an Armstrong & a Heffernan
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8551 West Dalton
Zim Cornellison Head Male 43 Dec 1856 North Carolina m. 23 yrs.
Mary J Cornellison Wife Female 41 Jun 1858 Georgia 9/9 children
Odell Cornellison Son Male 19 Sep 1880 North Carolina
Issac Cornellison Son Male 16 Oct 1883 North Carolina
Jasper Cornellison Son Male 14 Apr 1886 North Carolina
Willis Cornellison Son Male 11 Jul 1888 North Carolina
Lillie Cornellison Dau Female 9 Dec 1890 North Carolina
Jessie Cornellison Son Male 7 Mar 1893 Georgia
Royster Cornellison Son Male 5 May 1895 Georgia
Ida Cornellison Dau Female 1 Mar 1899 Georgia
Indexed as Jim. Zim and Odell are day laborers, Isaac is a carder and Jasper and Willis are spinners. 
CORNELISON, Zimri (I11876)
8552 West Fork Township
Elev Erickson M 56 Norway
Mary Erickson F 54 Norway
Anna Erickson F 33 Norway 
ERIKSEN, Elev (I4837)
8553 West Fork Township
Mads Westad M 26 Norway
Erik Erikson M 27 Norway
Pauline Erikson F 26 Norway
Minnie Erikson F 2 Woodbury 
ERICKSON, Erik (I4835)
8554 West Fork Township
Mads Westad M 26 Norway
Erik Erikson M 27 Norway
Pauline Erikson F 26 Norway
Minnie Erikson F 2 Woodbury 
WESTAD, Mads (I4993)
8555 West Fork Township
Solberg Anton head W M Sep 1848 51 M 29 Nor Nor Nor 1866 Farmer Owns
Martha wife W F Mar 1853 47 M 29 Nor Nor Nor 1867 11/9
Oscar son W M Jul 1879 23 S IA Nor Nor
Minnie dau W F Mar 1879 21 S IA Nor Nor
Edwin son W M Mar 1886 14 S IA Nor Nor
Alma dau W F Sep 1888 11 S IA Nor Nor
Jhalmer son W M Mar 1891 9 S IA Nor Nor
Arthur son W M Dec 1894 5 S IA Nor Nor
Helen dau W F May 1898 2 S IA Nor Nor 
SOLBERG, Anton (I5037)
8556 West Fork Township
Westead Andrew head W M May 1826 74 M 49 Nor Nor Nor 1866 Farmer Owns m. 49 yrs.
Margret wife W F Sep 1825 74 M 49 Nor Nor Nor 1867 5/3 children
Erickson Pauline dau W F May 1858 42 W Nor Nor Nor 1867 6/5 children
Minnie gdau W F Oct 1871 18 S IA Nor Nor
Carrie gdau W F Aug 1890 9 S IA Nor Nor
Mats gson W M Mar 1892 8 S IA Nor Nor
Nora gdau W F Mar 1894 6 S IA Nor Nor
Pauline is listed as widowed. 
WESTAD, Pauline E (I4836)
8557 West Fork Township
Westead Andrew head W M May 1826 74 M 49 Nor Nor Nor 1866 Farmer Owns m. 49 yrs.
Margret wife W F Sep 1825 74 M 49 Nor Nor Nor 1867 5/3 children
Erickson Pauline dau W F May 1858 42 W Nor Nor Nor 1867 6/5 children
Minnie gdau W F Oct 1871 18 S IA Nor Nor
Carrie gdau W F Aug 1890 9 S IA Nor Nor
Mats gson W M Mar 1892 8 S IA Nor Nor
Nora gdau W F Mar 1894 6 S IA Nor Nor
Pauline is listed as widowed. 
WESTAD, Andrew (I4987)
8558 West Fork Township BAIRD, Franklin M (I15809)
8559 West Fork Township, Dwelling & Family #16
Baird D P head W M Feb 1858 42 M 19 IN OH NY
Elma wife W F Jul 1862 37 M 19 IL Scot Can (Eng) 6/6 children
Raymond son W M Feb 1882 18 S IA IN IL
Earl son W M Mar 1884 16 S IA IN IL
Frankie dau W F May 1886 14 S IA IN IL
Cato son W M Jun 1889 10 S IA IN IL
Letha dau W F Nov 1897 2 S IA IN IL
Delbert son W M Aug 1899 9/12 S IA IN IL 
BAIRD, Douglas Philander (I4832)
8560 West of Main Street
James T Morris head 61 Texas
Willie Morris wife 45 Texas
William E Morris son 19 Texas
John D Morris son 18 Texas
Virgil W Morris dau 16 Texas
Lester R Morris son 12 Texas
Barbara A Morris dau 10 Texas
Virginia N Morris dau 8 Texas
Melba J Morris dau 5 Texas
Buster is a janitor at a chemical company. Willliam and John are grocery clerks. 
MORRIS, James Thomas (I24509)
8561 West Point MOUTON, General Jean Jacques Alexandre Alfred (I2255)
8562 West Tompkinsville District #6, Glasgow Road
Jimmie G Brown Head Male 32 Kentucky m. 10 yrs.
Francis Kezzie Brown Wife Female 28 Kentucky 4/4 children
Flora Bell Brown Dau Female 9 Kentucky
Handsel G Brown Son Male 5 Kentucky
Della Jane Brown Dau Female 2 Kentucky
Joseph M Brown Son Male 2/12 Kentucky
Jimmie is a farmer. 
BROWN, James G (I24332)
8563 West Township, Dunklin Street
J W Edwards Head Male 53 Illinois
Mary Edwards Wife Female 47 Kentucky
Willie Edwards Son Male 16 Missouri
Ida Edwards Dau Female 13 Missouri
James Edwards Son Male 9 Missouri
Mary Edwards Dau Female 8 Missouri
Forest Edwards Son Male 6 Missouri
James and Willie work at a lumber mill. 
EDWARDS, James W (I24186)
8564 Western District
John Moore M 65 Georgia
Sarah Moore F 61 Virginia
Samuel Moore M 38 Georgia
William G Moore M 30 Alabama
Lewis H Moore M 28 Alabama
Sarah A Moore F 21 Alabama
Urla Taylor Cumings Moore M 17 Alabama
John is a planter, Samuel is a school teacher and Lewis is a student. 
MOORE, Samuel Hamner (I15752)
8565 Western District
John Moore M 65 Georgia
Sarah Moore F 61 Virginia
Samuel Moore M 38 Georgia
William G Moore M 30 Alabama
Lewis H Moore M 28 Alabama
Sarah A Moore F 21 Alabama
Urla Taylor Cumings Moore M 17 Alabama
John is a planter, Samuel is a school teacher and Lewis is a student. 
MOORE, John III (I15760)
8566 Western District
Wells James W 34 m TN Farmer 1500 3070
Wells Mary Ann 33 f AL
Wells Eliz 23 f MS
Wells Laura 8 f TX
Wells David 5 m TX
Wells Buckhanan 4 m TX
Wells Loumisa 2 f TX
Meicherson Eliz 16 f TX Michener? 
WILLS, James Wilson (I3680)
8567 Western District, Caldwell PO
Frank Johnson M 32 Louisiana
Carrilla Johnson F 28 Tennessee
William Johnson M 6 Texas
Griselda Johnson F 3 Texas
Lula Johnson F 3/12 Texas Mar
Mary C Johns F 7 Texas
They are next to her parents. 
JOHNSON, Franklin (I10785)
8568 Western District, hh #575
J W Brooks M 29 Alabama
A A Brooks F 23 Alabama
Rebecca Brooks F 11 Texas
Ophelia Brooks F 9 Texas
Emma Brooks F 6 Texas
Sam Brooks M 2 Texas
Fanny Brooks F 0 Texas
I'm not sure this is our Emma. 
BROOKS, John W (I18616)
8569 Western District, Lexington PO
Wm S Maples Male 55 Tennessee
Carice H Maples Female 24 Mississippi
Elisabeth Maples Female 5 Texas
Margaret Maples Female 3 Texas
Mary Maples Female 1 Texas
William is a farmer worth $722. 
MAPLES, W Scott (I17545)
8570 Western Division DUNN, Samuel (I13769)
8571 Western Division, Barren Plain PO
P E Dicus M 38 Tennessee
M F Dicus F 35 Virginia
S Dicus F 11 Tennessee
M E Dicus F 5 Tennessee
M A Dicus F 2 Tennessee
Jno Dicus M 15 Tennessee
Jose Dicus F 15 Tennessee
Since the twins are listed at the bottom, I believe they are either from a previous marriage or from different parents altogether. 
DYCUS, Phinis Ewing (I11080)
8572 Westlake Village
Sidney is at a boarding house, age 65 and a station agent for a steam railroad. 
BOUCHARD, Peter Sidney Johnson (I1931)
8573 Weston PO
Archibald Wills M 78 Kentucky
Nancy Wills F 59 Tennessee
Nancy Wills F 25 Kentucky 
WILLS, Archibald (I3709)
8574 What happened to Marion? BURFORD, Marion Curtis (I2481)
8575 What happened to Maude and where did I get this death date? REYNOLDS, Maudie (I755)
8576 When Talmon [Harbour] grew of age, he married Elizabeth Calloway. 1. Not much is known about Elizabeth before the marriage save that she was born between the years 1770 and 1780. 2. The Calloways were a distinguished Virginian family of the 1700's.  HOLDER, Jonathan (I2894)
8577 When we first investigated Mary, we were going by a bad copy of the 1901 and it looks like it says she was 45 but it actually says 55.

Michael's death certificate says her name is Nano and his daughter's name is Nano May. 
LONERGAN, Mary (I1641)
8578 Where did they go? TANKERSLEY, John S (I23665)
8579 Where did this information come from? He isn't on the 1900 census, is he the child she lost? CHAPPELL, James William (I23391)
8580 Where was Thomas for the 1850 Census? They married in 45 and the first child was not born until 53?
In 1860, the children are with their mother using the name Aldridge.
In 1870 they are with John and Martha Mills.

I have more questions than I can list here and I have very little information on these families. 
DAVIS, Thomas T (I2818)
8581 Where were her children in 1940? There is also a Frank Allen Casey, b 1930, AR, d 1986, Stanislaus County. DISNEY, Minnie Mae (I22750)
8582 White Township
John Bates Head M 53 Minnesota
Irma Bates Wife F 46 Missouri
They were first married at ages 27 and 28. John is a carpenter. 
BATES, John J W (I23777)
8583 Whitewater
Avery N Burford Head M 43 California
Ruby R Burford Wife F 38 Colorado
Sarah A Dodgion M-in-l F 81 Georgia
Avery is a stockman. 
BURFORD, Avery Newton (I2480)
8584 Whitewater Precinct, near Fruita
Avery Burford Boarder M 24 Jan 1876 California
He's a railroad laborer. 
BURFORD, Avery Newton (I2480)
8585 Whitewater Precinct, near Fruita
Fred Burford Head M 34 Apr 1866 California m. 6 ys.
Mary Burford Wife F 24 Nov 1875 Colorado 4/4 children
Ouida Burford Dau F 5 Apr 1895 Colorado
Ellery Burford Dau F 3 Aug 1896 Colorado
Darwin Burford Son M 2 Jun 1898 Colorado
Mary Burford Dau F 4/12 Jan 1900 Colorado
Fred is a stock herder. 
BURFORD, Robert Frederick (I2469)
8586 Who are Elias and Mary Stewart shown on the two 1850 census records? STEWART, Simon H (I19843)
8587 Who is T. M. Armstrong who reported his death? L.M? Lawrence? ARMSTRONG, Benjamin Franklin (I16)
8588 Who's Who in Texas, A Biographical Directory. Who's Who Publishing Company, Dallas, Texas, 1931.
Connell, Giles H., page 311 
CONNELL, Giles H (I3754)
8589 wide, Mary Catherine Owens; son, James Lister Mouton MOUTON, Alfred Earl (I15698)
8590 Wilber Lee Disney, age 18, born 17 Jun 1899, is a single farmer working for George Maddox in Stroud. His nearest relative is Dora Martin in Dedrick, Vernen [sic], Missouri. He is short with a medium build, blue eyes and brown hair. DISNEY, Wilber Lee (I22768)
8591 Wiley told this story about his mama:
"One of our neighbors was sick and Mama made a chicken pie for 'em. We walked to the neighbor's house. I don't know how far it was, 'cause I was just a little fella. It seemed like miles. When we were on our way home a big storm blowed up. Mama kept lookin' over her shoulder sayin', 'Walk faster, Wiley.' I was walkin' as fast as I could.
Mama was a strappin' big woman and that's the only time I ever seen her scared. The rain started pourin' down, the wind blew me down. I hollered and Mama turned around. Her hair pins had come undone and her hair was blowin' all over the place. Her eyes was big as plums. She looked WILD. She reached down with one hand and yanked me up into her arms then RAN all the way home and straight to the storm cellar." 
WILLS, Emma Beatrice (I2591)
8592 Wiley William Senn, age 32, of 1804 North Harbor, was born 5 Jan 1908 in Holland, Texas. His contact is his sister, Mrs Naomi McFerrin, 1714 Hickory St. He works at the Long Reach Plant for the Houston Compress Company. He is 5'9" and 152 pounds with gray eyes, brown hair and ruddy complexion. SENN, Wiley William (I1379)
8593 Wilkinson & Wiseman Funeral Home
Name: William Finis McDougal
Died: 20 February 1955
Place of Death: Sumner County, TN, Gallatin
In Community: Life
Race or Color: White
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Widowed
Age: 80 years, 7 months, 3 days
Date of Birth: July 17, 1874
Place of Birth: Sumner County, TN.
Legal Residence: Sumner County, TN., District 14, South Tunnel
Usual Occupation: Retired Farmer
Full Name of Father: James McDougal
Mother's Maiden Name: Nancy Dorris
Husband or Wife of:
Cemetery: Pleasant Hill
Place of Funeral: Pleasant Hill
Time of Funeral:
Additional Comments: 5 daughters: Cora Baskerville, Ft. Head; Flora Hill, Ft. Head; Evie McCulley, Gallatin; Bertha Collins, Greenbrier, TN., Nellie Brazzell Ft. Head. 6 sons: William, South Tunnel; Charlie, Ft. Head; Jim, Old Hickory, TN.; Dave, Ft.Head; Leonerd, South Tunnel, Homer, Ft. Head. 38 Grandchildren; 26 Great Grandchildren. 
MCDOUGAL, William Finis (I11635)
8594 Will Book #1 p. 243 Mecklenburg County
In the name of God amen I George Baskervill of the county of Mecklenberg and parish of St. James being weak of Body but of sound sense and memory do make this my last Will and testament. First I give my soul to God who gave it me in ? and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
I give and bequeath to my son John three negroes, to wit, Tommy, David and Sarah and all my wearing cloathes to him and his heirs forever.
I give and bequeath to daughter Ann Lucas to Negores, towit, Tom and Nanny to her and her heirs forever.
I give and bequeath to my daughter Martha three negroes to wit, Aggy, Dick, and Lucy to her and her heirs for ever.
I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary three negroes, to wit, Fanny, Ferry and ?edie to her and her heirs for ever.
I give and bequeath to my son William three negroes, towit, Jacobs, Amy and Darkus to him and his heirs forever.
I give and bequeath to my son George Hurt (Hunt?) one negro named Anthony to him and his heirs forever. and one hundred pounds cash.
[Land distribution]
[Guardianship of children]
[Power of attorney]
Signed sealed pronounced and declared in presence of
John Speed
John Burton
Thomas Mitchell
At a court held for Mecklenberg County, November 10th 1777 this will was proved by the oaths of John Speed and John Burton witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded and on the motion of John Baskervill the executor therin named who made oath thereto and together with William Davis John Burton and Benjamin Ferrell his securities entered into and acknowledged their bored in the penalty of five hundred pounds conditioned as the law directes certificate was granted him for obtaining a ? thereof in due form.

John Brown Co. Cur

Almost all the Baskerville information is from the book "Genealogy of the Baskerville Family" mentioned in my sources.

There are no records for George after 1717 and it is supposed that he died in Charles City County.

The will of Hugh Norvell, proved in York County, March 21, 1747, names sister Sarah Baskerville, and George Baskerville, son of John Baskerville... The History of Virginia gives her name as Elizabeth. 
BASKERVYLE, George (I9677)
8595 Will Book 1, p. 73
"I, Lilly Bowen of Washington County and Commonwealth of Virginia, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament and therefore first of all do recommend my soul to Got who gave it, and my body to the earth to be decently interred, no doubting but I shall receive it again at the general resurrection by the Almighty power of God. - - - As to my worldly goods I will and desire that they be disposed of in the following manner. - - - I give and bequeath to my son Henry Bowen at my death my negro wench Jean, also my young black mare. To my sons Reese, William and Robert Bowen the sum of five shillings each, they having had their full share of their fathers Estate already. - - - To my daughter Agnes Buchanan, my young white mare, my bed and bed cloaths, also one third part of my pewter, in which is to be included, two large basons, also a third part of the principal and interest of my Loan Office Certificate of one hundred pounds.- - - To my daughter Jean Looney, another third part, and the remaining third part of sd certificate to my son Charles. - - - To my son Arthur Bowen a moiety or that part of the Crab Orchard Tract of Land whereon he now lives, the dividing line between him , and his brother Charles, to be run as they have already agreed on. - - - To my son Charles Bowen the remaining, or that part of the said tract of land whereon he now lives, and my negro man called Wyatt, and a negro fellow called Jack, left him by his father, and of which he is now wrongfully dispossessed of. Also together with all the remainder of my personal estate, not herein bequeathed, of which I may be in possession of at my death, who is to depay my funeral expenses and pay all my just debts.
And I do hereby constitute and appoint my sons, Henry Bowen and Charles Bowen, Executors of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking and disannulling all former wills and testaments by me made. - - - In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this fourth day of April one thousand seven hundred and eighty.
Lilly XX Bowen (Seal)
her mark
Signed and sealed in
presence of
Arthur Campbell
David Campbell
Eleanor Maxwell
At a court held for Washington County the 20th of June 1780 this last will and testament of Lilly Bowen decd was exhibited in Court and proved by the oaths of Arthur Campbell, David Campbell, and Eleaner Maxfield and ordered to be recorded - - Teste - - Jno. Campbell C.W.C.
>From the Augusta County Court Records, Order Book VII, p. 90
"Lilly Bowen qualifies admx. of Moses Bowen. Maundling and Philipina Kinsley to be bound out. Rebecca Roberts, a mulatto, given her freedom." 
MCILHANEY, Lilly (I3138)
8596 Will Book B
ALLISON, ALEXANDER. Nottingham. April 25, 1743. B. 135.
Alexander Allison, Yeoman
dated 4/25/1743 probated 9/22/1744
To daughter Martha 1 shilling. I also acquit my son in law James Bohaman all debts. Daughter Mary 40 pounds. Daughter Rebecca 1 shilling. Daughter Elizabeth 1 shilling.
Sons David and Alexander my two plantations. One I live on and one on Christian Creek in New Castle Co. [Christiana Creek?]
Executors: sons David and Alexander
Witnesses: John Kees, and Sam Ingram and Robert Hyman 
ALLISON, Alexander (I3969)
8597 Will dated 12/19/1758, Paxtang Township, Lancaster Co, Pennsylvania.
Will: ARMSTRONG, JAMES. Pactown Twp. January 18, 1759.
"In February, 1756, Indians from Shamokin came into the valley and took the wife of James Armstrong and two children together with several other prisoners."
This might be our James. 
ARMSTRONG, James III (I3292)
8598 Will dated Oct. 9, 1734, Hanover County, VA GIBSON, Thomas (I2682)
8599 Will of Bladen Ashby, Decd
In the name of God Amen I Bladen Ashby of Wayne County and State of Indiana being in an ordinary State of health both of mind and body Do make constitute and ordain and confirm this my last will and Testament as followeth.
First I will devise and bequeath unto my Beloved wife Caty Ashby all and singular my Estate Real and personal for her to dispose of at her pleasure after having paid all my full debts.
Second. I do hereby appoint ordain and constitute my beloved son Abraham Ashby sole Executor to this my last will and Testament hereby revoking and disannulling all other wills heretofore made by me In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty fifth day of August in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and Twenty three.
Signed Sealed and acknowledged Bladen Ashby
in presence of ??
Aaron Martin
Joshua Simpson 
ASHBY, Bladen (I5050)
8600 Will of John Dinning -
$10.00 to the heirs of Cader Hunter dec'd begotten of the body of my daughter Phebe.
To Thomas Groves $10.00.
To Richard Smith $100.00.
To Henry Williams $100.00.
To George Watwood $100.00.
To heirs of Andrew Dinning dec'd $10.00.
To my son William Dinning $100.00.
To James Mays $150.
To William Alderson $150.00.
To by deed of gift to my son James Dinning some negroes said James not to have property until after death of John and Polly Dinning the father and mother of said James.
To my son James Dinning 340 acres of land to have posession at my death. James to support his mother Polly during her life.
After my debts are paid any remainder to be equally divided between Henry Williams, William Alderson, James Mays and William Dinning.
Appoints Joseph McGlothlin Jr. and Wm. Lovell as executors.
Signed 17 Feb 1837
Witnesses: James Granger, Andrew McGlothlin.
Proved Nov 1837 Sumner Co., Tennessee. (pp. 225-226)
Source: Genealogical Records: Early Tennessee Settlers, 1700s-1900s;
Sumner County Will Abstracts, 1788-1842, Abstracts of Will Book 2, pp. 64-65
Source: "The Denning Family of Sumner County Tennessee and Their Kin", by Mike Denning, Section 1, pp B-C (transcript)
In the "Roster of South Carolina Patriots in the American Revolution", it states that John Dinning served as a Lieutenant and acted as a Captain under Colonel Kimball. He served as a horseman in the militia under Captains Barry and Gray, and as a footman under Captain Richards, and General Pickens, during 1779. He was in the Battle at Stano and the Siege of Charleston.
Most of John Dinning's children stayed in Sumner Co., Tennessee, except for a few; Anna Dinning Groves moved to Nodaway Co., Missouri; Mary Dinning Mays moved to Hickman Co., Tennessee; Andrew Dinning moved to Weakley Co., Tennessee about 1827; and Nancy Dinning Thompson went to Polk Co., Texas.
Source: "The Denning Family of Sumner County Tennessee and Their Kin", by Mike Denning, Section 1, p A.
Dinning, John
Source: 1790 NC Orange Co., Tax Lists - Rootsweb File: 1790casdt.txt
Dinning, John
Source: Orange Co., NC 1790 First Federal Census Index
NARA Microfilm M-637, p 93
DINNING, John (I10182)

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