Brookeborough, Fermanagh, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom


City/Town : Latitude: 54.3166666666667, Longitude: -7.4


Matches 1 to 17 of 17

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 ARMSTRONG, Abel  1716I3293
2 ARMSTRONG, Andrew  Abt 1745I550
3 ARMSTRONG, Edward  1712I546
4 ARMSTRONG, Elizabeth  1724I3296
5 ARMSTRONG, Frances  1726I3297
6 ARMSTRONG, George  Abt 1720I548
7 ARMSTRONG, James  1645I544
8 ARMSTRONG, James Jr  Abt 1690I3287
9 ARMSTRONG, James III  1712I3292
10 ARMSTRONG, John  1718I3294
11 ARMSTRONG, Margaret  Abt 1732I549
12 ARMSTRONG, Mary  1722I3295
13 ARMSTRONG, Robert  Abt 1716I534
14 ARMSTRONG, William  Abt 1714I547
15 CAMPBELL, Jean  Abt 1675I545
16 CAMPBELL, Mary  Abt 1691I3290
17 THOMPSON, Ann E  Abt 1727I535
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