How to Bullfight When You Only Have A Go-Cart

Mann has become accustomed to the 4-wheeler and stays away from it most of the time. It's large and loud and, for a dog who is frightened of a vaccuum cleaner, it's just too much. But one of our recent acquisitions is a go-cart. It's a child-sized thing. I had to double up to test drive it, and Jack has to use his hands on the pedals. It sits about two inches off the ground and uses a lawnmower motor (yes you have to pull a rope to start it.)

We had to repair a flat tire and clean the engine, then the little thing cranked right up. The test drive went well, so Jack tried it while I went to get Mann (he was having an anxiety attack). Mann looked disdainfully at the noise maker, then his ears went up and forward. His eyes glazed. He started trembling. He had recognized his beloved Daddy on the go-cart.

Jack made a swoop at him. He danced to the side. Jack turned and made another pass, Mann danced away again. Then gave chase. When the cart made a turn to try again, Mann side-stepped with ease. For a few minutes I saw a young Manny again. The ears and tail were up, the grin was on the face. Mann was happy again. Once again, Jack bore down on the clumsy giant. Mann ole'd and danced away, swirling his tail like a matador's cape. As Jack made his final rush, Mann danced just enough, turned, and planted the killing lick right across the face he loves so much.

Jack had to go wash off the dog-breath. Serves him right!