Male 1763 - 1855  (92 years)

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  • Name James WILLS 
    Birth 17 Jul 1763  , Chester, Pennsylvania, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Male 
    Residence 1773  , Montgomery, Virginia, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Military Abt 1781  , Montgomery, Virginia, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Occupation Abt 1783 
    Residence 1783  , , Tennessee, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Residence Abt 1792  , Rutherford, Tennessee, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Property 5 Sep 1805 
    Census 1810  , Rutherford, Tennessee, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Residence 1820  , Clay, Missouri, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Pension 20 Nov 1832  , Clay, Missouri, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Census 3 Sep 1850  , Ray, Missouri, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Death 17 Aug 1855  , Ray, Missouri, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Burial 18 Aug 1855  Wood Heights, Ray, Missouri, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    Old New Garden Cemetery
    Wood Heights
    Missouri, @XI3130@ 
    • His tombstone says:
      VA Militia
      Capt Burns Co
      Jul 17 1763
      Aug 17 1855
    Person ID I3130  An Armstrong & A Heffernan
    Last Modified 15 Nov 2014 

    Marriage 28 Nov 1804  , Rutherford, Tennessee, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Family ID F5685  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Lillian BUCHANAN,   b. Abt 1770, , Washington, Virginia, USA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Aft 1820 (Age ~ 51 years) 
    Marriage Abt 1790  , , Virginia, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • probably in Washington County
    +1. Archibald WILLS,   b. 1792, , Rutherford, Tennessee, USA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 2 Dec 1877, , Clay, Missouri, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 85 years)
    +2. George WILLS,   b. 1794, , Rutherford, Tennessee, USA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Aft 1869, , Leavenworth, Kansas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 76 years)
    +3. Mary WILLS,   b. Abt 1795, , Rutherford, Tennessee, USA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 20 Jul 1837, , Ray, Missouri, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age ~ 42 years)
    +4. James B WILLS,   b. 1798, , Rutherford, Tennessee, USA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1872, , , Texas, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 74 years)
     5. Susan WILLS,   b. Abt 1798, , Rutherford, Tennessee, USA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Deceased
    +6. Margaret WILLS,   b. 1 Jan 1801, , Rutherford, Tennessee, USA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Aft 1879 (Age 78 years)
    >7. David L WILLS,   b. 12 Jul 1804, , Rutherford, Tennessee, USA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 16 Jan 1854, , Clay, Missouri, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 49 years)
    Family ID F1556  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 14 Feb 2014 

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBirth - 17 Jul 1763 - , Chester, Pennsylvania, USA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - 1773 - , Montgomery, Virginia, USA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMilitary - Military - Abt 1781 - , Montgomery, Virginia, USA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - 1783 - , , Tennessee, USA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMarriage - Abt 1790 - , , Virginia, USA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - Abt 1792 - , Rutherford, Tennessee, USA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsCensus - pg 13 - 1810 - , Rutherford, Tennessee, USA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - 1820 - , Clay, Missouri, USA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsPension - Pension - 20 Nov 1832 - , Clay, Missouri, USA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsCensus - pg 317, hh #496 - 3 Sep 1850 - , Ray, Missouri, USA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDeath - 17 Aug 1855 - , Ray, Missouri, USA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsBurial - Address:
    Old New Garden Cemetery
    Wood Heights
    Missouri, @XI3130@ - 18 Aug 1855 - Wood Heights, Ray, Missouri, USA
    Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 
    Pin Legend  : Address       : Location       : City/Town       : County/Shire       : State/Province       : Country       : Not Set

  • Notes 
    • I do not know for certain that the James Wills who is the father of my James B Wills is the James who married Lillian BUT my grandmother told me that the B stood for Buchanan.

      Moved to Montgomery Co. Va. in 1773. Served in the Rev. War toward the end. Moved to Davidson Co. TN along with several of the Buchanans in 1783.
      James and Lillian Buchanan Wills and James B's siblings...plus some of the Shackelfords went to Missouri in 1820.
      One researcher on this line who is now deceased thought that he was probably an orphan who came with the Buchanans to Va., because they came from Chester Co. Penn. also.
      From Ireland?
      Lived with David Wills in 1840.
      Lived with John Clevenger in 1850.

      On August 10, 1803 James Wills signed a petition favoring forming Rutherford Co. from Davidson Co. and Williamson Co.
      James Wills served on the first Rutherford County court jury in the town of Jefferson on July 2, 1804.
      Robert Ross and Nancy Wills, on 28 Nov 1804 applied for a marriage license. James Wills was surety. Note: Robert Ross is my grandfather - know where he is buried.
      In the July Term 1811 James Wills was appointed as one of five executors of the estate of James Morton. On October 5, 1813 James Wills was mentioned in the estate of James Freeman. [Roy Newsom roy s newsom @ msn . com]

      Page 1 JAMES WILLS - May 13, 1796
      This indenture made 7 Dec 1795 between Edward Bradley of the State of Kentucky of one part and James Wills of Davidson County of the other part. Edward Bradley conveyed unto James Wills a tract of land containing 117 3/4 acres in Davidson County, being part of my Preemption on Stones River adjoining Jas. Todd's line being Archibald Buchanan's corner being McMurry's corner, William Moore's corner. Test: Richard Cook. Signed by Edward Bradley by Jno. Overton, Att. Apr Term 1796.
      Davidson Co. Deed From The Register's Office, General Records Volume D.

      Page 35 JAMES WILLS - Aug 1, 1796
      This indenture made 4 June 1796 between James Todd of Davidson County of the one part and James Wills of same place of the other part. James Todd conveyed unto James Wills a tract of land containing 29 acres in Davidson County on the western bank of Stones River. Test: Benjamin Walker. July Term 1796.
      Davidson Co. TN Deed Volume D

      Page 123 Power of Attorney.
      Aug 31, 1798 I, Edward Bradley of Bourbon County, Kentucky appointed John Overton, Jr. of Nashville my attorney to convey a deed for 117 acres and 3/4 out of my Preemption Right on Stones River, to James Wills of the same place. This 9 June 1792. Wit: Robert Mosley and Squire Grant.
      Davidson Co. TN Wills and Inventories Volume 2

      James Wills June 11, 1801 page 290
      Indenture made & concluded July 25, 1800. Edward Bradley on December 7, 1795, by an indenture conveyed a part of his preemption to James Wills and there is a mistake in the deed. Therefore, Edward Bradley, now to correct the mistake, conveys 1/4 of his preemption to James Wills. Beginning at a marked sapling on James Todd's east boundary being Archibald Buchanan's southwest comer, then south with Todd's line 95 poles to a stake on Charles Hall's line, formerly Moore's, then east 142 poles to a white oak on said Hall's line being a corner to James Mulherin by agreement with John Hoggatt and said Wills, then north five degrees west along a dividing line made by said Mulherin to a sugartree and red bud in Archibald Buchanan's line, then with said line to the beginning. Containing 87 acres, 103 poles.
      Rutherford Co. TN Deed Book D

      Page 290 JAMES WILLS - June 11, 1801
      This indenture made 25 July 18OO between Edward Bradley of the State of Kentucky of the one part and James Wills of Davidson County of the other part. Edward Bradley conveyed unto James Wills, by attorney John Overton, on 7 Dec 1795, a part of his Preemption Right upon Stones River to James Wills and whereas there appears to be mistakes in the said deed as to the quantity mentioned and in the length of one of the lines. Now to rectify the said mistakes to do away the said deed is to the mistakes aforesaid, one fourth part of my Preemption Right clear of dispute and adjoining James Todd's line being Archibald Buchanan's corner and Charles Hall's line formerly Moores' and being a corner made by James Mulherin by agreement of John Hoggatt. Said land containing 87 acres. Wit: William Dickson and Jessee Wharton. Apr Term 1801.
      Davidson Co. TN Deed Book E.

      Page 6, Doc. Mo. 6 - James Wills to Jesse Clark, for 130 acres of land. Indenture made 2 April 1804. Land containing 130 acres in Rutherford County on Stewarts Creek, waters of Stones River. Beginning at a Spanish oak running west 240 poles to a white oak it being Joseph Mosley's beginning corner, thence south 75 poles to an elm, thence east 80 poles to a white oak, thence down the various courses of the branch in to Stewarts Creek, down the various courses of the creek to beginning.
      Witness: Samuel McBride Signed: James Wills Registered April Term 1804.
      Rutherford Co. TN Deed Book A

      Page 87, Doc. No. 109 - James Wills to Robert Ross for 124 acres. Indenture made 5 September 1805 between James Wills of Rutherford County and Robert Ross of same place. Land being in Rutherford County on Stewarts Creek a branch of Stones River, land being the south east of James Will's tract conveyed by deed to Robert Ross. Witness: James Gillespie Signed: James Wills
      Archibald B. Still Registered October 1805
      Rutherford Co. TN Deed Book A

      Page 504, Doc. No.513 - James Wills to George Buchanon for Deed, this indenture made 15 August 1813 between James Wills of Rutherford County and George Buchanon of same place for a certain tract of land in Rutherford County on the waters of Stewarts Creek of Stones River. Beginning at said Buchanon's north east corner, thence south 189 poles, thence west 11 poles, thence north east to beginning. Witness: George Wills and William Wills.
      Signed: James Wills Registered 22 May 1817
      Rutherford Co. TN Deed Book K

      Page 18, Doc. No. 25 - John Buchanan to Radford Gunn for 253 acres. This indenture made 15 March 1814 between John Buchanan of Davidson County and Radford Gunn of Rutherford County for a tract of land in Rutherford County on the east side of Stewarts Creek. Beginning at a post oak on Moses Phillip's north boundary line and being the north east corner of the original survey and runs south 137 poles to a hickory John Davis' corner, thence west with his line 335 poles to a sugar tree said Davis1 other corner on Bowen's east boundary line, thence north with Bowen's line 13 poles to a red oak said Bowen's north east corner on the east bank of Stewarts Creek, thence west 2 poles to the middle of the creek, thence down the middle of said creek with its different meanders to Moses Shelby's south boundary line, thence east with his line 244 poles to beginning, it being part of a tract of land granted by the State of Tennessee to John Davis and John Buchanan for 640 acres dated on the 28 January 1810 and No. 1944. Witness: Burwell Gannaway, Daniel Bowman and Jas. Wills.
      Signed: John Buchanan Registered 1 April 1814
      Rutherford Co. TN Deed Book K

      John Moseley to James Wills for Deed. This indenture made 23 September 1815 between John Moseley of Rutherford County and James Wills of same place for a tract of land in Rutherford County and on the waters of Stewarts Creek containing 70 acres. Beginning at the original corner of Col. Samuel Moseley's preemption of 640 acres, thence 140 poles, thence north 82 poles, thence west 42 poles, thence south 2 poles, thence west 98 poles, thence south 80 poles to beginning. Witness: John F. Cooke, Ingram B. Collier and Arthur Puckett.
      Signed: John Moseley
      Registered 22 May 1820

      William Wills to (from) Thomas A. Harris for Deed. This indenture made 27 November 1815 between William Wills of Rutherford County and Thomas A. Harris of same place for a tract of land in Rutherford County. Beginning at an oak marked T.R., thence west 50 poles, thence north 62 poles to Archibald Harris' south boundary line, thence east 50 poles, thence south 62 poles to beginning. Containing 19 acres and 24 poles, it being a part of a 640 acre survey granted to Colonel Samuel Moseley, deceased. Witness: John Moseley, James Smith, James Wills and George Wills.
      Signed: Thomas A. Harris
      Registered 13 May 1820

      William Wills to James Wills for Deed. This indenture made 18 March 1820 between William Wills of Rutherford County and James Wills of same place for a tract of land in Rutherford County and on the waters of Stewarts Creek and adjoining James Wills' tract of land on the east. Beginning on James Wills' old east boundary line marked as a corner of the said William Wills' tract that he got from James Wills running south 66 poles to Robert Ross' north east corner, thence east 65 poles on Elliotts' east boundary line, thence south 66 poles to the bank of a branch, thence west to the beginning. Containing 26 1/2 acres.
      Signed: William Wills
      Registered 24 April 1820

      James Wills to William Wills for Deed. This indenture made 13 March 1820 between James Wills of Rutherford County and William Wills of same place for a tract of land in Rutherford County and on the waters of Stewarts Creek, a part of said James Wills' tract. Beginning on the east side of said creek at the mouth of a branch that empties into the creek a few yards above the mouth of the spring branch where William Wills now lives running eastwardly up said branch to a line made by Colonel Christmas for Clement Hall, thence east to James Wills' old east boundary line marked as a corner for the said William Wills' tract and also for B. Wills' tract, thence north 148 poles to an oak marked TE on Colonel Samuel Moseley's south boundary line, thence west 50 poles, thence north 82 poles to the channel of creek, thence west 25 poles, thence south to the creek, thence up said creek to beginning. Containing 140 acres.
      Signed: James Wills
      Registered 24 May 1820

      James Wills to Thomas Harwell for 123 1/2 acres. This indenture made 13 March 1820 between James Wills of Rutherford County and Thomas Harwell of same place for a tract of land in Rutherford County and on Stewarts Creek. Beginning at a walnut running east 62 poles to the center of the channel of Stewarts Creek, thence down the middle of the channel of said creek 168 poles, thence north 16 degrees west to another tree on the west bank of said, thence down the middle of the channel of said creek to Bobitt's corner, thence west 50 poles, thence north 48 poles, thence west 120 poles to the west boundary line of the original survey and Thomas Washington's east boundary line, thence with his line south 2 degrees west 210 poles to beginning. Witness: William Wills, Millington Smith and Robert Ross.
      Signed: James Wills
      Registered 8 May 1821

      James Wills to James Bobbitt for 123 1/4 acres. This indenture made 3 April 1820 between James Wills of Rutherford County and James Bobbitt of same place for a tract of land in Rutherford County and on Stewarts Creek. Beginning at a corner for said Bobbitt's tract by General L. Nolen on James Wills' west boundary line and on Jesse Clarke's south boundary line, thence east 118 poles and 10 links to the bank of a branch, thence down said branch with its meanders to the creek 132 poles, thence up said creek in the middle of the channel 151 poles on the west bank of said creek, marked as a corner for Thomas Harwell, and the said Bobbitt, thence west 50 poles, thence north 48 Poles, thence west 117 poles to the west boundary line of the original survey and Thomas Washington's east boundary line, thence north 2 degrees west to beginning. Witness: Lucket Davis and David Ledbetter.
      Signed: James Wills
      Registered 8 May 1821

      James is #98 in the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR)'s Patriot Index.
    • (Research):Chester Co, PA
      Middletown Tax List 1729 Thomas Wills
      Whiteland Township Tax List 1729 Michael Wills
      West Fallowfield 1753 taxlist David Wills
      Uwchland landowners 1774 Peter Wills

  • Sources 
    1. [S127] DAR, American Monthly Magazine, April 1908, Vol XXXII No 4.

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