Estate Records, Calhoun Co, AL

Source Information

  • Title Estate Records, Calhoun Co, AL 
    Short Title Estate Records, Calhoun Co, AL 
    Repository Not Given 
    Source ID S297 
    Text Nov 24, 1870 - - Petition of George A. Wills and wife Sarah E. Wills, formerly Cook, by their attorneys Ellis and Caldwell for final settlement of Guardianship of Thomas K. Cook. G.A. Wills and Miss Sarah Cook married June 11, 1868 by M.G. Raney in Bell County, Texas (copy of marriage record attached). Appointment of Ellis and Caldwell as their attorneys dated Sept 3, 1870 and states that Sarah E. Wills is the daughter of James P. Cook of Calhoun County, Alabama and more recently of Bell County, Texas, deceased. Refers to her husband as George Alexander Wills. Nov 24, 1870 - - Account for final settlement with Sarah E. WIlls, wife of George A. Wills, by Thomas K. Cook. 
    Linked to
    Individuals: 4
    James P COOK
    Sarah Elizabeth COOK
    Thomas K COOK
    Eliza JOHNSTON 

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