Matches 8,601 to 8,650 of 8,746
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8601 |
WILL of LEWIS PIPKIN is found in the Smith Co. Tennessee WILLS book page #14 of 1812-1814. It is printed as follows:
"In the name of God, Amen". I, Lewis Pipkin of the State of Tennessee and County of Smith, being weak in body but sound in mind and perfect mind and memory bless be God, do this 29th day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fourteen make and publish this and no other to be my last will and testament in the manner following.......
FIRST: I leave and bequeath to my beloved Wife Clemency one feather Bed and Furniture, moreover I lend onto my beloved Wife 1 Negro Girl named Cherry during her life. moreover, I leave for the use of my present family five Cows and Calves, 40 Head of Hogs, 1 Horse 1 Mare, and 2 year old Colt's, and 2 young Colt's to be taken care of by my Executors for the above purpose.
SECOND: My beloved Wife having an equal part with the Legatees during her life and Widowhood. Moreover so much of lands as are now under cultivation and can be cultivated by the Legatees should be for the use of the Family aforesaid and the remainder to be rented for the use and benefit of the family as above, except that part where Samuel Taylor, deceased last improved which part I do hereby for the use and the benifit of his Widow, Sally Taylor and her Family if she Weds------during her lifetime and Widowhood.
THIRD: I moreover leave and bequeath to my son Jesse Pipkin 100 acres of land including the plan where he now lives which property hereby left for the use and benifit of the family which are parishable is hereby moreover left discretionary with my Executors and at the death or marriage of my beloved Wife if the Legatees want of choice continue together that then and in that case this also continue land property not wasting and that the above land if not cultivated by the Legatees be annually rented until the youngest Lagatee comes of age and then the lands and all perishable property there remain to be exposed to sale and equally devided between the Legatees to my son Lewis and under.
FOURTH: I leave and bequeath to my Daughter Charlotte Pipkin 1 Sorrel l Mare four years old, Saddle and Bridle, 1 Feather Bed and Furniture, 2 Calves and Cows and one 2 year old Heifer and 2 Ewes and the present remaining part of my property except farming untinsils and household furniture to be exsposed to public sale and the money recieved thereof let out on interest and for the use of the schooling and the Legatees with all Notes Bonds and after paying all just debts and the above named Negro girl Cherry after the deceased of my beloved Wife shall be sold and the money recieved therefore to be equally divided amoung every of the Legatees together with her increase if any and I do hereby make and orda in my worthy friend Henny Wakfeild and Jesse Pipkin Executors of this my last will and testament....
In the precence of Henry McWhorter and Emmet McWhorter son of Lewis Pipkin. This Will is proven in open court in Smith C. in Nov term 1814. | PIPKIN, Lewis (I12820)
8602 |
Will of Milton Young
In the name of God Amen. I Milton Young of the county of Smith and state of Tennessee being old and far advised (advanced?) in life and somewhat [ ? ] but sound in mind and memory for which I think calling to mind the uncertainty of human life and being [ ? ] to [ ? ] of all such worldly goods as the Lord has been pleased to bless me with do make this my last will and testament in the manner and form following (that is)
first I commission my soul to God who give it and my body to be buried in a decent Christian like manner at home in my own burying ground by my two sons and to pay all my last debts if there is any against me.
Secondly I give and bequeath to my wife NANCY YOUNG the use of my plantation house where I now live together with as much furniture as she wants, also two feather beds and furniture, one cow and calf, cart and oxen, one [ ? ] filly that I got of Edge [?] Cornwell one sow and pits, and as many hogs as will make her meat the first year to be given her by the executors. Also as many of the farming tools as will be sufficient to make a crop, also two of the Negroes such as she may choose during her life of widowhood to have the use of the same. Also twenty-five dollars from Taudry R. Witcher (Tandy K. Witcher??]
Thirdly I give and bequeath to my daughter CELIA BROCKETT the sum of three hundred dollars to be raised out of the sale of my property.
Fourth I give and bequeath to my son DANIEL YOUNG the sum of three hundred dollars to be raised by the sale of my property.
Fiftly I give and bequeath to my son CYRUS a [ ? ] tract of land on the east side of the land where he now lives to begin [ ? ] poles from his [ ? ] mulberry and this [ ? ] with his line nearly north so as to be as wide at one and as the other which I gave him, I think it is worth three hundred dollars.
Sixly I give and bequeath to my son WILLIAM YOUNG the sum of three hundred dollars to be raised out of the sale of my property.
Seventh I give and bequeath to my daughter SUSANNA D. PIPKIN the sum of three hundred dollars to be raised out of my property.
Eighth I give and bequeath to my daughter ELIZABETH S. KEARBY one [ ? ] yearling colt also three hundred dollars to be raised out of my property.
Ninth I give and bequeath to my son MERLIN [ ? ] YOUNG one feather bed and furniture to be given him by his mother. Also one tract of land that I bought of William Inkins [ ? ] containing 100 acres more or less which land I judge to be worth three hundred dollars.
Tenth I give and bequeath to my son ICHABOD YOUNG a [ ? ] entry of land on the east end of the land where he now lives for 30 acres which together with the land I have given him I think is worth three hundred dollars.
Eleventh I give and bequeath to my son HALEY YOUNG one cow and calf, one feather bed and furniture to be given him by his mother, one grey mare and colt that is called his own, one [ ? ] of the hogs taking them as they come little and big, [ ? ] and bookcase together with all my books, one folding table, the house clock and one bed stead, also the land and plantation where I now live after his mother's death, a small tract of 2/or/12 acres on the west side of the plantation and 50 acres of school land on the south end of the plantation all except the land he is to have [ ? ] off immediately after my death and the plantation at his mother's death. All the rest of my property that is not given away in my will is to be sold as soon as [ ? ] after my death a 12 months credit money when collected to be divided between CELIA, DANIEL, WILLIAM, SUCKY, BETSEY until they get three hundred dollars each. If when the property is all sold there should be any money left to be equally divided with CELIA, DANIEL, CYRUS, WILLIAM, MERLIN, ICHABOD, and HALEY.
And lastly I constitute and appoint my sons DANIEL, CYRUS, WILLIAM, MERLIN, ICHABOD, and HALEY executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all other former wills and testaments by me before made in [ ? ] whereof I have [ ? ] my hand and [ ? ] this January 1833. MILTON YOUNG
State of Tennessee
Smith County, February term of the county court 1834. CYRUS YOUNG here in open court makes oath that a certain paper perporting to be the last will and testament of MILTON YOUNG [ ? ] among said MILTON YOUNG's valuable papers and ROBERT ALLEN, GEORGE FULTON, and CHARLES CORNWELL have in open court made oath that the said paper perporting to be the last will and testament of MILTON YOUNG [ ? ] is signed in the proper hand writing of the said MILTON YOUNG. On motion ordered that the same be recorded.
Attest Jonathan clerk of Smith county court
Recorded 17 March 1834
"Early Story of Red Boiling Springs" by Vernon Roddy | YOUNG, Milton (I12691)
8603 |
Will of Richard Baskerville
Signed 13-July-1838
Recorded November 1838
Source: Sumner County, Roll No. 91, Will Book 2. Pages 242-243
In the Name of God, Amen
I, Richard Baskerville, a citizen of Sumner County, Tennessee, calling to mind the certainty of death and the uncertainty of life, being of a Sound and disposing mind and memory, do make and ordain the following my last Will and Testament. I give unto my wife Elizabeth Baskerville that part of my plantation where I now live lying west of the Dry Fork of Bledsoe's Creek and Anderson and Cosby during her natural life and at her death to be divided equaly between my four sons, George A. Baskerville, John A. Baskerville, Thomas B. Baskerville, and William Baskerville. I also give unto my wife Elizabeth my household and kitchen furniture at her disposal. I give unto my daughter, Jane S. Carr, Three hundred dollars. I also give all the money arising from the Sale of the Stock of every description, farming tools and crops, aftr paying all my just debts out of the Same in trust to my son William Baskerville for the benefit of my wife, Elizabeth Baskerville, during her natural life, and at her deceased to be paid over to my daughter Jane S. Carr, without interest. I direct the land lying on the East of the Dry Fork to be Sold if not done previous to the probate of this Will, I give unto my daughter Eliza Baskerville a horse and my negro girl Milly, and I give my sons, John A. Baskerville, and William Baskerville, the Sum of twelve hundred dollars to be held in trust for the benefit of my Daughter Eliza Baskerville during her natural life, and at her death to the heirs of her body, or the next of kin as the case may be. Upon the Death or removal of said Trustees, others to be appointed by court, the above Trustees must give Security for the faithful performance of Trust. I give all the rest of my property both real and personal to my four sons, George A. Baskerville, John A. Baskerville, Thomas B. Baskerville and William Baskerville to be equally divided between them. I appoint my two sons John A. Baskerville and William Baskerville, Executors of this my last will and Testament - in testimony whereof I have hereunto Subscribed my name and affixed my Seal this 13th of July 1838.
Richard Baskerville (Seal)
Francis Rogan
James Barr
Samuel Barr
State of Tennessee Sumner County Court November Term 1838
The last Will and Testament of Richard Baskerville was this day produced in open court by John A. Baskerville and William Baskerville, the Executors therein named for probate, and thereon Francis Rogan one of the Subscribing witness to Said Will, after being legaly Sworn deposeth and Saith that he was present on the 13th of July 1838, when Richard Baskerville, Signed his own name and affixed his Seal, to Said papers and declared it to be his last Will, and requested him to Subscribe his name as a witness which he done in the presence of Said Richard Baskerville, he further deposeth and Saith, that about the latter part of September 1838, the Said Richard Baskerville came to him with the Said Will, and desired him to make an interlinetion in Said will in the Sixth line from the bottom of the first page which he did make in the following words towit, "after paying all my just debts out of the Same" which was done in the handwriting of the said Deponant, and the Said Richard Baskerville declared as it there stood, which is in the handwriting of deponant, to be his last will and Testament, he having previously Signed it, and witness Subscribed his name as a witness; James Barr, an other Subscribing witness after being legally Sworn deposeth and saith that about the 13th of July 1838, Richard Baskerville came to him with the same will, he Showed it to the deponant, and told him that he acknowledged his Signature thereto annexed to be his act and deed and that it was his last will and Testament and desired him to Subscribe his name as a witness to the Same, which he did do in the presence of Testator; Samuel Barr the (the) other Subscribing witness appeared in Court and after being legally Sworn deposeth and saith that he was present when the interlination Spoken of above by Francis Rogan, was made, towit: in the sixth line from the bottom of the first page and it said Richard Baskerville declared the whole will as it now stands written to be his last will and Testament and acknowledged that he had executed the Same and requested him to Subscribe his name as a witness thereto, which he did do in the presence of the Testator, and in the presence of Francis Rogan, the Subscribing witness. It is thereon considered by (considered by) the Court, That the said paper-writing dated the 13th of July 1838, has been legally found to be the last will and Testament of Richard Baskerville, and is therefore ordered to be recorded togather with this probate of Said Subscribing witnesses and thereupon John A. Baskerville and William Baskerville the Executors therein named agreed to take upon themselves the Execution of said will, and with Pleasant Tyne and David Johnson their Securities entered and acknowledged this bond to Newton Connon (Cannon, Connor) in the final Sum of Ten Thousand dollars conditioning as the law directs and Took the oath Executors proscribed by law.
Copy Test. Thos. Donoho, Clerk Sumner County Court | BASKERVILLE, Richard (I9665)
8604 |
Will: Legatee son William, son Samuel, daughter Elizabeth, daughter Martha. Son William to my loving friend Murphrey; son Samuel to my brother-in-law William Hook; daughter Martha to Elizabeth Gaynor; if she should die before said daughter is 16, to her daughter Mary Gaynor. Exs., friends William Hook and Roger Tarlton. Wit. Francis Seagrave, Roger Tarlton, and John Tarlton. | ALDRIDGE, Samuel Jr (I9911)
8605 |
Will's death certificate and tombstone make him a little older than he really wa. | HOLDER, William Albert (I1425)
8606 |
Willaby Sparks | SPARKS, Willoughby (I6510)
8607 |
Willaby Sparks | SPARKS, Willoughby (I6510)
8608 |
Willard has had four years of high school, is divorced and is a general office clerk in civilian life. | WILLS, Sutton Willard (I17329)
8609 |
William A Holder, age 28, 29 Sep 1888, lives at Buckholts and is a self-employed farmer with a wife and a child. He is of medium height and build with black eyes and dark hair. | HOLDER, William Albert (I1425)
8610 |
William and Jean came to America with bros George and John and settled in western Pa about 1742.
Was commissioned Lt 5/10/1736 and was on the expedition to the Kittanning. Commissioned Capt 12/24/1757 and Major 7/4/1764. Commanded 2nd Battalion of the Provincial Regiment of Pennsylvania.
"Chronicles of the Armstrongs" pp370-371
"Days Hist Collection"
Or born at Ballyreagh, Ireland.
Or died 9/12/1783 at Aghavea, Co Fermanagh, Ireland.
I think the information on this William and William born in 1709 is confused. | ARMSTRONG, William (I547)
8611 |
William and Mary were living with daughter Ada Thompson & family | TUCKER, William Sydney (I6899)
8612 |
William Armstrong
3 males <5
1 male 5-10
4 males 15-20
1 male 20-30
1 male 30-40
1 male 70-80
1 female 5-10
1 female 20-30
31-411---1; -1--1
I can't be positive that this is our William's family since Sarah seems to be missing but it's the only one with a man this age. | ARMSTRONG, William (I512)
8613 |
William Burley Brazzil of Flat, age 27, b. 29 Apr 1890, Leon Junction, Texas, is a farmer and single. He claims exemption because his sister-in-law and 4 children depend on him. He is of medium height and build with light blue eyes and brown hair. | BRAZZIL, William Burleigh (I8310)
8614 |
William Burliegh Brazzil of the Grove, age 51, b. 29 Apr 1890, Flat, Texas, is self-employed. His contact is Icephine Brazzil. | BRAZZIL, William Burleigh (I8310)
8615 |
William Carroll Pipkin appointed guardian for children from marriage of William Harvey Pipkin, deceased, and 1st wife, Elizabeth J. Patterson, & 2nd wife, Nancy Susan Pipkin. 1869.
PIPKIN, Capt. William Harvey br 1828 in Macon Co. Tennessee. Civil War Soldier, Union Army. He served as 1st Lt. in Company "A", 9th Kentucky Reg't., till resigned 15 June 1863. He resigned his commission on 16 Jun 1863 stating reasons; do to the condition of his Wife & Children. His house had been burned down & his wife was gravely ill do to overexertion. She had only recently recovered from a paralizing Stroke. After settling his family he re-enlisted as private in Company "B", 37th Kentucky Infantry, He was Killed in Action in Glasgow, Kentucky 3 weeks later . S/o Lewis Samuel & Susannah Dalton Young.
Lauderdale Co, TN, Marriage Book B, Page 126, not returned, 3/13/1869
Pipkins, W H & Pipkins, Nancy H | PIPKIN, William Harvey (I12653)
8616 |
William Dee Randle, age 41, born 4 Nov 1877, is a truck driver living in Long Beach. His nearest relative is his wife, Clara Ella Randle. He is of medium height and build with blue eyes and light brown hair. The bone in his right arm is affected by something I can't make out, necrosis? maybe. | RANDLE, William Dee (I6220)
8617 |
William Dee Randle, age 64, born 4 Nov 1877 in Pearsall, Texas, owns a ranch 8 miles east of Buckeye in Liberty. His contact is Mrs Lenor Randle of the same address. He is 5'7" and 145 pounds with blue eyes, gray hair and light complexion. He has a scar on his right wrist. | RANDLE, William Dee (I6220)
8618 |
William Delafield
1 male 60-70
1 female 15-20
1 female 50-60
no slaves | DELAFIELD, William (I5431)
8619 |
William Derrifield
1 male 26-45
1 male 45-
1 female under 10
1 female 26-45
1 female 45- | DELAFIELD, William (I5431)
8620 |
William Earl Shike, age 34, born 14 Feb 1884, is a physician and surgeon in Gering. His nearest relative is his wife, Maude Gertrude Shike. He is of medium height and build with dark eyes and black hair. | SHIKE, William Earl (I23723)
8621 |
William Floyd Senn "Billy"
Born December 2, 1966, at Houston North Hospital, Houston, Texas, to Betty Jo Braun Phillips and Willey William Senn, Jr. He passed away on October 23, 2019, in Houston, Texas.
He attended Sam Houston High School, Houston, Texas, where he enjoyed playing the drums.
Billy is survived by his son Joseph Senn, brothers Thomas Senn and wife Stacy, Adam Senn and wife Amber, his sister Sherry Senn Snook and husband William and several aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and cousins.
To those who have tried and prayed for my recovery, I would like to say thank you? Love Billy. | SENN, William Floyd (I1796)
8622 |
William G? | CAMP, William Gabriel (I21223)
8623 |
William Gardner born August 27, 1827 Tobitha Burford born March 17,1831, Whose parents being present gave their consent, June 8, 1848 by John M. Carr, MG B-31 | Family: William GARDNER / Tabitha BURFORD (F1250)
8624 |
William H Mahuran
3 0-4 Sam, Ben, ?
1 30-39 Wm
2 5-9 Sarah, Nancy
1 20-29 Sarah | MAHURIN, Rev William H (I4337)
8625 |
William had more children with Rachel but I believe these are all Geraldine's. | RANDLE, Geraldine (I22404)
8626 |
William Harrison Martin, age 25, born 28 Sep 1891, Rogers, Arkansas, lives on Rt 2, Nevada, Missouri, and is married with one child. He is of medium height and build with light blue eyes and medium brown hair. | MARTIN, William Harrison (I22733)
8627 |
William Henry Haude, age 21, born 18 Jul 1895, Spring, Texas, is a single farmer. He's of medium height and build with gray eyes and dark hair. | HAUDE, William Henry (I18589)
8628 |
William Henry Randle, age 43, born 3 Oct 1874, is a mucker for P D Corp in Bisbee. His nearest realtive is his wife, Lula Randle. He is of medium height and stout with blue eyes and light hair. | RANDLE, William Henry (I6177)
8629 |
William is 55, divorced and farming. | RANDLE, William Henry (I6177)
8630 |
William is listed as a doctor in the Birth Records of Hickory County, MO.
William Coon became a physician and was a state representative from the counties of White, Jasper, Benton, and Pulaski in 1841-2, and 1845-6. He was an associate judge in the circuit court of Indiana, a farmer, and physician in the Civil War. In 1848 he moved to Missouri. [Raymond Coon] | COON, Dr William (I8989)
8631 |
William is not included in the article on Priula located in "The Biographical Review of Johnson, Massac, Pope and Hardin Counties, Illinois", published by Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1893. | DUNN, William Samuel (I13782)
8632 |
William is not on the 1880 Census in Tennessee. He may be reason that Agnes reports nine children instead of ten. | LEE, William James (I10086)
8633 |
William J Stuteville of Okra, age 21, b. 14 Mar 1896, in the Grove, Texas, is a farmer for ? A Dingler. He is single and claims exemption because his father is blind. He is tall with a medium build, gray eyes and brown hair. | STUTEVILLE, William Jasper (I8330)
8634 |
William Jasper Barnett of rural Shuford, age 32, 9 Feb 1886, is a farmer and his contact is his mother, Mary C Barnett. He is of medium height and build with gray eyes and brown hair. (The registrar is his brother, Edd.) | BARNETT, William Jasper (I2334)
8635 |
William Jr's death record lists her as Caroline Morris. Catherine E's marriage record to Charles lists her as Catherine Postern. Her death record gives Catherine Louisa Harris and says she is married. Her stone at Green-Wood gives Catherine L Harris and also lists William H and Joseph G. Is Postern her maiden name? She was only 39 in 1870, did she re-marry after William's death? | ???, Catherine Louisa (I22278)
8636 |
William K. (Bill) Brazzil dies at age 64
William K. "Bill" Brazzil of Highlands died Aug 23 in a Baytown hospital. He was 64.
Services were held Aug. 25 at Sterling-White Funeral Home in Highlands with Rev James F. "Jimmy" Brazzil and Tom Barthel officiating. Burial in in White Chapel Cemetery in Highlands.
He was born in Coryell County, Sept 2, 1929, son of the late Edwin and Alice Brazzil. He was reared and attended school in Flat. An avid gardener his hobby was growing Texas wildflowers, often sharing the seeds with people from all over.
He was a Veteran of the Korean War, serving in the US Army. He was also very active in supporting the Highlands Fire Department, Little League Baseball, and all school sponsored activities in the Crosby, Highlands and Baytown areas.
Survivors include his wife, Becky, of Highlands; three sons, John Brazzil of Baytown, Stephen Brazzil and Rusty Brazzil, both of Highlands; two daughters, Lynn Morris of Baytown and Katie McCullen of New Caney; three brothers, James W. "Jim" Brazzil of Highlands, Chester "Chuck" Brazzil of Nolanville, and John Brazzil of Canyon; six sisters, Binnie Williams of Fort Worth, Lois McCutchen of Gatesville, Gladys Barr of Flat, Sarah McCuthen of Hewitt, Bobbie Geiselbrecht of Flat, and Charlene Neatherlin of Highlands; and seven grandchlildren. | BRAZZIL, William Knox (I1725)
8637 |
William M Buchanan of Forgan, age 30, 4 Jul 1886, Argonia, Kansas, is married and has two children. He is a farmer and has lost one eye. He is of medium build and height with blue eyes and brown hair. | BUCHANAN, Willie Mike (I10745)
8638 |
William may be her father. | TRAYLOR, Peggy (I5594)
8639 |
William Minto Harris, age 54, born 21 Oct 1887, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, lives at Nocona, Texas. His contact is Mrs M W Harris, also of Nocona. | HARRIS, William Minton (I11650)
8640 |
William moved to Texas from Benton Co, Arkansas, between the summer of 1860 and 1864 when his daughter Virginia was born.
William Warfield petitioned the court for guardianship of his sister, Elizabeth, who was of unsound mind. Solomon had left her his land when he returned to Arkansas. The original petition was filed on January 8, 1869 and granted on January 25th. An inventory filed with the court by William on January 26, 1869 shows 272 acres valued at $500. William received several disbursements for building 'cribs and smokehouses' in 1870 and later. He sold the land in parcels and the last was sold by January 23, 1875. By 1880 Lydia, his wife, is counted as a widow in the Smith County census. | ARMSTRONG, William Warfield (I172)
8641 |
William Rigby
1 male 16-26
1 male 26-45 | RIGBY, William (I21275)
8642 |
William Rigby Sr
2 males under 10
1 male 16-26
1 male 45 and over
1 female under 10
1 female 26-45 | RIGBY, William (I5265)
8643 |
William Rigsby
3 White males 10-15
2 White makes over 15
3 White females
2 Slaves
10 total | RIGBY, William (I5265)
8644 |
William S Collard | COLLARD, William Samuel (I24073)
8645 |
William Scott Burford, Crane Valley | BURFORD, William Scott (I2466)
8646 |
William Shackelford and his wife, Mary, sold land to Joseph Martin, December 16, 1807. The land and
both men of Henry County. Deed Book 7, page 122. | ???, Mary (I4219)
8647 |
William Shackelford, for love and affection for his daughter Harriet, deeded her a slave, October 24, 1834. Deed Book 11, page 466. | SHACKELFORD, Harriet M (I4221)
8648 |
William Shackelford, son of Henry, Sr., and his wife, Mary, was born in King William County, Va., in
1759. He was a Revolutionary war soldier, and according to his own statements in his pension petition, he went from King William County to Caroline, from Caroline to Powhatan, and from there to Montgomery
County, and still later to Henry County.
He was married twice, but the identity of either of his wives is not known, but one of them was named
Tabitha and the other one was Mary, as we see by the following records:
Tabitha Shackelford, wife of William, relinquished her right of dower in a tract of land, July 1806, Order
Book 8, page 89.
William Shackelford and his wife, Mary, sold land to Joseph Martin, December 16, 1807. The land and
both men of Henry County. Deed Book 7, page 122.
This had to be William, Sr., as William, Jr. was born 1801, so he would have been but five and six -
correction --five or six years of age.
We do not know how many children William Shackelford had, but we find mention of the following:
William Shackelford, for love and affection for his daughter Harriet, deeded her a slave, October 24, 1834. Deed Book 11, page 466.
William Shackelford, Sr., for love and affection for his son William Shackelford, Jr., deeded a slave to him, April 18, 1837. Deed Book 12, page 225.
And from the marriage and other records we find that William Shackelford had no less than seven children, and since Tabitha appears to have been his first wife, she was probably mother of most, if not all, of them. They were as follows:
George William---------------(married first ??
(married second, Sophia Lamkin)
Harriet-----------------------(maried Duke Price)
Jane--------------------------(married ??
Lucy-------------------------(married James B. Toney)
Elizabeth---------------------(married Gabriel Stultz)
Sally------------------------- (married James Glass)
Mary-------------------------(married Drewry Pulliam)
We are of the opinion that there were others but these are all that we have the names of. And we do not
have their order of birth. But it would appear that Harriet was the youngest, as she never married until
1837. Duke Price and Harriet M. Shackelford were married--marriage bond dated December 11, 1837. And that is all the information we have of her family. | SHACKELFORD, William (I4202)
8649 |
William Shackelford, Sr., for love and affection for his son William Shackelford, Jr., deeded a slave to him, April 18, 1837. Deed Book 12, page 225.
The only son of William (Buck) Shackelford was George William, who was born in Virginnia, probably
Montgomery County, March (3 or 5), 1801. He died in Henry County, Va., October 20, 1870. He was
married a second time, his first wife is thought to have been a Miss Taylor, but for that we have no proof.
But we find the followng records in Henry County.
One William Barnard, of Spottsylvania County, was deceased, and Arthur H. H. Barnard, of Henry
County, was the executor of his estate, with William Shackelford and William H. Norman as his bondsmen. See Order Book 13, page 171.
William Shackelford and his wife, Sophia, and William H. Norman, sold a tract of land to one James Green, August 16, 18(45 or 46) said land being the William Shackelford and William H. Norman from the estate of Arthur H. H. Barnard. Same reference as above.
By this it would appear that ------ Shackelford and Norman were heirs or legatees of Arthur H. H. Barnard.
And as we find no connection any other way we wonder if Norman and Shackelford were not heirs through inter-marriage with the Barnards, was the first wife of William Shackelford a Barnard. | SHACKELFORD, George William (I4220)
8650 |
William T Charles M 34 Arkansas
Elizabeth Charles F 37 Texas
Franklin Charles M 10 Texas
Mary Charles F 7 Texas
Friend Charles M 6 Texas
Isacc Charles M 4 Texas
Walter Charles M 1 Texas
Manerva Bootright F 17 Texas | CHARLES, William T (I10293)