an Armstrong & a Heffernan
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 #   Notes   Linked to 
7101 Sallie married Benjamin Ford on 1 May 1871, Benton County, Arkansas, Marriage Book A, page 257. By the 1900 census, Benjamin is married to Susan J. The record says they have been married since age 31 (17yrs) and she has had 5 children with 4 still living. In 1910, he is married to Jane S and has been married 26 years, again 5 children, 4 living. I believe Susan J and Jane S are the same person and that Sarah died before 1900 and her children are probably Elizabeth, Nancy Jane, Eldora and Fannie M. There is then a gap in the children's ages and Mary is born in 1884, 26 years before the 1910 Census that says Benjamin and Jane were married 26 years. ARMSTRONG, Sarah (I13)
7102 Sallie reportedly died giving birth to Samuel. She was reportedly only 14. MORGAN, Sarah Elizabeth (I9)
7103 Salt Creek Township
Calvin Ashby Head M 46 Oct 1853 Iowa m. 18 years
Adepha Ashby Wife F 37 Feb 1863 Iowa 3/3 children
Nettie Ashby Dau F 17 Oct 1882 Iowa
Edward Ashby Son M 15 Sep 1884 Iowa
Woodward Ashby Son M 11 Apr 1889 Iowa
Henry H Ashby Cousin M 37 Jul 1862 Iowa Indiana Germany
Calvin is a farmer, Nettie is a servant and Henry is a broom maker. 
ASHBY, Calvin C (I5117)
7104 Salt Creek Township
Calvin Ashby Head M 46 Oct 1853 Iowa m. 18 years
Adepha Ashby Wife F 37 Feb 1863 Iowa 3/3 children
Nettie Ashby Dau F 17 Oct 1882 Iowa
Edward Ashby Son M 15 Sep 1884 Iowa
Woodward Ashby Son M 11 Apr 1889 Iowa
Henry H Ashby Cousin M 37 Jul 1862 Iowa Indiana Germany (blind)
Calvin is a farmer, Nettie is a servant and Henry is a broom maker. 
ASHBY, Henry H (I19487)
7105 Sam should have beenon the 1870 census if this birthdate is correct. He was probably born in 1871. STEWART, Samuel E (I16985)
7106 Samps CONNELL Self M Male W 28 TEX Stock Raising ALA MISS
Lien CONNELL Wife M Female W 18 TEX Keeping House --- ---
Louis MARQUET Other S Male W 20 MO Works On Farm FRANCE FRANCE
Albert VESTAL Other W Male W 36 TX Butcher NY NY 
CONNELL, Sampson Oliver (I3746)
7107 Samuel Achord, age 25, born Jerico Springs, blue eyes, dark brown hair, fair complexion, 59 1/2' tall, 20th Inf, Co F. Discharged 24 Dec 1898, Ft Leavenworth, Pot. Ver Good. ACHORD, Samuel Wilson (I23370)
7108 Samuel Albert Hoppe, age 29, 18 Feb 1888, Cape Girardeau, Missouri, is a farmer in Poplar Bluff with a wife and child. He is tall with a medium build, brown eyes, black hair and missing a finger on his right hand. HOPPE, Samuel Albert (I16155)
7109 Samuel Bushong
1 M <5 1826-1830 Joseph?
1 M 20-29 1801-1810 Samuel?
1 F <5 1826-1830 Mary?
1 F <10 1820-1825 Catherine?
1 F 30-39 1791-1800 Jane? 
BUSHONG, Samuel (I21367)
7110 Samuel COLBY Self M M W 66 NY Farmer NH NH
Louisa S. Wife M F W 56 NY VT VT
Frank Son M M W 26 NY Farmer NY NY
Garrett Son S M W 22 NY Farmer NY NY
Annie H. Dau M F W 35 CAN CAN CAN 
COLBY, Samuel (I4657)
7111 Samuel died of pneumonia while traveling in Missouri with his father, Elijah. ARMSTRONG, Samuel W (I10)
7112 Samuel is not indexed with the other family members on the 1880 census. MAHURIN, Samuel S (I22721)
7113 Samuel is not listed in the History of Hancock county; perhaps because he died so young but it's possible that he is a nephew. POE, Samuel (I23438)
7114 Samuel J Woolley, age 29, born 21 Dec 1887 in New York City, is an electrical switchboard operator for Interboro Rapid Transit Co on West 53rd. He lives at 521 W 151 St with his wife and three children aged 6yrs, 4yrs and 1 yr. He served as a private in the 9th Coast Artillery for 2 years. He is of medium height and build with blue eyes and light brown hair. WOOLLEY, Samuel Joseph (I22273)
7115 Samuel K Fishel is a harness maker, age 65. I'm not sure why this is listed as Uinta County (southeast Wyoming) when Samuel is still at Mammoth Hot Springs (northeast Wyoming). FISHEL, Samuel K (I23503)
7116 Samuel K Fishel is single and a saddler, age 56, born Jun 1844, Ohio. Fort Yellowstone was established at Mammoth Hot Springs and the buildings are now used as the park headquarters. FISHEL, Samuel K (I23503)
7117 Samuel L Williams M 23 Sep 186? Missouri
He lives alone and is farming. 
WILLIAMS, Samuel Lycurgus (I23088)
7118 Samuel married Lucy Reed in 1868. KING, Samuel A (I706)
7119 Samuel W Achord, age 26 4/12, born Jerico Springs, blue eyes, dark brown hair, 5' 9 1/2" tall, 17th Inf, Co A. Last service 20th Inf, Co F, 24 Dec 1898. discharged 16 Jun 1902, Manila PI, Ex of Ser Pot. Excel. ACHORD, Samuel Wilson (I23370)
7120 Samuel W Achord, F 20 and A 17 Inf. Application number 1289130; Certificate number 1201121. ACHORD, Samuel Wilson (I23370)
7121 Samuel Wilson Achord of Maplehill, born 24 Jan 1873, is a farm laborer for W J Tod. His nearest relative is his wife, Nora Achord of Maplehill. He is tall with a medium build, blue eyes and dark brown hair. ACHORD, Samuel Wilson (I23370)
7122 Samuel, age 37, is a guide and it looks like he lives in a boarding house or hotel. FISHEL, Samuel K (I23503)
7123 Samuel? CLEMENTS, Samuel A (I19896)
7124 San Andres PO
Wills, James 72 M W Farmer Tennessee
Elizabeth 58 F W House keeper Georgia
Brooks, Emma 17 F W Texas
Stowham, Henry 24 M W Farming Texas
Chappel, Geo 50 M W Work on farm Alabama 
WILLS, James B (I3132)
7125 San Antonio PO
Arthur Pue M 29 Maryland
Edward B Pue M 23 Maryland
Laura A Pue F 20 Mississippi
Ida Pue F 2 Texas
Arthur Pue M 1 Texas
Samuel B Pue M 22 Maryland
The three young men are listed as stock raisers. 
PUE, Rev Edward Buchanan (I5301)
7126 San Gabriel Township, 639 Orange Grove Avenue
Francis Mye, age 26, is single, living alone and is a Frigidaire salesman. 
MYE, Francis Gabriel (I18894)
7127 San Jose Township, 1980 Al???tridge Avenue
Clyde Kesner Head M 31 Iowa
Marie Kesner Wife F 26 California
Clyde Jr Kesner Son M 4 California
James Kesner Son M 2 California
His occupation is listed as trucking and road construction. 
KESNER, Clyde Leland (I19408)
7128 San Jose Township, Precinct 1, Indian Hills Blvd
Walter L Wiggins Head M 53 Indiana
Maranda F Wiggins Wife F 50 Indiana
Walter is an engineer at the pumping plant. 
WIGGINS, Walter L (I15675)
7129 San Saba PO
CONNEL, William 52 M W Raising cattle 1200 2000 Tenn
Eliza 49 F W Keeping house Mo
George 16 M W At school Texas
Gyles 14 M W At school Texas
Wilson 12 M W At school Texas
Mary J 8 F W At school Texas
Missouri 6 F W At school Texas
Sidney 1 M W At home Texas
Clack, Missouri 17 F W At home Texas (Clark?)
Washington, W ? 31 M B Work on farm Canada 
CONNELL, William Oliver (I3679)
7130 San Saba PO
D C Connel M 24 Texas
Naoma Connel F 21 Texas
Sampson Connel M 18 Texas 
CONNELL, David Cook (I3736)
7131 San Saba PO
D C Connel M 24 Texas
Naoma Connel F 21 Texas
Sampson Connel M 18 Texas 
CONNELL, Sampson Oliver (I3746)
7132 Sand Creek Township
J Clark Wyatt Head M 44 Missouri
Ella Wyatt Wife F 41 Missouri
Clark in a minister in a Baptist church. 
WYATT, Rev Jody Clark (I12267)
7133 Sandy Lake Township
Homer Bailey M 59 Connecticut
Minerva Bailey F 50 New York
Vashti Bailey F 30 Pennsylvania
Sarah Bailey F 23 Pennsylvania
Alva Bailey M 21 Pennsylvania
Julia Bailey F 18 Pennsylvania
Jason Bailey M 14 Pennsylvania 
BAILEY, Homer (I23791)
7134 Sandy Lake Township
Homer Baily M 49 Connecticut
Manerva Baily F 40 New York
Vostetea Baily F 22 Pennsylvania
Horrace Baily M 18 Pennsylvania
Ruth Baily F 15 Pennsylvania
S Sarah Baily F 13 Pennsylvania
Alba Baily M 7 Pennsylvania
July Anne Baily F 7 Pennsylvania
Jason C Baily M 4 Pennsylvania
Lorain Baily F 73 Connecticut 
BAILEY, Homer (I23791)
7135 Santa Clara Township, Precinct 1
Lawrence B Howe Head M 56 New York
Shelomith Howe Wife F 51 Iowa
Glenn G Howe Son M 21 Iowa
Ralph D Howe Son M 16 Iowa moved to Brazil
Richard L Howe Son M 13 California
Julia J Howe Dau F 6 California 
HOWE, Lawrence Baldwin (I21795)
7136 Sara Island of Panay Hosp Corp, Signal Detach 18th Infantry, Philippines
Thomas V Armstrong Private Seligman MO M Jan 8 1878 22 S Missouri 
ARMSTRONG, Thomas Vernon (I35)
7137 Sarah can truthfully say she was 'Blake and Blue'. JORDAN, Sarah (I23148)
7138 Sarah died about two weeks after Allen and Oscar were born. ???, Sarah (I3150)
7139 Sarah Garner Noble Passes Away in Taft
Taft, February 22 - Funeral services for Mrs Sarah Garner Noble, aged 78, who passed away at the family home Saturday morning will be held Wednesday noon at the First Methodist church with Rev H T Lewis officiating.
Mrs Noble, who was a native of England, had been a resident of Taft for the past four years.
She is survived by five children, A T Garner of Indiana, E L Garner of Eldorado, Iowa; Arthur J Garner of Taft; Helen G Talboy of Swift River, Mass, and Charles W Noble of Taft. Two sisters, Mrs Emma Noble of Connecticut, Mrs George Wall of Des Moines and Benjamin Talboy of Silver City, Iowa, also survive.
The body will be shipped to Burbank for Interment. Relatives will accompany the remains to their last resting place. 
TALBOYS, Alice Sarah Elizabeth (I21802)
7140 Sarah is supposed to have married John Brooks Neal but the Sarah married to him in 1858 was born about 1827. The 1860 census says she is 33 instead of 18. DINNING, Sarah A (I10176)
7141 Sarah isn't on the 1850 census with the rest of the family. Was she missed? Is she adopted? Is her age wrong? GROVE, Sarah (I23748)
7142 Sarcoxie Township
John PIPKIN Self M Male W 31 KY Farming KY KY
Mary PIPKIN Wife M Female W 28 TN Keeps House NC NC
Nora PIPKIN Dau S Female W 3 MO KY TN 
PIPKIN, John Melton Taylor (I12659)
7143 Sargents Bluff
Albert Sherwood M 30 England
Carrie Sherwood F 30 Woodbury County
Nellie Sherwood F 6 O C [Ontario, Canada?]
Almina Sherwood F 4 New York
Lewis Sherwood M 2 Woodbury County 
SHERWOOD, Albert P (I5011)
7144 Sartain District
Clinton Harland Self M 32 Kentucky
Nancy Bartley M-in-l F 73 Tennessee
Nancy E Bartley Dau F 7 Kentucky
George F Bartley Son M 1 Kentucky 
HARLAN, Clinton H (I21432)
7145 Sartain District
John A Harland Self M 38 Kentucky
Elizabeth Harland Wife F 33 Kentucky
Sarah E Harland Dau F 11 Kentucky
Henry E Harland Son M 9 Kentucky
James W Harland Son M 6 Kentucky
Jacob A Harland Son M 3 Kentucky
Cordelia F Harland Dau F 5/12 Kentucky Dec 
HARLAN, John Aaron (I21325)
7146 Sartain District
William H Harland Self M 30 Kentucky
Polly Harland Wife F 35 Kentucky
Francis A Harland Father M 61 Kentucky 
HARLAN, Francis Asbury (I21313)
7147 Sartain District
William H Harland Self M 30 Kentucky
Polly Harland Wife F 35 Kentucky
Francis A Harland Father M 61 Kentucky 
HARLAN, William H (I21433)
7148 Sartain District, Glover's? Creek PO
John A Harlan M 27 Kentucky
Elizabeth Harlan F 22 Kentucky
Sarah E Harlan F 1 Kentucky 
HARLAN, John Aaron (I21325)
7149 Satty Road
Holder, Will A head M 30 M Texas farmer
Nettie wife F 24 M Texas
Ima dau F 5 S
Wilburn son M 11/12 
HOLDER, William Albert (I1425)
7150 Scates Mills Precinct, Hopkinsville? PO
Samuel Settle M 26 Tennessee
Tabitha R Settle F 27 Kentucky
Allice Settle F 6 Kentucky
George W Settle M 3 Kentucky
Lavina Settle F 62 Kentucky 
SETTLE, Samuel M (I10282)

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