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7351 |
South Eighth Street
Frank K Stevens Self M 47 Connecticut [1833]
Adalade Stevens Wife F 40 New York [1840]
Hellen Stevens Dau F 17 New York
Edna Stevens Dau F 13 New York
Minor Stevens Son M 11 New York
Leopold Stevens Son M 5 Canada
Daisey Stevens Dau F 1 New York
Frank is a lumber surveyor but has a broken leg. Hellen is a milliner. | STEVENS, Franklin Kermis (I22195)
7352 |
South Linn Township
George W Achord Self M 54 Tennessee
Nancy M Achord Wife F 38 Missouri
John W Achord Son M 19 Missouri
Thos B Achord Son M 17 Missouri
Alice J Achord Dau F 14 Missouri
Emma P Achord Dau F 12 Missouri
Laura B Achord Dau F 10 Missouri
Samuel M Achord Son M 7 Missouri
Martha C Achord Dau F 3 Missouri
James M Hosey S-son M 19 Missouri
Alfred Marshel S-son M 11 Missouri | ACHORD, George W (I10795)
7353 |
South San Antonio, Precint 6, 420 Hollenebck Street
Charles D Patterson Head M 33 Utah
Katie Patterson Wife F 28 Texas
Edna Earl Neal Dau F 8 Texas
Denver Doyle Neal Son M 7 Texas
Charles is a staff sergeant in the US Army. | PATTERSON, Charles D (I22974)
7354 |
South Street
W M Harris Head M 24 Texas m. 2 yrs.
Hattie Harris Wife F 21 Texas 0/0 children
Mint drives a delivery wagon. | HARRIS, William Minton (I11650)
7355 |
South? Main? Street
William T Stewart Self M 45 Georgia
Maria S Stewart Wife F 41 Georgia
Joseph A Stewart Son M 21 Georgia
Martha E Stewart D-in-l F 18 Arkansas
James W Stewart Son M 16 Georgia
John L Stewart Son M 14 Tennessee
Samuel M Stewart Son M 11 Arkansas
Charlie A Stewart Son M 8 Arkansas
Robert A Stewart Son M 5 Arkansas
William is a carpenter. | STEWART, William T M (I16410)
7356 |
Southern Division
Martin Pearce M 58 South Carolina
Cily Pearce F 45 Kentucky
Franklin Pearce M 13 Georgia
James Pearce M 7 Mississippi
Anna Pearce F 5 Mississippi
Thomas Humphry M 42 North Carolina | PIERCE, Martin (I20545)
7357 |
Southern Division, Wesobulga PO
Eliza Bassett Female 54 Georgia
Mary J Bassett Female 27 Georgia
Wm H Bassett Male 23 Georgia
Martha A Bassett Female 21 Georgia
James W Bassett Male 20 Georgia
John N Bassett Male 17 Georgia
Eliza is a farmer worth $900. | LANGLEY, Eliza (I9365)
7358 |
Southwest Farmington
David K Stacy Head M 34 Texas
Iola Stacy Wife F 44 Texas
Kenneth Stacy Son M 12 New Mexico
Nelda Jean Stacy Dau F 9 New Mexico
David is a driller. | STACEY, David King (I15600)
7359 |
SP4 | ARMSTRONG, James Donald (I653)
7360 |
Sparks Quarterly page 3465:
Levi Sparks, son of Willoughby and Polly Sparks, was born about 1825 in Arkansas, probably in Miller County. He is said to have lived for a time in Georgia, but he joined family members in Limestone Co, Texas, in time to be recorded on the 1850 census of that county. He is said to have married and moved back to Georgia where he had a family of at least seven children. We have found no records to prove this to be correct nor do we have any futher information about Levi Sparks.
Levi is on the 1850 Census with his parents, age 25, born in Arkansas. | SPARKS, Levi (I6512)
7361 |
Sparks Quarterly page 3466: Another unidentified daughter of Willoughby and Polly Sparks was born between 1830 and 1835. She may have been named Minerva. She may also have married S. Nelson and perhaps she was the mother of the three children who were living in the household of Willoughby Sparks when a special school census was taken in 1855. The names of these children were: John Nelson, Willoughby Nelson, and Minerva Jane Nelson.
This is just a map of the information from the article in the Quarterly. I have no idea if these folks are related or if they're just neighbors. | SPARKS (I6513)
7362 |
Sparks Quarterly page 3470: They lived in or around the general area of Parker, Palo Pinto, and Falls County, Texas. We have no further information about them. | ERSKINE, James D (I6519)
7363 |
Sparrow Swamp | THOMPSON, Amelia (I12848)
7364 |
Speedwell Township
Andrew J Gibson M 32 Missouri
Sarah Gibson F 27 Missouri
William J Gibson M 5 Missouri
John C B Gibson M 3 Missouri | GIBSON, Andrew J (I18733)
7365 |
Spencer Township | FARLEY, Sarah (I11474)
7366 |
Spencer Township, Baker Road
Fred Ashby Head M 51 Iowa
I Della Ashby Wife F 48 Iowa
H Roy Ashby Son M 29 Iowa
N Mildred Ashby Dau F 10 Nebraska | ASHBY, Frederick H (I5111)
7367 |
Spirit Valley Precinct
Charles H Luce Head M 26 Apr 1874 South Dakota m. 1 yr.
Grace L Luce Wife F 17 Apr 1883 Oregon 1/1 children
Harry E. Luce Son M 4/12 Jan 1900 Idaho
Daniel Oharra B-i-l M 25 May 1875 Idaho
Dallas Oharra B-i-l M 23 Sep 1876 Oregon
Charles is a saloon keeper, Daniel is a bartender and Dallas is a railroad laborer. | LUCE, Charles Harvey (I23761)
7368 |
Spring Creek Township
Creighton Mckinnis Head M Jan 1833 67 Ohio
William L Mckinnis Son M May 1874 26 Iowa
Creighton is widowed. | MCKINNIS, Creighton (I23480)
7369 |
Spring Creek Township
John H Garrison M 29 Tennessee
Louisa G Garrison F 24 Tennessee
Mary I Garrison F 2 Arkansas
Elizabeth C Garrison F 1 Arkansas
John Mcmullen M 17 Kentucky | GARRETSON, John Hartin (I16147)
7370 |
Spring Creek Township
Thomas J Coon, age 67 and widowed was listed as a father-in-law to Jerrymiah B Gentry (Jenny E) but has been marked through and is indexed as a separate household. | COON, Thomas Jefferson (I9075)
7371 |
Spring Creek Township
Thomas J Coon, age 75, is very difficult to read and is listed as a separate household. | COON, Thomas Jefferson (I9075)
7372 |
Spring Green PO
Abram Coon M 35 New York [1824-25]
Sarah Coon F 27 Michigan
Alvira Coon F 12 Wisconsin
James Coon M 10 Indiana
Rhody Coon F 8 Wisconsin
Marion Coon M 5 Wisconsin
Mary Coon F 3 Wisconsin
Emma J Coon F 3/12 Wisconsin | COON, Abraham (I9089)
7373 |
Spring Green PO
George Coon M 74 Pennsylvania
Mary Coon F 71 Tennessee
Francis M Coon M 24 Indiana
Margaret Coon F 19 Indiana
Perry Coon M 3 Wisconsin
William Coon M 1 Wisconsin | COON, Francis Marion (I9092)
7374 |
Spring Green PO
George Coon 40 M Farmer 1500 400 OH
Elizabeth 33 F VA
Thomas 16 M IN
William 14 M IN
George 11 M IN
Isaac 9 M WI
James 5 M WI
Jasper 2 M WI
Sarah Blue 63 F VA | COON, George Washington (I9074)
7375 |
Spring Green PO
George Coon 40 M Farmer 1500 400 OH
Elizabeth 33 F VA
Thomas 16 M IN
William 14 M IN
George 11 M IN
Isaac 9 M WI
James 5 M WI
Jasper 2 M WI
Sarah Blue 63 F VA | JORDAN, Sarah (I23148)
7376 |
Spring Green PO
George Coon 74 M Farmer 1000 300 PA
Mary 71 F TN
Francis M 24 M 200 IN
Margaret 19 F IN
Perry 3 M WI
William 1 M WI | COON, George (I9065)
7377 |
Spring Louetta Road
Frank H Haude head 40 Texas
Rosa Haude wife 32 Texas
Frank H Haude Jr son 7 Texas
Henry E Haude son 4 Texas
Frank is a farmer. They were first married at ages 32 and 22. | HAUDE, Frank Harmen (I18586)
7378 |
Springfield PO, District 9
David Pepper M 25 Tennessee
Susan Pepper F 21 Tennessee
Lee Pepper F 5 Tennessee
Joseph Pepper M 3 Tennessee
Maggie Pepper F 6/12 Tennessee Dec
Annie Pepper F 14 Tennessee | PEPPER, David Wesley (I11093)
7379 |
Springfield PO, District 9
David Pepper M 25 Tennessee
Susan Pepper F 21 Tennessee
Mary Pepper F 4 Tennessee
Joseph Pepper M 2 Tennessee
Maggie Pepper F 6/12 Tennessee Dec.
Matilda Boyd F 40 Tennessee
Warner Boyd M 7 Tennessee | PEPPER, David Wesley (I11093)
7380 |
Springfield Township
Granville A Reeder Head M 53 Ohio
Laura E Reeder Wife F 48 Ohio
Lucie N Brechbill M-in-l F 76 Ohio
Charles A Hartzell Boarder M 58 Indiana
Granville is a druggist, Charles is a butcher. | KEPLER, Lucy M (I23431)
7381 |
Springhill Township
Peter Rogers Male 47 North Carolina
Nelly Rogers Female 46 North Carolina
Margaret Rogers Female 24 North Carolina
Isaac I Rogers Male 22 Georgia
Martha K Rogers Female 20 Georgia
Liddy Rogers Female 16 Alabama
Elvey Rogers Female 14 Alabama
John Rogers Male 12 Alabama
Nancy C Rogers Female 6 Alabama
King D Rogers Male 1 Arkansas
Joshua J Hewing Male 23 Georgia
Peter is a farmer. | ROGERS, John Peter (I2241)
7382 |
Squak and Snoqualmie
E Erickson M 40 Norway
Mary Erickson F 33 Norway
Anne Erickson F 20 Norway
Elev is a corn laborer. | ERIKSEN, Elev (I4837)
7383 |
Squyres | HAUDE, Mildred Frances (I24625)
7384 |
SS Cards were issued in Colorado for Earl, Cato, and Delbert.
Both of Earl's draft registrations give his middle name as Olando, Carol's birth record gives Orlando. | BAIRD, Earl Orlando (I4824)
7385 |
SS Oceanic | HEFFERNAN, John Joseph (I1649)
7386 |
SSDI has her birthday listed as 11 Oct 1888. The 1900 Census shows her age 9, born 1881, should be 1891. | TYLER, Eva Lee (I17342)
7387 |
SSDI lists birthday as 1889. | CARR, Grafton Walter (I1857)
7388 |
SSG Vietnam | HOLDER, Raymond Edward (I1449)
7389 |
SSGT Korea | WINFREY, Hood Fowler (I1159)
7390 |
St John Piscataway Parish Church, Prince George Co, Maryland | EDELEN, Anne (I15075)
7391 |
St. Johns Election Precinct
Raymond Kesner Head M 48 Iowa
Catherine Kesner Wife F 46 Iowa
Mary Lea Kesner Dau F 20 Iowa
Raymond is a tank truck ????man for White Rose Oil Co. | KESNER, Raymond John (I15971)
7392 |
St. Luke's Parish | Family: William Sample SPARKS / Mary COURMON (F2773)
7393 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I1366)
7394 |
St. Mary's Cathedral
Christopher Daniel Heffernan
b. 22 Oct 1937 in Galveston,Tx.
bap. 14 Nov 1937
Parents: James Heffernan and Florence Rickert
Sponsors: J.P. Heffernan and Mrs. J.P. Heffernan
source pg. 45 no. 444 | HEFFERNAN, Christopher Daniel (I1520)
7395 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I1521)
7396 |
St. Mary's Cathedral
Latham, Yvonne Ann
b. 14 Apr 1931 in Dallas, Texas
bap. 21 Sep 1951
Parents Roy M. Latham and Edna Ramsey
Sponsor: Alma Fay Hock
confirmed 24 May 1953 at the Cathedral
Notes: Convert - Conditional baptism
Married Richard C. Heffernan in St. Mary's Cathedral in Galveston
m.date: 03 Nov. 1957
Source pg. 12 | LATHAM, Yvonne Ann (I1528)
7397 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I1816)
7398 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Living (I1815)
7399 |
St. Patrick's Catholic Church
Jacob Forrey Heffernan
b. 7 Sep 1905 mar.1905
bap. 23 Apr 1905
Parents: Michael H. Heffernan of Gal. Tex.
Anna forrey of Galveston, Tex.
Sponsors: David Hartnett and Honora Hartnett
source pg. 358
1930 Galveston Co, TX Census, 84-4 13-B
Heffernan James F head M 25 Texas Ireland US
Florence L wife F 20 Texas Alabama Louisiana
James F Jr son M 3-8/12 Texas Texas Texas
Richard C son M 1-11/12
John J son M 5/12
Florence signed his death cert. | HEFFERNAN, James Forrey (I1515)
7400 |
St. Patrick's Catholic Church
Joseph Michael Heffernan
b. 20 Apr 1896
bap. 10 May 1896
Parents: Michael H. Heffernan of Ireland
and Annie Forrey of Galveston,Texas
sponsors were Michael O'Gradey and Rosalie Forrey
married Estelle Kaelrey 12 Nov 1924 at St. Mary's
Cathedral, Galveston, Texas Witnesses were Frances Heffernan and Gertrude
Source pg. 73
Houston National Cemetery, Harris Co, Texas, Plot: F 1399 | HEFFERNAN, Joseph Michael (I1551)