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 #   Notes   Linked to 
8501 Warrant Officers, he was single. GEORGE, Lonnie Raymond (I134)
8502 Warren Township
James Goodwin Head M 55 South Carolina
Sheba Goodwin Wife F 45 South Carolina
Ellen Goodwin Dau F 19 South Carolina
Mary Goodwin Dau F 17 South Carolina
Lillin Goodwin Dau F 16 South Carolina
Loylass Goodwin Son M 14 South Carolina Edward
Marthy Goodwin Dau F 12 South Carolina
Lucius Goodwin Son M 11 South Carolina
Isabella Goodwin Dau F 9 South Carolina
Sheba Goodwin Dau F 8 South Carolina
Gary Goodwin Son M 4 South Carolina
Sennie Goodwin Dau F 1 South Carolina 
GOODWIN, James (I19978)
8503 Warrior, Lower Miami? Flat
William D Randle Head M 32 Texas m. 8 yrs.
Clara E Randle Wife F 24 New Mexico 3/3 children
T Otto Randle Son M 5 New Mexico
Thelma Randle Dau F 2 New Mexico
Not Named Randle Son M 1/12 Arizona
William is a real estate agent. 
RANDLE, William Dee (I6220)
8504 Warwarsing Township
Lewis, age 62, is boarding with the Virdin family. 
TICE, Lewis W (I24756)
8505 Was 104 years old when he died. HOLDER, Prier Emmitt (I1445)
8506 Was granted three labores of land in Milam District, Bell Co, Texas on 11/16/1853 by Governor E M Pease of Texas. The land lay on Darrs Creek about 14 miles southeast of Belton.
On 8/15/1854, James B Wills sold Alexander 160 acres in the "forks of Darrs Creek" for $75. Alexander and Tabitha lived there for the remainder of their lives.
Alexander purchased lots 4, 5, 14, 15, Block 15, Town of Salado on 8/31/1861. The money went to building the Salado College. Alexander was a trustee of the school.
In 1862, Alexander contributed to the outfitting of Captain X B Saunders' Civil War company.
His 1889 will provided land for the Dallas Cemetery. 
DALLAS, Lt Col Alexander James (I3686)
8507 Was instrumental in starting the Houston Fire Department as a paid force. BROWNE, John T (I3019)
8508 Was she married previously? SINCLAIR, Martha (I10784)
8509 Washington Co, Colorado DEE, James (I8810)
8510 Washington Precinct
Jos M Stowers Self M 49 Mississippi
Caleb Stowers Son M 19 Mississippi 
STOWERS, Joseph Montgomery (I19262)
8511 Washington Township
Clyde V Jury Head M 54 Nebraska
Nell S Jury Wife F 44 Nebraska
Clarkson W Jury Father M 86 Indiana
Clyde is a rural mail carrier. 
JURY, Clyde Verner (I21964)
8512 Washington Township
Clyde V Jury Head M 54 Nebraska
Nell S Jury Wife F 44 Nebraska
Clarkson W Jury Father M 86 Indiana 
JURY, Clarkson Wright (I21959)
8513 Washington Township
Samuel A King M 44 Kentucky
Nancy King F 38 Kentucky
Martha Ann King F 15 Indiana
Rebecca Jane King F 13 Indiana
John H King M 11 Indiana
Nancy Josephine King F 9 Indiana
Davidella King F 7 Indiana
Robert L King M 5 Indiana
George W King M 3 Indiana
Rice M King M 3/12 Indiana 
KING, Samuel A (I706)
8514 Washington Township
Samuel King Self M 74 Kentucky
Lucy King Wife F 60 Ohio
J William Ragan Other M 17 Indiana
Nancy Perry Other F 40 Virginia
Rebecca King Dau F 43 Indiana
William and Nancy are employees. 
KING, Samuel A (I706)
8515 Washington Township
Thomas Coon 70 M Ohio
Jane Coon 74 F Virginia
George Coon 33 M Indiana
George is still single. 
COON, Thomas (I9071)
8516 Washington Township
Thomas Coon 70 M Ohio
Jane Coon 74 F Virginia
George Coon 33 M Indiana
George is still single. 
COON, George F M (I9109)
8517 Washington Township
Thomas Coon Self M 66 Ohio
Jane Coon Wife F 71 Virginia
George Coon Son M 28 Indiana
Mary Bagley G-dau F 9 Iowa 
COON, Thomas (I9071)
8518 Washington Township, Bruceville PO
Noah Harris M 23 Ohio
Sarah A Harris F 29 Indiana
Charles H Harris M 10 Indiana [Byers]
William A Harris M 2 Indiana
John H Harris M 2 Indiana
Nora L Harris F 2/12 Indiana
Noah is a basket maker. 
HARRIS, Noah (I23811)
8519 Washington Township, no PO
Samuel A King M 56 Ky
Nancy King F 48 Ky
Marthe A King F 24 Ind
Rebecca J King F 23 Ind
John H King M 20 Ind
Nancy J King F 19 Ind
Rice M King M 10 Ind
They live near and are enumerated just before Robert Cloud. The three kids between Nancy and Rice are not here. 
KING, Samuel A (I706)
8520 Washington Township, Smootsdell PO (Avon)
Lucy King F 50 Ohio
Franklin Reed M 17 Indiana
Mary E Reed F 14 Indiana
I wonder where Samuel was? 
KING, Samuel A (I706)
8521 Washington Veterans Home
John McKinnis, age 81, born Ohio, is an inmate.
pg 8A
Marian Eargood, age 68, born Ohio, widowed, is also an inmate. 
MCKINNIS, John (I23482)
8522 Watson & Son Funeral Home in Center, Texas. FERRARO, Carmela Delores (I5)
8523 Watters Distrist (859)
Willie I Cornelison Head Male 57 Carolina
Margaret Cornelison Wife Female 53 Georgia
Oscar Cornelison Son Male 32 Georgia
Naomi Cornelison Dau Female 28 Georgia
Paul Cornelison Son Male 21 Georgia
Ruby Cornelison Dau Female 17 Georgia
Bonnie Nell Cornelison Dau Female 14 Georgia
Helen Cornelison G-dau Female 13 Georgia
Isaac is a carpenter at a furniture company. Oscar runs a conditioner, Naomi and Ruby are spinners, and Paul is a battery filler, all at a cotton mill. 
CORNELISON, Willie Isaac (I24232)
8524 Watterson GenForum Post Source (S585)
8525 Wawarsig Township
Ferguson, John head 54 M1 New York 28 yrs
Ferguson, Ella J wife 58 M1 New York 5/5 children
Ferguson, Charles son 27 M1 New York 2 yrs
Ferguson, Ethel d-i-l 19 M1 New York 1/1 children
Ferguson, Samuel son 24 S New York
Ferguson, Otis son 22 S New York
Ferguson, Bertha dau 19 S New York
Ferguson, Julia dau 16 S New York
Ferguson, Lula May g-dau 1 S New York
John is a boatman on the river, Charles is a farm laborer, Samuel is a railroad laborer and Otis is an electrician for a lighting company. 
FERGUSON, Charles A (I24742)
8526 Wawarsig Township
Ferguson, John head 54 M1 New York 28 yrs
Ferguson, Ella J wife 58 M1 New York 5/5 children
Ferguson, Charles son 27 M1 New York 2 yrs
Ferguson, Ethel d-i-l 19 M1 New York 1/1 children
Ferguson, Samuel son 24 S New York
Ferguson, Otis son 22 S New York
Ferguson, Bertha dau 19 S New York
Ferguson, Julia dau 16 S New York
Ferguson, Lula May g-dau 1 S New York
John is a boatman on the river, Charles is a farm laborer, Samuel is a railroad laborer and Otis is an electrician for a lighting company. 
FERGUSON, John Alonzo (I24729)
8527 Wawarsing
Archibald Tice head Dec 1849 50 New York m 22 years
Etta E? Tice wife Nov 1842 47 New york 6/3 children
Eda D Tice dau May 1881 19 New York
Oscar Tice son Apr 1885 15 New York
Lula Tice dau Mar 1878 22 New York 
TICE, Charles Archibald (I24761)
8528 Wawarsing Township, Spring Glen Road
Charles Archabald Tice head M 56 US
Lewis W Tice brother M 51 US
Sarah E Crandle sister F 60 US 
TICE, Lewis W (I24756)
8529 Wawarsing Township, Spring Glen Road
Charles Archabald Tice head M 56 US
Lewis W Tice brother M 51 US
Sarah E Crandle sister F 60 US 
TICE, Sarah E (I24758)
8530 Wawarsing Township, Spring Glen Road
Charles Archabald Tice head M 56 US
Lewis W Tice brother M 51 US
Sarah E Crandle sister F 60 US 
TICE, Charles Archibald (I24761)
8531 Waymon married twice after Marys death with no issue. LANGLEY, Waymon Willard (I4810)
8532 Wayne Co, North Carolina PIPKIN, Stephen (I12847)
8533 Wayne Township
6 39 39 LEIGHTY Catharine 47 F PA
7 39 39 LEIGHTY Saml. 24 M Farmer 700 OH
8 39 39 LEIGHTY Jacob 19 M Farmer 150 OH
9 39 39 LEIGHTY Mary 17 F OH
10 39 39 LEIGHTY John 14 M 100 OH
11 39 39 LEIGHTY Delilah 11 F IN
12 39 39 LEIGHTY Elizth 8 F IN
13 39 39 ASHBY Wm 23 M Laborer IN 
ASHBY, William M (I5048)
8534 Wayne Township, Center Street
Elizebeth Mckinnis ?tab?Self ?tab?F ?tab?54 ?tab?Ohio
Laura R Mckinnis ?tab?Dau ?tab?F ?tab?23 ?tab?Indiana
Robert C Mckinnis ?tab?Son ?tab?M ?tab?20 ?tab?Indiana
Miranda Mckinnis ?tab?Dau ?tab?F ?tab?17 ?tab?Indiana
Julia A Mckinnis ?tab?Dau ?tab?F ?tab?14 ?tab?Indiana
Robert works in the plow handle factory. 
BAKER, Elizabeth (I23518)
8535 Wayne Township, Warren PO
John McGinnis M 49 Ohio
Elizabeth McGinnis F 34 Ohio
Esther A McGinnis F 18 Ohio
Irene McGinnis F 16 Ohio
Rachel McGinnis F 14 Ohio
Martin McGinnis M 17 Ohio
Laura R McGinnis F 3 Indiana
Robert C McGinnis M 6/12 Indiana 
MCKINNIS, John (I8845)
8536 We always called him Little Pete but he had his name changed to Jim when he became a radio DJ. His birth record indicates that he either had a twin or he was named Betty Jo Murty. CANNATELLA, Pete Michael (I94)
8537 We assume that John and family were in Bienville Parish in 1860 but there is no census record for Bienville, it was either lost or destroyed. Since we can't find him elsewhere, it's a fair assumption. PUCKETT, John Allen (I4743)
8538 We don't know if they ever married. Family: George A BASKERVILLE / Margaret CARUTHERS (F3826)
8539 We have no information showing the name of the wife of Samuel Shackelford, or the names of his children, but from the Will of Henry, father of Samuel, we know that he did have children. And the only clue as to their names probably can be found in the following instrument: The County Court of Henry County appointed James Shackelford guardian for Nancy, Sally and Milly Shackelford, January 26, 1807. Order Book 8, page 118.

Since no other Shackelford is shown to have died in Henry County since the death of Henry in 1806, and
as we know that Samuel was deceased, and that Henry had a son James, we feel that we can safely say that Nancy, Sally, and Milly were the children of the deceased Samuel, son of Henry. 
SHACKELFORD, Samuel (I4204)
8540 Weaubleau Township,
Mary F Tharp Head F 49 Sep 1849 Indiana 13/10 children
Effa F Tharp Dau F 24 Aug 1875 Missouri
Wallace C Tharp Son M 21 Sep 1879 Missouri
Amos C Tharp Son M 18 Oct 1881 Missouri
Reason C Tharp Son M 16 Dec 1883 Missouri
Bealor R Tharp Son M 14 Nov 1885 Missouri
Leota M Tharp Dau F 12 Aug 1887 Missouri
Mary E Tharp Dau F 7 Jul 1892 Missouri
Mary is marred 1 year or married once? Effa is a music teacher and Reason is a day laborer. 
COON, Mary Felicita (I9117)
8541 Weaver Township
George Hopliff Head M 65 Iowa age 24
Addie Hopliff Wife F 58 Iowa age 17
Annice Hopliff Dau F 17 Iowa
Ruby Wilson Boarder F 10 Iowa
George Wilson G-son M 10 Iowa
Ruby's age has been corrected from 15. 
TOPLIFF, George (I11361)
8542 web page There are no sources listed in this database. Source (S796)
8543 Webb City
Disney, H C head M 38 M 21 Arkansas
Alice wife F 39 M 22 Illinois
Faey dau F 15 S Oklahoma
Ruby dau F 13 S Oklahoma
Nina B dau F 9 S Arkansas
Elmo son M 5 S New Mexico
J Rupert son M 1-7/12 S Arkansas 
DISNEY, Henry Clarence (I3543)
8544 Website is no longer online. Source (S169)
8545 Wednesday
Funeral Services for Mrs. Brazzil Held Here Today
Funeral services were held at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Satterwhite at 404 East Juan Linn Street in this city at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon for Mrs. Winnie E. Brazzil, 82, who died at the Satterwhite home at 7:15 o'clock Tuesday evening as a result of a bone fracture and shock she suffered in a fall on March 31. The services were conducted by Rev. A. J. Carson, pastor of the First Baptist Church and she was buried in the Memorial Park Cemetery by the side of her husband, William Nichols Brazzil, Confederate veteran who preceded her in death on March 14. The pallbearers were F. L. Fossati, Dudley Deavers, E. A. Krause, Ed Kickendahl, J. C. Rives and C. F. Taylor. There were many beautiful floral tributes, including a wreath from the William P. Rogers Chapter, United Daughters of the Confederacy.
Mrs. Brazzil, the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Hilary B. Sherman, was born in Cassita, Ala. October 29, 1850. Her father had a distinguished record as a Confederate soldier. He recruited the first company of volunteers in his home County of Chambers in Alabama and as a captain of the company served under Lee in Virginia. At the close of the War Between the States, the family located in Louisiana, and there Mrs. Brazzil was married to Ransome M. Kelly of Minden. Several years after his death she became the wife of Mr. Brazzil, and for many years they had been residents of Wharton County, moving to Victoria about five years ago.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. P. F. Satterwhite of this city and Mrs. Ruth Roome of San Antonio; one son, John D. Brazzil of Bloomington; one sister, Mrs. Emma L. Lee of San Antonio, and three grandchildren, Perry F. Satterwhite Jr., Winnie Satterwhite and Ruth Virginia Brazzil. 
SCHELLMAN, Winnie E (I10756)
8546 Well Known Wacoan Died Yesterday
John A. Stewart, aged 43 years, died yesterday afternoon at Terrell. The remains will arrive here tonight on the Katy flyer and will be taken to Fall & Puckett's mortuary chapel, where services will be held tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. Rev. W.B. Andrews, pastor of the Austin Avenue Methodist church, will officiate, interment at Oakwood.
The following pall bearers have been selected, Wm. Lambdin, N.T. Cheatham, A.R. McCollum, W.B. Knight, Mike Adam and Albert Cornellussen.
Deceased was born at Old Jefferson, Rutherford county, Tennessee, on October 25, 1866, and had been a resident of Waco for 38 years. In this city he was well known. In musical circles of days gone by he was especially prominent. It was said of John Stewart that music formed a part of his make-up, and this, in a measure, was true, for he never seemed quite so happy or contented as when playing his beloved snare drum, he being considered one of the best in the state when in his prime. He was also a pianist of great ability and a vocalist of note. John Stewart was a man of kindly impulses, who could be depended on to aid and assist a friend whenever his circumstances permitted, and his generosity was often invoked by those on whom the hand of affliction had been laid. His sympathies were ever with the oppressed and downtrodden, and his voice was always raised in behalf of the unfortunate. Besides a widow and one brother, A. J. Stewart of this city, he is survived by three sisters, Miss Lillie Stewart, Waco; Mrs. J.U. Clabaugh, Ross; Mrs. John Amonett, Pauls Valley, Oklahoma. 
STEWART, Dr John A (I16996)
8547 Were there two children with this name?
"England, Births and Christenings, 1538-1975," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 06 Dec 2012), Joseph Towler in entry for Frederick William Towler, 28 Apr 1855; citing Wereham, Norfolk, England, reference ; FHL microfilm 1526671. 
TOWLER, Fredrick William (I18004)
8548 Wereham, Wereham, Norfolk
ED 4, Entry #17
James Holmes Head M 78 Tottenhill, Norfolk
Elizabeth Holmes Wife F 66 Oxborough, Norfolk
Jane Caney Dau F 27 Wereham, Norfolk
Florence Caney G-dau F 4 Wereham, Norfolk
Louisa Caney G-dau F 2 Wereham, Norfolk 
HOLMES, James (I23236)
8549 Wesley Township, Potato Patch Dist
John Hicks 55
Hettie Hicks 35
John A Hicks 18
S C Hicks 16
Margaret A Hicks 14
Christopher C Hicks 10
Susan Hicks 8
George H Hicks 5
Martha A Hicks 4
Dea Hicks 2
Eliza Hicks 2 days
Walker Mathena 41 
HICKS, John (I14975)
8550 Wesley, Kinyon 10-5-1931 M Ruthie McKinnon C A Wesley MCKINNON, Ruth (I14688)

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