Hannah Grace

April 2002

Hannah came to live with Dad recently. She is out of a Labrador retriever and supposedly by an Austrailian cattle dog. She looks like it could be true. She's six months old, black with a white chest and with some of those grayish ACD markings on her toes and backs of her back legs. She's also quite a wild child. She jumps, she leaps, she rolls, she barks! Oak is quite excited to have another dog around.

June 2002

Hannah has been spayed for quite some time and has fit into our routine without much trouble. She goes to the creek with us when her mom allows it and loves water just as much as Oak. She likes to stick her face in and run down the creek blowing bubbles. She's still a bit wild and so eager to please that she tends to get into a lot of trouble.

Hannah Grace

Almost every morning there is a mess to clean up. She stays out all night and manages to find everything that gets left out. Shoes, hats, cushions, ropes, and tree branches make lovely chew sticks. Hannah is also quite talented and will fetch anything you want to throw away. Her favorite is a Frisbee which she has finally managed to snatch from the air. Another favorite is rope. I don't know why but it seems to be her most favorite item. We made a toy by hanging a basketball from a tree limb with some of the rope hanging down under the ball. She likes to drag the ball as far as she can, let it go, then rush around in circles while it swings. She thinks it's the funniest thing she has ever seen. Maybe it is....

Oak has gotten used to Hannah although he sometimes runs off and leaves her. She tries very hard to keep up with him but her short legs just can't propel her like his. She has learned that when it's her turn to run, Oak can't catch her if she runs in small circles around the yard. But they're best buds and love to gang up on Dad. They both want to sit in his lap at the same time but Hannah is extremely jealous. She doesn't even like for me to show Oak any attention.

Dad has taught Hannah to ride on the back of the 4 wheeler and they like to go fishing in the evenings. He likes to fish, she likes to swim. Sometimes she likes to try to catch the fish when Dad pulls it from the water.

Oak and I like to take Hannah into the woods with us. She has eagle eyes and can spot a rabbit better than Oak and I together. They have yet to catch a rabbit but they have a grand time trying. Hannah is a sweet kid and I will write more about her later.

Oh, I almost forgot. Hannah does have a good point. She's great at catching and killing MOLES! The moles took all my bulbs a couple of months ago and now I will have to start my garden all over again. At least this time I won't have to worry about them.

September 2005

I guess it's "better late than never" to write more about Hannah. She is almost four now and is better mannered but is still a wild child. My stepmom died a year ago and now Hannah is Dad's only companion. She helps a lot around the house, picking up dirty laundry and fetching anything that happens to be lying where it shouldn't. She also reminds Dad to feed and water her by bringing the bowls and food to him.

Hannah is a good, good girl.