# |
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7451 |
Sugar Creek Township
John Tuck Self M 38 Missouri
Susan Tuck Dau F 13 Arkansas
Wm Tuck Son M 9 Arkansas
Visa Tuck Dau F 7 Arkansas
Rachel Tuck Dau F 6 Arkansas
John is widowed. Sarah Tuck, age 17, is enumerated in the next house with Isaac and Waty? Peevy? | TUCK, John Henry (I201)
7452 |
Sugar Creek Township
Joseph Tuck Head M 47 Arkansas m. 4 yrs.
Ellen Tuck Wife F 22 Oklahoma 2/2 children
Mamie Tuck Dau F 3 Oklahoma
William Tuck Son M 1-10/12 Missouri | TUCK, Joseph Cephus (I222)
7453 |
Sugar Creek Township
Reynolds George Self M M W 22 TN Farmer TN TN
Reynolds Nancy J. Wife M F W 18 AR Keeping House MO IL
living next to Elijah. | REYNOLDS, George Washington (I752)
7454 |
Sugar Creek Township
Samuel Mahmon M 22 Ohio
Angeline Mahuron F 20 Tennessee
Mary J Mahuron F 2 Arkansas
Wm W Mahuron M 10/12 Arkansas
Thi is indexed under Mahmon. | MAHURIN, Samuel (I11652)
7455 |
Sugar Creek Township
Wm TUCK M Male W 64 TN Farmer VA VA
Sarah TUCK M Female W 57 MO Keeping House KY KY
Josephus TUCK S Male W 17 AR Work On Farm TN MO
There are no relationships entered on this page. | TUCK, William Cephus (I200)
7456 |
Sugar Creek Township
Wm T Tuck Head M 44 Jan 1856 Arkansas m. 19 yrs.
Rachel Tuck Wife F 43 Dec 1856 North Carolina 8/6 children
Grace Tuck Dau F 14 Aug 1885 Missouri
Albert Tuck Son M 11 Dec 1888 Missouri
Herbert Tuck Son M 6 May 1894 Missouri
Elva Tuck Dau F 3 Sep 1896 Missouri
Ralph Tuck Son M 8 May 1891 Missouri | TUCK, William Thomas (I217)
7457 |
Sugar Creek Township, Bentonville PO
George Harris M 32 Arkansas
Mary Harris F 31 Tennessee
Jefferson Harris M 12 Arkansas
Thomas Harris M 10 Arkansas
Elvira Harris F 7 Arkansas | HARRIS, George Washington (I11641)
7458 |
Sugar Creek Township, Bentonville PO
James Roase M 43 Tennessee
Nancy Roase F 33 Tennessee
James Clanten M 15 Missouri
Indexed under Roare. | ROSE, James R (I11637)
7459 |
Sugar Creek Township, Bentonville PO
Tuck, William 53 M W Farmer 1000 300 TN
Sarah 47 F W Housekeeping MO
Sarah 18 F W MO
Susan 16 F W MO
William T 14 M W MO
James 11 M W MO
Matilda 9 F W MO
Josephus 8 M W MO
Rumley, Martha 21 F W MO
William 3 M W AR
John 2 M W AR
Delitha J 3/12 F W AR April | TUCK, William Cephus (I200)
7460 |
Sugar Creek Township, Bentonville PO
Tuck, William 53 M W Farmer 1000 300 TN
Sarah 47 F W Housekeeping MO
Sarah 18 F W MO
Susan 16 F W MO
William T 14 M W MO
James 11 M W MO
Matilda 9 F W MO
Josephus 8 M W MO
Rumley, Martha 21 F W MO
William 3 M W AR
John 2 M W AR
Delitha J 3/12 F W AR April | TUCK, Martha Ann (I207)
7461 |
Sugarloaf Township | ARMSTRONG, Edmond (I182)
7462 |
Summer Shade
John Bartley Head M 26 Kentucky
Leona Bartley Wife F 27 Kentucky
Ruby M Bartley Dau F 3 Kentucky
Carl F Bartley Son M 1 Kentucky
Clint H Harlan F-in-l M 72 Kentucky | HARLAN, Clinton H (I21432)
7463 |
Sumner Co Marriage
Escue, James to Houdershelt, Elizabeth on 3 March 1830 - Lee, William J. (bondsman)
Did John die in the war? | LEE, William James (I728)
7464 |
Sumner Co, Tennessee | MCGOTHLIN, Joseph (I10201)
7465 |
Sumner Co, TN Marriage
Dinning, Bowls to Kirby, Mahala on 11 August 1828 | DINNING, Bowles (I10212)
7466 |
Sumner Precinct
H S Ellis Head M 65 Illinois m. 39 yrs.
Emma Ellis Wife F 55 Wisconsin 1/1 children
Harvey is a real estate agent. | ELLIS, Harvey Sewell (I23765)
7467 |
Sumner Township
Theodore W Bates M 54 New Hampshire
Hannah Bates F 38 New Hampshire
Albert A Bates M 19 Minnesota
Charles L Bates M 17 Minnesota
Mary E Bates F 15 Minnesota
George Bates M 12 Minnesota
Eleanor Bates F 8 Minnesota
Eleanor Bates M 6 Minnesota
Austin Bates M 4 Minnesota | BATES, Thomas W (I23705)
7468 |
Sumner Township
Thomas W Bates M
Hannah Bates F
Albert A Bates M
Charles L Bates M
Emma M Bates F
George Bates M | BATES, Thomas W (I23705)
7469 |
Sumner Township, Hamilton PO
Thomas Bates M 49 Ohio
Hannah Bates F 32 New York
Albert Bates M 14 Minnesota
Charles Bates M 13 Minnesota
Emma Bates F 11 Minnesota
George Bates M 8 Minnesota
Ella Bates F 3 Minnesota
Elmira Bates F 2 Minnesota
Thomas is a farmer. | BATES, Thomas W (I23705)
7470 |
Sumner, Township 104, Range 13
H N Luce M 39 New York
Mary Luce F 33 Wisconsin
David Luce M 16 Wisconsin
Wm Luce M 14 Wisconsin
Geo Luce M 8 Wisconsin
Ann Luce F 4 Minnesota
Emma Luce F 9 Wisconsin
John Luce M 3 Minnesota
Herman is a farmer. Richard is missing. | LUCE, Herman N (I23707)
7471 |
Sumner, Township 104, Range 13, PO Elkhorn
Thomas Bates M 39 Vermont
Hannah Bates F 23 Vermont
Albert Bates M 5 Minnesota
Chas Bates M 3 Minnesota
Mary Bates F 2 Minnesota
Thomas is a farmer. | BATES, Thomas W (I23705)
7472 |
Burial at Brookside Cemetery. Pallbearers- nephews, Tom B. Faulkner, Ernest & Raymond Convoy, Elbert McShan, G. H. Galney, and Ned Harrall. | MCSHAN, William Henry (I7605)
7473 |
Sunshine Apartments, West Maple Avenue
Rose R Smith Head F 38 Iowa
Helen M Dudley Partner F 24 Iowa MI IA
M Priscilla Allan M Partner F 22 California
They are partners and teachers. | DUDLEY, Helen Mary (I19396)
7474 |
Superintendent, Marine Hospital, Allegheny Co, Pennsylvania | FARLEY, Thomas F (I11460)
7475 |
Surety was provided by Samuel Waddy on 8 July 1823. The ceremony was performed by Wm. B. Clark, Justice of the Peace. | Family: Joseph ACORD / Sally STOUT (F4214)
7476 |
Surgeon | MOUTON, Jean Jacques (I1980)
7477 |
Surgeon in the French Army | BORDAT, Antoine (I1997)
7478 |
surname may be Cross. | HOWELL, Frances (I11026)
7479 |
Surrendered by General B. K. Smith on May 26, 1865. | DELAFIELD, John M (I5446)
7480 |
Surviving Soldier, Sailors, Marines, Widows, etc ... Center Township
William B Coon, PVT, Co G, 4 MSM, Feb 1862 - Feb 1865 | COON, William Benton (I9115)
7481 |
Susan died at her daughter's house (Martha Wall) only a few months after moving to Arkansas. | HOGAN, Susan (I6107)
7482 |
Susan probably died of childbirth complications and is possibly buried in Manleys Chapel Methodist Church Cemetery in Henry County. | RANDLE, Susan F (I22409)
7483 |
Susannah had a daughter by the name of Lourany [Lourana] Settles but her paternity is unclear. | DUNN, Susannah (I13766)
7484 |
Susannah Turner is mentioned in John's will. | GORMAN, Susannah (I5455)
7485 |
Susie is buried between her mother and Genoa at Methodist Cemetery. Edgar's death certificate names her Sarah but that information comes from Flora, who probably never knew her. | HARRIS, Mary Susan (I18034)
7486 |
Sylvester has at least 5 half-siblings, one died in infancy. | BURTON, Sylvester Henry (I9341)
7487 |
T Thompson, Precinct 2 | THOMPSON, Tipton (I8934)
7488 |
T Thompson, Precinct 2 | THOMPSON, Tipton (I8934)
7489 |
Tabitha Shackelford, wife of William, relinquished her right of dower in a tract of land, July 1806, Order Book 8, page 89. | ???, Tabitha (I4218)
7490 |
Talapoosa County, Alabama, Battle of Horseshoe Bend | STEELE, John (I4026)
7491 |
Talboy - Massachusetts | GARNER, Helen B (I21851)
7492 |
Taliaferro Township
Effram H Comstock Head M 55 Missouri M2 20 yrs.
Jannie Comstock Wife F 35 Texas M1 3/3 children
Virgie A Comstock Dau F 19 Oklahoma
Oscar Comstock Son M 17 Oklahoma
Hazel Comstock Dau F 9 Oklahoma | COMSTOCK, Ephraim Hubbard F (I11659)
7493 |
Talladega District hh #925
Henderson Johnson M 42 South Carolina
Susana Johnson F 33 South Carolina
Reuben Johnson M 15 Alabama
Margaret Johnson F 13 Alabama
Sarah Johnson F 11 Alabama
Rachel Johnson F 8 Alabama
Daniel Johnson M 7 Alabama
Catharine Johnson F 4 Alabama
Mary Johnson F 2 Alabama | JOHNSTON, Henderson Reeve (I14465)
7494 |
Tax Record, York Twp., Tama County, 1865, notes a John Ashby is delinquent of $105 for 1863 taxes.
1856 Louis Co, Iowa Cenus, Port Louisa Twp,
280 14 3 73 86 Ashby John 26 M 3 OH Farmer
280 14 4 Ashby Harkinson 60 M X 3 PA Farmer
280 14 5 Ashby Alexander 22 M 3 IN Farmer
280 14 6 Harlan Nancy 37 F X 2 OH
280 14 7 Ashby Margaret 20 F 3 IN
280 14 8 Ashby James 16 M 3 IN Farmer
280 14 9 Ashby Mary E. 14 F 3 IN
280 14 10 Ashby Katharine 8 F 3 IN
280 14 11 Harlan Eliza Ann 7 F 2 IN
280 14 12 Harlan Christina 7 F 2 IN | ASHBY, John Washington (I5090)
7495 |
Taylor? | BURRIS, Nancy Jane (I8192)
7496 |
TEC4 WWII | COLBY, Robert W (I4656)
7497 |
Telephone interview | Source (S161)
7498 |
Telephone interview | Source (S177)
7499 |
Telephone interview | Source (S330)
7500 |
Telephone interview with my father-in-law. | Source (S565)