, , Tennessee, USA


State/Province : Latitude: 35.651345055952696, Longitude: -85.693359375


Matches 351 to 396 of 396

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
351 SHACKELFORD, John  1829I6468
352 SHARP, Charles  Abt 1854I13857
353 SHARP, David Franklin  1 Apr 1828I13750
354 SHARP, William E  Abt 1856I13858
355 SMITH, Nancy W  Jun 1843I19905
356 SPARKS, Bailey Milton  Jan 1847I6522
357 SPARKS, Clarinda  1840I6518
358 SPARKS, Jesse Hancock  24 Mar 1811I6625
359 SPARKS, Martin  25 Jan 1809I6624
360 SPARKS, Nathan Matthew  8 Sep 1813I6626
361 SPARKS, William C  6 Oct 1815I6627
362 SPARKS, Wilmouth Jane  10 Apr 1822I14234
363 ST JOHN, Mary  Abt 1835I19994
364 STEWART, Sarah Jane  3 Jul 1835I24087
365 TANKERSLEY, James H  1825I23660
366 TANKERSLEY, Nancy Clarissa  24 May 1823I23659
367 THORLTON, Margaret Ann  4 Dec 1809I10869
368 TODD, Earline  17 Jun 1928I10121
369 TRALLENGER, Angeline  1830I22628
370 TRENT, John H  1868I21587
371 TUCK, William Cephus  12 Dec 1816I200
372 VOSS, Leona Lee  Aug 1870I12645
373 WALKER, Joanna  Oct 1884I23756
374 WALL, William T  1815I22402
375 WALTON, Harry E  Sep 1884I21657
376 WARD, Edith B  Mar 1887I19989
377 WARD, Elizabeth Cornelia  23 Jan 1890I12634
378 WATTERSON, John Latham  8 Aug 1858I8946
379 WHITE, Frances  1832I1809
380 WHITE, Willie  1872I21683
381 WILLIAMS, Elijah  Mar 1837I8997
382 WILLIAMS, William  1831I22098
383 WILLS, Reuben  Abt 1817I3675
384 WILSON, Columbus  1858I15446
385 WILSON, Israel  1842I15440
386 WILSON, James  1847I15442
387 WILSON, James C  1812I3548
388 WILSON, Jesse  1846I15441
389 WILSON, John  6 May 1852I15445
390 WILSON, Martha A  9 May 1849I15443
391 WILSON, Nancy J  8 Nov 1839I16967
392 WILSON, William  1850I15444
393 WISEMAN, Fannie M  14 Mar 1874I19924
394 WOODS, Elizabeth J  Jan 1840I24054
395 YOUNG, George H Jr  Jul 1853I11150
396 YOUNG, Mary D  May 1883I11151

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