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 #   Notes   Linked to 
8251 Ward 3
J L Stewart Self M 47 Georgia
M J Stewart Wife F 44 Georgia
A J Stewart Son M 24 Georgia
A E Stewart D-in-l F 19 Georgia
Sophey Stewart Dau F 21 Georgia
John A Stewart Son M 13 Tennessee
E Z Stewart Dau F 10 Arkansas
L M Stewart Dau F 6 Texas
M W Stewart Son M 3 Texas
Joseph is a carpenter and A E is a clerk. 
STEWART, Joseph Lafayette (I16409)
8252 Ward 3
J S Mcginty Self M 25 MO
G W Mcginty Wife F 25 GA
J W Mcginty Son M 4 AR
Geneva Mcginty Dau F 2 TX
John Mcginty Son M 3/12 TX
John is a plumber. They live next to James Chambers. 
MCGINTY, John Sylvannus (I16264)
8253 Ward 3
Jas B Wills Head M 63 Texas
Lou Wills Sister F 55 Texas 
WILLS, James Buchanan (I3805)
8254 Ward 3
Jas B Wills Head M 63 Texas
Lou Wills Sister F 55 Texas 
WILLS, Lucretia A (I3809)
8255 Ward 3
Jas. B. CHAMBERS Self M M W 53 GA Carpenter GA GA
Sanford CHAMBERS Son S M W 20 GA GA GA
Avarilla CHAMBERS Dau S F W 12 TN GA GA
Henrietta CHAMBERS Dau S F W 10 TN GA GA 
CHAMBERS, James B (I16255)
8256 Ward 3
Jesse C Lindsay Head M 52 Illinois
Lydia E Lindsay Wife F 48 Illinois
Royal H Lindsay Son M 24 Illinois
Jesse V Lindsay Dau F 16 Illinois
Jesse was a carpenter and Royal was a brakeman for the railroad. 
LINDSAY, Jesse C (I16112)
8257 Ward 3
John Vandercook Head M 42 Michigan
Amanda Vandercook Wife F 41 Tennessee
Ernest Vandercook Son M 19 Tennessee
Irva Vandercook Son M 17 Michigan
Venus Vandercook Son M 16 Michigan 
VANDERCOOK, John Matthew (I10094)
8258 Ward 3
Marshall Denton Head M 27 Nov 1872 Louisiana m. 2 yrs.
Margaret Denton Wife F 23 Feb 1877 Louisiana 1/1 children
Mary Denton Dau F 1 Jan 1899 Louisiana
Mary Denton Mother F 72 Jan 1828 Mississippi 
PUCKETT, Mary Ann (I4745)
8259 Ward 3
Marshall Denton Head M 27 Nov 1872 Louisiana m. 2 yrs.
Margaret Denton Wife F 23 Feb 1877 Louisiana 1/1 children
Mary Denton Dau F 1 Jan 1899 Louisiana
Mary Denton Mother F 72 Jan 1828 Mississippi 
DENTON, Marshall Boykin (I14214)
8260 Ward 3
Marvin Scurlock Head M 51 Texas
Lena Scurlock Wife F 44 Texas
Marvin Scurlock Son M 20 Texas
Monroe Scurlock Son M 18 Texas
Clifton Scurlock Son M 16 Texas
Dorothy Lee Scurlock Dau F 13 Texas 
SCURLOCK, Thomas Marvin (I11261)
8261 Ward 3
Minnie Hallmark Head F 40 Texas
George Hallmark Son M 15 Texas
Alice B Scurlock Mother F 75 Texas 
HOLDER, Alice Belle (I3155)
8262 Ward 3
Minnie Hallmark Head F 40 Texas
George Hallmark Son M 15 Texas
Alice B Scurlock Mother F 75 Texas 
SCURLOCK, Minnie T (I11265)
8263 Ward 3
Paris Pipkins Head M 61 Tennessee
Mary E Pipkins Dau F 16 Arkansas
Charles Pipkins Son M 13 Arkansas 
PIPKIN, Thomas Paris (I12647)
8264 Ward 3
Richard Gregg M 35 Penn
Thompson Gregg M 12 Ills
George Gregg M 10 Ills
Saml Gregg M 5 Ills
Emma Neff F 18 Switzerland
Kate Graber F 26 France 
GREGG, Richard (I22026)
8265 Ward 3
Richard Gregg M 43 Illinois
Susan Gregg F 27 Indiana
George Gregg M 20 Illinois
Thompson Gregg M 22 Illinois
Mary Flynn F 22 Ireland
Bridget Calles F 35 Ireland
William Rodof M 24 Prussia
Richard is a commission merchant, George is abroad in Europe and Thompson is a whiskey distiller. 
GREGG, Richard (I22026)
8266 Ward 3
Sidney J Connell Head M 50 Texas
Oveta Connell Wife F 50 Texas
Josephine Connell Dau F 13 Oklahoma
Sidney J Connell Jr. Son M 8 Texas 
CONNELL, Sidney Johnson (I3761)
8267 Ward 3
William B Coon Head M 66 Indiana m. 39 yrs.
Harriett V Coon Wife F 60 Missouri 5/3 children
William is a clerk at the postoffice. 
COON, William Benton (I9115)
8268 Ward 3
William Wolley M 46 New Jersey
Cathrine Wolley F 39 New Jersey
Joseph Wolley M 19 New York
William H Wolley M 17 New York
Cathrine E Wolley F 12 New York
Alfred Gaynor M 13 New York
Seymour Sarls M 53 Connecticut
Charles Bloom M 30 Prussia
Jas H Place M 77 New York
Joseph Weeks M 41 New York
Nodia Weeks F 17 New York
Nelly Weeks F 1 New York
William is listed as insane. I believe Catherine is running a boarding house. Joseph is a store clerk and William is an errand boy. 
WOOLLEY, William Henry (I22277)
8269 Ward 3, 1004 Franklin Street
Martha J Stewart Head F 64 Feb 1836 Georgia 12/6 children
Andrew J Stewart Son M 44 Feb 1856 Georgia
Lily M Stewart Dau F 25 Aug 1874 Texas
Alfa M Stewart Dau F 17 Sep 1882 Texas
Fay Q Stewart Dau F 15 Feb 1885 Texas
William M Fore Boarder M 53 Jan 1847 Missouri
Selina F Fore Boarder F 51 Sep 1848 Missouri
Martha and Andrew are widowed. Andrew is an advertising agent for a newspaper and Lily is a bookbinder. Mr Fore works on a farm. 
DALTON, Martha J (I16993)
8270 Ward 3, 1007 Court
H J Logan Head M 49 Norway m. 18 yrs.
Anna Logan Wife F 56 Norway 1/1 children
Ella Logan Dau F 15 Iowa
Alfred Anderson Roomer M 30 Norway
Alfred Hemmer Roomer M 37 Denmark
Henry is a laborer at a freight depot. 
LOKEN, Henry T (I5009)
8271 Ward 3, 1014 Burnet St
Brazzil, Hardee Head 39 M M 11 TX AL AL Shoemaker
Willie Wife 39 F M 11 TN TN TN
Edna Dau 9 F S TX TX TN
Charles A. Son 5 F S TX TX TN
R D Son 2 F S TX TX TN 
BRAZZIL, Hardee D (I1746)
8272 Ward 3, 1124 Jackson Street
Jacob Brunner Head M 73 Jul 1826 Ohio m. 47 yrs.
Susan Brunner Wife F 63 May 1837 Indiana 6/4 children
Benjiman F Brunner Son M 44 Oct 1855 Iowa
James M Brunner Son M 37 Sep 1862 Iowa
Daisy Brunner Dau F 27 Jan 1873 Iowa
Leotto Franks G-dau F 8 Dec 1891 Iowa
Edward W Stubble Boarder M 48 May 1852 Ohio
Lucien J Kipper Roomer M 24 Feb 1876 Illinois
Rilla Kipper Roomer F 20 Feb 1880 Illinois
Elmer Pyrtle Roomer M 23 May 1877 Illinois
Jacob, Benjamin and James are boxmakers. 
BRUNER, Jacob (I5101)
8273 Ward 3, 131 North 7th Avenue
Lawrence Kubal Head M 29 South Dakota
Ella V Kubal Wife F 32 South Dakota
Herbert J Kubal Son M 1 South Dakota
Mattie Horning M-in-l F 60 Iowa
Lawrence is a laborer for the steam railroad. 
MCGHEE, Samantha R (I11355)
8274 Ward 3, 1735 Burnett Street
James W Mcginty Head M 43 Arkansas
Nora C Mc Ginty Wife F 41 Texas
Mary Mc Ginty Dau F 16 Texas
Margarite Mc Ginty Dau F 15 Texas
James W Mc Ginty Son M 12 Texas
Louise Mc Ginty Dau F 11 Texas
James is a brick layer. 
MCGINTY, James William (I16271)
8275 Ward 3, 181 Courtland Place
Leola Bridgewater Head F 34 Nebraska
Billy Bridgewater Son M 16 Iowa
Sammy Bridgewater Son M 15 North Carolina
Phillip H Bridgewater Son M 13 North Carolina
Georgia M Bridgewater Dau F 11 North Carolina
Leola is a cutter in a WPA sewing room; she is married. 
KESNER, Leola Mattie (I19407)
8276 Ward 3, 1912 Crump Street
Joseph S Pelopuin Head Male 43 Texas m. 13 yrs.
Florence H Pelopuin Wife Female 29 Louisiana 0/0 children
Joseph is a switchman for the railroad. 
PELOQUIN, Joseph S (I24412)
8277 Ward 3, 202 - 11th Street
John Patterson Head M 35 Nebraska
Fern A Patterson Wife F 35 Indiana
Marvin Patterson Son M 16 Nebraska
John is an assistant manager at a lumber company. 
PATTISON, John A (I23734)
8278 Ward 3, 2023 Avenue J
Dovie McGowan Head F 36 Texas age 14
Mozell Tyler Dau F 15 Texas
William T Finnegan Roomer M 40 Texas
[on the line above his mother]
Roland C McGowan Lodger M 19 Texas
Roland is a machinist at the drydocks. Dovie is widowed. 
TYLER, Dovie B (I17346)
8279 Ward 3, 305 South 3rd Avenue
Frank Mcghee Head M 57 Iowa
Elizabeth Mcghee Wife F 52 Ohio
Kent W Mcghee Son M 21 Iowa
Nina Mcghee Dau F 15 Iowa
Fern Mcghee Dau F 13 Iowa
Beulah Mcghee Dau F 9 Colorado
Wentel is a laborer at the grain elevator. 
MCGHEE, Franklin (I11341)
8280 Ward 3, 308 Emerson
Robert Groves Head M 26 Indiana
Nan Groves Wife F 20 Illinois
Barbara Groves Dau F 0/12 Nebraska
Joseph Blake Roomer M 62 Illinois
Robert is a repairman for machinery and hardware and Joseph is a bookkeeper for auto sales. 
GROVE, Robert Keith (I23718)
8281 Ward 3, 311 W 10th Street?
Raymond E Baird Head M 28 Iowa m. 0 yrs.
Katherine M Baird Wife F 29 Iowa 
BAIRD, Raymond Eugene (I15647)
8282 Ward 3, 318 West Elm Street
A L Lindsay Head M 58 Illinois
Mary Lindsay Wife F 52 Illinois
Anna Lindsay Dau F 23 Illinois
Albert Lindsay Son M 22 Texas
Maggie Lindsay Dau F 20 Texas
Joe Lindsay Son M 17 Texas
Bernadine Lindsay Dau F 13 Texas
T Johnson Roomer M 31 Alabama
Albert is still a carpenter. 
LINDSAY, Albert L (I19749)
8283 Ward 3, 413 Phelps Street
Earl Baird Head M 56 Nebraska
Ella Baird Wife F 54 Iowa
Earl Dean Baird Son M 18 Colorado
Keith Baird Son M 17 Colorado
Earl is a construction laborer and Earl is a delivery boy for a grocery store. 
BAIRD, Earl Orlando (I4824)
8284 Ward 3, 508 Pearl Street
Allie Crites Head F 68 Illinois
Russell Sterling Grandson M 20 Colorado
Russell is a mechanic in a garage. They previously lived in Nederland. 
STERLING, Russell Sylvia (I23190)
8285 Ward 3, 508 Pearl Street
Allie Crites Head F 68 Illinois
Russell Sterling Grandson M 20 Colorado
Russell is a mechanic in a garage. They previously lived in Nederland. 
???, Allie (I23192)
8286 Ward 3, 510 State Street
Henry Krause Head M 44 Wisconsin
Mildred Krause Wife F 42 Iowa
Opal Krause Dau F 18 Nebraska
Lisle Krause Son M 17 Nebraska
Ruby Krause Dau F 15 Nebraska
Henry Krause Son M 13 Nebraska
Iliff Krause Son M 11 Nebraska
August Krause Son M 10 Nebraska
Everett Krause Son M 6 Colorado
Evelyn Krause Dau F 3-11/12 Colorado
Idabel Krause Dau F 1/12 Colorado 
KRAUSE, Henry Gotlieb (I8819)
8287 Ward 3, 702 East Monroe
Mary F Whitaker Head F 90 Indiana
Effie Tharp Dau F 64 Missouri
And Effie is still teaching music. 
COON, Mary Felicita (I9117)
8288 Ward 3, 702 East Monroe Street
Mary S Whitaker Head F 81 Indiana
Effa Tharp Dau F 54 Missouri
George I Pratt Lodger M 69 Iowa
Fanny Pratt Lodger F 69 Iowa
Effie is a piano teacher. 
COON, Mary Felicita (I9117)
8289 Ward 3, Cape Girardeau Township
A F Lindsay Head M 57 Illinois
Halla Lindsay Wife F 45 Missouri
Margrett Lindsay Dau F 21 Missouri
Alvin F Lindsay Son M 19 Missouri
Both men work as architects in a print office. 
LINDSAY, Alvin Francis (I16115)
8290 Ward 3, Grand Avenue
Dock Cline Head Male 67 Tennessee
Florida Cline Wife Female 57 Georgia
Everette Cline Son Male 29 Georgia
Everett is a saleman in a drug store. 
CLINE, Doctor Pierce (I11875)
8291 Ward 3, Graves Street
Dock P Cline Head Male 59 Tennessee m. 38 yrs.
Florida J Cline Wife Female 45 Georgia 6/6 children
Everet C Cline Son Male 18 Georgia
Les R Cline G-dau Female 8 Texas
Dock has his own income. 
CLINE, Doctor Pierce (I11875)
8292 Ward 3, Herman Precinct, 338 South Jackson
Leota M Wilson Head F 43 Iowa
Viola V Wilson Mother F 63 Iowa
Leota is a deputy of the county clerk's office. Viola is married. 
BOWMAN, Violet Victoria (I23543)
8293 Ward 3, Maud? Street
Hendrix L head M W 33 m1 5 KY IN KY Eng assembler W no 0 yes yes O M H
Hendrix C B wife F W 30 m1 5 1 1 MO VA MO Eng none yes yes
Hendrix E A son M W 3 S MO KY MO none
James is an assembler in an adding T factory. 
HENDRIX, James L (I14910)
8294 Ward 3, Morales Street
G Dietrich Head M 41 Jan 1859 France m. 9 yrs.
Mary Dietrich Wife F 37 Nov 1862 Texas 0/0 children
D Brendel M-in-l F 72 Apr 1828 Germany 5/5 children 
STEUERLEIN, Dorothea Barbra (I20121)
8295 Ward 3, Precinct 3, Barrone Street
Delos C Mellen Boarder M 40 May 1860 Mississippi m. 12 yrs
Corinne Mellen Boarder F 38 Apr 1862 Louisiana 3/3 children
Grenville Mellen Boarder M 12 Aug 1888 Louisiana
Marion Mellen Boarder M 10 Mar 1890 Louisiana
Wlliam T Mellen Boarder M 8 Oct 1892 Louisiana
Delos is a lawyer and the family is boarding with Theodore Grimwald. 
MELLEN, Delos Carpenter (I14566)
8296 Ward 3, South 3rd Avenue
Frank Mcgee Head M 77 Iowa
Elizabeth Mcgee Wife F 74 Iowa 
MCGHEE, Franklin (I11341)
8297 Ward 3, South Third Street
Henry Shaw Head Male United States
Bessie Shaw Dau Female 18 United States
Willard Shaw Son Male 16 United States
Vera Shaw Dau Female 12 United States
Windell Shaw Son Male 5 United States
Doris Shaw Dau Female 3 United States
Lellia Wooldridge Female 50 Texas
Lela is a housekeeper and her employer was not home. 
BURTON, Lela Dove (I24009)
8298 Ward 3, South Washington Street
George W Mahuron Inmate M 70 Arkansas
This is the county poor farm. 
MAHURIN, George W (I22631)
8299 Ward 3, West 2nd Avenue
A William Dillon Head M 56 Ohio
Bertha Dillon Dau F 25 Iowa
William is widowed. 
DILLON, William Alvin (I21787)
8300 Ward 30, 4114 Crystal Street
Chas Mcghee Head M 69 Iowa
Cora Wilson Dau F 44 Iowa
Marguriet Wilson G-dau F 15 Colorado
Helen Wilson G-dau F 14 Colorado
Cora is a laborer at some kind of plate factory. 
MCGHEE, Charles (I11345)

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