an Armstrong & a Heffernan
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 #   Notes   Linked to 
7901 Township 3
Osceola Mills Lodger F 43 Texas m. 18 yrs. 2/2 children
Howard D Mills Lodger M 15 California [Darden, died 1917]
Osceola is married and living at the Almshouse. 
GARDNER, Osceola (I18526)
7902 Township 3 - County Hospital
Ralph is a patient, age 19, and works as a laborer for a cement company. 
LANGLEY, Ralph D (I9499)
7903 Township 3, 232 North Van Ness Avenue
Ossie Ola Mills Head F 77 Texas
Marie Allen Lodger F 55 California
Anna Hansen Servant F 63 Iowa 
GARDNER, Osceola (I18526)
7904 Township 3, North Van Ness
Osceola Mills Head F 67 Arkansas
Idyll M Hardie Dau F 42 Texas
Milton M Hardie G-son M 19 California
Beatrice Barnard Lodger F 45 Illinois
Dora Thurston Lodger F 27 Texas
A D Manauel Lodger M 38 Armenia
Idyll is a divorced school teacher, Osceola is widowed. 
GARDNER, Osceola (I18526)
7905 Township 33, Range 41
Ed Coon Head M 42 Wisconsin m. 22 yrs.
Mary I Coon Wife F 42 Indiana 4/3 children
Ruth H Coon Dau F 16 Nebraska
Bill Coon Son M 15 Indiana 
COON, Edward Thomas (I9150)
7906 Township 4
Carrie Burford Head F 62 Apr 1837 Missouri 11/9 children
Marion Burford Son M 21 Jan 1870 California
Nelson Chapman Hired M 46 Apr 1854 Ohio
Caroline is a stock raiser. 
NEWTON, Caroline (I2464)
7907 Township 4
Jesse B Disney Head M 36 Arkansas m. 6 yrs.
Alice Disney Wife F 30 Oklahoma 4/2 children
Minnie Disney Dau F 4 Oklahoma
Willie Disney Son M 3/12 Oklahoma
Jesse is a sawyer at a sawmill, Alice is 1/4 Cherokee and received an allotment in 1905. 
DISNEY, Jesse Brown (I3533)
7908 Township 4 South, Range 4 East, Grandview Highway
Arthur L Luce Head M 59 South Dakota
Emma M Luce Wife F 63 Illinois
Arthur works on his farm. 
LUCE, Arthur L (I23684)
7909 Township 5
Agnes C Gregg Boarder F 19 California
Agnes lives with Mary E Tower and is a teacher. 
GREGG, Agnes Churchill (I21765)
7910 Township 5N Range 7E-Township 9N Range 11E
7 in family 
GREGG, Richard (I22026)
7911 Township 7, 26-3 L? Street
Leslie H Pittman Head M 32 Texas
Betty J Pittman Dau F 10 California
Norma J Pittman Dau F 8 California
Hester A Pittman Sister F 39 Texas
Leslie is a petroleum surveyor and divorced. This is a Standard Oil company town outside of Taft. 
PITTMAN, Leslie Howard (I9397)
7912 Township 7, 400 1/2 Pierce
Leslie Pittman Head M 42 Texas
Hester Pittman Sister F 49 Texas
Leslie is a vacuum cleaner salesman and Hester is a steno for an oil field company. 
PITTMAN, Leslie Howard (I9397)
7913 Township a, Range 5, Litchfield PO, fam# 41
Lovely, Caswell 36 M W Farming - 800 TN cannot read or write
Millie 35 F W Keep House TN
John M 16 M W Works on farm TN
Telitha J 15 F W TN
William R 12 M W TN
Mahulda C 10 F W TN
Robert F 5 M W IL 
LOVELY, Caswell (I3556)
7914 Township Board of Directors DUNN, Priula (I13778)
7915 Tracey Precinct, Tracey PO
Parker M Murphey M 34 Kentucky
Louisa F Murphey F 36 Kentucky
Allen C Denham M 15 Kentucky
Joseph P Murphey M 25 Kentucky 
MURPHY, Parker M (I21338)
7916 Transcription of original records. Source (S583)
7917 Travis Donation, Comal Co, Texas HOLDER, Prior A (I3054)
7918 Trent? BASKERVILLE, Edith A (I21586)
7919 Troy Township
Argle Pipkins Head M 26 Dec 1873 Tennessee m. 8 yrs.
Leona Pipkins Wife F 29 Aug 1870 Tennessee 4/2 children
Edna M Pipkins Dau F 5 May 1895 Tennessee
Horace G Pipkins Son M 3 Jun 1896 Tennessee
Argyle is a logger. 
PIPKIN, Argyle B (I12644)
7920 Troy Township
Pipkin, Claude Head M Jul 1879 20 S TN
Lula Sis F Nov 1884 15 S TN
Zora Sis F Jan 1887 13 S TN
Rebecca F Mother F Mar 1850 50 W TN 8/5 (children)
They are on the census twice and the girls have diferent birthdates and ages. 
PERKINS, Rebecca F (I12641)
7921 Troy Township
Pipkin, Claude Head M Jul 1879 20 S TN
Lula Sis F Nov 1884 15 S TN
Zora Sis F Jan 1887 13 S TN
Rebecca F Mother F Mar 1850 50 W TN 8/5 children 
PIPKIN, Claud Emerson I (I12608)
7922 TUCK NELLIE Nov 22, 1897 Jan 12, 1898 dau of M.D. & J.C - Mahurin Cemetery. TUCK, Joseph Cephus (I222)
7923 Turner District
Ambrose Hendricks Male 27 Kentucky
Fannie Hendricks Female 24 Kentucky
John F Hendricks Male 5 Kentucky
Calfus Hendricks Male 3 Kentucky
William Hendricks Male 1 Kentucky
They live next to James and Mary A Lyons. 
HENDRIX, Ambrose H (I14961)
7924 Turner's Point PASCHALL, Dr Daniel A (I8954)
7925 Tuscarora Township
Eliphlate Pembertin Self M 58 Ohio
Sarah A Pembertin Wife F 46 New York
Libbie Pembertin Dau F 15 Michigan
Charles Pembertin Son M 11/12 Michigan
Ellen Randall Dau F 18 Michigan
Allena Wood G-dau F 3 Michigan 
PEMBERTON, Eliphalet (I5068)
7926 Twin Lakes Township
Catherine Ross Head F 32 May 1868 Denmark 2/2 children
Josephene Foley Dau F 10 Oct 1889 Iowa
Beulee Bennett Dau F 6 Aug 1893 Iowa
Minnie Ross Mother F 72 Oct 1827 Denmark 9/5 children
Katherine is divorced and is a washer woman. Minnie is widowed. 
ROSS, Elsie Catherine (I22329)
7927 twin to Elijah COLLINS, Elisha (I13293)
7928 twin to Elisha COLLINS, Elijah (I13294)
7929 Twin to Francis? They were both 13 on the 1885 census.

It looks like James was in jail in Florence, Arizona, in 1900 but I'm not sure. 
WILLS, James Wilson (I17398)
7930 twn 8 range 12, ARMSTRONG, Maurice (I742)
7931 Two brothers, Bert of Los Angeles, California, and Ervin of Chicago and his sister, Elizabeth Seel of Otis survive him. [William]

William's obituary names a brother Ervin but Curtis's draft registration says his middle name was Elsworth and he didn't survive his brother. 
MCGHEE, Curtis Elsworth (I11346)
7932 Two brothers, Bert of Los Angeles, California, and Ervin of Chicago and his sister, Elizabeth Seel of Otis survive him. [William] [I don't know which brother was Ervin, possibly Charles. MCGHEE, Bert Earl (I11349)
7933 Two children died in infancy. CORNELISON, Warren Clarence (I11872)
7934 Tyler Beat
35 1199 1198 Armstrong Jackson 22 M Farmer 350/400 MO
36 1199 1198 Armstrong Ann 17 F MO
37 1199 1198 Armstrong Elizabeth 40 F MO 
ARMSTRONG, Jackson (I181)
7935 Tyler Beat
35 1199 1198 Armstrong Jackson 22 M Farmer 350/400 MO
36 1199 1198 Armstrong Ann 17 F MO
37 1199 1198 Armstrong Elizabeth 40 F MO [28] 
ARMSTRONG, Elizabeth (I178)
7936 Tyler Township
Cody C McCracken Head M 38 Missouri
Virginia McCracken Mother F 81 Missouri 
COON, Virginia (I8998)
7937 Tyler Township
Cody C McCracken Head M 38 Missouri
Virginia McCracken Mother F 81 Missouri 
MCCRACKEN, Cody C (I23066)
7938 Tyler Township
Cody C McCracken Head M 28 Missouri
Virgina McCracken Mother F 73 Missouri 
COON, Virginia (I8998)
7939 Tyler Township
Elijah Williams Head M 63 Mar 1837 Tennessee m. 36 yrs.
Ellen Williams Wife F 53 Nov 1846 Indiana 12/9 children
Jordan W Williams Son M 20 Jul 1879 Missouri
Cordia B Williams Dau F 15 Mar 1885 Missouri
Bonnie Williams Dau F 12 Jul 1887 Missouri
Rua Williams Dau F 9 Jul 1890 Missouri
Samuel Williams Brother M 61 Feb 1839 Missouri m. 38 yrs.
Elijah is a farmer and Samuel is a landlord. 
WILLIAMS, Elijah (I8997)
7940 Tyler Township
Elijah Williams Self M 43 Tennessee
Ellen Williams Wife F 34 Indiana
Fannie Williams Dau F 15 Missouri
Samuel Williams Son M 12 Missouri
Margret Williams Dau F 9 Missouri
Tipton Williams Son M 7 Missouri
Jane N Williams Dau F 2 Missouri
William Williams Son M 10/12 Missouri Aug 
WILLIAMS, Elijah (I8997)
7941 Tyler Township
Elizah Williams M 33 Tennessee
Ellan Williams F 23 Indiana
Fanny C Williams F 5 Missouri
Samuel L Williams M 2 Missouri 
WILLIAMS, Elijah (I8997)
7942 Tyler Township
Fred Wood Head M 38 Missouri m. 6 yrs.
Corda Wood Wife F 25 Missouri 1/1 children
Attha Wood Dau F 5 Missouri
Ellen Williams M-in-l F 63 Indiana 12/8 children
Rua Williams S-in-l F 19 Missouri
Fred is a farmer and Rua is a public school teacher. 
COON, Eleanor (I8996)
7943 Tyler Township
Fred Wood Head M 38 Missouri m. 6 yrs.
Corda Wood Wife F 25 Missouri 1/1 children
Attha Wood Dau F 5 Missouri
Ellen Williams M-in-l F 63 Indiana 12/8 children
Rua Williams S-in-l F 19 Missouri
Fred is a farmer and Rua is a public school teacher. 
WILLIAMS, Rua (I23086)
7944 Tyler Township
Fred Woods Head M 38 Missouri
Corda Woods Wife F 34 Missouri
Altha Woods Dau F 14 Missouri
Wayne Woods Son M 8 Missouri
Ellen Williams M-in-l F 73 Missouri 
COON, Eleanor (I8996)
7945 Tyler Township
Ira L Reser Head M 45 Missouri age 21
Lottie Reser Wife F 43 Missouri age 19
Jasper Coon F-in-l M 78 Missouri 
COON, Jasper (I9000)
7946 Tyler Township
J W Williams Head M 30 Missouri m. 8 yrs.
Vienna Williams Wife F 28 Missouri 2/2 children
Ray Williams Son M 5 Missouri
Wm Williams Son M 9/12 Missouri
They live near Tipton. 
WILLIAMS, Jordan Walter (I23084)
7947 Tyler Township
Jasper Coon Head M 49 Apr 1851 Missouri m. 27 yrs.
Malinda C Coon Wife F 49 Apr 1851 Kentucky 5/3 children
Homer Coon Son M 16 Jul 1883 Missouri
Lottie Coon Dau F 13 Oct 1886 Missouri 
COON, Jasper (I9000)
7948 Tyler Township
Jasper Coon Self M 29 Missouri
Malinda Coon Wife F 29 Kentucky
Evie Coon Dau F 4 Missouri
Yonna Coon Dau F 2 Missouri 
COON, Jasper (I9000)
7949 Tyler Township
John W Hellums Head M 66 Missouri
Linda Hellums Wife F 66 Missouri
Cody C Mccracken B-in-l M 47 Missouri 
MCCRACKEN, Cody C (I23066)
7950 Tyler Township
Jord W Williams Head M 41 Missouri
Viannia Williams Wife F 37 Missouri
Ray S Williams Son M 15 Missouri
William R Williams Son M 10 Missouri
They live next to Tipton. 
WILLIAMS, Jordan Walter (I23084)

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