State/Province : Latitude: 37.932644, Longitude: -85.111083
BirthMatches 1 to 50 of 205 1 2 3 4 5 Next»
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Birth |
Person ID |
1 |
???, Cecilia | 1802 | I20544 |
2 |
???, Chestina | 1833 | I24024 |
3 |
???, Eliza J | 1832 | I15621 |
4 |
???, Jane E | Abt 1791 | I15068 |
5 |
???, Lee | 1863 | I18181 |
6 |
???, Mary A | 1800 | I3908 |
7 |
???, Nancy | 1808 | I21362 |
8 |
???, Noma Lee | 1890 | I21310 |
9 |
???, Phebe | 1790 | I24621 |
10 |
???, Sarah | Nov 1844 | I21447 |
11 |
???, Wilmy A | 1827 | I21343 |
12 |
ALDERSON, Sarah Jane | 1863 | I21740 |
13 |
ARMOUR, Kate A | Apr 1872 | I21588 |
14 |
ARMSTRONG, Solomon | Abt 1816 | I175 |
15 |
BAILEY, Jessie Lee | Aug 1894 | I19927 |
16 |
BARTLEY, George | 1805 | I21477 |
17 |
BARTLEY, Mary | 1843 | I21441 |
18 |
BARTLEY, Nellie | 17 Aug 1847 | I21442 |
19 |
BASKERVILLE, Mary Elizabeth | 1863 | I9649 |
20 |
BEELER, John C | 20 Sep 1835 | I16857 |
21 |
BLACK, Alexander | 1805 | I17517 |
22 |
BOURNE, Judith Ann | 14 Jun 1814 | I14934 |
23 |
BROWN, James G | 21 Sep 1877 | I24332 |
24 |
BRYANT, Pauline J | Mar 1827 | I21474 |
25 |
BURKS, Elizabeth | 1813 | I16952 |
26 |
BURRIS, David | 1831 | I6418 |
27 |
BUSHONG, George Stinson | 14 Nov 1874 | I21410 |
28 |
BUSHONG, Isabell | 1878 | I21414 |
29 |
BUSHONG, Jane | 1827 | I21369 |
30 |
BUSHONG, Mary B | 21 Dec 1829 | I21308 |
31 |
BUSHONG, Samuel | 11 Oct 1803 | I21367 |
32 |
CAMPBELL, Adeline | 1818 | I15038 |
33 |
CAMPBELL, Hettie A | 1823 | I17926 |
34 |
CARTER, Amanda Melvina | 28 Nov 1827 | I21374 |
35 |
CARTER, Annie B | 26 Oct 1889 | I10115 |
36 |
CARTER, Bethel S | Oct 1884 | I21301 |
37 |
CARTER, Caleb Ezra | 12 Sep 1898 | I11795 |
38 |
CARTER, Calista Nilie | 21 Nov 1943 | I21321 |
39 |
CARTER, Chillon Conoway | 4 Feb 1830 | I21335 |
40 |
CARTER, Edgar Alexander | Jul 1887 | I21302 |
41 |
CARTER, Frances Kezziah | May 1881 | I21300 |
42 |
CARTER, Harriet | Aug 1896 | I21306 |
43 |
CARTER, Herbert | Jun 1891 | I21332 |
44 |
CARTER, Hiram K | Apr 1832 | I21307 |
45 |
CARTER, Jane | 1892 | I11988 |
46 |
CARTER, Jennie E | Dec 1891 | I21304 |
47 |
CARTER, Lilla A | 1822 | I24048 |
48 |
CARTER, Lou B | Feb 1888 | I21331 |
49 |
CARTER, Louisa F | 12 Oct 1834 | I21337 |
50 |
CARTER, Margie | Jun 1894 | I21333 |
1 2 3 4 5 Next»
DeathMatches 1 to 25 of 25
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Death |
Person ID |
1 |
???, Jane E | Abt 1852 | I15068 |
2 |
BARTLEY, Nellie | 24 Apr 1879 | I21442 |
3 |
BUSHONG, Mary B | 19 Feb 1895 | I21308 |
4 |
CARTER, Chillon Conoway | 5 Aug 1891 | I21335 |
5 |
CARTER, Hiram K | 5 Dec 1903 | I21307 |
6 |
CARTER, William B | Between 1900 and 1910 | I21320 |
7 |
CORBIN, Olive Benton | 18 Oct 1875 | I13947 |
8 |
DAVIS, Dr Philip | Aft 1810 | I15048 |
9 |
DINNING, John | Bef 1861 | I10170 |
10 |
DINNING, Nancy J | Bef 1871 | I10174 |
11 |
HAGAN, America | 20 Sep 1896 | I21478 |
12 |
HARLAN, Bertha Mae | 24 Dec 1925 | I21527 |
13 |
HARLAN, Clinton H | 3 Jun 1921 | I21432 |
14 |
HARLAN, James Ezra | 3 Jan 1977 | I21523 |
15 |
HARLAN, Rhoda | Bef 1861 | I21431 |
16 |
HARLAN, William H | 26 Apr 1896 | I21433 |
17 |
HARRISON, Thomas Clay | 16 Oct 1918 | I21377 |
18 |
KING, John | Aft 1843 | I527 |
19 |
KINGERY, Asa | 15 Nov 1967 | I24451 |
20 |
LEAYCRAFT, Caroline Elizabeth | 15 Jun 1964 | I22235 |
21 |
LEE, William James | 3 Oct 1870 | I10086 |
22 |
MATTINGLY, Margaret | Aft 1810 | I15049 |
23 |
MONARCH, Thomas | 1881 | I15060 |
24 |
MURPHY, Lucinda Eveline | 7 Feb 1894 | I21336 |
25 |
WINN, Elizabeth | Bef 1844 | I17089 |
Alt. BirthMatches 1 to 1 of 1
MilitaryMatches 1 to 6 of 6
OccupationMatches 1 to 1 of 1
ResidenceMatches 1 to 1 of 1
MarriageMatches 1 to 9 of 9