Gordon Aronhime Papers

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  • Title Gordon Aronhime Papers 
    Short Title Gordon Aronhime Papers 
    Author Aronhime, Gordon 
    Publisher handwritten on index cards 
    Repository Not Given 
    Source ID S328 
    Linked to
    Individuals: 10
    Martha ALLISON
    Agnes BOWEN
    Alexander BUCHANAN
    Archibald BUCHANAN
    James BUCHANAN
    James BUCHANAN
    James BUCHANAN
    Captain John BUCHANAN
    Martha BUCHANAN
    Robert BUCHANAN 

  •  Notes 
    • This card file lists all verifiable adult males in the Holston-Clinch River area in the last quarter of the eighteenth century, as well as information on early East Tennessee settlers. There are more than 4,000 entries which, in most cases, indicate birth and death dates, marriage information, children, abstract of will, and other biographical information if available. Information is sometimes continued on a second card. Sources are noted. General arrangement is alphabetical by last name.

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