an Armstrong & a Heffernan
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Matches 7,851 to 7,900 of 8,746

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
7851 to John Dinning, [fkhutch at] Source (S362)
7852 to Onnie [Annie?] Pennington? MAY, David (I21664)
7853 Tom and Gertie still at 614 N 10th St. ARMSTRONG, Thomas Vernon (I35)
7854 Tom Green Co, Texas MANNING, John Glover (I5286)
7855 Tom McCallum
1849 - 1920
Following a two week illness, Uncle Tom McCallum died at the family home in Garland, Tuesday at 12:30. Uncle Tom had suffered for three or four years from diabetes, which gradually sapped his constitution. For some time he had been in critical condition, and his death was not unexpected.
Paralysis developed about ten days ago, which was the immediate cause of his death. Funeral services were conducted at the Pleasant Valley Presbyterian Church Wednesday at two o'clock by Rev. Sam Templeton, pastor of the Rockwall Presbyterian church, and a friend of the family. A large crowd of friends was in attendance to honor the memory of a man whom all loved. Interment followed in the family plot at Pleasant Valley's pioneer cemetery.
John Thomas McCallum was born in York County, SC Feb 9, 1849. He served in the Confederate Army from there and fought through the war. Following the close of the war he left shortly being harassed by carpet baggers who made life dangerous for Southern sympathizers. He came to Rusk County in 1871 where he lived for two years, coming from there to Pleasant Valley community where he established a home and lived up to a few years ago when he moved to Garland.
He had by hard work and thrift accumulated considerable land. He married Miss Bettie Kelly in Rusk County in 1873, and to this union were born twelve children, nine of whom are still living, namely: Dr. Charles McCallum of Okla., Mack of Dallas, and Joe, Gee and J. T. of Garland; Mrs. Nina Pace, Mrs. Maude Flook, Mrs. Bertie Roberson of Garland and Mrs. Ola Bell Harris of Eldorado, Okla. Active pallbearers were his nephews: E. H., Ono, Homer, Guy, H. C. and Fred McCallum. Note: John Thomas McCallum was born at York District, SC February 9, 1849 and married C. Bettie Kelley in 1873. His parents were Peter and Violet Amelia Wallace McCallum. Tom McCallum died on December 28, 1920 and is buried at Pleasant Valley Cemetery. 
MCCALLUM, John Thomas D (I7146)
7856 Tom signed her death certificate. MELLEN, Pearla Lewis (I19266)
7857 Tom Township
William McGhee Head M 58 Sep 1841 Ohio m. 35 yrs.
Sarah McGhee Wife F 51 Feb 1849 Indiana 10/9 children
Clinton McGhee Son M 16 Aug 1883 Iowa
Eliza McGhee Dau F 13 Jul 1886 South Dakota
Ernest McGhee Son M 10 Sep 1889 South Dakota
Cathrine M McGhee Dau F 8 Dec 1891 South Dakota
I'm fairly certain this is our family. 
MCGHEE, William Taylor (I8837)
7858 Tombstone inscription: Ci Git, Dame Achille Dupre, nee Azema Beraud, Nee le 18 Mai 1839, Decedee le 15 Fevrier 1882. BERAUD, Azema (I24420)
7859 Tombstone inscription: Ici repose Joseph Beraud, ne le 11 Juin 1809, decede le 14 Decembre 1878.

There are two young girls at the Sacred Heart Convent on the 1850 census, ages 12 and 13. 
BERAUD, Joseph (I18373)
7860 Tompkinsville District
Edward N Harlin Self M 25 Kentucky
Nancy Harlin Wife F 16 Kentucky 
HARLIN, Edward N (I21439)
7861 Tope CARRAHER, Ruth Elaine (I5034)
7862 Toured London, England STERLING, Walter E (I6100)
7863 Township 1
John F Disney Head M 70 Missouri age 24
Mary E Disney Wife F 63 Missouri age 17
John is a shoe salesman. 
DISNEY, John Franklin (I12250)
7864 Township 1
Mary E Disney Head F 75 Missouri
Edna Mount Dau F 51 Missouri
They're both widowed, Edna is a cook at a hospital. 
CARPENTER, Mary Elizabeth (I12251)
7865 Township 1
Mary E Disney Head F 75 Missouri
Edna Mount Dau F 51 Missouri
They're both widowed, Edna is a cook at a hospital. 
DISNEY, Edna Fern (I12272)
7866 Township 1, Millerton PO
Roland T Burford ?tab?M ?tab?46 ?tab?Alabama
Caroline Burford ?tab?F ?tab?33 ?tab?Missouri
Wm S Burford ?tab??tab?M ?tab?13 ?tab?California
Geo L Burford ?tab??tab?M ?tab?11 ?tab?California
Mary B Burford ?tab??tab?F ?tab? 7 ?tab?California
Robert N Burford ?tab?M ?tab? 5 ?tab?California
James P Burford ?tab?M ?tab? 3 ?tab?California
Alice R Burford ?tab?F ?tab? 1 ?tab?California [2?]
Roland is a farmer.

Millerton was the original county seat of Fresno County; it's now in Madera County.

Isaac Newton and family are just a few rows up in the same page. 
BURFORD, Roland Tankersley (I2463)
7867 Township 10
Geo. L Burford Head M 40 May 1860 California m. 13 yrs.
Jennie M Burford Wife F 39 May 1861 Illinois 4/2 children
Geo. E Burford Son M 6 Sep 1893 California
Elfie Burford Dau F 1 Jul 1898 California
Frank H Johnston Boarder M 18 Jun 1881 California
This is indexed under BINFORD. George is a farmer. 
BURFORD, George Lee (I2467)
7868 Township 102 Range 4 Crooked Creek
John Fischel M 29 Ohio
Rachel A Fischel F 22 Pennsylvania
Almira Fischel F 2 Minnesota
Leander S Fischel M 1 Minnesota
They live next to John and Martha Holliday. 
FISHEL, John III (I23498)
7869 Township 106
Charles Bates Self M 23 Minnesota
Alice Bates Wife F 18 Indiana
They live next to his parents. 
BATES, Charles L (I23771)
7870 Township 106
Harvey Ellis Self M 36 Illinois
Emma Ellis Wife F 27 Wisconsin
Herman F Ellis Son M 3 Dakota Territories
Harvey is a farmer. They live near John and Mary. 
ELLIS, Harvey Sewell (I23765)
7871 Township 106
Herman N Luce Self M 60 New York
Mary E Luce Wife F 49 New York
Francis H Luce Son M 16 Minnesota
Charles H Luce Son M 7 Dakota Territories
Mary Holmes M-i-l F 80 New York
Anna Putnam Dau F 26 Wisconsin
Francis E Putnam G-dau F 6 Montana
Herman is a farmer. 
LUCE, Anna M (I23712)
7872 Township 106
Thomas W Bates Self M 60 New Hampshire
Hannah Bates Wife F 43 New York
Albert Bates Son M 25 Minnesota
George Bates Son M 17 Minnesota
Ellenor Bates Dau F 13 Minnesota
Almeran Bates Son M 10 Minnesota
Austin Bates Son M 8 Minnesota
John Bates Son M 4 Minnesota
Frank Bates Son M 2 Dakota Territories
Thomas is a farmer. They live next to Charles and Alice, near Harvey and Emma Ellis. 
BATES, Thomas W (I23705)
7873 Township 106, Lake County, Dakota Territory
Herman N Luce Self M 60 New York
Mary E Luce Wife F 49 New York
Francis H Luce Son M 16 Minnesota
Charles H Luce Son M 7 Dakota Territories
Mary Holmes M-i-l F 80 New York
Anna Putnam Dau F 26 Wisconsin
Francis E Putnam G-dau F 6 Montana
Herman is a farmer. 
LUCE, Herman N (I23707)
7874 Township 106, Lake County, Dakota Territory
John Luce Self M 23 Minnesota
Mary E Luce Wife F 21 Minnesota
John is a farmer. 
LUCE, John (I23688)
7875 Township 106, Lake County, Dakota Territory
William H Luce Self M 34 Wisconsin
Mary E Luce Wife F 38 Ohio
David H Luce Son M 8 Dakota Territories
Eunice M Luce Dau F 6 Dakota Territories
Edith Elexa Luce Dau F 4 Dakota Territories
William N Luce Son M 1 Dakota Territories
Eunice A Ault M-i-l F 68 Vermont
William Owens Other M 22 Wisconsin
William H is a farmer and Wm O is a laborer. 
LUCE, William H (I23710)
7876 Township 12 North, Range 15 East, BHM
Rhoda, age 58 and widowed has her own income and is living alone. I can only wonder why she was so far from home in such a wild place.
Minnie L Kelley, age 21, Iowa (her daughter), is listed - also alone - on the previous page (20B), also with her own income.
I found a 1930s era map that shows this area to be called Edison, near Flint Rock Hill. It's 2 townships west of the northeast corner township. This is right on the edge of the Cheyenne River Reservation. Perhaps Minnie was teaching school. 
COON, Rhoda M (I9140)
7877 Township 14
Delila Tucker Female 53 Georgia
George Tucker Male 19 Alabama
Thomas Tucker Male 15 Alabama
An Tucker Female 19 Alabama
Jane Tucker Female 32 Alabama
Daniel Tucker Male 8 Alabama
John Tucker Male 4 Alabama
George and Thomas are farming. 
???, Delilah (I24309)
7878 Township 14, hh #361
T L Cook M 35 Alabama
Juliett Cook F 5 Alabama
Andrew Cook M 1 Alabama
Martha Cook F 18 Alabama
Cruspfia Cook F 15 Alabama 
COOK, Thomas E (I10767)
7879 Township 15
J C Hubbard Head M 29 Ohio
Serrah Hubbard Wife F 25 Pennsylvania
Mary Jane Hubbard Dau F 2 Pennsylvania
Fred W Kincaid Hired M 28 Kansas
Thomas Stacey Hired M 29 Texas
Frank W Hackett Hired M 19 Colorado
J C is a superintendant in the oil field, Thomas is unemployed. 
STACEY, Wyatt Thomas (I15599)
7880 Township 15, County road near Maricopa
David K Stacey Head M 26 Texas
Allen W Pittman Hired M 17 Texas
Rullis Rees Hired M 40 Iowa
David is an oil field engineer and Allen is an oil field laborer. 
PITTMAN, Allen Wallace (I9396)
7881 Township 15, County road near Maricopa
David K Stacey Head M 26 Texas
Allen W Pittman Hired M 17 Texas
Rullis Rees Hired M 40 Iowa
David is an oil field engineer and Allen is an oil field laborer. 
STACEY, David King (I15600)
7882 Township 15, hh #215
Joe McCurry M 37 Tennessee
Nancy McCurry F 36 South Carolina
Amanda McCurry F 13 Alabama
T J McCurry M 7 Alabama
Betty Parnell F 63 South Carolina 
MCCURRY, Joseph (I17394)
7883 Township 15, Olive Street
Amanda Pittman Head F 67 Texas
Leslie Pittman Son M 21 Texas
Ruby Pittman D-in-l F 20 California
Hester Pittman Dau F 27 Texas
Leslie is a laborer for an oil field company and Hester is a clerk for the same. 
LANGLEY, Amanda (I5296)
7884 Township 15, Olive Street
Amanda Pittman Head F 67 Texas
Leslie Pittman Son M 21 Texas
Ruby Pittman D-in-l F 20 California
Hester Pittman Dau F 27 Texas
Leslie is a laborer for an oil field company and Hester is a clerk for the same. 
PITTMAN, Leslie Howard (I9397)
7885 Township 17, Ward 4, east of HE & WT Railroad
Franklin Tyler Head M 26 Texas
Carrie Tyler Wife F 23 Texas
Roy Tyler Son M 5 Louisiana
Frederick Tyler Son M 4 Texas
Teal Tyler Dau F 6/12 Louisiana
Thomas Tyler Cousin M 41 Texas
Thomas is a watchman and Franklin is a laborer at a heading? factory. 
TYLER, Franklin Thomas (I17345)
7886 Township 17, Ward 4, east of HE & WT Railroad
Franklin Tyler Head M 26 Texas
Carrie Tyler Wife F 23 Texas
Roy Tyler Son M 5 Louisiana
Frederick Tyler Son M 4 Texas
Teal Tyler Dau F 6/12 Louisiana
Thomas Tyler Cousin M 41 Texas
Thomas is a watchman and Franklin is a laborer at a heading? factory. 
TYLER, Thomas Newton (I17373)
7887 Township 19 Thornton Precinct 35
Cecil N Lathen Head F 35 Iowa
Frances M Lathen Dau F 7 Washington
Chester D Lathen Son M 5 Washington
Maravene C Lathen Dau F 2 Washington
Clarence T Lathen Son M 10/12 Washington Feb?
Cecil is widowed. 
THOMAS, Cecil N (I21973)
7888 Township 19, Range 8
Daniel Johnston M 25 Alabama
Louisa E Johnston F 23 Alabama
Margaret Johnston F 4 Alabama
Fannie Johnston F 3 Alabama
Sarah Johnston F 1 Alabama
Henderson Johnston M 62 South Carolina 
JOHNSTON, Henderson Reeve (I14465)
7889 Township 19, Range 8
Daniel Johnston M 25 Alabama
Louisa E Johnston F 23 Alabama
Margaret Johnston F 4 Alabama
Fannie Johnston F 3 Alabama
Sarah Johnston F 1 Alabama
Henderson Johnston M 62 South Carolina 
JOHNSTON, Daniel Reeve (I20513)
7890 Township 19, Range 8, Copper Mine PO
R C Johnston M 35 Alabama
Martha A Johnston F 25 Georgia
Thomas J Johnston M 9 Alabama
Idira Johnston F 2 Alabama
Close to Daniel. 
JOHNSTON, Reuben Cecil (I20515)
7891 Township 2
John F Disney Head M 50 Missouri m 26 yrs.
Mary E Disney Wife F 42 Missouri 6/3 children
Elbert F Disney Son M 24 Missouri
Merle L Disney Dau F 10 Missouri
John is a carpenter. 
DISNEY, John Franklin (I12250)
7892 Township 2
Phillip Bufford Servant M 28 Jul 1871 California
Philip is a farm laborer. 
BURFORD, Philip Roland (I2478)
7893 Township 2
Scott Burford Head M 61 California
Scott is a farmer and widowed. 
BURFORD, William Scott (I2466)
7894 Township 2 (east of the A,T &SF Railroad)
Louis E David Head M 57 Indiana m. 26 yrs.
Mary B David Wife F 47 California 9/9 children
Luis A David Son M 25 California
Miller M David Son M 24 California
Frank C David Son M 22 California
Sadie A David Dau F 19 California
Walter C David Son M 17 California
Edithe M David Dau F 15 California
Ethel M David Dau F 13 California
Leslie C David Son M 12 California
Carrie L David Dau F 5 California
Caralion Bufford M-i-L F 73 Texas 11/7 children
Lewis is a farmer. 
NEWTON, Caroline (I2464)
7895 Township 2, Millerton PO
Roland T Burford M 35 Alabama
Caroline Burford F 22 Missouri
Wm S Burford M 2 California
George Burford M 2/12 California
Roland is an attorney. 
BURFORD, Roland Tankersley (I2463)
7896 Township 21, Range 29
Martin V Mahurin M 44
Shildy Mahurin F 41
Calvin M Mahurin M 21
Levi G W Mahurin M 18
Siller Mahurin M 15
Martha A Mahurin F 13
Mary A Mahurin F 10
Benjamin Mahurin
No age or sex for Benjamin but a "dot" in the first box (Under 10 Years). 
MAHURIN, Martin Van (I11653)
7897 Township 26, Section 20 SE 1/4, Rt 2
Reatha - Jan 18 1909 - 19
Clarence - Jan 1 1912 - 16
Mildred - May 17 1915 - 13
Ernist - Oct 7 1917 - 10 
ARMSTRONG, Thomas Vernon (I35)
7898 Township 3
Frank David Head M 48 California
Mary B David Mother F 67 California
Frank is single, Mary is widowed. 
BURFORD, Mary Belle (I2468)
7899 Township 3
James A Robbins Head M 60 Missouri
Altha L Robbins Wife F 54 Missouri
Rintha R Robbins Dau F 31 Missouri
Kenneth W Robbins Son M 11 Missouri
Fannie C Vaughn M-in-l F 76 Missouri
James is a farmer and Rintha is a school teacher. 
WILLIAMS, Fannie Catherine (I23087)
7900 Township 3
John L Martin Head M 35 Missouri
Margaret Martin Wife F 26 Colorado
Charles Martin Son M 5 Colorado
Evelin Martin Dau F 3 10/12 Colorado 
MARTIN, John Logan (I14645)

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