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 #   Notes   Linked to 
8351 Ward 4, North Greene Street
Frank Short Head Male 46 Alabama
Rosa Short Wife Female 38 Georgia
Earl Short Son Male 14 Georgia
Gussie Short Dau Female 8 Georgia
Hirshel Short Son Male 6 Georgia
Frank is a foreman in a manufacturing company. 
SHORT, Frank Sherwood (I12005)
8352 Ward 45, 535 Prescott Street
Horace Bouchard Head M 31 Louisiana
Melissa Bouchard Wife F 26 Alabama
Sidney Bouchard Son M 7 Louisiana
Carmen Bouchard Dau F 5 Virginia
Malvina Bouchard Dau F 3 9/12 Virginia
Jeannine Bouchard Dau F 1 7/12 Tennessee
Horace is a stationmaster for the railroad. 
BOUCHARD, Horace Louis (I15692)
8353 Ward 5
Alice Callison Head F 29 Texas
Cora Callison Sister F 24 Texas
Edna Callison Sister F 21 Texas
Thomas A Callison Brother M 17 Texas
Lenore Pipkin Boarder F 23 Missouri
Lenore is a stenographer. 
PIPKIN, Lenore Alice (I12777)
8354 Ward 5
Brooks J Burford Head M 45 Mississippi
Glennie M Burford Wife F 40 Mississippi
Jimmy B Burford Son M 5 Tennessee
Brooks is a wholesale salesman of soft drinks. 
BURFORD, James Brooks (I20586)
8355 Ward 5
Henry Rickert 41 M Clerk 3000 3000 Hamburg
Rosina Rickert 40 F Ireland
James H Rickert 14 M Alabama
Edward W Rickert 8 M "
John N Rickert 5 M "
Mary J Cunningham 40 F Ireland 
RICKERT, Henri (I3049)
8356 Ward 5
Henry Rickerts M 57 Germany
Rossina Rickerts F 50 Ireland
James Rickert M 24 Alabama
Edward W Rickert M 19 Alabama
John N Rickert M 16 Alabama
Henry is a clerk in a mill, James is a clerk in a store, Edward is an apprentice in a machine shop and Edward attends school. Henry is born in Hamburg. 
RICKERT, Henri (I3049)
8357 Ward 5
James B Gregg Head M 87 Illinois
Phillip H Gregg Son M 53 Illinois
Hazel Gregg Dau F 52 Illinois
Address and employment the same. 
GREGG, James Barns (I22061)
8358 Ward 5
Ralph Bruce Head M 27 Arkansas
Bessie Bruce Wife F 20 Louisiana
Jimmie Kays Lodger M 19 Kansas
Margie Kays Lodger's wife F 16 Texas
Charles P Kays Lodger M 51 Missouri
Connie Mac Kays Lodger's son M 8 Missouri
Jimmie and Charles previously lived in Miller County, MO. Jimmie works at a lumber mill and Charles works on a farm. Margie previously lived in Wyoming and Connie lived in Petis County, MO. 
KAYS, George Wayne (I2721)
8359 Ward 5
V L Ragsdale Head M 35 Texas
Aileen Ragsdale Wife F 30 Texas
Mary Ragsdale Dau F 8 Oklahoma
Susan Anderson Mother F 71 Mississippi 
RAGSDALE, Virgil Len (I18515)
8360 Ward 5
W Brazzill Head M 47 Texas
E A Evetts Mother F 74 Georgia
Mary Brazzil Dau F 19 Texas
Ollie Brazzil Dau F 17 Texas
Johnnie Brazzil Son M 11 Texas
Mattie Brazzil Dau F 10 Texas
Georgia Dotson Aunt F 59 Alabama 
COLEMAN, Elizabeth Ann (I8191)
8361 Ward 5
W Brazzill Head M 47 Texas
E A Evetts Mother F 74 Georgia
Mary Brazzil Dau F 19 Texas
Ollie Brazzil Dau F 17 Texas
Johnnie Brazzil Son M 11 Texas
Mattie Brazzil Dau F 10 Texas
Georgia Dotson Aunt F 59 Alabama 
BRAZZIL, William Jesse (I8567)
8362 Ward 5 Downsville PO
James Antley M 47 Alabama
Ellen Antley F 25 Alabama
Willis Antley M 20 Alabama
Elisabeth Antley F 14 Alabama
Caroline Antley F 12 Louisiana
Julia Antley F 6 Louisiana
Richard Antley M 4 Louisiana 
ANTLEY, James Augustus (I21226)
8363 Ward 5, 1011 Crow? Street
James Elmer Harvey Head M 75 Missouri
Belle Harvey Wife F 63 Kansas
James E Thompson G-son M 19 Kansas
Dorothea Thompson Wife F 18 Missouri
Robert James Thompson Son M 2 Missouri
James II is a laborer for the WPA road project. 
HARVEY, James Elmer (I3535)
8364 Ward 5, 113 Howard Street
Luther E Ashby Head M 53 Ohio
Lydia Ashby Wife F 38 Indiana
Amelia Ashby Dau F 17 Iowa
Flora Ashby Dau F 15 Iowa
Olive Ashby Dau F 13 Iowa
Hazel Ashby Dau F 11 Iowa
Luther is a railroad laborer. 
ASHBY, Luther Ed (I5120)
8365 Ward 5, 1709 Bird Street
Albert Chappell Head M 29 Missouri m. 11 yrs.
Laura B Chappell Wife F 29 Missouri 3/3 children
Garry G Chappell Son M 10 Missouri
Lee A Chappell Son M 8 Missouri
Lloyd M Chappell Son M 8/12 Missouri
Albert is a brakeman for the railroad and owns his home, which is mortgaged. Is this really our Albert? Our Albert is listed as a single man with his parents in 1900; this Albert is already married and has a child in 1900. 
CHAPPELL, Albert (I16056)
8366 Ward 5, 2224 San Emidio Street
C A Montgomery Head M 48 Kansas
Lena Montgomery Wife F 53 Iowa
Chester Wayne Montgomery Son M 25 California
Robt Montgomery Son M 18 California
Irene Montgomery Dau F 22 California
Chester is an electrical engineer for Westinghouse, Lena is a voice trainer for music, Chester Wayne is an electrical engineer, Robert is a Tong? man for petrol drilling and Irene is a school teacher. 
MONTGOMERY, Chester Arthur (I21849)
8367 Ward 5, 2226 Speight Street
Carl S Mcginty Head M 46 Texas
Jessie B Mcginty Wife F 44 Texas
Anita Mcginty Dau F 17 Texas
Carl is a dairy farmer. 
MCGINTY, Carl Sylvannas (I16269)
8368 Ward 5, 2816, Southwest 9th Street
Bert Mcghee Head M 56 Iowa
Myrtle Mcghee Wife F 49 South Dakota
Donald Mcghee Son M 26 Iowa
Bert drives a dairy truck and Donald is a gas station attendant. They lived in the same house in 1935. 
MCGHEE, Bert Earl (I11349)
8369 Ward 5, 340 West 10th Street
Chas H Luce Head M 57 South Dakota
Grace L Luce Wife F 48 Oregon
Charles is a police officer. 
LUCE, Charles Harvey (I23761)
8370 Ward 5, 412 Parkside Drive
James B Gregg Head M 67 Illinois
Emma T Gregg Wife F 63 Illinois
Philip H Gregg Son M 32 Illinois
Richard S Gregg Son M 27 Illinois
Hazel Gregg Dau F 30 Illinois
Millie Wylie Servant F 28 Illinois
James is an accountant for a grain company, Philip is a pay teller at a bank, Richard is an architectural engineer and Hazel is a school teacher. 
GREGG, James Barns (I22061)
8371 Ward 5, 500 block of Chestnut Street
Allie Griffith Head F 28 Jan 1872 Illinois m. 2 yrs. 1/1 children
Goldie Griffith Dau F 6 Sep 1893 Illinois
Belle Phillips Roomer F 26 Feb 1874 Missouri
Thaddius Cox Roomer M 27 Feb 1873 Illinois 
???, Allie (I23192)
8372 Ward 5, 695 Cobb Street?
Linton Cornelison Head Male 47 Georgia
Minnie Cornelison Wife Female 48 Tennessee
Helen Cornelison Dau Female 17 Georgia
Norah Cornelison Mother Female 69 Georgia
Indexed under Cornelisor. Linton is a city policeman. 
CORNELISON, Amanda Senora (I11990)
8373 Ward 5, 695 Cobb Street?
Linton Cornelison Head Male 47 Georgia
Minnie Cornelison Wife Female 48 Tennessee
Helen Cornelison Dau Female 17 Georgia
Norah Cornelison Mother Female 69 Georgia
Indexed under Cornelisor. Linton is a city policeman. 
CORNELISON, Linton C (I11999)
8374 Ward 5, 814 Turner Street
Wm J Stewart Head M 62 Mar 1838 Georgia m. 40 yrs.
Maria Stewart Wife F 61 Dec 1838 Georgia 8/7 children
Oscar Stewart Son M 17 Aug 1872 Arkansas [year is obviously incorrect]
Mary Weatherly Mother F 75 Dec 1824 Georgia 4/4 children [Maria's mother?]
Raymon Dunn Nephew M 19 May 1881 Arkansas
North of the Brazos River. William is still a carpenter, Oscar is a restaurant cook and Raymond is a day laborer. 
STEWART, William T M (I16410)
8375 Ward 5, Front Street
Mary Howe Head F 67 Iowa
Orville Howe Son M 44 Nebraska
Orville is a laborer at the lumber camp. He is single, Mary is widowed. 
DEE, Mary Elizabeth (I8813)
8376 Ward 5, Front Street
Mary Howe Head F 67 Iowa
Orville Howe Son M 44 Nebraska
Orville is a laborer at the lumber camp. He is single, Mary is widowed. 
HOWE, Orville Clayton (I22365)
8377 Ward 5, McKee? Avenue
Willis H Cornelison Head Male 31 North Carolina
Ella V Cornelison Wife Female 31 Arkansas
Albert M Cornelison Son Male 4 Tennessee
Claude T Cornelison Son Male 2 Georgia
Covington is just across the river from Cincinnatti. 
CORNELISON, Willis Harrison (I24233)
8378 Ward 5, Willert? Street
Fredrick R Tolboy Head M 31 Iowa m. 1 yr.
Jennie A Tolboy Wife F 25 Nebraska 1/1 children
Gerner G Tolboy Son M 9/12 South Dakota 
TALBOY, Frederick Richard (I21786)
8379 Ward 6
George S Wall Head M 68 Iowa
Luisa Wall Wife F 66 Massachusetts
Maud A Wall Dau F 39 Iowa
Florance M Wall Dau F 36 Iowa
Joseph F Wall Son M 32 Iowa
Minnie Wall D-in-l F 25 Iowa 
WALL, George S (I21811)
8380 Ward 6
Giles H Connell Head M 44 May 1856 Texas m. 21 yrs.
Josephine Connell Wife F 42 Jul 1857 Georgia 10/6 children
Elma Connell Dau F 20 Dec 1879 Texas
Edna Connell Dau F 18 May 1882 Texas
Esta Connell Dau F 10 Jul 1889 Texas
Pheobe Connell Dau F 10 May 1890 Texas
Walter Connell Son M 7 Sep 1892 Texas
Ruthe Connell Dau F 1 Jul 1898 Texas
Zeak Lee Servant M 24 Mar 1875 Texas
Most of the ages and birth dates are marked through and written over; they're difficult to read. Giles is a cattle man. 
CONNELL, Giles H (I3754)
8381 Ward 6
Tillie Rodefeld Head F 48 Texas
Tevis Rodefeld Son M 24 Texas
Fred Rodefeld Son M 21 Texas
Ernestina Middlested Mother F 74 Germany 
REISCHEL, Ernestina C (I16217)
8382 Ward 6
Tillie Rodefeld Head F 48 Texas
Tevis Rodefeld Son M 24 Texas
Fred Rodefeld Son M 21 Texas
Ernestina Middlested Mother F 74 Germany 
MITTELSTADT, Matilda (I16218)
8383 Ward 6
William Harrison Head M 38 Texas
Lottie Harrison Wife F 31 Texas
Vertner Harrison Son M 12 Texas
Vera Harrison Dau F 11 Texas
Margaret E Potteet M-in-l F 48 Texas
Ellen is divorced. 
HOLDER, Martha Ellen (I3046)
8384 Ward 6
Wilson E Connell Head M 52 Texas
Hattie Connell Wife F 46 Texas
Clyde C Connell Son M 24 Texas
Blanche Connell Dau F 21 Texas
Allen Connell Son M 19 Texas
Wilson E Connell Jr. Son M 2 Texas
Florine Connell D-in-l F 24 Texas 
CONNELL, Wilson Edward (I3757)
8385 Ward 6, 12 Johnson Place
Katherine Phelps Head F 47 Missouri
Ester P Schaffer Sister F 37 Missouri
They now own a beauty parlor. 
ACHORD, Sarah Kathryn (I14595)
8386 Ward 6, 12 Johnson Place
Katherine Phelps Head F 47 Missouri
Ester P Schaffer Sister F 37 Missouri
They now own a beauty parlor. 
ACHORD, Ester Pearl (I14599)
8387 Ward 6, 1319 Vermont
Henry M Hooper Head M 40 Mississippi m. 19 yrs.
Henerita Hooper Wife F 39 Tennessee 3/2 children
James W Hooper Son M 18 Texas
Ruth T Hooper Dau F 7 Texas
Martha R Chambers M-in-l F 82 Georgia 13/5 children
Henry is a grocery saleman. Martha is widowed. 
STEWART, Martha R (I16256)
8388 Ward 6, 1319 Vermont
Henry M Hooper Head M 40 Mississippi m. 19 yrs.
Henerita Hooper Wife F 39 Tennessee 3/2 children
James W Hooper Son M 18 Texas
Ruth T Hooper Dau F 7 Texas
Martha R Chambers M-in-l F 82 Georgia 13/5 children
Henry is a grocery saleman. Martha is widowed. 
HOOPER, Henry Marion (I16413)
8389 Ward 6, 16 East Morris? Street
Warren C Cornelison Head Male 41 Georgia m. 18 yrs.
Rosena J Cornelison Wife Female 36 Georgia
Frank J Adams Boarder Male 32 Georgia
Clarence is a retail grocery merchant and Frank owns a produce house. No children information listed for Rosena. They live next to Martha. 
CORNELISON, Warren Clarence (I11872)
8390 Ward 6, 16 South Depot
Walter Cornelison Head Male 34 Georgia
Jessie Cornelison Wife Female 35 Georgia
B W Cornelison Son Male 13 Georgia
Herbert L Cornelison Son Male 11 Georgia
Mildred Cornelison Dau Female 8 Georgia
Clarence Cornelison Son Male 6 Georgia
James Cornelison Son Male 3 Georgia
Walter Cornelison, Jr Son Male 1 Georgia
Walter is a moulder. 
CORNELISON, Walter Alonzo (I11997)
8391 Ward 6, 1620 Rebecca Street
Edwin T Thompson Head M 45 Illinois m. 20 yrs.
Isabell Thompson Wife F 42 Minnesota 2/2 children
Auther Thompson Son M 17 Iowa
Edwin orks in a drug store. 
THOMPSON, Edwin T (I5019)
8392 Ward 6, 181 Fletcher? [complete guess]
John R Rupard Head M 57 Missouri m. 32 yrs.
Lillie F Rupard Wife F 50 California 7/6 children
Lewis F Rupard Son M 13 Texas
Haller G Siger Roomer M 45 Mississippi
Stella M Siger Roomer F 31 Missouri
John works at a feed store and Haller is a merchant of general merchandise. 
RUPARD, John R (I8943)
8393 Ward 6, 188 Simpson Street
Gus Cornelison Head Male 43 Georgia
Susie Cornelison Wife Female 42 Georgia
Gus is a yard clerk for a railroad. 
CORNELISON, Augustus O'Neal (I11993)
8394 Ward 6, 2 North Spencer
Nora Risner Head Female 48 Georgia
Linton Cornelison Son Male 26 Georgia
Minnie Cornelison D-in-l Female 28 Tennessee
Martha Granger Mother Female 82 Alabama
Linton is a moulder? in a shop. 
BARRETT, Martha Ann R (I11808)
8395 Ward 6, 2 North Spencer
Nora Risner Head Female 48 Georgia
Linton Cornelison Son Male 26 Georgia
Minnie Cornelison D-in-l Female 28 Tennessee
Martha Granger Mother Female 82 Alabama
Linton is a moulder? in a shop. 
CORNELISON, Amanda Senora (I11990)
8396 Ward 6, 2 North Spencer
Nora Risner Head Female 48 Georgia
Linton Cornelison Son Male 26 Georgia
Minnie Cornelison D-in-l Female 28 Tennessee
Martha Granger Mother Female 82 Alabama
Linton is a moulder? in a shop. 
CORNELISON, Linton C (I11999)
8397 Ward 6, 2 North Spencer Street
Martha Cornelison Head Female 71 Alabama 13/11 children
Nora Risener Dau Female 38 Georgia 1/1 children
Linton Risener G-son Male 17 Georgia
Robert Adams G-son Male 2 Georgia
Both Martha and Nora are widowed and Nora works as a seamtress in a tent? factory. 
BARRETT, Martha Ann R (I11808)
8398 Ward 6, 2 North Spencer Street
Martha Cornelison Head Female 71 Alabama 13/11 children
Nora Risener Dau Female 38 Georgia 1/1 children
Linton Risener G-son Male 17 Georgia
Robert Adams G-son Male 2 Georgia
Both Martha and Nora are widowed and Nora works as a seamtress in a tent? factory. 
CORNELISON, Amanda Senora (I11990)
8399 Ward 6, 207 Eighth Avenue
William E Connell Head M 41 Apr 1859 Tenn m. 19 yrs.
Hattie Connell Wife F 37 Dec 1863 Texas 7/6 children
Mollie Connell Dau F 16 Oct 1884 Texas
Clyde Connell Son M 14 Sep 1886 Texas
Millie Connell Dau F 12 Sep 1888 Texas
Blanche Connell Dau F 10 Jul 1890 Texas
Jiles Connell Son M 9 Apr 1891 Texas
Mary E Finley Servant F 44 Jul 1856 Alabama
Frank Carleston Servant M 27 May 1873 Sweden 
CONNELL, Wilson Edward (I3757)
8400 Ward 6, 2124 Harrow? Street [looks like Harrow, should be McFerrin, maybe?]
Head Fred W Towler M 38 England m. 14 yrs.
Wife Mytis Towler F 33 Texas 2/2 children
Dau Violet Towler F 8 Texas
Dau Freddie Towler F 5 Texas
Fred has his own income. He immigrated in 1882 and is naturalized. 
TOWLER, Frederick William (I16437)

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