an Armstrong & a Heffernan
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 #   Notes   Linked to 
6651 Precinct 7
Perry A Parker Head Male 63 Texas
Bertha Parker Wife Female 36 Alabama
Mary Parker Dau Female 10 Texas
Velma Parker Dau Female 8 Texas
L V Parker Son Male 6 Texas
Floyd S Parker Son Male 4 Texas
Ethel M Parker Dau Female 1 9/12 Texas
Perry is still farming. 
PARKER, Perry Anderson (I17502)
6652 Precinct 7
Perry A. Parker Head Male 46 Sep 1853 Texas m. 9 yrs.
Angeline T Parker Wife Female 25 Oct 1874 Texas 4/3 children
Wade A Parker Son Male 19 Texas
Jeptha C Parker Son Male 13 Texas
Rachel C Parker Dau Female 10 Texas
Laura Parker Dau Female 6 Texas
Alford Parker Son Male 4 Texas
Lee Parker Son Male 9/12 Texas
Dora P Parker A-dau Female 12 Texas
Perry is a farmer. 
PARKER, Perry Anderson (I17502)
6653 Precinct 7
Sam D Crow Head M 46 Nov 1853 Alabama m. 18 yrs.
Fannie Crow Wife F 47 Feb 1853 Texas 2/2 children
Bulah Crow Dau F 15 Dec 1884 Texas
Roger Crow Son M 11 Dec 1888 Texas
Sarah Crow Mother F 65 Feb 1835 S Carolina 2/2 children 
CROW, Samuel David (I21183)
6654 Precinct 7
Standley Phipps head 31 Texas 23
Mae Phipps wife 19 Texas 15
Margie Lee Phipps dau 8/12 Texas
Stanley is a farmer. 
PHIPPS, Stanley Barto (I24576)
6655 Precinct 7
Tempie Bell Self F 50 Alabama
Andrew Bell Son M 18 Texas
Charles Bell Son M 15 Texas
Jane Brazell Sister F 55 Alabama 
BRAZZIL, Temperance (I8189)
6656 Precinct 7
Tempie Bell Self F 50 Alabama
Charles Bell Son M 15 Texas
Andrson Bell Son M 18 Texas
Jane Brazell Sister F 55 Alabama 
BRAZZIL, Jane (I6416)
6657 Precinct 7
Tom Peoples Head M 35 Texas
Susie Peoples Wife F 24 Texas
Raymond B Peoples Son M 9 Texas
Chancey Sparks Boarder M 26 Texas 
SPARKS, Chauncy Milton (I6663)
6658 Precinct 7
Virge A Wills Head M 45 Texas
Eula Wills Wife F 44 Alabama
Vera Wills Dau F 15 Texas
Geneva Wills Dau F 11 Texas
Johnie Wills Dau F 6 Texas 
WILLS, Virgil Alexander (I3701)
6659 Precinct 7
Virgil A Wills Head M 65 Texas
Eula Wills Wife F 64 Tennessee
Saludie E Wills Mother F 93 Mississippi
near Killeen 
WILLS, Virgil Alexander (I3701)
6660 Precinct 7
Virgil A Wills Head M 65 Texas
Eula Wills Wife F 64 Tennessee
Saludie E Wills Mother F 93 Mississippi 
CROSS, Saluda Elizabeth (I3690)
6661 Precinct 7
W Mint Harris Head M 43 Louisiana
Hattie Harris Wife F 40 Texas
Wanda Harris Dau F 7 Texas
Frances N Fonville Lodger F 29 Texas
Simon B Stallcup Lodger M 41 Illinois
Mint is a painter. 
HARRIS, William Minton (I11650)
6662 Precinct 7
Wade Parker Head Male 26 Texas m. 8 months
Edna Parker Wife Female 14 Texas 0/0 children
Frank Parker Cousin Male 14 Texas
Wade is a farmer. 
PARKER, Wade Anderson (I17504)
6663 Precinct 7
Walter E Dillon Head M 42 Iowa
Hertha B Dillon Wife F 33 Iowa
Billy E Dillon Son M 13 Oregon
Mary Anne Dillon Dau F 10 Oregon 
DILLON, Walter Eugene (I21792)
6664 Precinct 7
William WILLS Self M Male W 51 MO Farmer VA VA
Saluda E. WILLS Wife M Female W 43 MS Keeping House TN VA
James WILLS Son S Male W 17 TX Laboring On Farm MO MS
Virgil WILLS Son S Male W 15 TX Laboring On Farm MO MS
Mary WILLS Dau S Female W 10 TX At Home MO MS
Curtis WILLS Son S Male W 8 TX At Home MO MS
Oliver WILLS Son S Male W 5 TX At Home MO MS
John WILLS Son S Male W 2 TX At Home MO MS 
WILLS, William Riley (I3128)
6665 Precinct 7
William J. Gibson Self M M W 25 MO Farmer MO MO
Annie Gibson Wife M F W 19 AR Keeping House TX MO
John C. B. Gibson Son S M W 6M TX MO AR Dec
Houston Rumley Neph S M W 17 AR Labors On Farm -- AR 
GIBSON, William John (I76)
6666 Precinct 7
William Wills Head M 71 Aug 1828 Missouri m. 47 yrs.
Saluda A Wills Wife F 63 Mar 1837 Mississippi 11/8 children
John C Wills Son M 22 Aug 1877 Texas
Ida Cross Niece F 15 Sep 1884 Texas 
WILLS, William Riley (I3128)
6667 Precinct 7
Willie A Williams head M 25 Texas m. 5 yrs.
Ald Williams wife F 25 Texas 2/2 children
Carl Williams son M 4 Texas
Homer Williams son M 2 Texas
Willie is a farmer and they live next to Emmett and Bessie. 
WILLIAMS, William Asa (I19061)
6668 Precinct 7 (Precinct 67, 68 & 69 [I don't know what this means])
Robert Haude head 32 Texas
Frankie Haude wife 32 Texas
Robert is a farmer. 
HAUDE, Robert Julius (I18584)
6669 Precinct 7, 1000 Marlboro
Head Alfred Parker M 33 Texas
Wife Bessie Parker F 26 Texas 13
Dau Katie O Parker F 8 Texas
Dau Bessie K Parker F 6 Texas
Dau Eve A Parker F 5 Texas
Son Claudie A Parker M 3 Texas
Bro-i-l Claudie P Rogers M 28 Texas 24
Sis-i-l Mary E Rogers F 15 Texas 13
Boarder Archie H Thornburg M 36 Texas
Alfred is a truck driver for a candy company and Claud is a truckdriver for a wholesale powder company. 
PARKER, Alfred (I1733)
6670 Precinct 7, 1000 Marlboro
Head Alfred Parker M 33 Texas
Wife Bessie Parker F 26 Texas 13
Dau Katie O Parker F 8 Texas
Dau Bessie K Parker F 6 Texas
Dau Eve A Parker F 5 Texas
Son Claudie A Parker M 3 Texas
Bro-i-l Claudie P Rogers M 28 Texas 24
Sis-i-l Mary E Rogers F 15 Texas 13
Boarder Archie H Thornburg M 36 Texas
Alfred is a truck driver for a candy company and Claud is a truckdriver for a wholesale powder company. 
ROGERS, Claude Pleasant (I17500)
6671 Precinct 7, 603 West Page
Floyd S Benneson Head M 65 Illinois
Jessie Benneson Wife F 64 Missouri
Paul J Nye S-in-l M 40 Texas
Edna Mae Nye Dau F 40 Missouri
Jewel Pettie Milburn Lodger M 45 Kentucky
William H Wright Lodger M 28 Texas
Paul is a transfer accountant and Edna is a milliner in a wholesale millinery. They lived in the same place in 1935. 
MYE, Paul John (I18888)
6672 Precinct 7, Arcadia Park, 313 IRA (initials?)
Isaac B Cornelison Head Male 58 Georgia
Lottie Cornelison Wife Female 50 Arkansas
Paul Cornelison Son Male 25 Georgia
Lloyd Cornelison Son Male 21 Alabama
Isaac is a minister, Lottie is a seamstress and Paul is a bank clerk. Lottie was first married at age 19 and has borne 6 children. 
CORNELISON, Isaac Burrell (I15216)
6673 Precinct 7, Bedias to Hunter Hills Road
Charles Williams?tab?head?tab?47?tab?Texas
Elgie Williams?tab??tab?wife?tab?34?tab?Texas
Bessie Ola Williams?tab?dau?tab?15?tab?Texas
Herman Williams?tab??tab?son?tab?12?tab?Texas
L C Griffith?tab??tab?nephew?tab?15?tab?Texas
Ben G Griffith?tab??tab?nephew?tab?19?tab?Texas
Elma Lenox?tab??tab?lodger?tab?28?tab?Texas
Marilyn Lenox?tab??tab?" dau?tab? 4?tab?Texas
Charles is a farmer. Ben is a fence builder for the CCC. Elma is Charles' niece. 
WILLIAMS, Charles Homer (I19065)
6674 Precinct 7, Bedias to Hunter Hills Road
Charles Williams?tab?head?tab?47?tab?Texas
Elgie Williams?tab??tab?wife?tab?34?tab?Texas
Bessie Ola Williams?tab?dau?tab?15?tab?Texas
Herman Williams?tab??tab?son?tab?12?tab?Texas
L C Griffith?tab??tab?nephew?tab?15?tab?Texas
Ben G Griffith?tab??tab?nephew?tab?19?tab?Texas
Elma Lenox?tab??tab?lodger?tab?28?tab?Texas
Marilyn Lenox?tab??tab?" dau?tab? 4?tab?Texas
Charles is a farmer. Ben is a fence builder for the CCC. Elma is Charles' niece. 
GRIFFITH, Benjamin Garven (I19077)
6675 Precinct 7, Bedias to Hunter Hills Road
Charles Williams?tab?head?tab?47?tab?Texas
Elgie Williams?tab??tab?wife?tab?34?tab?Texas
Bessie Ola Williams?tab?dau?tab?15?tab?Texas
Herman Williams?tab??tab?son?tab?12?tab?Texas
L C Griffith?tab??tab?nephew?tab?15?tab?Texas
Ben G Griffith?tab??tab?nephew?tab?19?tab?Texas
Elma Lenox?tab??tab?lodger?tab?28?tab?Texas
Marilyn Lenox?tab??tab?" dau?tab? 4?tab?Texas
Charles is a farmer. Ben is a fence builder for the CCC. Elma is Charles' niece. 
GRIFFITH, Lawrence Calvin (I19079)
6676 Precinct 7, Bedias to Hunter Hills Road
Charles Williams?tab?head?tab?47?tab?Texas
Elgie Williams?tab??tab?wife?tab?34?tab?Texas
Bessie Ola Williams?tab?dau?tab?15?tab?Texas
Herman Williams?tab??tab?son?tab?12?tab?Texas
L C Griffith?tab??tab?nephew?tab?15?tab?Texas
Ben G Griffith?tab??tab?nephew?tab?19?tab?Texas
Elma Lenox?tab??tab?lodger?tab?28?tab?Texas
Marilyn Lenox?tab??tab?" dau?tab? 4?tab?Texas
Charles is a farmer. Ben is a fence builder for the CCC. Elma is Charles' niece. 
WILLIAMS, Elma Gladys (I24484)
6677 Precinct 7, going north on Hwy 90
McDougald, Garvin C head 41 Texas
McDougald, Pearl wife 34 Texas
Garvin is a farmer. 
MCDOUGLAD, Garvin Chancey (I24575)
6678 Precinct 7, Huntsville Road
Ben G Griffith head 45 Texas
Maggie Griffith wife 32 Texas
Luther Griffith son 8/12 Texas
Charlie Williams bro?tab? 26?tab?Texas
Ben is a farmer. Charlie is widowed. 
WILLIAMS, Charles Homer (I19065)
6679 Precinct 7, Huntsville Road
Ben G Griffith head 45 Texas
Maggie Griffith wife 32 Texas
Luther Griffith son 8/12 Texas
Charlie Williams bro?tab? 26?tab?Texas
Ben is a farmer. Charlie is widowed. 
GRIFFITH, Benjamin G (I19076)
6680 Precinct 7, Huntsville Road
Buster Morris Head M 30 Texas
Lillian Morris Wife F 30 Texas
Lavern Morris Dau F 6 Texas
Curtis Morris Son M 5 Texas
Jimmie Morris Dau F 3 7/12 Texas
Brady Morris Son M 2 Texas
Melva Morris Dau F 9/12 Texas
Buster is a famer. 
MORRIS, James Thomas (I24509)
6681 Precinct 7, Louetta Road
Haude, Frank H head 50 Texas
Haude, Rosie M wife 41 Texas
Haude, Frank H Jr son 17 Texas
Haude, Henry E son 14 Texas
Haude, Almeda R dau 4 Texas
Frank is a farmer. 
HAUDE, Frank Harmen (I18586)
6682 Precinct 7, Louetta Road
Haude, Robert J head 53 Texas
Haude, Frankie E wife 41 Texas
Haude, Eileen R dau 19 Texas
Haude, Mildred F dau 16 Texas
Haude, Edward H bro 52 Texas
Edward is a farm laborer and single. 
HAUDE, Edward Henry (I18585)
6683 Precinct 7, Louetta Road
Haude, Robert J head 53 Texas
Haude, Frankie E wife 41 Texas
Haude, Eileen R dau 19 Texas
Haude, Mildred F dau 16 Texas
Haude, Edward H bro 52 Texas
Robert is a farmer; he spoke German as a child. 
HAUDE, Robert Julius (I18584)
6684 Precinct 7, Louetta Road
Head August J Haude M 57 Texas
Son Rudolph R Haude M 25 Texas
Son Harry H Haude M 19 Texas
Dau Elizabeth C Mueller F 27 Texas
G-dau Irene L Mueller F 8 Texas
G-dau Mueller F 7 Texas
G-son Alton A Mueller M 5 Texas 
HAUDE, August Julius (I18594)
6685 Precinct 7, near Hwy 90 east of the railroad, between Bedias and Singleton
McDugald, Garvin head 31 Texas
McDugald, Pearl wife 23 Texas
Garvin is a farmer. They live next to Oscar and Martha McDugald. 
MCDOUGLAD, Garvin Chancey (I24575)
6686 Precinct 7, Pinehill
L S Winfrey Head M 47 Georgia m. 24 yrs.
Lodeska Winfrey Wife F 41 Alabama 10/9 children
Desaunto Winfrey Son M 17 Texas
Nellie M Winfrey Dau F 15 Texas
Pereties Winfrey Dau F 13 Texas
Arastus Winfrey Son M 11 Texas
Gallandum Winfrey Son M 9 Texas
Dogiacne Winfrey Son M 7 Texas 
WINFREY, Louis Samuel (I18456)
6687 Precinct 7, Post Oak Island PO
James L Hogan Self M 61 Tennessee
Nancey E Hogan Wife F 46 Missouri
Rufus Hogan Son M 23 Texas
Francis Hogan Son M 14 Texas
Eunice Hogan Dau F 10 Texas
Sarah M Hogan Dau F 8 Texas
Mary Gambill Dau F 26 Texas
Willie Gambill G-son M 2 Texas
Jennie Gambill G-dau F 2 Texas
William Sides Hired M 16 Texas 
HOGAN, James Lowery (I3684)
6688 Precinct 7, Republic Townsite
James T Sterling Head M 48 Texas
Bessie Sterling Wife F 48 Texas
Brunella Sterling Dau F 20 Texas
Mildred Sterling Dau F 18 Texas
James Sterling Son M 14 Texas
Elliott Sterling Son M 11 Texas
Edwin J Minnock B-in-l M 45 Texas
James is a team foreman at the oilfield, Brunella is a school teacher and Edwin is a building contractor. 
STERLING, James Thomas (I12317)
6689 Precinct 7, Rock Creek Township
Walter Ashby Head M 34 Iowa Ohio Ohio m. 3 years
Florence O Ashby Wife F 18 Iowa Ohio Ohio 2/2 children
James F Ashby Son M 1-9/12 Nebraska Iowa Iowa
Harold W Son M 7/12 Colorado Iowa Iowa
Walter is a farm laborer for someone else. 
ASHBY, Walter (I11443)
6690 Precinct 7, Spring Louetta Road
William B Theiss head 42 Texas
Amelia Theiss wife 38 Texas
Myrtle Theiss dau 18 Texas
Floyd Theiss son 17 Texas
Arnold Theiss son 15 Texas
Estella Theiss dau 13 Texas
Roberta Theiss dau 10 Texas
Florence Theiss dau 7 Texas
Thelma Theiss dau 6 Texas
Joyce Theiss dau 1 Texas
William is a farmer. They were first married at ages 24 and 19. 
THEISS, William Benjamin (I24651)
6691 Precinct 7, Steubner Airline Road
William B Theiss head 52 Texas
Amalia E Theiss wife 48 Texas
Myrtle L Theiss dau 28 Texas
Arnold R Theiss son 25 Texas
Florence M Theiss dau 17 Texas
Thelma E Theiss dau 16 Texas
Joyce E Theiss dau 11 Texas
William is a truck driver for road maintenance. Arnold is a farmer. 
THEISS, William Benjamin (I24651)
6692 Precinct 77
Cecil N Lathen Head F 45 Iowa 25
Frances N Lathen Dau F 17 Washington
Chester D Lathen Son M 16 Washington
Maravene C Lathen Dau F 13 Washington
Tommy C Lathen Son M 11 Washington 
THOMAS, Cecil N (I21973)
6693 Precinct 8
W A Williams head 46 Texas 19
Alda Williams wife 46 Texas 19
Homer Williams son 22 Texas
C V Williams son 19 Texas can't read the first name
Elmer Williams dau 17 Texas
Ira D Williams dau 15 Texas
Mary Williams dau 12 Texas
Marcell? Williams dau 7 Texas
Irma Williams dau 1 10/12 Texas
Coral Williams head 24 Texas 19
Fannie Williams wife 19 Texas 13
Ella Phallen sister 13 Texas
Bedie Phallen sister 21 Texas
Wesley Williams son 3 6/12 Texas
Elton Williams son 2 Texas
Mattie Williams head 36 Texas
Buster Stewart cousin 29 Texas
Annie L Stewart cousin 20 Texas
The family is farming. The family/dwelling numbers are unhelpful so I've included all of them as one. I'm guessing that Ella and Bedie are Fannie's sisters rather than Carl's. 
WILLIAMS, William Asa (I19061)
6694 Precinct 8
W A Williams head 46 Texas 19
Alda Williams wife 46 Texas 19
Homer Williams son 22 Texas
C V Williams son 19 Texas can't read the first name
Elmer Williams dau 17 Texas
Ira D Williams dau 15 Texas
Mary Williams dau 12 Texas
Marcell? Williams dau 7 Texas
Irma Williams dau 1 10/12 Texas
Coral Williams head 24 Texas 19
Fannie Williams wife 19 Texas 13
Ella Phallen sister 13 Texas
Bedie Phallen sister 21 Texas
Wesley Williams son 3 6/12 Texas
Elton Williams son 2 Texas
Mattie Williams head 36 Texas
Buster Stewart cousin 29 Texas
Annie L Stewart cousin 20 Texas
The family is farming. The family/dwelling numbers are unhelpful so I've included all of them as one. I'm guessing that Ella and Bedie are Fannie's sisters rather than Carl's. 
WILLIAMS, Carl Oliver (I24475)
6695 Precinct 8
Armstrong, Jack head W M Aug 1851 48 M 25 AR AR AR m. 25yrs
Minerva A wife W F Apr 1859 41 M 25 AR KY KY 12/10
Elijah son W M Sep 1882 17 S AR AR AR
Moses son W M Feb 1884 14 S AR AR AR
Geo P son W M Apr 1889 11 S TX AR AR
Myrtle dau W F Jun 1891 8 S TX AR AR
Solomon son W M Oct 1898 6 S TX AR AR
Jackson son W M Aug 1898 1 S TX AR AR
David son W M May 1900 0 S TX AR AR 
ARMSTRONG, Jackson Calvin (I12)
6696 Precinct 8
Buster Morris head M 41 Texas
Willie Morris wife F 25 Texas
Curtis Morris son M 15 Texas
Jimmie Morris dau F 14 Texas
Melvy Morris dau F 10 Texas
Mary E Morris dau F 8 Texas
Irene Morris dau F 6 Texas
Buster is still farming. They both were first married at age 23. Jimmie's gender and relationship have been marked through and changed to son and M. The family lives next to Floyd Morris and very near to both Smith and Emmitt Williams. 
MORRIS, James Thomas (I24509)
6697 Precinct 8
Cordan Sparks Head M 38 Texas
Etta Sparks Wife F 34 Texas
Omer Sparks Son M 12 Texas
Bernice Sparks Dau F 9 Texas
Clifford Sparks Son M 7 Texas
Eula Mae Sparks Dau F 2 Texas 
SPARKS, Cordon Wesley (I6658)
6698 Precinct 8
Edward P Langley Head M 53 Texas age 23
Addie Langley Wife F 49 Texas age 19
Lucile Langley Dau F 20 Texas
Jewel Langley Dau F 16 Texas
Edward Langley Jr. Son M 13 Texas 
LANGLEY, Edward Pue (I5275)
6699 Precinct 8
Emma Walker Head F 47 Texas 10/10 children
Raymon Walker Son M 20 Texas
Betty Walker Dau F 18 Texas
Nettie Walker Dau F 18 Texas
Loma Walker Dau F 16 Texas
Barney Walker Son M 13 Texas
Iva Walker Dau F 11 Texas
Otha Walker Son M 9 Texas 
ROBERTS, Emma Isaiah (I5586)
6700 Precinct 8
George Harris Head M 61 Apr 1839 Tennessee m. 41 yrs.
Mary Harris Wife F 62 Apr 1838 Indiana 3/3 children
Minten Harris Son M 13 Oct 1886 Texas
Morris Harris Son M 13 Oct 1886 Texas
Nancy Rose S-in-l F 76 Oct 1833 Illinois 0/0 children
Mary is supposed to have only three children so either these are grandchildren or she misunderstood the question. She would have been 48 when these boys were born - not impossible but unlikely. 
MAHURIN, Nancy R (I11430)

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