an Armstrong & a Heffernan
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 #   Notes   Linked to 
7151 Schleswig is about 60 miles north of Hamburg just east of the freeway.
If her immigration date from the 1900 Census is correct, Wilhelmina was born in Germany. It also says she only had three children.
Her death certificate lists her father as J Rightell, mother unknown. 
REISCHEL, Ernestina C (I16217)
7152 Scholastic Population, Sumner County, Tennessee
District 4 - 1838
Cairo, June, 1838
A List of the Scholastic population between the ages of 6 and 16 years in District (No. 4), Sumner County, Tennessee
Carr, Wilson L. Dist 4 2 children
Tho. A. Bruce, William Bentley, W. L. Carr, S. C. Bruce, J. C. Higgason 
CARR, Wilson L (I16827)
Alton Brazzil (student)

Noonday Holiness Camp Interdenominational (I'm not sure which Will.)
Year Marker Erected:
Marker Location:
4 mi. north of Hallsville on FM 450 near Noonday Cemetery
Marker Text:
Founded in 1897 by J. M. Black, T. P. Black, F. E. Dickard, J. B. LaGrone, J. J. Koon and G. B. Richardson, early civic leaders who were businessmen and landowners. The first two annual camp meetings were held under brush arbors on site given by Mrs. Alfred Beaty and Messrs. Will Schaffer, Will Brazzil and G. W. Croft. Tabernacle was built here in 1900. A plantation bell announced services. In early days, guests came by special trains. Camp is controlled by a board of managers who maintain the facilities and conduct business. 
BRAZZIL, William Jefferson (I5541)
7154 School Director, Johnson Co, Illinois DUNN, Priula (I13778)
7155 School District 86
Sherman C Chezum Head M 42 Iowa
Mable M Chezum Wife F 37 Iowa
Dorathy M Chezum Dau F 14 Wyoming
Gladys J Chezum Dau F 11 Montana
Richard W Chezum Son M 9 North Dakota
Mary E Chezum Dau F 7 Montana
Margaret E Chezum Dau F 5 Montana
Marian Coon F-in-l M 75 Wisconsin 
COON, Marion (I9143)
7156 School Teacher HENDRIX, James L (I14910)
7157 School Teacher HENDRIX, John C (I14913)
7158 School teacher and Methodist minister FEATHERSTON, Richard (I11054)
7159 Schulter Township
Manco Collard Head Male 44 Arkansas
Linda Collard Wife Female 39 Arkansas
Oat Collard Son Male 18 Arkansas
Clyde Collard Son Male 16 Arkansas
Eligha Collard Son Male 13 Arkansas
Donnie Collard Dau Female 6 Oklahoma
Eliza Bullard M-in-l Female 78 Illinois
Claud Williams Boarder Male 22 Arkansas
Manco works at a carbon plant. 
COLLARD, Manco (I24060)
7160 Sciota Township, Becketts Stone
Nelson McGee M 44 Virginia
Barbara McGee F 25 Ohio
George M McGee M 4 Ohio
Rebecca J McGee F 1 Ohio
Mary C McGee F 1/12 Ohio
Abert McGee M 38 Virginia 
MCGHEE, Nelson (I23549)
7161 Scioto Township
Albert Mcgee Head M 49 Ohio m. 21 yrs.
Elizabeth Mcgee Wife F 56 Ohio 6/6 children
Norman Mcgee Son M 21 Ohio
Sterly Mcgee Son M 20 Ohio
Eva Mcgee Dau F 18 Ohio
Frank Mcgee Son M 17 Ohio
Verny Mcgee Son M 14 Ohio
James Mcgee Son M 10 Ohio
Albert, Norman and Sterling are laborers. 
MCGHEE, Albert S (I23578)
7162 Scioto Township
John A Mcghee Head M 43 Ohio
Ulysses S Mcghee Brother M 42 Ohio 
MCGHEE, John B (I23580)
7163 Scioto Township
John A Mcghee Head M 43 Ohio
Ulysses S Mcghee Brother M 42 Ohio 
MCGHEE, Ulysses Simpson Grant (I23581)
7164 Scioto Township
Michael Burke Self M 55 Ohio
Barbra Burke Wife F 45 Ohio
George Mcghee S-son M 23 Ohio
Rebecca J Mcghee S-dau F 21 Ohio
Albert Mcghee S-son M 18 Ohio
Anna Mcghee S-dau F 16 Ohio
John Mcghee S-son M 14 Ohio
Ulyssus Mcghee S-son M 12 Ohio
Mattie Burke Dau F 5/12 Ohio Jan
Michael is a machine agent. 
BURKE, Michael (I23582)
7165 Scioto Township
Nelson Mcgee M 33 Virginia
Mary S Mcgee F 64 Virginia
Mary Miller F 32 Virginia
Richard W Miller M 7 Ohio
Charles Mcgee M 30 Virginia
William Mcgee M 31 Virginia
Albert Mcgee M 28 Virginia
James M Mcgee M 26 Virginia
Parilla A Mullins F 16 Virginia
I don't know yet who all these folks are. An aunt and her children/grandchildren? 
MCGHEE, Nelson (I23549)
7166 Scioto Township
Nelson Mcgee M 33 Virginia
Mary S Mcgee F 64 Virginia
Mary Miller F 32 Virginia
Richard W Miller M 7 Ohio
Charles Mcgee M 30 Virginia
William Mcgee M 31 Virginia
Albert Mcgee M 28 Virginia
James M Mcgee M 26 Virginia
Parilla A Mullins F 16 Virginia
I don't know yet who all these folks are. An aunt and her children/grandchildren? 
MCGHEE, Albert (I23577)
7167 Scioto Township
Nelson McGhee
1 male under 5
2 males 15-20
3 males 20-30
1 female 5-10
1 female 20-30
1 female 50-60 
MCGHEE, Nelson (I23549)
7168 Scioto Township POE, Jacob (I15988)
7169 Scioto Township, Commercial Point
Albert S Mcghee Head M 38 Feb 1862 Ohio m. 11 yrs.
Elizabeth Mcghee Wife F 38 Feb 1862 Ohio 6/6 children
Norman N Mcghee Son M 11 Apr 1889 Ohio
Sterley A Mcghee Son M 9 Jul 1890 Ohio
Eva Mcghee Dau F 8 Sep 1891 Ohio
Frank Mcghee Son M 6 Oct 1893 Ohio
Verner Mcghee Dau F 4 Dec 1895 Ohio
James M Mcghee Son M 11/12 Jun 1899 Ohio 
MCGHEE, Albert S (I23578)
7170 Scioto Township, Commercial Point
John B Mcghee Head M 33 May 1867 Ohio
Ulysses S Mcghee Brother M 31 Mar 1869 Ohio
Anna M Mcghee Sister F 35 May 1865 Ohio
They own their farm. 
MCGHEE, Anna M (I23579)
7171 Scioto Township, Commercial Point
John B Mcghee Head M 33 May 1867 Ohio
Ulysses S Mcghee Brother M 31 Mar 1869 Ohio
Anna M Mcghee Sister F 35 May 1865 Ohio
They own their farm. 
MCGHEE, John B (I23580)
7172 Scioto Township, Commercial Point
John B Mcghee Head M 33 May 1867 Ohio
Ulysses S Mcghee Brother M 31 Mar 1869 Ohio
Anna M Mcghee Sister F 35 May 1865 Ohio
They own their farm. 
MCGHEE, Ulysses Simpson Grant (I23581)
7173 Scioto Township, Commercial Point and Orient Pike
Albert Mcghee Head M 58 Ohio
Elizabeth Mcghee Wife F 60 Ohio
Sterling Mcghee Son M 28 Ohio
Frank Mcghee Son M 26 Ohio
James Mcghee Son M 20 Ohio
The men are all working as farm laborers. 
MCGHEE, Albert S (I23578)
7174 Scioto Township, Five Points PO
Nelson Mcghee M 56 Virginia
Barbary Mcghee F 36 Ohio
George Mcghee M 13 Ohio
Rebecca Mcghee F 11 Ohio
Mary Mcghee F 10 Ohio
Albert Mcghee M 8 Ohio
Annie Mcghee F 6 Ohio
John Mcghee M 4 Ohio
Ulysses G Mcghee M 2 Ohio
Albert Mcghee M 47 Virginia 
MCGHEE, Nelson (I23549)
7175 Scioto Township, Five Points PO
Nelson Mcghee M 56 Virginia
Barbary Mcghee F 36 Ohio
George Mcghee M 13 Ohio
Rebecca Mcghee F 11 Ohio
Mary Mcghee F 10 Ohio
Albert Mcghee M 8 Ohio
Annie Mcghee F 6 Ohio
John Mcghee M 4 Ohio
Ulysses G Mcghee M 2 Ohio
Albert Mcghee M 47 Virginia 
MCGHEE, Albert (I23577)
7176 Scioto Township, Prindle Road
Ulyssus Mcghee Head M 52 Ohio
John A Mcghee Brother M 53 Ohio 
MCGHEE, John B (I23580)
7177 Scioto Township, Prindle Road
Ulyssus Mcghee Head M 52 Ohio
John A Mcghee Brother M 53 Ohio 
MCGHEE, Ulysses Simpson Grant (I23581)
7178 Scott Township
Will Clements Head M 62 Arkansas
Nelia Clements Wife F 62 North Carolina
Waldo Clements Son M 25 Arkansas
They are cotton farmers. 
CLEMENTS, William (I19893)
7179 Scout for Austin's Colony BOATWRIGHT, Thomas (I10289)
7180 SD 17, Fam #39
Solomon Adkins 21 M Farmer TN
Martha 22 F TN
William F 2 M TN
Evaline 6M F TN 
ADKINS, Solomon (I3554)
7181 Seburn Jeff Langley, age 42, born 19 Jul 1876, is a farmer in Benton. His nearest relative is Lucia Langley (wife). He is of medium height and build with dark eyes and hair. LANGLEY, Sebourn Jefferson (I9463)
7182 Section Q Site 1675 BAIRD, Cato Vern (I15649)
7183 Section VIII MCCOOK, John William (I6018)
7184 Section: Confederate Field, Section 1 Row: Q Number: 32
Headstone Text:
A Wills
Co. H. 34. N. Ga Inf Reg.
Scafe's Brig Gano's Div.
Trans Miss Army 
WILLS, Archibald (I3689)
7185 Section:Confederate Field Section:3 Row:E Number:3 PAGE, Daniel David (I8021)
7186 See "Chronicles of the Armstrongs" pg 328.
See "Armstrong Family History", Mae Armstrong

Joseph served in General George Rogers Clark's expedition to win over or defeat the Indians during the Revolution. It was known as the Falls of Ohio Expedition. Joseph was wounded in the battle and subsequently died of his wounds. Joshua was also on this expedition.

9042-5-846-847-February 15, 1781: Second document. State of Virginia account with Joseph Armstrong who supplied 1 grindstone for use of the yard. Names: Joseph Parkison, John Caldwell.

13064-7-1282-1285-September 19, 1781: Top document. Duplicate filming. George Rogers Clark order to Major George Walls to issue a quart of rum, half a pound of coffee and 1 pound of sugar to soldier Joseph Armstrong of Capt.[Benjamin] Fields Company of Light Dragoons. Names: Surgeon Charles Greer.

19114-12-295-296-September 29, 1785: Top document. Falls of Ohio appraisement of Joseph Armstrong's rifle, which was lost. Names: Francis Adams, William Blackburn, 
ARMSTRONG, Joseph (I539)
7187 See "History of Benton County", Arkansas F890

Benton Co, AR
TUCK WILLIAM 24 20N 30W 40 1860/02/01
TUCK WILLIAM 13 20N 30W 40 1854/11/15 
TUCK, William Cephus (I200)
7188 See also

History of Richardson County, Nebraska : its people, industries and institutions
pg 1063-1064
William I. Draper, a farmer, now living in Grant precinct, east of Daw-son, who has been all over the states in search of experience, was born on January 2, 1850, in Warren county, Iowa, a son of John M. and Rebecca (Stanton) Draper, natives of Kentucky and Tennessee, respectively. John M. Draper was the son of John Draper, a native of Virginia, whose ancestors came from England. Tradition has it that the original members of the Draper family came from England in an early day and settled in Virginia, the Carolinas and the East.
John M. Draper was born in 1820 and died in Eebruary, 1868. His wife, Rebecca (Stanton) Draper, was born in June, 1826, and died in July, 1 91 3. She was a daughter of Richard Stanton, of Tennessee. The parents of John M. Draper migrated to Indiana in the thirties of the last century and settled in Marion county, Indiana, and were among the pioneer settlers of that part of the Hoosier state. In 1847 John M. Draper settled in Warren county, Iowa, where his son, William I., was born and reared. In 1862 John M. Draper enlisted for service in the Civil War and became a member of Company D, Thirty-fourth Iowa Volunteer Infantry. His death was caused by a kick from a mule ; his death ensued thirteen days later, and he was brought home for interment in February, 1863. John M. and Rebecca (Stanton) Draper were the parents of six children, namely: Mrs. Ruth Hunt, who died in Iowa in 1875; Mrs. Rachel Flesher, who lives in Oregon; William I., the subject of this sketch; Eliza, deceased; Mrs. Cora Jenkins, who lives in Cooper county, Missouri, and Mrs. Virginia Porter, who died in 19 1 5 in Kansas City, Missouri. Following the death of her husband, Mrs. Rebecca Draper left Iowa in 1867 and some time later married Daniel Fox, and still later, moved to Missouri, where she died.
William I. Draper left Iowa in 1867 and started out to see the United States, traveling all over the country to the Pacific coast and doing all kinds of work that offered. During the course of his travels, extending over a period of ten years, he gained considerable experience in worldly affairs and finally drifted back to Iowa. Following his marriage in 1877, he came to Richardson county in 1878 and rented a farm for two years, at the end of which period he bought eighty acres of land in section 12, Grant precinct; there were no improvements on the holding. Mr. Draper proceeded with-out delay to put his land into cultivation and presently built a house, success attending all his efforts. He lived on this farm from April 18, 1881, until his removal to his present home, near Dawson, on March 13, 1904. He added to his original eighty acres, finally getting together one hundred and ninety-eight acres. He sold his original place recently and bought the east half of the northeast quarter of section 13, and is now the owner of one hun-dred and ninety-eight acres, all in one tract.
On February 21, 1877, William I. Draper was united in marriage to Isabelle Talboys, who was born on July 8, 1856, in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. She is the daughter of Thomas and Anne (Vose) Talboys, natives of the city of Birmingham, England, who emigrated from that country to Iowa in an early day. Mr. and Mrs. Draper are the parents of six children, namely: Gertrude, wife of Israel L. Heim, further mention of whom is made in another part of this work, in a notice of the life of Mr. Heim; Walter E., a practicing physician, living at Manilla, Iowa, since 1906, a graduate of the Medical College of Sioux City, Iowa; Tida, who married Alfred Swanson, a railroad engineer, who lives at Sioux City, Iowa; Mrs. Orra Swisegood, who lives near Verdon, this county; Arta, who married John Parriot, lives at Elwood, this state, and John, a student in Kansas City Veterinary College. Mr. Draper is a Republican, but votes independently as occasion requires; he has never been a seeker after public office. 
DRAPER, William Ira (I21863)
7189 See Dinning Research Source (S375)
7190 See Engles "Notes and Queries".
I have an inquiry which states that Robert died in 1771 in Dauphin county.
married to Anna E. Thompson
Or died 4/18/1771
Lived at Paxtang until 1764 when they moved the opposite bank of the Susquehanna. 
ARMSTRONG, Robert (I534)
7191 See map of Spring Glen (1856). Did he have two wives or were Hannah and Jane the same person? TICE, Sanford (I24747)
7192 See notes for Conrad. CORNELISON, Cornelius (I11803)
7193 See notes on Lois.

Memorial and Biographical History of Dallas County, Texas
Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company. 1892.
Carnegie Public Library, Tyler, Texas
pp. 634-635
AUGUSTUS GARRISON.---This gentleman, an enterprising young farmer, residing near Pleasant Valley, Dallas county, Texas, dates his birth in York county, South Carolina, August 14, 1869.
William F. Garrison, his father, was born in York county, October 14, 1841, and was there married, November 24, 1865, to Miss Nancy H. E. Poovey. She too, was a native of the same county, born August 23, 1846.
GARRISON, Augustus A (I6893)
7194 See The SPARKS QUARTERLY, September, 1989, Whole No. 147, pg 3471:
"John Sparks, son of Willoughby and Polly Sparks, was born about 1848 in Tennessee. He served in Company D (Lt. Spruell's Company) 35th Regiment Texas Cavalry, Confederate States Army during the Civil War, and after his death, his widow received a pension from the state of Texas for his service.
After returning from the military service, John Sparks married Rebecca A. ["Becky"] Brown on December 29, 1871, in Limestone County, Texas. She was born on November 25, 1855, in Bienvielle Parish, Louisiana. John died on December 13, 1925, in Limestone County, and Becky died on March 6, 1953. According to the 1880 census of Limestone County, they had four children; there may have been other children born to them later.
- m. 29 DEC 1871 in Limestone, TX"

There is a great deal of argument about John's birthdate since, if he was born in Texas prior to statehood, Willoughby's descendants are eligible for DRT or SRT. The census records report 1844-1853, in Texas or Tennessee and his headstone says 1847. His death certificate gives Oct 1844 in Limestone County. John's birth is, so far, the only indication of Willoughby's residence before 19 Feb 1846 when Texas became a state. I don't believe John was born that early. Bailey was born in 1847 and I belive john was born in 1849. 
SPARKS, John (I5550)
7195 Seems a big coincidence that her daughter-in-law was a McRoy. She could be a McRoy or Caroline could be a McElroy. MCELROY, Minerva (I17709)
7196 Seems a big coincidence that her mother-in-law was a McElroy. She could be a McElroy or Minerva could be a McRoy. MCROY, Caroline Vinie (I16873)
7197 Seguin
RANDLE, W. 45 TN Trader 600 2000
Sarah J. 30 GA
William 9 TX
Anna 7 TX
Bettie D. 5 TX
McCulloch 2 TX 
RANDLE, Wilson Jr (I6111)
7198 Seminary Pct 7, Madisonville PO
William Favor M 35 Kentucky
Artemissa Favor F 25 Kentucky
Franklin Favor M 9 Kentucky
James Favor M 7 Kentucky
Thomas Favor M 6 Kentucky
Lee Favor M 4 Kentucky
Elias Favor M 4/12 Kentucky 
FAVORS, William Harvey (I5739)
7199 Seneca Township
Walters, John W head M 35 M Oklahoma
Minnie wife F 42 M Arkansas
They previously lived in Webb City. 
WALTERS, John R (I8060)
7200 Senn, Peter Joseph SENN, Peter Joseph (I23632)

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