M 10-18
T J Mahurin M 10-18
J C Mahurin M 10-18
H A Mahurin F <10 Delila?
S S Mahurin M <10 ?
W W Mahurin M <10
E J Mahurin F <10
L D Mahurin F <10
William and Eliza can read and write. He has 1 horse, 1 mule, 7 hogs, and 600 bushels of corn. These pages are not numbered but this is the 26th image in the series. 
MAHURIN, Rev William R (I11654)
5626 Polk Township, McLaw's Hill, fam# 907
Jacob Lovely 32 M Farmer - 100 TN cannot read or write
Mary 36 F --
Alex 8 M TN
Catharine 5 F TN
Joseph 4 M TN
William 2 M TN 
LOVELY, Jacob (I3555)
5627 Polk Township, Osceola PO
Elias Disney 33 M School Teacher 250 TN
Talitha 33 F Unk
Martha A. 13 F TN
James H. 14 M "
Charles C. 8 M "
Louisa J. 6 F "
Jno. F. 1M M MO 
DISNEY, Judge Elias B (I3525)
5628 Polkville, Beat 5
Reuben Johnston Self M 45 Alabama
Martha Johnston Wife F 35 Georgia
Thomas Johnston Son M 19 Alabama
Idora Johnston Dau F 13 Alabama
Dariner Johnston Son M 10 Alabama
James Johnston Son M 6 Alabama
Willy Johnston Son M 4 Alabama
Noah Johnston Son M 3 Alabama
George Johnston Son M 8 Alabama 
JOHNSTON, Reuben Cecil (I20515)
5629 Polly Groves Source: Father's will Source: Henry B. Brackin Jr. @
"Andrew Denning m. Polly Groves 15 Sep 1806  
GROVES, Mary (I10259)
5630 Pond Lick Creek SHANNON, Robert (I3900)
5631 Poor Elmer was enumerated as female on his first census as Elmira, then named Eleanor in 1875 and finally, as Almeran on the 1880. I believe his name is Elmer, as he was called in later years. BATES, Elmer (I23774)
5632 Pope Co, Arkansas SPARKS, Nathan Matthew (I6626)
5633 Poplar Bluff Township
59 FM 584 602 Gardner Walter H head O M M W 44 M KY KY KY yes farmer
60 x 584 602 Gardner Nettie wife F W 45 M KY unk KY yes none
61 x 584 602 Gardner Gertrude dau F W 17 S MO KY KY yes
62 x 584 602 Gardner Harvey W son M W 15 S MO KY KY yes
63 x 584 602 Gardner William N son M W 14 S MO KY KY yes
64 x 584 602 Gardner Erron son M W 12 S MO KY KY yes
65 x 584 602 Gardner Robert A son M W 6 S MO KY KY yes 
GARDNER, Walter Harvey (I14890)
5634 Poplar Bluff Township
Douglas P Baird Head M 61 Indiana
Alma L Baird Wife F 57 Illinois
Waylin C Baird Son M 17 Iowa
The address is given as "FM" and "Roxie". 
BAIRD, Douglas Philander (I4832)
5635 Poplar Bluff Township
Samuel G Gardner Head Male 40 Aug 1859 Kentucky m. 10 yrs.
Sarah Gardner Wife Female 30 Mar 1870 Missouri 6/5 children
Nellie G Gardner Dau Female 9 Aug 1890 Missouri
Roy E Gardner Son Male 7 Jul 1892 Missouri
Ray V Gardner Son Male 7 Jul 1892 Missouri
Harold T Gardner Son Male 5 Sep 1894 Missouri
Cleo M Gardner Dau Female 2 Jul 1897 Missouri
Martha A Whiteacre Servant Female 18 Nov 1881 Kentucky
I can't read Sam's occupation. 
GARDNER, John Samuel (I14965)
5636 Poplar Bluff Township
Samuel Hoppe Head Male 42 Missouri age 31
Francis Hoppe Wife Female 30 Missouri age 19
Raymond Hoppe Son Male 10 Missouri
Vernon Hoppe Son Male 8 Missouri
Samuel is a truck farmer. 
HOPPE, Samuel Albert (I16155)
5637 Poplar Bluff Township GARDNER, William Marion (I14893)
5638 Poplar Bluff Township 524 Lindsay Street
Cora Johnson Head Female 43 Indiana
Jessie Johnson Son Male 17 Missouri
Cassie Johnson Son Male 16 Missouri
Nellie Johnson Dau Female 14 Missouri
Cora works in a shoe factory. 
KIRKLEY, Cora Belle (I14889)
5639 Poplar Bluff Township 524 Lindsay Street
Head Harvie Gardner M 25 Missouri
Wife Stella Gardner F 20 Missouri
Son Harold Gardner M 1 7/12 Missouri
Son Francess Gardner M 1/12 Missouri
They live with Cora. Harvey is a laborer for an oil well supply company. 
GARDNER, Harvey W (I2207)
5640 Poplar Bluff Township, 1109 Mary Street
James Womack Head Male 26 Kentucky age 21
Lucy Womack Wife Female 24 Missouri age 18
Vaneta P Womack Dau Female 4 Missouri
Betty L Womack Dau Female 3 Missouri
Billy G Womack Son Male 1 Missouri
James is a gas station attendant. 
WOMACK, James (I16146)
5641 Poplar Bluff Township, 252 Township Road
Head Harvey Gardner M 36 Missouri
Wife Stella Gardner F 30 Missouri
Son Harold Ray Gardner M 11 Missouri
Son Francis W Gardner M 10 Missouri
Son Melvin Gardner M 8 Missouri
Dau Norma Jean Gardner F 5 Missouri
Harvey is a laborer at a sucker rod mill (used in oil wells). 
GARDNER, Harvey W (I2207)
5642 Poplar Bluff Township, 253 Township Road
Aaron Gardner Head Male 32 Missouri
Opal Dena Gardner Wife Female 26 Missouri
Edith Francis Gardner Dau Female 6 Missouri
Lee Etta Gardner Dau Female 4 Missouri
Stella May Gardner Dau Female 2 Missouri 
GARDNER, Aaron (I14894)
5643 Poplar Bluff Township, 255 Township Road
Walter H Gardner Head Male 64 Kentucky
Henrietta Anna Gardner Wife Female 65 Kentucky
He's gone back to farming. 
GARDNER, Walter Harvey (I14890)
5644 Poplar Bluff Township, 28 Sower? Van Buren Road
He lives next to Walter. 
HENDRIX, Francis M Jr (I14911)
5645 Poplar Bluff Township, 29 Sower? Van Buren Road
Gardner Walter H head M W 35 m1 12 KY US US Eng farmer
Gardner Nettie wife F W 35 m1 12 8 7 KY IN KY Eng none
Gardner Frances dau F W 10 MO KY KY none
Gardner Julia dau F W 8 MO KY KY none
Gardner Gertie dau F W 7 MO KY KY none
Gardner Harvey son M W 5 MO KY KY none
Gardner Willie son M W 4 MO KY KY none
Gardner Aaron son M W 2 MO KY KY none
Gardner Charley son M W 6 mo MO KY KY none
Hendrix Albert BiL M W 20 S MO IN PA Eng farmer
Hendrix William FiL M W 62 WD IN US US Eng tie maker 
GARDNER, Walter Harvey (I14890)
5646 Poplar Bluff Township, 29 Sower? Van Buren Road
Walter H Gardner Head Male 35 Kentucky m. 12 yrs
Hettie Gardner Wife Female 35 Kentucky 8/7 children
Frances Gardner Dau Female 10 Missouri
Julia Gardner Dau Female 8 Missouri
Gertie Gardner Dau Female 7 Missouri
Harvey Gardner Son Male 5 Missouri
Willie Gardner Son Male 4 Missouri
Aaron Gardner Son Male 2 Missouri
Charley Gardner Son Male 6/12 Missouri
Albert Hendrix B-in-l Male 20 Missouri
William Hendrix F-in-l Male 62 Indiana
Walter is a farmer. 
HENDRIX, William H (I14899)
5647 Poplar Bluff Township, 604 S Kinzer Street
Sam Gardner Head Male 49 Kentucky m. 19 yrs.
Sada Gardner Wife Female 42 Missouri
Nellie Gardner Dau Female 18 Missouri
Ray Gardner Son Male 16 Missouri
Roy Gardner Son Male 16 Missouri
Herald Gardner Son Male 13 Missouri
Cleo Gardner Dau Female 12 Missouri
Sam is a city policeman. 
GARDNER, John Samuel (I14965)
5648 Poplar Bluff Township, Rt 6, County Road
David Hays Head Male 34 Illinois
Jewel Hays Wife Female 28 Missouri
Hattie Hays Dau Female 9 Missouri
Nattie Hays Dau Female 8 Missouri
Paul D Hays Son Male 2 Missouri
David is a laborer at an oil supply company. 
HAYS, David Arthur (I18398)
5649 Poplar Bluff Township, Rt 6, County Road
Walter Gardner Head Male 54 Kentucky
Nettie Gardner Wife Female 56 Kentucky
Aaron Gardner Son Male 22 Missouri
Alfred Gardner Son Male 16 Missouri
Walter is a laborer in a shoe factory. 
GARDNER, Walter Harvey (I14890)
5650 Poplar Bluff Township, Rt 6, County Road
William Gardner Head Male 24 Missouri
Myrtle Gardner Wife Female 19 Missouri
Dorotha Gardner Dau Female 1 Missouri
William is a laborer at a shoe factory. 
GARDNER, William Marion (I14893)

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