Memorial and Biographical History of McLennan, Falls, Bell and Coryell Counties, Texas

Source Information

  • Title Memorial and Biographical History of McLennan, Falls, Bell and Coryell Counties, Texas 
    Short Title History of McLennan, Falls, Bell and Coryell Counties 
    Publisher Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company; 1893 
    Repository n/a 
    Source ID S352 
    Text ppg 716-717.

    "William R Wills, a hero of two wars, and an early settler of Texas, was born in Clay county, Missouri, August 3, 1826, the fifth of elevn children born to James B and Anna Wills, natives of Virginia. The parents removed to Tennessee in an early day, and in 1825 to Missouri, and in 1840 to Texas, where the father died in 1872. He was a farmer and slave-owner by occupation, and for many years was also extensively engaged in merchandising at Holland, Bell county. He was a son of James Wills, a native of Ireland, and a soldier in the Revolutionary war, for which he afterward drew a pension. His death occurred in Missouri. Mr and Mrs James Wills had twelve children: Reuben, deceased in 1860; Sarah J, widow of William McCray; Lumisa, widow of William Connell, and a resident of Brown county; Wilson, who died in Williamson county in 1870, leaving a family; William R, our subject; Daniel, a farmer of New Mexico; David, deceased at the age of 16 years; Evaline, wife of L Hogan, of Holland; Tabitha, deceased, was the wife of A J Dallas; almira, wife of John C Anderson, of Milam county; Archibald, a resident of Holland; and Alexander of Rogers, Milam county.
    "William R Wills came to Texas in 1840, when a young man, and located first in Idependence, Washington county, where he was engaged as a farmer and stock-raiser. In the spring of 1847 he enlisted in the Mexican war, in Captain Ross' company, Colonel Hays' regiment, and after a the division of the company he served under Colonel Bell. He was located principally on the frontier of Texas, and at the close of the war was regularly paroled, and he now draws a pension for services rendered in that struggle. In the spring of 1853 Mr wills began farming for himself, and in 1850 he removed to California, where he was engaged in mining. In 1852 he again came to Texas, and in 1860 removed about 100 miles west of his former location, on the Cowhouse river, but was afterward driven from there by the Indians. After returning to Bell county he enlisted in the late war, and was detailed with Messrs Fletcher and Hardeman to gather beef for the soldiers, and, being acquainted with the western portion of the State, was an important man in that service. During the war Mr Wills lost his entire stock, and after his return home was obliged to begin life anew. In 1865 he bought about 392 acres of land in Nolan valley, seven miles west of Belton, on the Santa Fe railroad, about 100 acres of which is under a finestate of cultivation. During his twenty-five years of farming in this locality he has only failed to make one crop, that being in 1877, on account of the drought.
    "Mr Wills was married in the spring of 1853, to Miss Saluda Cross, who was born March 9, 1837, and a daughter of James Cross, a native of Virginia. The latter came to Texas in 1847, settling in Bell county, where he assisted in the organization of the county, and helped lay off and survey the county seat. He erected the first courthouse, assisted in building the first mill in the county, and was also engaged in farming and merchandising. Both he and his wife now reside at Hydesport, Brown county, Texas, aged eighty-one and seventy-nine years respectively. Mr and Mrs Wills have had eleven children, viz: Lucy, born May 22, 1854, married William Rann, and after his death she became the wife of J C Cox, a farmer of Bell county; Thomas, deceased at the age of eighteen years; Myra, who died in March, 1891, was the wife of John Allman; Amy, wife of J Miller, a stock-raiser of Crockett county; James R, a farmer of Bell county. Virgil, also a farmer of this county; David deceased in infancy; Molly, wife of George R Sanford; Curtis, at home; Oliver S, also at home; and John C, born August 16, 1877. Mr Wills is a Democrat in his political views, is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and both he and his wife are members of the Christian Church." 
    Linked to
    Individuals: 9
    Saluda Elizabeth CROSS
    Almyra L WILLS
    Capt Daniel Shackleford WILLS
    James B WILLS
    James Wilson WILLS
    John Cross WILLS
    Lucy A WILLS
    Reuben WILLS
    William Riley WILLS 

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