State/Province : Latitude: 33.73043117914274, Longitude: -81.1669921875
BirthMatches 1 to 50 of 71 1 2 Next»
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Birth |
Person ID |
1 |
???, Elizabeth | 1803 | I19214 |
2 |
???, Elizabeth | 1807 | I6641 |
3 |
???, Margaret | 21 Jul 1785 | I14464 |
4 |
???, Margaret | 1799 | I12657 |
5 |
???, Mary | 1792 | I5570 |
6 |
???, Mary | 1792 | I24274 |
7 |
???, Mary | Abt 1846 | I17010 |
8 |
???, Mary A | 1821 | I16974 |
9 |
???, Nancy P | 1804 | I14462 |
10 |
???, Phoebe | 1780 | I10590 |
11 |
???, Sarah | 1813 | I20511 |
12 |
ARMSTRONG, Matilda L | Mar 1852 | I19889 |
13 |
BENTON, Francis | 1735 | I12846 |
14 |
BLACK, Elmina | 1827 | I17312 |
15 |
BLACKBURN, Mary Jane | 1815 | I17533 |
16 |
BOATRIGHT, Sheba | 1855 | I19979 |
17 |
BRAZZIL, Rigdon B | 5 Feb 1820 | I6415 |
18 |
BRAZZIL, Wiley | 17 Jul 1846 | I6428 |
19 |
BRAZZIL, William | 1798 | I1750 |
20 |
BUFORD, Mary Naomi | Abt 1818 | I19273 |
21 |
BURFORD, Daniel Washington | 5 Nov 1782 | I2539 |
22 |
BURFORD, David | 23 Jan 1790 | I2536 |
23 |
BURFORD, Elizabeth Clack | 18 Feb 1785 | I2534 |
24 |
BURFORD, Jonathan | 2 Feb 1796 | I2538 |
25 |
BURFORD, Mary Sarah | 4 Feb 1800 | I2482 |
26 |
BURFORD, Mildred G | 17 May 1793 | I2537 |
27 |
BURFORD, Rebecca Clack | 16 May 1809 | I14497 |
28 |
BURFORD, William T | 20 Feb 1787 | I2535 |
29 |
CONNELL, Sampson | 1793 | I3886 |
30 |
COOK, James P | 1827 | I4304 |
31 |
COOK, Nancy F | 1826 | I17390 |
32 |
COOK, Thomas K | 1801 | I10768 |
33 |
DAILY, Catherine | 1814 | I6051 |
34 |
ERSKINE, Martha A | 1830 | I6644 |
35 |
FUDGE, Marion I | 16 Aug 1871 | I7064 |
36 |
GALLAGHER, Mary | 1793 | I16261 |
37 |
GAMBLE, James W | 1826 | I23849 |
38 |
GAMBLE, M J | 1824 | I23848 |
39 |
GAMBLE, S F | 1816 | I23850 |
40 |
GARRETT, Caldonia C | Abt 1864 | I16362 |
41 |
GOODWIN, James | 1844 | I19978 |
42 |
GOODWIN, Marguerite Elizabeth | 14 Apr 1914 | I19975 |
43 |
HANCOCK, Mary Elizabeth | 1805 | I3230 |
44 |
JOHNSON, Thomas | 1794 | I20171 |
45 |
JOHNSTON, Catherine | 1768 | I15340 |
46 |
JOHNSTON, David | 29 Jan 1768 | I15339 |
47 |
JOHNSTON, Jehu | 1765 | I15327 |
48 |
LANGLEY, James Riley | 1811 | I5288 |
49 |
MCCALLUM, Rhett Duncan | Nov 1851 | I8027 |
50 |
MORGAN, Ann | 1810 | I8019 |
1 2 Next»
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