General Links
First, Mailing lists:
Send an email with just the word SUBSCRIBE as a subject and in the message to SURNAME-L- Replace SURNAME with the surname you are researching, type it in all CAPS.
These lists are made up of people who are researching a specific name. Don't be surprised to find
distant cousins on them. Don't be disappointed if you don't make an immediate connection. It would
also be a good idea to join county mailing lists (NYERIE-L or TXRUSK-L). They are mailing lists for
people researching in those counties. Just add the to the end of whatever list
you want to join. The address for posting to these boards is the same, but leave out the "-request"
Type up a nice query to post on these sites. Try to be as specific as you can. Something like:
"I am looking for information on Mary Jones, born (birthdate) (place); died (date) in (place);
married John Smith (date) (place).
Mailing List Resource Pages: [temporarily offline]
There are resource pages for almost every surname imaginable.
Civil War Rosters [temporarily offline]
Some Texas Specific Links
Civil War Pensions
Texas GenWeb:
Follow the links to the counties you are researching.
Church of Latter Day Saints
Social Security Death Index: [temporarily offline and/or now behind Ancestry's membership wall]
Use the Advanced Search Feature
Will help you find places.
County Clerk addresses and phone numbers can be found at:
Follow the links to the state and county you need.