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 #   Notes   Linked to 
8151 Ward 14, 1120 Robinson Avenue
James W Coon Head M 76 Missouri
Lizzie Coon Wife F 70 Missouri
Charles W Gaither Roomer M 78 Illinois
James has a private practice and Charles is a self-employed construction contractor. 
COON, Dr James W (I9128)
8152 Ward 14, 1120 West Robberson
James W Coon Head M 66 Missouri age 27
Lizzie M Coon Wife F 61 Missouri age 23
Edna Ray Servant F 30 Tennessee
James is a general practitioner. 
COON, Dr James W (I9128)
8153 Ward 14, 1917 Cypress Avenue
Laura B Keith Head F 39 Missouri 5/5 children
Paul E Keith Son M 19 Missouri
Laura E Keith Dau F 17 Missouri
Frank Keith Son M 15 Missouri
Coleman Keith Son M 13 Missouri
James H Keith Son M 1 Missouri
Laura is widowed, Paul is a printer for a publishing company, Laura E is a stenographer for a doctor and Frank works for a bag company. 
ACHORD, Laura Belle (I23369)
8154 Ward 14, 197 West Corning Avenue
Harry H Bennett Head M 31 New York 25 yrs
Alice M Bennett Wife F 29 New York 23 yrs
Ruth E Bennett Dau F 5 New York
Joyce A Bennett Dau F 2 New York
Cora J Bennett Mother F 52 Connecticut
Harry is a grocery store clerk and Cora is widowed. 
HOTCHKISS, Cora J (I22161)
8155 Ward 14, 197 West Corning Avenue
Harry H Bennett Head M 31 New York 25 yrs
Alice M Bennett Wife F 29 New York 23 yrs
Ruth E Bennett Dau F 5 New York
Joyce A Bennett Dau F 2 New York
Cora J Bennett Mother F 52 Connecticut
Harry is a grocery store clerk and Cora is widowed. 
BENNETT, Harry Hotchkiss (I22162)
8156 Ward 15
Frank F Bennett Guest M 78 England
Our Fred is a journeyman bookbinder, is on his second marriage (26 years) and is a guest at the Mills Hotel (1) on Bleecker Street, a famous and historic site. 
BENNETT, Frank Frederick (I22150)
8157 Ward 15
Head Frank D Tubbs M 50 New York
Wife Julia F Tubbs F 47 New York
Son Merritt J Tubbs M 20 New York
Dau Zula M Tubbs F 17 New York
Son Frederick S Tubbs M 14 New York
Dau Dorothy J Tubbs F 7 New York
Sister Minnett L Tubbs F 69 New York 
TUBBS, Frank D (I3127)
8158 Ward 15
Head Merritt J Tubbs M 29 New York
Wife Maude N Tubbs F 30 Canada
Mother Lucy Robbins F 66 Canada 
TUBBS, Merritt Ira (I4755)
8159 Ward 15, 1833 Lister?
Laura Keith Head F 49 Missouri
Paul Keith Son M 29 Missouri
Willhelmina Keith D-in-l F 20 Holland
James Keith Son M 11 Missouri
Walter Kelley Roomer M 31 Indiana
Paul is an engineer at a bag factory. 
ACHORD, Laura Belle (I23369)
8160 Ward 15, 2009 Maury? Avenue
Gus Langley Head M 36 Texas
Lorain Langley Wife F 22 Arkansas
Edwin Langley Son M 9 Missouri
Gloria Langley Dau F 6 Missouri
Gary Langley Son M 5 Missouri
Oma Langley Mother F 65 Texas
Gus is a baker at a wholesale bakery. Oma was 19 at her first marriage and has only borne 2 children. 
WINTERS, Oma (I6195)
8161 Ward 15, 3812 Hammond Place?
George B Lawson Head M 29 Missouri
Mary A Lawson Mother F 60 Missouri
Letha Oliphant Sister F 25 Missouri
Maxine Oliphant Niece F 5 Kansas
Fay Lawson Sister F 22 Missouri
Irmine Current S-in-l F 21 Wisconsin
George is a produce salesman, Letha is a phone operator, Fay works at a machine factory and Irmine is an office clerk. Mary is widowed and Letha is divorced. 
ACHORD, Mary Ann (I23363)
8162 Ward 16, 605 West Walnut
Esther Mye Head F 47 Texas
Ernestine Mye Sister F 28 Texas
Kathryn Slatky Lodger F 29 Wisconsin
Indexed under Nye. Esther is a retail clothing clerk and Ernestine is a junior leader at the recreation department for the WPA. They lived in the same place in 1935. 
MYE, Cecily Esther (I18897)
8163 Ward 16, 605 West Walnut
Esther Mye Head F 47 Texas
Ernestine Mye Sister F 28 Texas
Kathryn Slatky Lodger F 29 Wisconsin
Indexed under Nye. Esther is a retail clothing clerk and Ernestine is a junior leader at the recreation department for the WPA. They lived in the same place in 1935. 
MYE, Ernestine (I18899)
8164 Ward 17
Head Julia Tubbs F 57 New York
Dau Dorothy Tubbs F 16 New York
Niece Ethel Gesse F 17 New York 
SENN, Julia F (I2589)
8165 Ward 17
Head Julia Tubbs F 57 New York
Dau Dorothy Tubbs F 16 New York
Niece Ethel Gesse F 17 New York 
GESSE, Ethel G (I4770)
8166 Ward 17, 204 Fatherland Street
William R Draughon Head M 50 Mar 1850 Tennessee m. 25 yrs.
Mary E Draughon Wife F 45 Oct 1855 Tennessee 4/1 children
W Ewing Draughon Son M 22 Sep 1877 Tennessee
Thomas J Crawford Boarder M 25 Dec 1874 Tennessee
Andrew Raiford Boarder M 24 Aug 1875 Mississippi
William is a carpenter and contractor. Thomas is a photographer and Andrew is a railroad postal clerk. 
DRAUGHON, William Richard (I11092)
8167 Ward 17, 567 Highgate Avenue
Peter J Senn Head M 31 New York
Mildred M Senn Wife F 27 New York
Peter is a patrolman with the city police department. They were first married at ages 26 and 22. 
SENN, Peter Joseph (I23632)
8168 Ward 17, 567 Highgate Avenue
Peter Senn Head M 41 New York
Mildred Senn Wife F 36 New York
Gail Ann Senn Dau F 3 New York
Alice Senn Mother F 67 New York
Peter is a policeman with the city police department, Alice is a supervisor at the post office. They lived in the same house in 1935, Alice lived in same PLACE. 
DUGGAN, Alice Theresa (I23631)
8169 Ward 17, 567 Highgate Avenue
Peter Senn Head M 41 New York
Mildred Senn Wife F 36 New York
Gail Ann Senn Dau F 3 New York
Alice Senn Mother F 67 New York
Peter is a policeman with the city police department, Alice is a supervisor at the post office. They lived in the same house in 1935, Alice lived in same PLACE. 
SENN, Peter Joseph (I23632)
8170 Ward 18, 1116 28th Street
Walter E Draper Head M 49 Nebraska
Lucy R Draper Wife F 50 Pennsylvania
James W Draper Son M 7 Nebraska
Isabel R Dau F 5 Nebraska 
DRAPER, Dr Walter Ernest (I21865)
8171 Ward 19
Frank Bennett M 37 New York
Sarah Bennett F 26 New York
Julie Bennett F 10 New York
Robert Bennett M 5 New York
Harry Bennett M 3 New York
Elisabeth Bennett F 1 New York
George Ashland M 30 New York
Fred is a bookbinder and George is a merchant. 
BENNETT, Frank Frederick (I22150)
8172 Ward 19
George May Head M 51 Tennessee
Josie May Wife F 36 Tennessee
Robt May Son M 20 Tennessee
Elmore May Son M 18 Tennessee
Mary May Dau F 15 Tennessee
David May Son M 14 Tennessee
Jessie May Son M 6 Tennessee
Alta May Dau F 4 Tennessee 
MAY, George (I12591)
8173 Ward 19
George May May Head M 52 Tennessee
Josie May Wife F 47 Tennessee
David May Son M 22 Tennessee
Jessee May Son M 16 Tennessee
Altie May Dau F 13 Tennessee 
MAY, George (I12591)
8174 Ward 19
Robert Leaycraft M 33 New York
Anna E Leaycraft F 29 New York
Anna A Leaycraft F 11 New York
Catharine Leaycraft F 57 New York
Maritana Kellum F 17 Virginia
Robert is a city clerk. 
CULVER, Catherine (I22188)
8175 Ward 19
Robert Leaycraft M 33 New York
Anna E Leaycraft F 29 New York
Anna A Leaycraft F 11 New York
Catharine Leaycraft F 57 New York
Maritana Kellum F 17 Virginia
Robert is a city clerk. 
LEAYCRAFT, Robert J (I22189)
8176 Ward 2
Cecil W Burford Head M 31 Mississippi
Josephine S Burford Wife F 32 Mississippi
Cecil Burford Son M 5 Tennessee 
BURFORD, Cecil Weston (I20591)
8177 Ward 2
Edwin P Scurlock Head M 32 Texas
Mary Scurlock Wife F 27 Texas
Lillian Scurlock Dau F 7 Texas
Allene Scurlock Dau F 4 Texas 
SCURLOCK, Edwin Henry (I9023)
8178 Ward 2
George Roemer Head M 62 France
Mary Roemer Wife F 46 Kentucky
Margret Roemer Dau F 20 Kentucky
George Roemer Son M 15 Kentucky
Francis Roemer Dau F 11 Kentucky
William Roemer Son M 8 Kentucky
Thomas Roemer Son M 5 Kentucky 
ROEMER, George (I9650)
8179 Ward 2
Henry W Hamilton Head M 68 New York
Julia A Hamilton Wife F 58 Massachusetts
Isabelle Hamilton Dau F 17 Connecticut
Fred Blakeman Boarder M 57 Connecticut
Ellen Kerner Boarder F 17 Connecticut 
HAMILTON, Henry W (I21858)
8180 Ward 2
James B Wills ?tab?Head ?tab?M ?tab?53 ?tab?Texas
Lou A Wills ?tab?Sister ?tab?F ?tab?45 ?tab?Texas
Essie Clark ?tab?Servant F ?tab?24 ?tab?Texas 
WILLS, James Buchanan (I3805)
8181 Ward 2
James B Wills ?tab?Head ?tab?M ?tab?53 ?tab?Texas
Lou A Wills ?tab?Sister ?tab?F ?tab?45 ?tab?Texas
Essie Clark ?tab?Servant F ?tab?24 ?tab?Texas 
WILLS, Lucretia A (I3809)
8182 Ward 2
James T Wiggins Head M 68 Indiana
Susan Wiggins Wife F 68 Illinois
James is a house contractor, Susan has her own income. 
WIGGINS, James T (I15673)
8183 Ward 2
Joe Gibbons Head M 50 Texas
Hal*Ie Gibbons Wife F 47 Texas
Billy Gibbons Son M 25 Texas 
GIBBONS, Joseph William (I14547)
8184 Ward 2
John Mcgee Head M 41 Feb 1859 Iowa m. 17 yrs.
Sarah E Mcgee Wife F 37 May 1863 Mass 6/5 children
Sarah D Mcgee Dau F 16 May 1884 Iowa
Alexander R Mcgee Son M 11 Jul 1889 Ohio
Freddie J Mcgee Son M 8 Aug 1891 Iowa
James C Mcgee Son M 3 Mar 1897 Iowa
Wade Mcgee Son M 1 Aug 1898 Iowa
John is a nursery? dealer. 
MCGHEE, John Ferdinand (I11338)
8185 Ward 2
John Mcgee Head M 51 Iowa m. 27 yrs.
Sarah Mcgee Wife F 48 New Hampshire 6/6 children
Ralph Mcgee Son M 20 Ohio
Ferd Mcgee Son M 18 Iowa
James Mcgee Son M 14 Iowa
Wade Mcgee Son M 11 Iowa
Melvin Mcgee Son M 8 Iowa
Dea Matteson Dau F 25 Iowa m. 2 yrs.
Dea Matteson Dau F 1 8/12 Iowa 1/1 children
John Shoniz? Boarder M 16 Illinois
This census is very difficult to read. I believe Ralph and John's occupations say implements. 
MCGHEE, John Ferdinand (I11338)
8186 Ward 2
M F Suddarth Head M 26 Illinois
Ellie Suddarth Wife F 29 Texas
Willie Suddarth Dau F 12 Texas
Pryor Suddarth Son M 10 Texas
Ruby Suddarth Dau F 7 Texas
P F Holder F-in-l M 60 Texas 
HOLDER, Pryor Fonval (I2647)
8187 Ward 2
M F Suddarth Head M 26 Illinois
Ellie Suddarth Wife F 29 Texas
Willie Suddarth Dau F 12 Texas
Pryor Suddarth Son M 10 Texas
Ruby Suddarth Dau F 7 Texas
P F Holder F-in-l M 60 Texas 
SUDDARTH, Marion Franklin (I18477)
8188 Ward 2
Martha A Wyatt Head F 63 Tennessee 6/6 children
Adeline Wyatt Dau F 37 Missouri
John A Wyatt?tab?Son?tab?M?tab?32?tab?Missouri
Adeline is single, Martha is widowed and John is divorced and works in a sewer pipe factory. 
DISNEY, Martha A (I7704)
8189 Ward 2
Roland Spence Head M 60 Illinois
Robert Higbee Roomer M 62 Kansas
Ida Higbee Roomer F 54 Indiana
Edna Higbee Roomer F 24 Indiana
Mary Higbee Roomer F 17 Oklahoma
Pearl Higbee Roomer F 26 Indiana
Claud Coon Roomer M 40 Missouri
Amy Coon Roomer F 36 Oklahoma
Claud Coon Roomer M 15 Oklahoma
Eva Coon Roomer F 14 Oklahoma
Claude is a wagon express man. There are more boarders that I didn't include. 
COON, Claude Otto (I23132)
8190 Ward 2
Viola Wilson Head F 43 Iowa m. 26 yrs. 5/5 children
Leota Wilson Dau F 25 Iowa
Blanche Wilson Dau F 20 Iowa
Ray Wilson Son M 21 Iowa
Glenn Wilson Son M 18 Iowa
Frank Wilson Son M 16 Iowa
Leota is a teacher and Blanche is a college student. 
BOWMAN, Violet Victoria (I23543)
8191 Ward 2
Walter E Disney Head M 25 Dec 1874 Missouri m. 3 yrs.
Ada E Disney Wife F 22 Nov 1877 Missouri 2/1 children
Amy E Disney Dau F 11/12 Jun 1899 Missouri
Walter works for a railroad section. 
DISNEY, Walter Eugene (I12257)
8192 Ward 2
Walter L Wiggins Head M 44 Indiana m. 18 yrs.
Maranda F Wiggins Wife F 40 Indiana 0/0 children
Walter is a house carpenter. 
WIGGINS, Walter L (I15675)
8193 Ward 2
William S Gregg M 40 Penn
Mary Gregg F 38 Penn
Robert J Gregg M 16 Penn
Wm S Gregg M 12 Penn
Adolphus Gregg M 10 Penn
Edwin E Gregg M 4 Illinois
Sidney H Gregg M 1 Illinois
Mary Croley F 21 Ireland
Ellen Evanson F 14 Canada W
Wm Gibhart M 17 Germy
William Gregg is a merchant. Mary Croley, Ellen and Gebhart are servants. 
GREGG, William S Lewis (I21999)
8194 Ward 2 LEAYCRAFT, Francis J (I22234)
8195 Ward 2, 1305 O? Street
William E Shike Head M 55 Nebraska
Mary C Shike Wife F 32 Indiana
Jack A Shike Son M 10 Nebraska
Ethel M Grove M-i-l F 57 Indiana
William is a doctor and Mary helps him in his office. In 1935, Ethel lived in Douglas and the others lived in the same place. 
BURWELL, Ethel M (I23681)
8196 Ward 2, 1305 O? Street
William E Shike Head M 55 Nebraska
Mary C Shike Wife F 32 Indiana
Jack A Shike Son M 10 Nebraska
Ethel M Grove M-i-l F 57 Indiana
William is a doctor and Mary helps him in his office. In 1935, Ethel lived in Douglas and the others lived in the same place. 
SHIKE, William Earl (I23723)
8197 Ward 2, 1364 Grand Avenue, Preston Township
Arthur L Luce Head M 29 South Dakota m. 9 yrs.
Emma M Luce Wife F 33 Illinois 2/2 children
Fred N Luce Son M 6 Missouri
Harold A Luce Son M 3 Missouri
Arthur works as a merchant in a grocery store. 
LUCE, Arthur L (I23684)
8198 Ward 2, 139 Mandel Court
James Rawnsley Head M 28 California
Emma Rawnsley Wife F 21 Pennsylvania
Ethel Rawnsley Dau F 5 Ohio
Phyllis Rawnsley Dau F 2 Ohio
James is an assistant foreman at an airplane pump factory. In 1935, they lived in Amherst. Is this our Phyllis? His parents are Earnest and Lillian of Pennsylvania with a sister anmed Phyllis. 
RAWNSLEY, James (I23814)
8199 Ward 2, 1415 - 3rd Avenue
Kenneth B Grove Head M 29 Indiana
Edna Grove Wife F 25 Iowa
Wayne Towner Lodger M 22 Iowa
Kenneth is a grocery salesman and Wayne is a hardware store bookkeeper. Kenneth and Edna were first married at ages 23 and 18. 
GROVE, Kenneth B (I23717)
8200 Ward 2, 1415 - 3rd Avenue, Winter Creek Township
Kenneth Grove Head M 39 Indiana
Edna Grove Wife F 34 Iowa
James Grove Son M 5 Nebraska
John Grove Son M 3 Nebraska
Kenneth is a wholesale grocery salesman. 
GROVE, Kenneth B (I23717)

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