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6951 Richard Taylor Atkins, age 56, born 11 Feb 1886, Bell County, Texas, lives at 3415 Kings Row in Dallas. His contact is Mrs Lou Atkins and his emploter is the Board of Education. ATKINS, Richard Taylor (I18172)
6952 Richard Thomas Fincher, age 24, of Rt 5, Ennis, Texas, was born 5 July 1893, in South Hill, Alabama. He is employed by T J Fincher in Bardwell and is married with 2 children. He is tall and stout with brown eyes and dark brown hair. FINCHER, Richard Thomas (I126)
6953 Richard was eight years old when he was hit by a car. CHAMBERS, Richard Glen (I16429)
6954 Richard's will leaves everything to his brother so it doesn't look like he ever married. BASKERVILLE, Richard (I16831)
6955 Richland Station PO, District 17
147 Baskerville T. J. 30 M W day laborer . . TN . . . . . .
147 Baskerville Mary 26 F W . . . TN . . . X X .
147 Baskerville Richard 9 M W . . . TN . . . . . .
147 Baskerville Mary 7 F W . . . KY . . . . . .
147 Baskerville John 5 M W . . . TN . . . . . .
147 Baskerville B. F. 3 M W . . . TN . . . . . .
147 Baskerville Sally 1 F W . . . TN . . . . . .
Living next door to his dad, he's a day laborer. 
BASKERVILLE, Thomas J (I9655)
6956 Richland Station PO, District 17
Baskerville G. A. 68 M W Farmer 4800 400 VA . . . . . .
Baskerville Margaret 57 F W . . . TN . . . . . .
Baskerville Richard 27 M W . . . TN . . . . . .
Baskerville Wm 56 M W . . . TN . . . . . Idiotic [his brother?]
He was a farmer. 
BASKERVILLE, George A (I9666)
6957 Richland Station PO, District 17
Baskerville G. A. 68 M W Farmer 4800 400 VA . . . . . .
Baskerville Margaret 57 F W . . . TN . . . . . .
Baskerville Richard 27 M W . . . TN . . . . . .
Baskerville Wm 56 M W . . . TN . . . . . Idiotic [his brother?]
He was a farmer. 
BASKERVILLE, William (I9669)
6958 Richland Township
Chas Mcghee Head M 29 Oct 1870 Iowa m. 6 yrs.
Abbie Mcghee Wife F 20 Aug 1879 Iowa 1/1 children
Glen Mcghee Son M 4 Jun 1895 Iowa 
MCGHEE, Charles (I11345)
6959 Richland Township
Francis Lindsey Head M 38 Illinois
Halla Lindsey Wife F 25 Missouri
Margaret U Lindsey Dau F 1-6/12 Missouri
Alvin is a general architect. 
LINDSAY, Alvin Francis (I16115)
6960 Richland Township
John Mcghee M 75 Ohio
Elizabeth Mcghee F 72 Ohio
George Topliff M 21 Allamakee 
MCGHEE, John Jr (I8831)
6961 Richland Township
Milt H Mcghee M 30 Allmakee
Ida Mcghee F 25 Illinois
Edna Mcghee F 7 Guthrie [Ida Edna Blezek]
Edith Mcghee F 5 Guthrie
Ruth Mcghee F 2 Guthrie [Ruth E Bushman]
Milt is a day laborer. 
MCGHEE, Milton Henry (I11342)
6962 Richland Township
Robert Kepler M 39 Ohio
Martha Kepler F 35 Ohio
Alice E Kepler F 16 Ohio
Morgan Rose M 45 Ohio 
KEPLER, Robert (I23470)
6963 Richland Township
Robert Kepler Self M 49 Ohio
Martha Kepler Wife F 45 Ohio 
KEPLER, Robert (I23470)
6964 Richland Township
Samuel Kepler M 77 Pennsylvania
Rachel Kepler F 66 Pennsylvania
Sarah Kepler F 29 Ohio
Manerva McCauley F 20 Ohio
Manerva is a servant. 
KEPLER, Samuel (I15989)
6965 Richland Township
Samuel Kepler M 57 Pennsylvania
Rachel Kepler F 46 Pennsylvania
Mary Ann Kepler F 24 Ohio
Betsy Ann Kepler F 24 Ohio
Robert Kepler M 19 Ohio
Josiah Kepler M 16 Ohio
Rachel Kepler F 11 Ohio
Sarah Kepler F 9 Ohio
Lucy Kepler F 6 Ohio
James Carpenter M 23 Ohio 
KEPLER, Samuel (I15989)
6966 Richland Township, aged 79Y, 9M, 7D KEPLER, Samuel (I15989)
6967 Richland Township, Milldale PO
Samuel Kepler M 67 Pennsylvania
Rachel Kepler F 56 Pennsylvania
Josiah Kepler M 26 Ohio
Sarah Kepler F 18 Ohio
Lucy M Kepler F 16 Ohio
Robert McKinnis M 83 Pennsylvania
Amanda Ward F 20 Ohio
Benjamin F Winery M 22 Ohio
Henry Berlin M 22 Germany
This is indexed under Kessler. 
KEPLER, Samuel (I15989)
6968 Richland Township, Milldale PO
Samuel Kepler M 67 Pennsylvania
Rachel Kepler F 56 Pennsylvania
Josiah Kepler M 26 Ohio
Sarah Kepler F 18 Ohio
Lucy M Kepler F 16 Ohio
Robert McKinnis M 83 Pennsylvania
Amanda Ward F 20 Ohio
Benjamin F Winery M 22 Ohio
Henry Berlin M 22 Germany 
MCKINNIS, Judge Robert (I8842)
6969 Richmond Borough, Ward 3, #2 Hawthorne Road
Head Harry Hagen M 47 Norway
Wife Julia Hagen F 46 New York
Son Harold Hagen M 21 New York
Dau Julia Hagen F 15 New York
Son Harry T Hagen M 13 New York
Dau Johanna Hagen F 3 New York
S-Son Bert E Johnson M 25 New York
Harry was the second mate on a dredging barge at Staten Island. 
HAUGEN, Harry Thorleif (I17078)
6970 RIGBY RUSSELL 28 10N 17E CHOCTAW 161.42 1846/12/01 RIGBY, Russell Thomas (I10723)
6971 RIGBY RUSSELL 33 10N 17E CHOCTAW 42.33 1850/12/05 RIGBY, Russell Thomas (I10723)
6972 Rigby Genforum Post Source (S298)
6973 Rigdon Brazzil BRAZZIL, Rigdon B (I6415)
6974 Rigdon Brazzil BRAZZIL, Rigdon B (I6415)
6975 Rigdon Brazzil BRAZZIL, Rigdon B (I6415)
6976 Rigdon Brazzil BRAZZIL, Rigdon B (I6415)
6977 Rigdon was paying taxes in Harrison County as early as 1851. Census records that include Rigdon and Mary Ann say William was born in Alabama but the ones recorded when he was an adult say he was born in Texas. I believe that Artimisia probably died shortly after his birth - in Texas - or possibly two years later about the time she would have been having another child. Rigdon may have died in either Marion or Harrison county. BRAZZIL, Rigdon B (I6415)
6978 Ripley PO
Pipkin, Elizabeth 44 F Keeping House 1000 600 TN
John 17 M Farm Laborer TN
Charles 12 M Farm Laborer TN
Martha 8 F TN 
PATTERSON, Elizabeth J (I12655)
6979 Robb Township
Daniel STEWART Self Male W 71 KY Retired Farmer NC NC
Mary A. STEWART Wife M Female W 69 IL Keeps House NJ PA
Velary STEWART Dau S Female W 31 IL At Home KY IN

next door is
Catherine BENNET Self W Female W 60 IN Keeps House IN IN
Thomas STEWART Other S Male W 31 IN Laborer IN IN 
STEWART, Daniel (I16096)
6980 Robb Township
Daniel STEWART Self Male W 71 KY Retired Farmer NC NC
Mary A. STEWART Wife M Female W 69 IL Keeps House NJ PA
Velary STEWART Dau S Female W 31 IL At Home KY IN 
STEWART, Valary (I15678)
6981 Robb Township
Daniel Stewart M 58 Illinois
Polly Ann Stewart F 54 Illinois
Daniel is working as a ??? laborer. 
STEWART, Daniel (I16096)
6982 Robb Township
Elves Andirson Head M 54 Indiana
Cora M Andirson Wife F 53 Indiana
Minnie M Andirson Dau F 24 Indiana
Malcolm S Andirson Son M 19 Indiana
William L Andirson Son M 17 Indiana
Raymond Sanders Servant M 16 Illinois
Ralph Sanders Servant M 16 Illinois 
ANDERSON, Elvis (I19813)
6983 Robb Township
Elvis Anderson Head M 34 Indiana m. 9 yrs.
Cora M Anderson Wife F 34 Indiana 2/2 children
Lural J Anderson Son M 8 Indiana
Minnie M Anderson Dau F 4 Indiana
Virgil P Overton Servant M 19 Indiana
Elvis is a farmer. 
ANDERSON, Elvis (I19813)
6984 Robb Township
Elvis Anderson Head M 44 Indiana
Cora Anderson Wife F 43 Indiana
Lural Anderson Son M 17 Indiana
Minnie May Anderson Dau F 14 Indiana
Malcolm S Anderson Son M 10 Indiana
William L Anderson Son M 7 Indiana 
ANDERSON, Elvis (I19813)
6985 Robb Township
George W Moye M 36 North Carolina
Repsy Moye F 35 Indiana
John L Moye M 6 Indiana
Susan M Moye F 3 Indiana
George T Moye M 1 Indiana
Elias Stewart M 23 Illinois
Simon Stewart M 19 Illinois
George, Elias and Simon are coopers. 
STEWART, Simon H (I19843)
6986 Robb Township
James Wiggins M 27 Indiana
Susan Wiggins F 27 Illinois
Walter L Wiggins M 4 Indiana
Luella Minnie Wiggins F 1 Indiana
James is a carpenter. 
WIGGINS, James T (I15673)
6987 Robb Township
James Wiggins Self M 38 Indiana
Susan Wiggins Wife F 38 Illinois
Walter L Wiggins Son M 14 Indiana
Luella Wiggins Dau F 12 Indiana
Clarence Wiggins Son M 6 Indiana
Cora Wiggins Dau F 4 Indiana
James is a carpenter. 
WIGGINS, James T (I15673)
6988 Robb Township
James Wiggins Head M 57 Oct 1842 Indiana m. 36 yrs
Susan Wiggins Wife F 57 Dec 1842 Illinois 5/4 children
Coria Wiggins Dau F 24 Apr 1876 Indiana
Valarey Stewart S-in-l F 51 Feb 1849 Illinois
James is a house carpenter; Susan and Cora are dressmakers. 
WIGGINS, James T (I15673)
6989 Robb Township
James Wiggins Head M 57 Oct 1842 Indiana m. 36 yrs
Susan Wiggins Wife F 57 Dec 1842 Illinois 5/4 children
Coria Wiggins Dau F 24 Apr 1876 Indiana
Valarey Stewart S-in-l F 51 Feb 1849 Illinois
James is a house carpenter; Susan and Cora are dressmakers. 
STEWART, Valary (I15678)
6990 Robb Township
Mrs Sarah Wiggins F 52 Indiana 1818
Jonathan D Wiggins M 14 Illinois 
BENNETT, Susannah F (I16102)
6991 Robb Township
Simon E Stewart M 20 Indiana
Ann C Stewart F 26 Indiana
Arster Stewart F 4 Indiana
William Stewart M 2 Indiana
Lawrence Stewart M 1 Indiana
A C Anderson F 24 Indiana
Simon is a mechanic. 
STEWART, Simon H (I19843)
6992 Robb Township
Simon E Stewart M 30 Ill
Ann C Stewart F 24 Ind
Hester A Stewart F 4 Ind
William P Stewart M 2 Ind
Florence Stewart F 1 Ind
A C Anderson M 24 Ind
Simon is a mechanic? and AC is a merchant. 
STEWART, Simon H (I19843)
6993 Robb Township
Thos H Parvin M 24 Illinois
Doretha Parvin F 24 Illinois
Henry E Parvin M 1 Indiana 
PARVIN, Thomas Henry (I19827)
6994 Robb Township Stewartsville and Poseyville PO
S H Stewart M 39 Illinois
Annie Stewart F 35 Indiana
Ester Stewart F 14 Indiana
William Stewart M 12 Indiana
Florence Stewart F 9 Indiana
Daniel C Stewart M 7 Indiana
Nathan Stewart M 4 Indiana
Mary C Stewart F 11/12 Indiana
Simon is farming. 
STEWART, Simon H (I19843)
6995 Robb Township, Stewartsville PO
Susan F Wiggins F 41 Indiana 1819
James T Wiggins M 19 Illinois
Jonathan W Wiggins M 5 Indiana
They are farming. 
BENNETT, Susannah F (I16102)
6996 Robbert Bettie Loomis? LOOMIS, Robbert Elizabeth (I17370)
6997 Robert "Bob" Holzworth
DICKINSON - Robert "Bob" Holzworth, 76, of Dickinson, Texas passed away on Monday, June 27, 2005, at his residence. Bob was born in Galveston, Texas on April 9, 1929, to Juanita and Elmer A. Holzworth, Sr. He retired from Amoco Refinery as a Security Supervisor with 42 years of service.
Bob was preceded in death by his parents a brother, Elmer A. Holzworth, Jr., and a son, John Mahoney.
Survivors include his wife, Frances Holzworth; daughter Kathleen Prothro; three sons, John Holzworth, Daniel Holzworth and Rocky Mahoney; a sister, Marilyn Watson; eight grandchildren and two great- grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held on Friday, July 1, 2005, at the Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Dickinson at 10 a.m. with Father James Hamilton officiating. Interment will follow services at Mt. Olivet Cemetery in Dickinson. There will be a visitation held on Thursday evening at Crowder Funeral Home in Dickinson from 5 to 8 p.m.
Memorials may be sent to Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, 461 Hwy. 3, Dickinson, Texas, 77539.
James Crowder Funeral Home-Dickinson
Published June 29, 2005 
HOLZWORTH, Robert Earl (I2217)
6998 ROBERT BAIRD 24 Feb 1882 Jan 1976 80903 (Colorado Springs, El Paso, CO) 524-48-0064 Colorado ? BAIRD, Raymond Eugene (I15647)
6999 Robert Bruce Montgomery 1920 - 2009
Robert Bruce (Bob) Montgomery, local businessman and founder of Montgomery Drilling Co., died Saturday, October 31, 2009, in the presence of his family after a short illness. He was 89. Raised in Bakersfield from birth, Bob spent his youth playing sports, hunting, fishing, riding horses and re-building his own Model A. He attended Kern County Union High School and Bakersfield Junior College, transferring to Stanford University in 1939, where he was for a time a member of the team that went on to win the 1941 Rose Bowl. He and fellow Bakersfield native Don Hopper joined the Navy together just before the outbreak of World War II in 1941, hoping to be assigned to a warship. However, with his engineering background, Bob became the Lieutenant Commander of the Naval Repair Base in San Diego. In this capacity, he coordinated the maintenance and repairs of amphibious vehicles and their crews for expeditious return to battle in the Pacific arena. When the war ended, he returned to Stanford, where he graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering in 1947.
He met Ruth Ann Greene while at Stanford, and kept in touch with her during the war. In 1950, they were married in Calabasas, California in the house used for the movie "Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House". Immediately after graduation he began his career in the oil business in the Los Angeles basin, first with Atlantic Richfield, then with Howard Nelson Company and Pike Drilling. In 1954, he returned to Bakersfield and co-founded Casey and Montgomery Drilling Inc. with one drilling rig. He bought his partner out three years later, and over the next two decades built Montgomery Drilling Co. into the largest privately owned deep-well drilling company west of the Mississippi, with 26 rigs drilling wells from California to the Alaskan North Slope, Canada, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, and Nevada. One of his rigs broke the record for the deepest well ever drilled offshore California. For a short time he drilled in the North Sea. The success of the drilling business allowed him to help others along the way, and he was instrumental in the success of other Bakersfield entities such as Cates Trucking and B & B Surplus. He also helped further the career of horse trainer Greg Ward, with whom he partnered in a training operation south of Porterville. He had a passion for ranching and farming, and he became a significant citrus farmer and cattle rancher in Tulare County. An excellent golfer, he purchased and renovated River Island Country Club located between Porterville and Springville, selling it to members after making it one of the premier courses in the central San Joaquin Valley. An avid hunter, he built a duck club in the Buttonwillow area. When the drilling industry all but disappeared in the late 1980's, he turned to real estate development near the golf course, and he and a partner formed Montgomery Ranch, a planned community of one-acre home sites. He assumed control of the local Wendy's restaurant franchise, Four Corners, Inc., and partnered with his son to make it a success. It still operates four Wendy's restaurants in Santa Clarita, California. He is a former director of both Stockdale and Bakersfield country clubs, past president of the latter and a member of Valley and Birnam Wood Country Clubs in Montecito. He was a founding director of San Joaquin Bank and served a year on the Grand Jury. Other affiliations include the Jonathan Club, Balboa Bay Club, Rancheros Visitadores, Petroleum Clubs of Los Angeles and Bakersfield, the Century Club, the Stanford Buck Club and the Downtown Rotary Club. Along with his wife, Bob was a generous supporter of many organizations, most notably the Assistance League of Bakersfield, which his wife founded. He was a loyal Stanford alum and created an endowed scholarship fund for undergraduates.
The Montgomery home was the venue for many fundraisers, the most memorable being for President Reagan when he ran for his first presidential term. He will be remembered for his quick wit, his business acumen, his integrity, and his passion to help those who have the will to succeed. He lived his entire life according to a personal philosophy of hard work, competence and perseverance, and shared this philosophy with his children. He will be greatly missed. Preceding him in death was his brother Wayne. He is survived by his wife, Ruth Ann, his sister Irene and three children: daughter Melinda and husband Kurt Thomas, daughter Marilee and husband Joe Green, son Robert Jr. and wife Rhonda. He took great pride in his nine grandchildren and two great grandchildren: Nicholas, Kelley, Natalie, Jessica, Michael, Amber, Thomas, Jess, Lisa, Audrey, Sarah and Michelle. The family is grateful to Rachael Peralta, his driver, caregiver and friend; to Susan Freilino, for her on-call medical help; to longtime bookkeeper Carol Holloway; and to housekeeper Marty Barron.
Heartfelt thanks to Tammy, Jessica, all the caregivers at Interim Healthcare and Mercy Hospice, and a special thanks to Monsignor Craig Harrison. A memorial service will be held on Friday, November 6, at 11:00 AM at St. Francis Church, 900 H St., Bakersfield. A private internment will take place at the Bakersfield National Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations in his name may be made to the Stanford Fund,, "Bakersfield Waterman Foundation", The Rotary Club of Bakersfield- Downtown: PO Box 1628, Bakersfield, CA 93302 and the Bakersfield Assistance League: 1924 Q St., Bakersfield, CA 93301-4814. Doughty-Calhoun-O'Meara 
MONTGOMERY, Robert Bruce (I21957)
7000 Robert Edward Lee, age 44, 11 Jun 1874, is a truck driver for Standard Oil Co. His nearest relative is Bertha Lee of Gallatin. He is of medium height and build with blue eyes and dark hair. LEE, Robert Edward (I10088)

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